Cage (Dark World Book 1) (12 page)

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Authors: C.L. Scholey

BOOK: Cage (Dark World Book 1)
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“Um, you’re not going to change into a giant kangaroo and stick me in your pouch are you?”

“A what?”

Tingling in Cyra’s mind formed, and she heard Cage roar with laughter. “Not likely. That image and your kitten I’ll keep between us.”

“Where are we going?”

Cyra watched as the warriors continued on in a different direction with the flying beasts; she would miss the furry praefuge. Cyra learned they traded the beasts for other items. The tribe didn’t need to travel, other worlds came to them. The warriors trained in case of an attack from a different planet. Cyra had yet to see any weapons, other than Cage’s ability to transform.

“I’m taking you somewhere safe. My men can deal with the trade on their own. They have been well prepared. Once the trade is over, we will all head back to our home.”

“But where are you taking

“I think to The Mountain of Creation.”

“You mean it exists? You’ve spoken of it, but it seems—odd. An actual thinking mountain.”

“Yes. But I was born to parents. I’ve never been to the Mountain; being called home is a rarity unless my time is over. I can feel its pull; it isn’t my time, but maybe there is a new life beginning. Our females have a long journey before they join a mate. They leave the Mountain and trust in the clouds to take them to the area of the planet where their mate waits. They are in no danger, the Mountain has created and cared for them, they trust in the Mountain. I was too eager for you. I wanted my mate sooner. I sent a few of my warriors to escort her to me. There was no one waiting. I already had you that morning. It was the right time and the right place; unfortunately, I was too stupid to see what was before me. Although, I’m wondering now if our meeting was a test to see if I am worthy. I believe I am.”

“How could your mountain know of me? I’m from a different planet, a different galaxy.”

“Do you think it luck you were able to call your planet when you are so far away?”

“No. I think I’m a kick-ass computer nerd.”

When the clouds parted, Cyra gasped. She had never seen such a mountain. It was icy, huge, rising up from the clouds. A crystal floating goddess with the shape of a beautiful female’s face outlined and long flowing hair spiraling down the mountain sides. When they landed at the mouth of the mountain opening, the parted sultry lips gave entry to gorgeous icy insides. Cyra’s feet touched the smooth surface and she shivered. Her body trembled when the place beneath her feet turned orange and glowed. Each step she took was warmed. Tendrils of heat slid up her ankles and calves to surround her, embracing her in a welcoming touch.

“The Mountain knows you,” Cage said. He was in awe; she could see it in his expression.

She was being welcomed with a fond caress of recognition as the heat rose higher to chase any fears away. Cyra knew this place. She had dreamt of it. All those dreams as a child where she ran through the trails, laughing, giggling. She had played here in her dreams—she remembered. She ran wild with other girls, human girls. Girls of all ages. Human females who ate sweet treats of delicious rare fruits not found on Earth, and all found sanctuary in their dreams on this mountain. The mountain goddess watched over them all.

“Oh my God, Cage. You were right. This is real. There are other human females coming, or needing to be found.”

Cage placed his hands onto her shoulders. “Do you know why?”

“I’m not sure. I see darkness. A dark world. A horrible world filled with suffering. It’s here and on Earth—everywhere.” Cyra gazed into his concerned expression. “This planet will need multiple tribe leaders to save the warriors. The mountain will call back the planet’s females once the chosen ones are born.”

Cage’s grip tightened. “How do you know this?”

“I’ve known it all along. I only just remembered.”

“The Mountain will take you from me once you have given me a child or many children?”

“No. The mountain won’t call humans back because we were created in spirit on a different planet. I don’t belong to the mountain. No human female does. It’s like we were given to the mountain for our protection until our mates find us. The mountain can’t call us back. Once the other females return, the tribe leaders will find human mates. Cage, your planet will need many human females. The mountain brought me first because of my capabilities. Wow, one man’s garbage is really another man’s treasure.

“I will give you space flight. It will take time. The tribe leaders will be angry their mates are gone, but they need to concentrate to help us build a vessel. Earth is under attack. I don’t know how bad it is, but we have to hurry. There were a number of girls who ran wild with me on this mountain in our dreams. I can find them, I know it. We’re connected.”

“I can’t let you leave.”

