Cade (24 page)

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Authors: Mason Sabre

BOOK: Cade
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“It’s like part of your soul is missing?” he finished softly, and she nodded.

“I've never felt like this with anyone before,” she whispered. A stray tear slid down the side of her face, her green eyes sparkling up at him. “I'm right here.”

He took in the sight of her just one more time, burning it to his memory. He took her all in, his eyes roaming down the length of her body beneath him and then back to her face again. He didn’t say another word as he lowered his head and kissed the tear down the side of her face, tasting the saltiness of it on her skin. Pressed his lips against her damp skin, he breathed in the scent of her—he wanted to take it down deep and keep it with him forever. She reached up and tangled her fingers in his wet hair.

Cade kissed a trail along the side of her face to her mouth, stopping only briefly to kiss her lips. Her soft moans against his mouth igniting fires in him, his body starved with hunger, aching to have her. He pressed her deeper into the bed with his weight, loving the feel of her silky smooth softness beneath the hardness of his body. His lips trailed hotly along her jawline to her neck. She pressed her head back into the bed and breathed his name.

“Shh …,” he said against her skin. “Don’t wake Phoenix.”

She whimpered when he ran his tongue along her collarbone, nipping as he went until he reached the soft mound of her breasts once again. His mouth closed over the turgid peak, rolling her nipple under his tongue before biting down gently. She cried out softly and squeezed his hips with her thighs. Waves of pleasure crashed through him, his body unable to stop itself as he pressed his already aching erection harder against her very core, only scraps of clothing separating them now.

He ran his mouth down her bare skin, down until he reached her hip. He gave it a quick nip, stealing another moan from her lips, and he couldn’t help his satisfied growl. He traced the line of the waistband of her panties with his tongue, and her stomach quivered under his touch, her legs parting of their own volition.

He hooked his fingers into the lacy scrap at her hips and pulled down, revealing that part of her to him that he craved more than anything. She whimpered as he removed her panties completely and threw them to the side. Shallow gasps left Gemma’s lips and she instinctively tried to close her legs again. Sliding his hands back up her legs to her thighs, he pressed his thumbs into her soft flesh, firmly but gently. He pulled her trembling legs apart again and let his eyes feast on her. “So beautiful,” he whispered gruffly.

“Cade,” she whimpered uncertainly, her head lifting to look at him as she tried to push her legs closed again, but he held on firmly. “Don’t,” he breathed, his voice a silky caress over her skin. “You are perfect—and all mine.” He placed a delicate kiss on the inside of each thigh to calm her skittishness, then without any further prelude, pressed his mouth down into the very centre of her. Her head fell back, the back of her hand flying to her mouth to muffle her scream. His mouth devoured her, his tongue delving into her depths as his powerful grip held her firmly in place so that he could feast. She panted, crying out with every lick and suck and bite of his wicked tongue and mouth.

“Oh god.” She almost sobbed at the delicious feel of him on her as he continued to tease and taste her, deeper, hotter, his growls of ecstasy reverberating against her core and intensifying her pleasure. She was so wet for him and he took it all in, lapping it up, tasting her as she writhed under the onslaught of each stroke of his tongue. He found the sensitive nub at the apex of her thighs and drew it into his mouth, sucking it hard as she gasped and squirmed, his name leaving her lips in small, pleading cries. She grabbed one of the pillows and covered her mouth, her other hand tearing at the bedsheets. He was relentless, eating at her like a starved man. Then, just when she thought she could take no more, he bit down lightly on the swollen nub.

Gemma screamed.

Her legs tensed, and she exploded, falling into a kaleidoscope of colour and ecstasy—and still he didn’t stop. He slid his hands under her, digging his fingers into the cheeks of her backside and bringing her to his mouth more.  She let out a cry and gave herself over to her orgasm, filling his mouth with the sweet taste of her. She trembled in his grasp, and only when she had gone completely limp did he release her. She lay panting on the bed, a fine film of sweat covering her well-pleasured body. He rose to lick it away before kissing her again, crawling up along her body, and placing small kisses on her quivering flesh as he went.

