By the Numbers (11 page)

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Authors: Chris Owen and Tory Temple

Tags: #Gay Romance

BOOK: By the Numbers
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"Uh-huh." Deuce nodded and thrust his fingers, fucking Trey with them slowly. "I like you a lot, Trey. I like this, I like your house. I like this life. I like the way you kiss me, I like the way you touch me, and I definitely like the way you suck my cock."

Trey's tongue came out to lick at his top lip. "Yeah," he agreed at last. "I do, too. I like all of it." He arched off the bed a little and his eyes drifted shut. "Right now, this is my favorite."

Deuce kept opening Trey, watching his face. There really wasn't a rush -- and it might be better to make sure that Trey was really ready since Deuce figured his own control would go far, far away when he finally got where he wanted to be. Trey was beautiful like this, so honest and open, completely unguarded. Deuce used as much lube as he dared and kept going, stroking in and out, watching for reactions when he changed angles and speed.

He knew when he got to Trey's breaking point because Trey finally wrapped urgent fingers around Deuce's wrist and held him still. "Okay," he begged. "Enough. I want to feel you." Trey’s cock was nearly touching his stomach, it was so hard. "Deuce, come on."

He nodded. He was there, too, every nerve raw. "You're gorgeous," he told Trey, withdrawing his fingers. "Amazing." Suddenly not willing to waste any time, not even a second, Deuce leaned forward and braced his weight on one hand, the other guiding himself into Trey. "Breathe for me. Don't forget to breathe."

Trey nodded and let out the breath he'd been holding. "Easy. Go slow. It's been a while." His actions belied his words, though, as he helped guide Deuce in.

"I'll try. I'll really, really try." It was as close to a promise as Deuce could get. The more he sank in, the more he wanted to pound in -- Trey was so warm, so firmly wrapped around him. "Jesus." Deuce had to close his eyes so he could focus.

"There," Trey breathed, and clenched tightly. He reached down and began to stroke himself. "Okay. You can move." He kept his eyes closed, and there was a furrow of concentration between his brows.

"Easy for you to say." Deuce took a deep breath and started rocking his hips, trying his very best to establish an actual pace and not just thrust and fuck wildly. Maybe someday, but not their first time doing this. But Trey was so responsive, fitting all the little bits of Deuce that most people didn't even know were there, that it was hard to take it easy. Mostly, Deuce wanted to let go follow all his baser urges. Trey deserved better, though.

Deuce sped up gradually, lengthening his strokes until he was almost pulling out before thrusting in again. His arms were locked, taking his weight, and it was absolutely right. "Perfect," he whispered. "God, you feel just perfect."

There was a light flush on Trey's cheeks and chest, and the sheen of perspiration covered them both. Trey's strokes on his own prick had become harder and faster. "I can't," he whimpered, opening his eyes and looking up at Deuce. The color of his eyes had shifted to the softest blue. "I can't wait. Need to come."

Deuce nodded, not slowing. "Go ahead. I'll fuck you through it." Saying it made him shudder. "Do it. Come for me, Trey." His own balls lifted, and tension built in his spine. "Show me."

As if Trey had been waiting for permission -- and maybe he had been -- he let go of his control and began to climax. Shudders wracked him and milky streams of spunk covered his hand and lower abdomen as he came.

With every pulse Trey's body tightened around Deuce, each spasm of Trey’s orgasm making Deuce's that much closer. Deuce groaned, watching Trey's release, and thrust deep into him, over and over, until he couldn't move any longer, his own orgasm overtaking him. He had to close his eyes tightly as he came, had to hold still so he wouldn't fall forward and crush Trey underneath him, and all he could do was shake as he let go.

When his muscles released and he could breathe again, Deuce carefully sank down, breathing hard. "Oh, yes. I think we have that going for us, too." He kissed whatever part of Trey was right there and tried to get his lungs under control.

Trey snaked both arms around Deuce and held on, his face buried in Deuce's chest. His words were muffled. "You were right," he said against Deuce's skin. "Perfect."

Deuce smiled and nodded. "Yeah. S'pretty damn perfect." He closed his eyes and didn't worry about the mess -- they could clean up later, have some supper. Then they could spend some time making up for three days apart.