“I can program the vessel to go where it needs to go.” Cyra went and slumped on an indentation in the rock crystal. “All this time I’ve been gathering information; all this time I was meant to come here. It’s so surreal.”

Cage tilted her chin forcing her to gaze up at him. “Do you believe me now? I am your mate.”

“I know.”

“Come with me.”

Cage pulled her to her feet. Thoughts overwhelmed her. She was given a huge gift. A meaning in life. The meaning
her life. Cyra was created to save a race, she and the other human females from her dreams. Her heart was pounding as Cage led her to a crystal room. Icy snowflakes danced in the air, glowing to give light. The sheer ice on the walls formed smooth mirrors. Cyra didn’t feel cold. She knew this room. This was the place her mate would take her in. As they walked into the large cave, the entryway sealed. It was a sheet of icy smooth glass forming the same way Cage’s mountain home had done, piece by piece of stunning beauty.

“No one can see in, but I will see my warriors coming,” Cage said.

“How did you know to bring me here?” Cyra asked.

“I didn’t. I jumped on the cloud and put my fate in faith.”

Cyra went to a raised dais of pure white silky furs and fingered the soft light texture. When she turned back to Cage he had dropped his man cover and stood naked before her. She knew he would be huge when erect. She wasn’t afraid, but more overwhelmed.

“I will not change into any beast. I will not frighten you.”

Cyra knew that and she knew
look. “Don’t worry, pee isn’t imminent.”

A small smile curled his lips. “Maybe it’s a war tactical maneuver? Gross your opponent out?”

“If you plan on wowing me with sexy talk you may want to change the subject.”

Cage pounced and gripped her to his hard chest. Her skin tingled where he touched. Cyra splayed her hands against him. Despite never shaving, he had the perpetual five O’clock shadow. His chest was bare of hair.

“Females on my planet go nude,” he said.

“You mentioned that. I’m thinking with my personal problem it wouldn’t be a good fashion statement.”

“True enough. But this skin towel you wear has grown worn and ripped. It doesn’t do your beauty justice.”

“Beauty? The mountain has fogged your vision.”


Cyra supposed to him she was. Her dark hair almost reached her ass. She was voluptuous like the planet’s females. Next to Cage, she was small; next to Cage a linebacker would be petite. She squealed when Cage reached to rip her skin covering down the middle.

“I don’t have other clothes.” Cyra lifted her hands to cover her naked breasts but knew it was futile, they would join and he had seen her nude numerous times.

“Yes. you do. Look.”

Cage turned her to face the soft mound of furs. Fur panties and a fur shirt, one strap, were nestled amidst the mound, also pure white. Cyra hadn’t seen the attire. She fingered the material; it would feel heavenly against her skin. The tiny shirt would barely cover her breasts. She would look sexy as hell. Her heart began to race. Then her shoulders sagged as her thoughts plummeted.

“I’ll soil this if I get scared.
I get scared.”

Cage turned her and placed the garments onto the mound. “I will protect you from anything. You never have to fear anyone. Think of me surrounding you. I will never frighten you on purpose again.”

Cyra knew he was going to kiss her, and she knew he was going to be what he was made to be—a warrior. She tilted her head and closed her eyes. Warm moist full lips touched hers, searching for mere seconds until she filled with his taste. Their tongues intertwined, dancing as lovers. Cyra’s chin was gripped by a strong hand. Her mouth was ravaged until she was breathless. No man had ever kissed her the way his tongue claimed hers. He was warm and wet and demanding. His teeth gripped her top lip while his other hand brutalized her breasts. She couldn’t pull back.

In a fluid motion Cage released her, and pushed her onto the soft mound of furs. He gripped her ankles and pulled her legs wide.

“Easy commando, I’m not a mission,” she cautioned.

“I want to see what my cock will claim. You are bound to me. My first thrust seals our destiny.”

He dragged his body over her. His steel cock pressed against her belly as he bit and nibbled his way up her shoulder to her throat. Power, he was power. Cyra’s heart hammered, for a second she buried her face against his arm. His fist buried into her hair. He was there, between her legs, the tip of his erection was hot, his first thrust so demanding, her back arched with her scream and his roar.

“Our destiny, our fate has intertwined.” He sounded firm, brutal, in awe. “Our sons will be unstoppable.”