He wasn’t done with her yet, though.

He pushed the pillow from her flushed face. Her breathing came out harsh and her gaze was as hungry as his. “You okay there?” he asked with a husky laugh.

“Maybe,” she panted, still trying to get her mind around the earth-shattering orgasm she had just experienced.

He reached down and removed the remaining barrier between them, freeing himself from the fabric that kept him from her. Her eyes locked onto him and the look of hunger on her face made Cade groan. She reached out to touch him but he grabbed her hands and pinned them over her head. He didn’t know how long he’d last if she got her hands on him now. She scowled and pulled at her arms, her eyes still glued to the hard length of him. “Cade,” she pouted, frustration in her voice.

“No,” he murmured. “It’s about you tonight, remember? I want to give you everything.” He lowered his mouth to hers before she could protest again, and plundered inside, the taste of her still on his lips. He let go of her hands and they immediately wrapped around the back of his neck to pull him closer. He lowered himself between her thighs and she gasped against his mouth as she felt him nudge at her entrance and then slowly sink inside her. They both groaned, the feeling of her wrapped so tightly around him bringing a hiss from his lips. He threw his head back and moaned, long and deep. She felt so damn good. Gemma’s long legs wrapped around his lean hips, locking him into place.

Then he started to move.

His slid out slowly, almost all the way, then thrust forward, hard. Her nails sunk into his back, the sharp pain only fuelling the fire already raging inside. He repeated the movement, sliding out and driving back in again forcefully, making Gemma lose any ability of coherent thought. He drove into her, again and again, pushing in to the hilt and gradually gaining his rhythm. She moved with him, rocking her hips in tandem with every stroke, her small gasps of pleasure spurring him on. He brought his mouth back down to hers, drowning out her gasps as their tongues met and clashed. He couldn’t stop the low growl that rose from deep within his throat. All those times that he had imagined this—they were nothing compared to the reality of it. He nipped at her bottom lip, then captured her mouth in another hot, searing kiss, loving the gasps and all the little sounds she made.

He was never going back after this. No one would ever take her place. She was
to him. She was where he belonged. She was where he was meant to be. He pushed himself deeper—harder, faster—wanting to possess her, to brand her, to leave his mark on her for everyone to see, to know she belonged to him. He snatched his mouth away from hers and pumped his hips as demand built up. She moved with him in perfect rhythm, meeting him stroke for stroke, her nails scoring trails down his back—and he loved the feel of it, increased his excitement until he thought he would explode.

He slid his hands under her and wrapped his fingers around her shoulders, holding her in place so that he could drive deeper into her. It was like they had been made for each other. Gemma moaned, pulling him closer, as if she couldn’t get close enough. They both needed more, this hunger between them insatiable. 

“Gem …” he groaned.

With a gasp, she tensed, her legs tightening around him and her nails digging into his back as her orgasm ripped through her. It was too much for him—her breathless pants and groans in his ear and the way her body clamped around his shaft took him over the edge. He couldn’t contain his own release any longer as pleasure rode him. He buried his face in her damp hair with a deep, feral growl and let go. The world exploded in his mind, and he fell into the abyss.

He lay there panting, sated, unable to move even though his heavy weight was trapping her slender form beneath him—yet Gemma didn’t seem to mind. She stroked his back, her body still wrapped around him.

“Tell me you're real,” she whispered into his neck.

He lifted his head to meet her eyes and kissed her lightly, smiling at her as he let out the first contented sigh in a long time.

“This is the most real thing I have ever done,” he murmured.
















Chapter Twenty-Seven


It was a lie—a dream. It had to be. Some weird, strange, fantastic, fucking glorious dream that Cade didn’t want to wake from. Gemma lay asleep beside him, her soft breaths tickling his arm as it pillowed her head, legs entwined with his, warm hands tucked against his chest. Her naked body pressed languorously against his, and he knew that this is exactly where he wanted to be for the rest of his life. He hadn’t been able to get enough of her, having woken her another two times during the night, his body in a constant state of arousal. A warm, naked Gemma finally in his bed was almost too much for his senses to take. His heart thudded at the memory of her eager response each time he had roused her. He pressed closer—his body rock hard for her again—and breathed her in deeply. The scent of her was intoxicating, enough to drive him crazy. He placed a soft kiss on the tip of her nose and brushed a strand of hair from her face.  