Pretty damn perfect, indeed.





The day of Deuce's office beach party was a Sunday afternoon. Lacey had been with them since Saturday morning, and Trey was just waiting now for Holly to pick her up. Deuce was showering, so Trey was fervently hoping that he'd still be in there when Holly knocked on the door. So far he'd managed to keep them apart, which was a good thing.

His luck had apparently run out, however. A glance out the window showed Holly pulling into the driveway just as Deuce appeared in the living room. He looked delicious and smelled even better. Trey could tell he'd shaved, and Deuce's hair was still damp. Somehow, though, Trey knew that Holly would fail to be charmed by these small details.

"Mom's here," Trey told Lacey. She put down the video game controller and scooped up Six. Pi sat at her feet and watched, stubby tail wagging.

"I want to take him with me," she announced.

Trey ignored her. It was a familiar argument between them, one they had each time Lacey left to go back to her mother's house. He turned to Deuce instead. "Holly's here. Fair warning."

His stomach felt queasy just from the sound of the doorbell.

Deuce nodded at him and crouched down. "Pi, c'mere. Good dog." He rolled his puppy onto his back and rubbed his belly. "Hey, Lacey. Pi would miss Six too much. Can you get him down here like this?"

Trey watched her trudge over to Deuce and kneel down to pet the bellies of both puppies. As she was otherwise occupied, he took a deep breath and opened the door. "Hi, Holls."

"Hello." Her tone was flat, as it often was when it was her turn to pick up Lacey at Trey's place. "Is she ready?"

"Mom!" Lacey bounced up and came to the door. "Come and see my dogs!"

Trey gave a mental wince. Lacey had come to think of all three of the dogs as "hers" as long as they were in Trey's house. He hoped she wouldn't be too upset when Deuce moved out and took two of them with him.

"Dogs, plural? I thought there was just one." Holly pinned him with a stare.

"Come oooon."

Lacey tugged at Holly's hand and Holly stepped over the threshold with a sigh. "Lace, we need to get you new ballet slippers, and -- hello." Holly raised a brow at Deuce, who was still on the floor with the dogs.

"Hi, there." Deuce smiled up at her, one hand on Pi's belly. "This is Pi, she's mine. That's Six, Lacey and Trey's." He got to his feet and offered his hand to her, still smiling. "And I'm Nathaniel. My other dog, Q, is around here someplace. She's the mom of the pups."

Trey watched warily as Holly shook Deuce's hand. This was the meeting he'd been dreading for a while, and things had potential to go downhill quickly. The only saving grace was that Lacey was in the room, and Holly adhered to their strict policy to never argue in front of their child.

"Hi." She looked Deuce up and down. "I've heard a lot about you."

"His name isn't really Nathaniel," Lacey piped up.

Holly pursed her lips. "Is that so?"

Deuce laughed a little and didn't appear to be intimidated. He grinned down at Lacey, though, and didn't look at Holly. "Actually, Nathaniel
my real name, Little Beans. My family and friends call me Deuce, which means you're a friend. Cool, huh?"

Lacey put her head down so Six and Pi could lick her face. They did so with much gusto and tail-wagging. "Cool, Big Beans," she answered Deuce, and Trey couldn't help smiling.

"Let's go, Lace." Trey reached out a sock foot and nudged her bum. "Mom says you have errands and stuff."

She lingered a moment longer with the dogs before clambering to her feet and retrieving her pink princess suitcase with wheels. Trey knelt down, and Lacey gave him a tight hug, clinging to his neck for a moment. "Bye, Dad."

"Bye, Boo. Got a four-day coming up. See you soon, right?" This part sucked, especially when Holly was standing over them.

"Uh-huh." Her response was muffled. Lacey pulled away and patted Trey on the head. "Mom said I can call you."

"Then call me." Trey smiled at her and stood. He opened the door and looked at Holly. "See ya," was the politest thing he could think of to say.

Holly gave Deuce one last look before leaving through the open door without another word. Lacey bounced ahead of her, already switching back into "life with Mom" mode. She was good at it.

