Caesar. Life of a Colossus (Adrian Goldsworthy) Yale University Press (107 page)

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Piso, Caius Calpurnius (cos. 67)

Caesar 236

Pompeius, Quintus (cos. 88)

121, 133

and conference of Luca 261

46, 101

Piso, Calpurnius Lucius (cos.

and Pompey’s fidelity 294

Pompeius, Sextus (Pompey’s

58, Caesar’s father-in-law)

and siege of Alesia 342

son) 413, 466, 481–483, 485

39, 165, 174, 180, 190, 371,

Gauls killed in Caesar’s

Pompeius Trogus 235

372, 376, 382, 478

campaigns 355

Pompey (Pompeius), Cnaeus,

grandfather 214

and Caesar crossing the

‘the Great’ (

Piso, Cnaeus Calpurnius 110,

Rubicon 378

family 31


and the Civil War 396, 414

in Social War 43

Piso, Marcus Pupius (cos. 61)

and Pompey 408

told to divorce wife by Sulla

154–155, 156

and Cleopatra 438, 439


Placentia (Piacenza) 406

Cato unwilling to be under

in love with Flora 83–84


obligation to Caesar 448

rise of 91–95

Plautius (Plotius) 96

and battle of Thapsus 466

cruelty of 92

plebian families 31

and Ligarius 478

hailed by Sulla as Pompey ‘the

plebs, ‘patrician’ tribune of

and battle of Munda 484

Great’ (
) 92, 93


and Corinth canal 491

seeks and attains consulship

Pliny the Elder (Caius Plinius

and Brutus 503, 507

93, 94, 95

Secundus) 184, 355, 469

Po, River 43, 101

manoeuvres for new

Plotius (Plautius) 96

Po Valley 22, 101, 121, 199,

command 102–103



and pirates 103–104, 186

biography of Caesar 30

politics, Roman 169–170, 255

replaces Lucullus in Asia 104

and Caesar as natural

politics and increasing

Spanish soldiers loyal to 110

horseman 40

frequency of bloodshed

and war with Mithridates 111

and Caius Marius 41


as lieutenant of Sulla 112

and Sulla’s dictatorship 48

Pollio, Caius Asinius (cos. 40)

wealth and

and proscribed people 48

188, 189–190, 378, 406, 430,

and Cicero 119, 164, 258, 259

and Caesar standing for

431, 517

and land bill/law 120, 156,

election to priesthood 58

Polybius 11, 14, 98–99, 327

157, 168, 170, 171

description of Caesar 62

Universal History

honours granted 121

and Caesar’s capture by

Pompeia (Caesar’s wife)

