Caged Heat (Black Meadow Pack) (6 page)

Read Caged Heat (Black Meadow Pack) Online

Authors: Milly Taiden

Tags: #werewolves, #paranormal erotic romance

BOOK: Caged Heat (Black Meadow Pack)
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“Don’t you think she has a say?”
Troy chuckled. “
I mean from what Nat keeps saying, women aren’t won over by being told what to do. She’s very loud about reminding me of that.”

Riel pictured the scene on Sam’s sofa. She’d come apart in his arms, and there had been enough heat in her eyes to make him want to beg her to let him make her his. “
no. She’s made her choice. If her body’s response is any indication, she wants me. I’m not waiting another five years. She’s here now, and that’s how it’s going to stay.”

Troy growled, and Riel moved to the spot his friend crouched by.

“It smells sweet,”
Troy complained. “
Like an overripe fruit.”

There were no fruit trees in Sam’s yard. Riel sniffed at the spot. “
It’s not fruit. It’s perfume. A fruity type of perfume or maybe a body spray.”

Leaves crunched under their paws with each step they took, the sound louder to their sensitive animal ears. Once they returned to his yard, they shifted, dressed, and sat by the pool.

The lines of Troy’s face were pulled tight with concern. “I think there’s more here than just a prank, Ry.”

Riel thought of the sweet fragrance and memorized it. Something about it didn’t sit right. Women wore scents like that, but what woman would leave a dead dog for Sam? The ringing of his cell phone pulled him out of his musings. Sophia’s name lit his screen.

He grinned and answered quickly. “Sophia, you sexy woman. When are you going to leave that ogre you call a mate and run away with me?” Sophia was one of his favorite people. She was a little crazy and so much fun.

“I’m seriously considering it, Ry. Even if it’s just so I can get some sleep.” She laughed.

She sighed, which worried him. “Are you OK? The twins?”

Her chuckle sounded across the line. “Yes. You sound just like Chase. Actually the reason I’m calling is because I’m coming over with Shane and Selena. I want to talk to you about something.”

Riel’s brows lifted in surprise. Normally Sophia asked him to go to her, not the other way around. “Does Chase know you’re coming this way?”

She laughed again. “Of course. Do you think he’d just sit by while I took off with the kids without knowing where he could find us? He’d come chasing after us to make sure we’re OK. I don’t need that kind of stress in my life. Two fifteen-month-old twins trying to climb over everything are enough to keep any person on the brink of insanity. Not that I ever claimed to be sane. Anyway we’ll see you in a bit. I just wanted to make sure you were home.”

The line went dead before he got a chance to say anything else. He chuckled. Ever since the hyena episode two years back, Sophia said he was her new, adopted brother. She always made sure to find out what he was up to and bring him to family gatherings. She and her sister, Julia, loved calling on him for all kinds of favors. Their favorite was for him to babysit while they went shopping, but he didn’t mind. Especially when he got to spend time with all the kids at the same time. Shane, Selena, and Jasen were his favorite kids. There was never a dull moment when those three were nearby.

“Sophia, huh?” Troy grinned.

Everyone got a kick out of her. She had gone from quiet scientist to outspoken leader in the blink of an eye. They loved watching her when she got big pack Alpha Chase to do whatever she wanted without batting a lash.

Riel nodded. “Yeah. She’s coming this way. Says she wants to discuss something.”

Troy laughed. “Uh-oh. It sounds like you’re going to be babysitting again. How much shopping can those two women do?”

Riel headed toward his kitchen. “I don’t know, but I can tell you this. There’s one room in each of their houses dedicated to shoes. Only shoes. I don’t understand why all the shoes. They can only wear them one pair at a time, but they must have a collection. It’s scary.” He pulled two soda cans out of his fridge and threw one to Troy.

“Yeah.” Troy smirked. “Just wait until you figure out what Sam’s weird shopping joy is.”

Riel thought back. Ginny never mentioned Sam having a preference for shopping sprees. “I don’t think she has one.”

Troy gulped down the soda. “Trust me, she has one. They all have something they like to buy. Shoes, clothes, bags, hats, books, trinkets, et cetera. I don’t know why, but they love to buy stuff.”

Riel doubted all women had that. Sam didn’t seem like the type to spend mindless hours shopping. But if she did like shopping, he had more than enough space in his house for all the shoes she wanted to buy.