Trey let the door close and turned to lean against it. It could have been worse, he supposed. Still, any visit with Holly always made him tense. "So," he sighed. "Now you've met my ex-wife."

"She doesn't like me much." Deuce didn't seem overly bothered. "But Lacey does. That means I'm winning, right?"

"Holly doesn't like
much, which means she doesn't like you by default. Sorry. But trust me, you're not missing out. You don't need her to like you." Trey paused and considered the rest. "But yeah, Lacey does think you're cool. That's all the 'like' you need from the females I'm involved with."

Deuce nodded and shook off a puppy. "How about you?" he asked, stepping close. "You like me, right?"

The puppy was undeterred by being shoved aside and attempted to fit itself into the diminishing space between them. Trey ignored whichever one it was and reached out to pull Deuce closer. "I like you. I like you a lot more than I thought I would when I pulled your dog out of a burning building."

"Yeah, that wasn't my best first impression. But you were totally hot and sexy, and if I wasn't in a panic I would have noticed that even faster than I did." Deuce was right there, smiling at him, and getting closer to kissing him by the second.

Trey snorted. "I was sweaty and covered with soot. Trust me, not sexy. You were cute, though. All worried about your pregnant dog." Trey grinned and waited for the kiss. Deuce had gotten into the habit of making Trey wait.

"And you saved her." Deuce's mouth was merely half an inch from Trey's. "My hero." He kissed Trey's mouth softly and almost immediately followed that with a faster and deeper kiss, his tongue licking its way inside.

Trey brought up a hand to slide around Deuce's neck and tilted his head to meld them together more thoroughly. It was always like this, Trey had discovered. There was always heat and attraction and something that drew them together like magnets. Sort of scary, if Trey took the time to think about it, but more often than not, Deuce never gave him time. It was like Deuce could read his thoughts and refused to allow anything negative to interfere with whatever good thing they'd found together.

Held close by Deuce's hand on the small of his back, Trey could feel just how into it Deuce was getting. The kisses grew more intense, a little sloppy, and Deuce was pushing against Trey's thigh with something close to urgency. "I don't think we have time before the party," Deuce said, however, in direct contrast to the way he was acting.

"We do for you," Trey whispered. He squeezed his hand in between them and into the waistband of Deuce's jeans without even unbuttoning the fly. He could feel smooth, warm skin and smiled into Deuce's mouth. "Why, Mr. Stoller. No drawers. I like it."

"I know." Deuce gave him a wicked grin. "What do you have in mind? Oh, that. Do that again. Right there."

Trey did it again, this time flicking his thumb over the head. He pulled his hand out, licked the palm, and went back to what he was doing. "Go fast," he urged. "I love that."

"Really not a problem." Deuce spread his legs a little and put one hand on Trey's shoulder, hanging on. "You're so good at this." His eyes were drifting closed, but he was clearly fighting that, his eyelids fluttering.

"I know what you like." That was true, Trey realized. He did know. Deuce liked a firm hold and a long stroke. He liked being deep-throated and his balls squeezed roughly. He liked soft good-night kisses and being bitten during sex. All of the "likes" had added up over time until Trey could say that yes, he knew what to do to make Deuce turn to pudding.

Deuce's breathing wasn't quite turning into panting, but it was close. The fingers on Trey's shoulders were holding him tighter, and Deuce was looking down, watching. Trey could feel the shake in his leg and the way Deuce was starting to come apart. His cock was getting harder, leaking, and every once in a while it would give a little throb and Deuce would gasp or moan or give a little grunt.

"See?" Trey whispered. "Like right now. You're about to come, aren't you? You want to, but you're holding off like you always do." He tightened his fist even more and sped up his strokes.

The sound Deuce made was almost a word, but it got caught in the middle and turned into a groan that got louder as he started to shoot, spilling over Trey's fist. His fingers dug in harder, almost hurting but not quite hard enough to bruise. "Oh, God."

Trey was hard as stone in his own jeans and the noises Deuce made as he came were nearly enough to send him over the edge as well. He closed his eyes and took a steadying breath as he worked Deuce through his orgasm. "So pretty," Trey murmured. "You are the prettiest thing." He was practically holding Deuce on his feet as the poor guy's knees buckled and he clutched at Trey for support. "Okay?"