imminent return 142–143

pirates 75–76

101–102, 146–147, 158–159,

celebrates third triumph

and Caesar’s generosity 82

174, 175, 176, 294, 497

152–153, 154, 155

and rumour that Brutus was

Pompeian fleet 410, 411,

leading his legions 153–154

Caesar’s son 85


captures Jerusalem 154

description of Pompey’s wife

Pompeians 442, 446, 447, 450,

asks Senate to postpone

Cornelia 88

451, 452, 473, 477, 478, 515

elections 154, 155

and Caesar’s wife’s funeral 99

in Africa 454, 455, 456, 457,

as consul 155

and Caesar’s visit to Gades

458, 459, 460–461, 462, 463,

divorces wife Mucia 155, 156,


464, 465, 466, 467



Inde x

aims to secure ratification of

marries Cornelia 349

college of pontiffs 78

Eastern Settlement 156, 157

dedicates temple to Victory

Flamen Dialis
49–50, 51, 52,

army veterans 156, 157,


56, 58, 62, 78, 102, 126, 494

170–171, 254

passes law preventing

Flamen Quirinalis

thwarted by noble families in

consulship candidates

Flamen Martialis
50, 471

Senate 158

in absentia

Pontifex Maximus
51–52, 55,

triumphs 160, 468

waits outside Rome 359

78, 124–125, 126, 131, 147,

house’s garden 163

disapproves of Caesar

173, 177, 215, 293, 423, 513

and First Triumvirate 165,

standing for second

Priests of Lupercal 499

166, 168, 170, 175, 176, 178,

consulship 362, 363,

Procillus, Caius Valerius 216,

180, 254

364–365, 370–371

229, 232, 235

and Eastern Settlement 166,

falls ill 368

prosecutors 71, 72–73

173, 181, 254, 258, 446

called upon to protect

prostitutes 83, 84

and eastern Mediterranean 173

Republic 374

Provence 22
see also

bribed by Ptolemy XII 174

and Mark Antony 376


marries Caesar’s daughter

and Civil War 384, 385, 387,

provinces, business in 23–24

Julia 174, 175


Ptolemaic dynasty 22, 114, 431,

supports Caesar 175

in Civil War 407–408, 410,

434, 435, 438, 439, 440, 445

accused of planning to

423, 424, 425, 426–427, 428,

Ptolemy I 434

establish tyrannical rule

429, 431, 432–433

Ptolemy II 434


at Dyrrachium 414, 415,

Ptolemy IX 435

plot to murder 179–180

416, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422

Ptolemy X 435

uses fortified barriers 210

takes Syria under Roman rule

Ptolemy XI 435

eastern campaigns 238


Ptolemy XII (‘Auletes’) 174,

heroic style of leadership 249

house 454

371, 409, 435–437, 441

unhappy at success of Caesar

killed in Alexandria 431, 433,

Ptolemy XIII 437, 441, 442,



443, 444, 496

fear of assassination 253, 258,

Pomptine marshes 474

Ptolemy XIV 444


Pomptinus 192

public speaking 39

wealth, fame and

ponds, saltwater 112

private companies for state


Pontic raiders 77–78, 81

contracts (

restores full powers to tribunes

Pontifex Maximus

23–24, 157–158, 173, 347

of the plebs 255


Punic War, First (264–241 BC)

given command to sort out

Pontifex Maximus

21–22, 24, 255

grain import problem

pontiffs 78, 479

Punic War, Second (218–201 BC)


Pontus, Eastern 446

22, 24, 32, 66, 117, 349, 409

claims Crassus plotting to

Popular Assemblies (

Punic War, Third (149–146 BC)