Troy dumped the empty soda can in the recycling bin. “I’m going to check on the teens around the area. You have fun with the little ones. Don’t think I don’t know you love being surrounded by babies. I’ve never met a man that liked kids as much as you.”

“Don’t hate. You’re just jealous because they like me better.” Riel laughed and pushed his friend out the front door. So what if he liked kids. Until he had some of his own, he could enjoy Shane and Selena.

“I’m not jealous.” Troy flushed.

Ry laughed. “Oh, I know what this is about. You’re embarrassed aren’t you?”

“You’re crazy. Didn’t you just ask for my help?”

“Hang on a second.” He studied Troy’s features. Color rose to the other man’s face. “Is this still over her first turn?”

Troy folded his arms over his chest, glaring at Ry. “She bit me!”

Ry couldn’t stop the laughter as he remembered the episode. “You should’ve stayed out of the yard.”

“You were there.” Troy’s voice rivaled that of a petulant child. “She didn’t bite

Ry shrugged. “Chase warned everyone to stay out of his yard.”

“But you got to be there.”

Riel remembered how Chase had dragged Sophia out of the house to the yard to get her to finally embrace the two animals she had inside. She had been scared to shift, unsure of how painful it would feel. The alpha had sent everyone away from his house, and only Julia and Riel remained. Sophia had ordered Riel to “keep his ass put” when he was about to leave, and Chase had allowed it.

It had been a thing of beauty. Chase had instructed her the entire time to close her eyes and see her wolf, to touch it and allow it to roam free. She’d torn through the dress as the shift took over. It had been the fastest shift he’d ever seen, almost as if her wolf had been dying to get out. Moments later she was a petite gray wolf. She took off on a run instantly. Chase tore through his clothes and let his wolf chase after his mate. It was a while before they returned from their run in the attached forest. At the time, Ry had been sitting in the yard with the kids, and Troy showed up.

“You were tossing her baby in the air. Shane was screaming.”

Troy scowled, unfolded his arms, and fisted his hands to his sides. “He was squealing in joy, Ry. I wasn’t hurting him.”

That was true, but the big, golden lioness that leapt out of the forest and went for Troy’s ass hadn’t been interested in the baby’s screams being of joy. Her mother instincts took over in Sophia’s cat, and she rushed to her cub’s rescue.

“Chase stopped her.” Riel grinned. It always made him chuckle to remember the momentary growling struggle between the alpha wolf and his feline mate.

Troy’s flush turned a deeper shade of red. “She still bit my ass.”

“Next time, stay out of the yard when Chase orders it.”

“I’m going to check on the teens around here, before she decides to bite my ass again when she arrives.”

Riel stood by the door, laughing and watching Troy cross the street to his own house. A large hybrid SUV he recognized as Sophia’s turned into his driveway. He ran down to her car and opened the backdoor to pull out Selena.

The little girl squealed and started chanting, “My Ry Ry.”

“That’s right princess. I’m all yours.” He grinned and hugged the girl’s little body tight. Her short brown curls had escaped her pigtails. Her gray eyes twinkled with mirth.

Holding the little girl in his arms, he went around the car and allowed Sophia to give him a kiss on the cheek. She was losing weight. Her cheekbones were more prominent than before. Shadows marred her eyes. “Are you OK? You look exhausted.”

She grinned and strolled into his house. They headed straight for the backyard where he always had a playpen for the kids. Sophia placed Shane in the portable playpen and took a seat on a lounger right next to it.

“I’m fine. Nothing a few months of sleep won’t cure. I guess I’ll have to hire a nanny in order to get some rest with this pregnancy.”

Riel had been bouncing Selena on his lap and stopped. He grinned and stood to give her a hug. “Congratulations. I am guessing Chase is going to turn into an even bigger paranoid papa?”

Sophia laughed and sat back down. “You have no idea. He’s already told me I need to let him know if I feel sick at any point. He’s promised to get a nurse from the pack clinic to take care of me. He doesn’t seem to understand that all I need is some sleep.”

Riel studied her face. “Are you sure?”

“Positive. I know my news is wonderful, but that’s not why I came to see you.” Excitement sounded in her words. The way she said that made him a little worried.

“OK. What do you need?”

“Actually, it’s what you need. You need help. I’m here to offer it.”

He groaned. He hoped she wasn’t going where he thought. “What? What help?”