," Deuce said again. "Yeah, way better than okay." His eyes were slightly out of focus and his smile was dopey. "Way better." He got himself to his feet and blinked a few times. "Now you," Deuce said, his grin growing as he reached.

"No, we--" Trey cut himself off as soon as he felt Deuce's hand around him. It was all well and good to say they didn't have time, but then Deuce merely had to touch him and all Trey's good intentions went out the window. "Yes," he moaned, all senses tingling.

"Yes, indeed." Deuce yanked Trey's fly open and palmed him firmly, then went to his knees -- luckily not squashing any puppies. "I love it when you say yes." Then he opened his mouth and took Trey in deep.

Trey's head went back against the door with a thunk and his eyes widened in surprise. "Jesus," he gasped, already feeling tremors. He placed his hands gently on Deuce's head, just to feel, not to guide, and inched his hips forward.

Deuce took it, licking and sucking before backing off and just teasing at the head for a moment. He swooped down again, his lips tight, and he hummed. Just a little, and not even really a song, but certainly something that was more than a moan. Not that it mattered what it was -- it was Deuce, sucking him off and not being shy about it at all.

There used to be a time when Trey had been embarrassed about going off too soon, but it had become a regular thing whenever Deuce touched him. The vibrations on his cock pushed him right over the precipice he was teetering on. Trey slammed both hands back against the door and came, pulsing into Deuce's mouth and shuddering violently.

The hum turned into a song -- "Who Let the Dogs Out" -- and Deuce was looking up at him as he swallowed, his eyes bright and twinkling.

He reached out a shaking hand and tugged Deuce up. "Good," Trey said, and kissed him. "That is so good."

"Not bad at all," Deuce agreed with another kiss and a smile. "Now we need to clean up and gather the critters. It's going to be a good day, I think. We're starting it right, anyway."

Right, they were going to socialize with other people today. Trey had almost forgotten. "Okay," he agreed amiably, although staying right here with Deuce leaning against him would have been fine, too. "Let's go meet your office people."

"They're an okay bunch. The only one you might want to watch for is a guy named Calum. He doesn't believe I'm really gay, since I'm not into him. He'll target you and hit on you and generally be horrible until you either walk away and be rude about it, or until I can catch Blake's eye. He's Calum's supervisor and will stomp on that shit hard." He looked thoughtful. "Of course, there's a chance he'll be sober and it's a moot point."

"Oh. Uh... can I kiss you in front of him? That might work." If it was Trey's place of employment, he'd get fired. But Deuce's sounded a lot more laid back.

"Oh, that would
. Promise me you will." Deuce beamed at him. "More than once. And in the water, so I can grope you a bit."

Trey blinked. "Really? I was kidding."

"I'm not."

"Okay." He could feel a slow smile spread across his face. "Let's go, then. Point him out when we get there."

Deuce grinned. "You're on." He called Q and grabbed the bag they'd packed with water bottles and bowls for the dogs, along with a variety of things to deal with dog mess.

The office party was being hosted at a beach fairly close to Trey's house. A ten minute trip in the truck got them there early enough to find a decent parking place and allowed them to stake out a spot in the sand that was pleasantly close to the water. A few of Deuce's co-workers were busy setting up pop-up tents over the picnic tables and unloading several huge bags of chips, hot dogs, and condiment bottles.

They spread out their blanket and Trey looked around uncertainly. "Sure no one minds that you brought me?"

"Relax." Deuce smiled at him and handed over Six's leash. "No one will mind. They'll all be friendly. In about two minutes we'll be surrounded by dog lovers and people wanting to know who the new hot guy is."

Trey snorted and took the leash. Q lay down immediately on the blanket and closed her eyes, while the two puppies tried to dig through the blanket cloth into the soft sand beneath. If nothing else, Trey could pretend to be busy by watching the dogs. He sat down next to Q and rubbed her ears. She rolled over on her belly for him, so Trey gave her pats while he watched the others arrive.

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