A slow smile spread across her face as his fingers lightly played along her face. His heart swelled as her eyes slowly fluttered open. “Morning,” she breathed.

“Morning.” He smiled and kissed her lightly on the mouth.

She wriggled closer to him—not that he thought it were really possible. It wouldn’t matter how close they were, it never felt like it was enough. He couldn’t sate that need for her inside him. Her sleepy warmth seeped into him and he wrapped both arms around her, running a hand down the smoothness of her naked back. He could stay there forever. He didn’t need anything else. Just Gemma.

“Sleep well?” she said, her breath dancing across his skin, her mouth against his throat. He rested his chin on top of her head and pulled her in tight, wedging his leg more firmly between hers.

“Despite only getting in about two hours of sleep, yeah,” he murmured, still smiling. Gemma slid her hand down the firm stretch of skin along Cade’s side, her fingers light as they trailed over his ribcage, her nails raking sensuously along his skin. She nipped at his neck as her hand moved over the rippled muscle of his stomach, and lower still. She felt him tense, then his sharp exhalation when she wrapped her fingers around the already hard length of him. His mind threatened to blank out. She slid her hand down once, slowly, and a low, guttural sound escaped him. “Careful,” he gritted out. “We’ll wake Phoenix.”

She grinned up at him, her eyes full of promise. “He’ll be okay for a few minutes.” She released him and pushed against his chest, rolling him onto his back and rising above him. The cover slipped from her and pooled at her waist, and Cade’s hungry gaze raked over her, a deep, appreciative growl in his throat. He reached up to pull her down to him, his erection aching to be inside her again. She dodged his hand and shook her head. “My turn,” she purred. She lowered her lips to his and captured his mouth in a sultry kiss. His hand snaked into her hair and wrapped it around his fist, tugging. She pulled away, panting. “No … I said it is my turn. Now put your hand down.”

His hand remained exactly where it was, refusing to let go. “And if I don’t want to?” he said huskily.

“Then I might just get dressed and go home,” she teased.

flashed in his eyes, clearly unhappy with that idea, and she chuckled.

“You’re going to drive me crazy, woman,” he growled, but let her push his arm down this time.

“That’s the whole idea,” she whispered wickedly, nipping at his bottom lip sharply before moving down to kiss and nibble along his jawline and chin. “I’m glad you know how to do as you’re told.”

“I have no choice,” he gasped as she continued to kiss her way down over the light smattering of hair that decorated his chest.

“No,” she agreed solemnly. “You don’t.”

He shuddered as her warm breath played along his flesh, his stomach clenching in burning anticipation. He let out a groan as her kisses went lower, and he reached above him and grabbed the rail at the top of his bed to keep from dragging her back up and pushing her back onto the bed so he could bury himself deep.

Gemma smiled against his skin, high on the power she held over him in that moment. She kissed and bit and teased, stoking his desire, loving the way he growled and tensed with each touch. With an uttered curse, he let go with one hand and reached for her. Gemma evaded his searching hand and shot him a stern look. “Uh-uh. I told you no.”

With a reluctant groan, he brought his hand back to grip the headboard once again, letting Gemma have her way with him. She slid down his body, taking the covers with her and leaving them both fully exposed. Cool air met heated flesh, making him shiver from the vast contrast. His blood was on fire, ragged breaths searing his lungs, and all he could do was lie there and take it. He lifted a heavy head and groaned at the sight of a wonderfully naked Gemma kneeling between his legs, her lush breasts moving softly, the hard points begging for his mouth. He was burning for her. His groin throbbed, desperate for release, electric currents surging through his body in waves. Then she lowered her head and took him into her hot mouth.

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