murder him 260

Comitia Tributa


conference of Luca 261–262

15, 16, 19, 20, 26, 39, 44–45,

Puteoli 492

re-elected to second

57, 97, 103, 104, 124, 136,

Pyrenees 398

consulship 264

159, 167, 170, 172, 173, 395,

Pyrrhus, King of Epirus 135,

and wife Julia 294



granted five-year command of

Porcia (daughter of Cato,

provinces 294–295

married to Bibulus and then

quaestorship 96–98

loans legion to Caesar 306

Brutus) 487, 503–504

Quinctilis, month of 30

appointed to third consulship,

Portus Itius (Boulogne?) 279,

Quirinus, priests of (

initially without a colleague


) 50

320, 347, 348, 361

Poseidonius 202

commemorates victories with

Pothinus 437, 441, 442

Rabirius, Caius 121–124, 134,

theatre 344–345

Praecia (courtesan) 83, 104

162, 173, 191

called on by Senate to protect

Praeneste 55–56

Ravenna 261, 319, 377, 381

the State 346–347

praetors 15, 18, 70–71, 75, 124

Reims (Durocortorum) 312

introduces law to reduce


Remi tribe 239–240, 241, 242,

bribery 348

augurs 60, 449–450

243, 312, 319, 352


Inde x

Remus 32

captured by Marian and

Temple of Concord 134, 142

res publica
14–15, 513

Cinnan forces 46, 49

Temple of Diana 27

(king), origin of name 33

celebrations on Caesar’s

Temple of Jupiter 48–49, 50,

Rex, Quintus Marcius 33

return 468–471

143, 469, 499

Rhine, River 199, 206, 224,

Circus Flaminius 257, 344

Temple of Quirinus 486

225, 228, 270, 272, 273, 275,

in Civil War 391–397

Temple of Saturn 396

277, 278, 308, 310, 354, 517

Colline Gate 55, 57, 79

Temple of Venus Genetrix 496

bridges across 277, 278,

fire brigade 112

Temple of Vesta 126

308–309, 310

as focus of all aspects of

Tullianum 142

Rhineland, rebellion in 237

political life 19

violence of the eighties BC

Rhodes 74, 77, 144

Forum 19–20, 56, 57, 167, 169,


Rhône, River 211

170–171, 172, 476, 496, 510

voting assemblies 15–18

line of defences 210, 212

Caesar’s extension 345

Romney Marshes, Kent 280

Rhône Valley 200–201, 203,

complex 478

Romulus 32–33, 486


during the games 106

Roscius (famous actor) 61

Ribemont-sur-Ancre 202

Rome: Rostra

Roscius, Lucius (Caesar’s

Rimini (Ariminum) 377, 378,

trials in 71, 72

legate) 306, 386

381, 385, 386, 387, 388

founded (753 BC) and early

Roucillus 419

roads, Roman 22

days 14

Rubicon, River 358, 377, 378,

Rocquepertuse 202

infant mortality in 34

379, 381, 385, 394, 445, 467,

Roman Empire, profits and

Janiculum Hill 46, 123, 162,


price of 21–25


Rufio 446

Roman Empire in the first

Jewish population 64, 480,

Rullus, Publius Servilius 119,

century BC


120, 122, 164, 167

Roman Republic

Library 479

Ruspina 456–459, 460, 462

constitution of 11

Palatine Hill 63

nature of 14–19

(sacred boundary)

Sabine women 102

nearing its end 11

155, 159, 160

Sabinus, Quintus Titurius

political system 14–15

Pompey’s theatre 344–345,

(Caesar’s legate) 192, 240,

revenue 152–153

507, 508

265, 267, 299, 300, 302, 303,

war-making 21

poor citizens move to 120

305, 310, 312, 356

Roman status 21, 22

rebuilt in more spectacular

St Bernard Pass, Great 265

Romans’ fear of northern

form 23

St Helena 516

barbarians 13

Regia 126

Sallust (Caius Sallustius


Rostra (Speakers Platform)

Crispus) 512

Alban Hill 498

20, 46, 47, 56, 103, 143, 169,

description of Sempronia

army marches against for first



time 45

and funerals 98, 99

and problems caused by

Aventine Hill 27

severed heads decorating 111

wealth 109

Basilica Fulvia et Aemilia 365

running of, administrative role

and Aurelia Orestilla 117

Basilica Julia 345

of aediles 106

and Catiline’s conspiracy

Caesar improves living

sacked by Gauls 13, 199

131–132, 136, 140

conditions 478–479

Sacra Via 20, 63, 126

on Caesar’s commitment 152

Caesar’s building projects 345

Senate House (Curia) 14, 20,

expelled from Senate 372

Caesar’s regulation in

122, 134, 318, 476
see also

and Petreius 398



recalled by Caesar 409

Campus Martius 40, 97, 123,

shrine to goddess of liberty

and army mutiny 452

162, 294, 344, 345, 470, 471,

) 258

governs Africa 476


strength in 100 BC 10–11, 19

Samarobriva (Amiens) 302,


Subura district 63–64

305, 306, 307

162–163, 478

taken by Sulla (82 BC) 55, 56

Sambre, battle of the (57 BC)

Capitol 469, 486, 494, 509

Temple of Bellona 56

, 246–250

Capitoline Hill 14, 48–49, 50,

Temple of Castor and Pollux

Sambre, River 244, 248, 250,


143, 157, 171

282, 421, 484

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