Caged: Cellar Door Series (14 page)

BOOK: Caged: Cellar Door Series
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Chapter 13


“Are you going to answer your damn phone JD?” Matt was moving around the kitchen making some breakfast while I drank down my coffee and housed an antibiotic, studiously ignoring the vibration of my cell. I’d managed to block calls all day Saturday, keeping Kylee at bay for a full 24 hours. I was running out of time and still didn’t have the language to try to express shit to her correctly. Friday night had been a total cluster. I was sore, aggravated, tired and in general in a shit ass mood. Pretty much my norm lately. I wasn’t sure talking to her now would be any better than Friday had gone.

“No.” I brought the mug back to my mouth and finished off the lukewarm remnants of the coffee. I wasn’t ready yet to face Kylee. It wasn’t like I could hide out forever but I was hoping on a couple of more hours at least.

“What the hell am I supposed to tell her? It’s been over twenty-four hour’s bro.” Matt’s phone had been going off every bit as often as mine and he’d visibly winced the last round it had rung.

“Why do you have to tell her anything? Or tell her you haven’t seen me, I’m asleep; that you’re not my fucking secretary.” My mood was for shit because sleep had been intermittent at best. Every time I tried to roll to my side both Friday night and Saturday night, my normal sleeping position; I’d been reminded why that wasn’t a stellar idea. I’d finally given up this morning finding Matt up too. Saturday I’d spent being low key to allow the wound to heal some but sleep had been a real pain in the ass.

“Are you shitting me JD? You know she’s just going to come by here. You can’t expect her not too. You know her MO. I’m surprised she hasn’t already.” Matt looked like he was ready to pack up and move.

“Yeah that’s why I’m heading out. We need to get my truck anyway. Be an excuse for neither of us to be here.” I set my mug in the sink. “Gonna grab a shower first.”

I heard Matt mumbling under his breath but didn’t bother trying to make out the words or ask him what the hell his deal was. He’d already voiced his opinion multiple fucking times about the Kylee situation; I damn sure didn’t need a reiteration.

I padded down the hall into the bathroom and got busy getting my shower knocked out without wetting the bandage over my side too badly. The first 48 hours I was supposed to keep the sight dry. Then I could finally ditch the bandage.

Getting out, I removed the tape and now damp gauze, checking the staples that lined up on my skin and made the decision that a new tat would be going on that side once the injury completely healed up. I’d be putting a call into Skullz and Flamez Ink as soon as I could to cover my newest scar. They did all my work and Lydia, the owner did amazing ink. She’d done almost all the designs that covered me. At 16 I had been one of her first canvases, at 22 I was a walking album of her skills and the girl had them in spades, so much so that she didn’t do walk ins anymore. Funny shit about it was, she was only two years older than me. Mad fucking skills.

The flesh the staples bit into at my injury were holding it together nicely and weren’t angry red, just a shade of purple. It seemed that Doc Christine had done a good job. I needed to make sure I thanked Sam again for the help. If I’d had to hit an ER, it was likely that I would have faced cops and though I knew Sam was protecting his interest in Cellar Door, he also knew what that place meant for people like me. I doubt he would have just taken any fighter to his daughter for care and that spoke silent volumes of the man’s character and the reason why I had gotten involved.

Applying a topical antibacterial ointment, I re-bandaged my side, shaved off the stubble on my face and made my way to my bedroom to get some clean clothes on feeling sore but half way human.

Voices sounded from the front of the apartment, a very loud and angry one that I immediately recognized. I moved to my bedroom door and cracked it wishing I had an exit straight from my room to the parking lot to avoid what was coming. Apparently my dick was high tailing it north leaving me with a vag.  I could hear Kylee going off on Matt, the innocent bystander, so I manned up and headed down the hallway quietly, fastening my shorts as I went.

“What do you mean he’s not here Matt? I have been calling him since yesterday. Where did he go? Has he taken his meds? Have you checked his side to make sure it’s not draining or infected?” I was willing to bet cold hard cash Kylee had a finger shoved in Matt’s chest poking at him with each question.