Cyra didn’t think it was a good idea to tell him she may have a few girls too. She was too busy focusing on breathing as his hips clapped thunder with each stroke. Cyra lifted her legs to wrap around his waist. It wasn’t easy to hang on. She was pinned beneath him. Her cries and moans grew when she became slick. Every inch found its mark.

The snowflake lights twinkled overhead, spinning in a lazy fashion. Cyra could see Cage in the many slick walls, mirroring their images back to her. Cage gathered her wrists high above her head. He pulled her thigh up and back turning her to her side.

“I want to see your breasts.”

See them he did. Cyra was well endowed. He towered up over her watching her girls wiggle as he pounded between her legs. Her ripe melons were well formed, her nipples ruby red from his frontal assault to them. As Cyra gasped for breath, her chest reddened from exertion adding to Cage’s strength.

“I was wrong thinking my mate should be only red,” Cage said on a growl. “You are perfect. When chilled your lips are blue, when warm you are pink. When emotional you turn red in certain places. I know all of your signs already when normally it takes weeks for a leader to discover his mate’s true moods. Our females hide their emotions. I never wanted that from a mate.”

Cage squeezed her ass cheek. Cyra could see his hand when she turned her head. She always thought she had a nice booty, and in Cage’s grip she was beautiful. His dark black and green skin tone was perfect against her white flesh. He pulled her leg high over his shoulder, locking his eyes onto her. Cyra felt a blush creep up her face. He wanted to know when she came.

Cage’s ruthless pounding continued. His stamina overwhelming. Cyra screamed her release and he grinned before he roared. Cyra was surprised he didn’t shatter the glass. His body slumped over her as he rolled her onto her back. Cage gripped her hair and twisted until he could nip and suck at her throat. Cyra closed her eyes, putty in his hands.

“When you bathe next, I expect to be welcomed into the pool. I won’t simply be paddling around in play.” Cyra shuddered at his deep guttural voice.

Cyra was exhausted. Cage sat up and wiped between her legs with the soft material of the bed furs before helping her dress in her new clothes. Cyra was sore but rose and went to the cave wall where she could see her reflection.
Fuck me, I’m hot.
She’d never thought of herself in that way. Her dark as night hair spilled over her shoulders. Her pale skin was sleeker with the pure white fur.

Cage came up behind her. He placed a possessive arm around her shoulders covering her breasts. Cyra was amazed at how perfect they were together. Their coloring complimented one another.

“You are my perfect mate, Cyra.”

“You are mine.”

“It’s time to return home. Something tells me the hard work begins now.”

Cyra could see the warriors waiting on clouds behind the sealed cave. They were magnificent. Each held a new treasure from the trade. The looks on their eager faces resembled children at Christmas. An heir would be their greatest treasure—survival. Cyra wasn’t certain if she had conceived, but she knew she and Cage would try repeatedly until positive. A blush crept up her throat heating its way to her face. When the cave door dropped and Cage stepped onto a cloud he held his hand out to her. She took his hand, but when she joined him she would have fallen if he hadn’t gripped her so close.

“I don’t understand,” she said alarmed. “I do trust you. I do.”

Cage gazed into her eyes. “Yes, you do. But you need to believe in me. For that I have more work to do.”

“Cage?” Cyra saw Zenon come close. “There was much talk at the trade.”

“I understand you,” Cyra said. “Cage I understand Zenon’s words.”

“The transition was faster than expected, but it leads me to believe our Mountain is pressed for time. You will understand a great deal more now that we’ve joined.”

“Other tribes are joining forces,” Zenon said. “Some tribe leaders and their mates have been successful already and are expecting a chosen one. They fear for their sons with Cyra as your mate.”

“They best fear for their lives if they plan an attack,” Cage said snarling.

“There will be war amongst the tribes if they resist,” Cyra said. She was certain. The Mountain had shown her. All of her visits to the Mountain didn’t tumble into her thoughts; they were imbedded into her mind. She realized she had been gaining knowledge as a computer expert for a reason.

“Why?” Cage asked.

“There are tribes who are angry with your Mountain. If they go against your Mountain’s wishes the other tribes will die. They don’t understand the tribes need to join, not argue. Cage, you must make them understand the Mountain is trying to protect them.”

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