Sophia chuckled when he attempted a pout. Selena, noticing his pout, grabbed hold of his bottom lip and pulled. “Come on, Ry. You told me about Samira remember? I know she’s back. So I have an idea.”

Uh-oh. Sophia looked like she was going to make it her business to get Riel and Sam together.

He kissed Selena’s neck, and the little girl giggled. She smacked his cheeks with her chubby hands.

Riel was afraid to ask but had to know. “Sophia I am the sexiest man in this town, I don’t need help.” He sighed when she raised one perfectly arched brow. “OK, fine. What’s your idea?”

“A barbeque.” She grinned. “It’s really easy. We’ll have a huge barbeque, and you’ll bring her with you, and she’ll see how awesome you are with the kids. Trust me, that is a major wow factor with women.”

Riel wondered if Julia would show up later on with her own ideas on how to get him and Sam together. Sophia glanced at the house across the yard. Sam’s gaze was fixed on him and Selena. There was softness in her eyes and a wistful smile on her face.

“Then again we might not need to do anything after all.” Sophia stood and headed toward Sam’s yard.

His Alpha’s mate introduced herself to Sam.

“Hi. I’m Sophia Blackburn. Would you like to join us? I promise not to bite, although I can’t guarantee my kids won’t. They’re still going through the wanting-to-gnaw-at-everything-they-see phase.”

Sam shook Sophia’s hand. Indecision rushed across her face. When Selena blew bubbles, Sam nodded and quickly made her way toward his yard. As she neared, she caught sight of Shane and squealed. Complete adoration covered her face.

“They’re twins! What a handsome little boy. They are so cute.” Sam turned to Sophia. “May I hold him?”

Sophia grinned and sat next to the playpen. “Knock yourself out. As much as I want to hold them both all day, my arms get kind of tired. He’s Shane, and the little princess in Ry’s arms is Selena.”

Sam picked up Shane, and the little boy stared at her for a long moment.

“Hi, Shane. I’m Samira. Can you say Sam?” She was staring at the child, fascinated. “You are the cutest little boy I have ever seen.” Shane appeared instantly won over, because he grabbed handfuls of her hair and pulled her head down. Then he sniffed her cheek and said “Sam.”

Riel pictured Sam with their own children. She cooed and bounced Shane.

Sophia sniffed. She raised her brows and glanced pointedly at Riel. He had no idea what she scented. Her sense of smell had developed into a lethal weapon since she’d gotten pregnant the first time around.

“Sam, what do you do?” Sophia asked.

Riel could see the wheels turning in her head. Sophia’s scientific mind was a dangerous thing.

Sam sat on a lounger and bounced Shane on her lap. She caressed the little boy’s face with so much affection one would think it was her child. “I’m a teacher.”

“And I understand you were volunteering?”

Sam glanced at Sophia, who was smiling at Shane’s antics; the boy was tugging on Sam’s hair. “I met Ginny, and she loved speaking highly of you.”

Sam nodded. “Yes. I was in Brazil this past year and in Somalia before that. I’m back now.”

“To stay, I presume?”

“Yes. I… It’s time to be home.” She sighed.

“So tell me about Brazil. It sounds exotic.” Sophia asked with enough enthusiasm that Sam wouldn’t know she was being interviewed. Only Riel could see right through what she was doing.

“Not really. I taught kids and adults in the Amazon. In fact, the most interesting thing that happened while I was down there was me getting bitten by a stray wolf.”

“What?” Sophia and Riel yelled at once.

Riel glanced down at Selena. She pouted, her eyes filling with tears. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Sam continued to grin at Shane and answered. “Oh, it was nothing. I got all kinds of tests and vaccinations. Let’s just say there’s not a single bug inside my body that could have resisted all the medication I was given.”

Sophia glanced at him. She bit her lip and widened her eyes to give him a silent signal. He knew exactly what she was wondering. Was that a regular wolf or a wolf-shifter? Her blood would need to be tested. A lump formed in his throat. She didn’t appear to be sick or going through the change. That pacified him somewhat.

Sophia continued her inquisition. “Sam, do you have any shifters in your family?”

Riel wondered why she asked that question. Sam and her relatives were human. She scented human to him. He continued to watch Sam rock Shane in her arms. The little boy’s head drooped to her shoulder, and his eyes closed.

Sam’s voice was soft when she replied. “No. None that I’ve ever heard of. In fact, I understand my mom was friends with some, and that made her the black sheep of the family.”

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