“I’m not his keeper Kylee. He wants to go, he can go. This is home, not a damn prison ward. He’s a grown ass man. I’m not here as a baby sitter. JD’s my roommate, my fucking friend. I get paid to scout his fights, to work on getting him back in the legit world of fighting so that he can go pro, because I believe he can. I’m not here to play Dr. Phil between you and him and you’re inability to communicate with each other.” Matt’s voice had risen and I could tell how much the strain of being in the middle of Kylee and I was getting to him. Matt didn’t lose his shit unless there was a reason too. Fucking Christ, the kid took care of too damn much as it was, he didn’t need this too.

I cleared the last few steps from the hallway; striding into the living room, t-shirt in hand; both Matt and Kylee giving me shocked looks. I was right; she had a digit shoved in his chest. I put in the appearance, walking into the shitstorm that was in full force and rounded on Kylee.

“You got a problem with me, leave Matt the hell out of it. If I don’t answer my phone it’s because I don’t have something to say or I’m busy. Me not answering isn’t an invite to show up giving Matt a rash of shit that I deserve.” I pulled my shirt on wincing when the muscle and skin on my injured side pulled tight at the staples beneath the fresh bandage. As my head popped through I caught both their incredulous looks. Matt’s because of what I’d said to Kylee and her’s because of the fact I was in the room when she’d clearly been put on notice that I wasn’t home.

I didn’t give her time to fire up about that. “What is it that has your panties in a wad this early in the morning Kylee?”

Her dark eyes blazed, her finger retracting from Matt’s chest to poke into mine. “Don’t you dare try to ignore me damn you JD! I was worried about you and you didn’t frigging answer. I thought we were passed that crap.” She was throwing my words right back in my face.

I wrapped two of my fingers around the one she had jabbed in my breast bone and pulled it down, tugging her at the same time. She stumbled forwards, her body falling up against mine as I forced myself to ignore the sharp stab of pain at my side.

I’d tried Friday night to explain myself and failed but she’d been right, the night had been too fucked for that kind of conversation. It was nothing but pride that had me ignoring her calls Saturday. I knew I didn’t deserve her but damn it, every time she was in my line of sight, I wanted her. It was time we had it out because I wasn’t letting her believe for one more fucking minute that I didn’t want her. “Don’t blame Matt because of something I did to piss you off. He’s your friend Kylee. He’s not the enemy.”

Her head tipped back, her stubborn chin rising as she pointed those big browns at me and glared. “Then don’t put him in the middle by covering for you. If you don’t want to talk, tell me.”

I couldn’t stop the smirk as I lowered my face down to hers to whisper against her ear. “If I’m not talking to you, how am I supposed to tell you that? Kind of the opposite wouldn’t you say?”

I could hear the scowl in Kylee’s voice; her small body beginning to tremor as she whispered back.  It was validation that Kylee was as affected by me as I was her. Man that sat all kinds of right with me. “Text is not audible but counts as telling me. I just wanted to know you were okay. I needed to know damn it.”

Matt’s shuffled foot steps out of the room weren’t lost on me and my smirk turned into a wicked grin even with the hell cat I had my arms wrapped around.

“I would have reached out to you when I was ready baby girl.”

Kylee stiffened against me. “It’s not always your call to make JD. You can’t decide when the people who care about are allowed to actually care about you. It’s not a light switch that’s turned on or off.”

It was my turn to go rigid. She was wrong. I’d seen it. Lived it first fucking hand that sometimes with people it was an on-off switch, sometimes it was just stuck on off. My dad had pounded that in to me well.

Soft lips grazed my jaw, the shock pulling me back to where I was, the gentle press of her mouth to my skin causing my dick to swell and my mind to short circuit.

“JD, not everybody is like your dad. Some of us care all the time and will never stop. Even when you’re being a jerk and confusing the hell out of me.”

Don’t know that I was buying into that but her lips rubbing against my skin, her body pulled up tight to me kept me from arguing the point. I dipped my head capturing her lips, my mouth covering hers, my tongue teasing the seam of her lips until they parted. A soft moan from Kylee poured into my mouth. Plunging past the soft pillows, I tangled my tongue with hers, ours dueling, sliding against one another, the taste pure Kylee. It was something I could look for forever and never duplicate. Talk about firing someone up, it was fucking killing me, the need to be closer, to explore, taste and tease her riding me hard.

She groaned; the sound vibrating against me and I was done for. Fuck the stab wound; I’d deal with the pain later; talking could wait. It was supposed to be just a kiss, I think that’s all I meant but that had taken a sharp left hand turn as Kylee matched my fervor. My intentions headed wholly in another direction; one my body was fully ready to follow.

I gathered Kylee’s denim clad ass in my hands and scooped her up, her legs wrapping low around my waist and headed to my bedroom, each step creating friction between us that was driving me bat shit crazy with need, the wound at my side barely a whisper.  I was never so fucking happy to grace my bedroom door and kicked it shut behind us.

Leaning a knee onto my bed, I deposited Kylee on it, the mattress sinking beneath her slight weight, our mouths not separating as we explored one another. Our tongues danced and swirled around each other while I eased her back with my sheer weight, crowding her with my body. I slide a hand beneath the small tank top she had on, my fingers splaying across her side, floating up over her skin to cup her breast over the lacy bra she was wearing. She shuddered at my touch, her body responding like it was made just for me.

Kylee’s back arched bringing her hips closer to mine and my already erect dick jerked in anticipation. I was trying to maintain some control; to make sure that she would get as much pleasure from this as I would when all my dick wanted was to sink into her slick warmth and claim her. My skin felt flushed, heat running along it like an electrical pulse; my whole being on fucking go. Kylee could get me there faster than any woman I’d ever been with and there’d been a few. It was more than just firing it up, it was the connection that had existed between us for as long as we’d known each other.

I pushed her bra up over one breast, filled my palm with the warm weight of the globe, my thumb ghosting across her rosy nipple. The peak swelled; the nub standing at attention and I pulled back from our kiss, to lower my head down to her breast and sucked that sweet pink tip between my lips, my tongue laving across the sensitive area, my teeth scraping the tender flesh.

Kylee’s hands dug into the sides of my head, gripping the short strands of my dark hair as I sucked the puckered peak further between my lips, my hips rocking against hers, the arch of her back bringing her sweet flesh more fully into my mouth.

We had way too fucking many clothes on, I felt like my shorts were strangling my raging erection. Kylee beat me to the thought, her hands shimmying down between us to dispose of her shorts and underwear, the process bringing her body up to mine more fully when she bridged up to pull them down over her hips. I couldn’t stop the groan that I let loose around her nipple, my heated breath washing over it. Kylee’s nails dug into the sides of my head again, holding me to her as she moaned out my name. My dick grew even thicker at the sound.

Shoving the other side of her bra up, I gave her other breast the same treatment, tugging and sucking the supple nipple into my mouth, relenting long enough to let Kylee pull my t-shirt over my head and arms. Her breaths came out in pants as I teased the soft flesh of her breast with my mouth and tongue, the other with my finger and thumb, tweaking the swollen peak until Kylee was writhing beneath me, a myriad of sounds falling from her lips.

My chest bare, I needed more, had to have full skin to skin and helped Kylee wriggle free from her tank top, her nimble fingers taking care of her bra quicker than I could. Pulling back I gazed down at the expanse of skin Kylee was showing. She was completely naked and I soaked in every inch of that perfection, my dick throbbing painfully against my shorts. Kylee’s eyes traced my ink, her fingers following along, running over my arms and chest causing me to suck in a breath, my muscles bunching up. The feel of her fingers running over my skin had me wanting her hands wrapped around my cock. 

Moving my hands to my shorts I got the offending fabric out of the way, stepping out of each leg before kicking them away from me. My cock jutted straight out in front of me, Kylee’s eyes going wide when she lowered her gaze down to my thick length. The pink tip of her tongue did a slow lap around her lips and that simple action almost brought me to my knees. Kylee had me on go, well past it, full fucking throttle.

I lowered myself over her, resting my forearms along both sides of her head, letting my weight set over her small frame. I held there, just above her, not wanting to force this between us but unable to voice that shit. Kylee solved it when she reached between us and wrapped her slender fingers around my cock, my body spasming at the pure rush of pleasure that flashed through me.

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