Cage's Misconduct (NHL Scorpions #3) (26 page)

BOOK: Cage's Misconduct (NHL Scorpions #3)
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“That’s great, Cage. Really, but it’s hardly a reason to get married.”

“No, but your having to go back to Canada is. Why are you being so damn stubborn? Just fucking marry me and stay.” Maybe not the best choice of words?

“Oh, that’s so romantic. I could put that in my diary. Engagement:
Just fucking marry me.

“Look. We’re both getting frustrated. Do us both a favor and think about it while I’m gone. I’ll call you when I get there.”

“I have a better idea. Why don’t you
call me from San Fran, and give me some time to think about it. My thoughts get mixed up when I talk to you. I want the decision to be mine. I don’t want to be bullied into something like this.”

“You don’t want to talk to me for four days? Can I text you?”

I felt a bit of the tension slip when she laughed. “It’s not that, really. I’m not mad or anything, and I will miss you, but no. Don’t text me. Well, text me so that I know you made it there safely.” Her voice softened. “I just need to think. I want to stay, I do, but getting married so that I can switch countries is a pretty big deal in my book.”

“Okay, Karen. You can have your time, but I’m not giving up. I don’t want you to leave.” The more we talked about marriage and the more I thought about it myself, the less crazy it sounded. It was a perfect solution. If for some reason it didn’t work, marriage didn’t have to be a permanent thing. In a perfect world, I only wanted to get married once, but what I wanted and reality were usually not the same thing. “I’ll text you when I pick up my car.”

“Okay. Have a safe flight.”


Funny thing happened in San Francisco. Actually it wasn’t so funny. My agent and I went out to grab a bite to eat before we got down to business. Since I was out of playing mode for a while, I let myself have a big, greasy bacon cheeseburger, cooked medium, and fries. It was fantastic. It also gave me salmonella poisoning.

I won’t give you the details. It wasn’t pretty. I was in San Fran for a full week longer than expected. It took me a good seven days just to feel secure enough to leave the vicinity of the bathroom for any length of time. Yeah, I know. I told you it wasn’t pretty.

I was so sick that I didn’t care about the outside world. I didn’t even bother Karen except to return her texts telling her I was still sick.

By the time I got home, Karen was moving around pretty well. It was now a month into her healing. She even picked me up at the airport.

I seriously needed to buy a new car. Rentals were getting old. I wanted my own vehicle. I just didn’t know what I wanted to buy. So today, the day after I got home, Karen and I were going car shopping.

She pulled up to my place in Jody’s truck and I hopped in. I leaned over and gave her a kiss. I didn’t look for permission anymore, I just stole my kisses. She didn’t put up a fight anymore, either. I took that as a good sign.

“So where are we going?”

I still wasn’t sure what I wanted. An Audi? Another BMW? Maybe a truck? Or maybe not a truck. Certainly not one that looked anything like the one that had almost killed Karen. “Head over to the auto mall. There are a bunch of dealerships over there. It’s by Target.”

“Oh, yeah. I know where you’re talking about. What kind of car are you going to get?”

“I don’t know. Any suggestions?”

She looked at me curiously. “Why not go for something totally outside the box? Something impractical and fun?”

“Like what? I can tell you’ve got a car in mind. What’s your favorite car, Karen?”

“I love Audis, but specifically the Audi R8, or hell an R10 if you’re feeling really adventurous.”

“It’s a hot car for sure, but it’s only a two seater.”

“I know, but you asked. It’s too expensive anyway.”

Money was not an issue. I’d been pretty smart with my money since I made the NHL. I had millions invested, and probably a million liquid. My family was taken care of, and I lived in a tiny cottage. The money was great, but I didn’t need half of what I had. “It’s not too expensive. I just don’t know what I’d do when the boys are here. Or if I get a dog or something.”

“You’re thinking about getting a dog?”

Ever since Karen had mentioned the house with a yard so her future dog could run, I thought about it too. One of the charities I gave most regularly to was the SPCA. I had a soft spot for animals, which was probably why I had a chinchilla. I’d gone into the pet store a while ago to buy some supplies to take over to the SPCA when I saw this man petting a chinchilla and talking about what a great coat she would make. He wanted to breed them. Well, fuck that. I scooped her out of his hands and told him she was already sold. I knew I couldn’t save them all, but I saved Charlie that day.

“Maybe. I just want to keep my options open. I was thinking about getting a truck. Kind of like this one, but bigger.” Did I need a bigger truck? No. Did I want a bigger truck than Jody? Hell yes. Plus, if I was ever going to be in another accident, I wanted to be the one in the big truck, not the one being hit by it.

“You just want your truck to be bigger than my brother’s.”

“Yes. Yes I do.”

“Okay, then let’s go get you a big truck that you really don’t need.”

My brains took over at the dealership, and I wound up getting the same truck as Jody, only two years newer and a better color. “Thanks for coming with me, Karen. Do you want to come to my place for dinner? I’ll make some filets and baked potatoes with all the toppings.” I knew she loved the toppings.

“You really know the way to my heart, don’t you? I’m surprised you want to eat red meat after what you just went through.”

“I’ve done a lot of research on salmonella. You don’t get it from solid meat. It’s from ground meat, so I’m good to go. It’ll be a long time before I eat a burger that I didn’t cook myself though, I can tell you that.”

“Then yes. Dinner sounds great. I’ll grab us some beer and maybe a bottle of wine. What time?”

We were still at the dealership. Since it took an obscene amount of time to buy a vehicle, I figured I still had a good hour to go. “I have to hit the grocery store after this.” I looked at my watch to give her a solid time. “How about if you come over around four? We can relax on the deck for a while and have dinner around five or so.”

“Perfect. I’ll see you then.”


I got out of the dealership sooner than I thought I would. By the time Karen got to my place, I not only had all of the fixings cut up and cooked for the baked potatoes, but I also had the steaks marinating and some veggies cut up to munch on. Plus I’d stopped at my favorite Mexican restaurant to pick up some of their salsa and chips. I lived on that stuff. I put it on everything, but most of the time I used it as a dip for cut up veggies. They were easier to eat that way.

“Wow, what’s all this?”

“Just some munchies for us. Come here.” She looked delectable. Jeans weren’t on the table for her yet, but her dark red yoga pants worked just fine for me. Nice and snug across the bottom.


“What, what? I just want a hug. I didn’t get to hug you earlier. I’ve missed you. It’s been over a week since I’ve seen you.” I didn’t even realize how much I’d missed her, even in my sickness, until I saw her standing right there in my kitchen. When her gaze met mine, my heart turned over. So, that was how it was. Now I knew. I’d suspected, but now I knew for sure.

She walked over to me without hesitation, and I wrapped her up in my arms. God, she felt so good. I’d hold her forever if she’d let me. But she pulled back much too soon.

“So, I told you I’d think about your offer.”

Oh shit. I didn’t think I was ready to hear her final decision. “Let’s talk about it after dinner.” Without giving her a chance to respond, I buried my face in her neck, simply inhaling her captivating scent. Her arms came up and locked about my neck, fingers running through my hair.



“Kiss me.”

There was no need to ask me twice. I grasped her chin firmly and held her steady as my lips descended upon hers. She immediately opened for me and my tongue slipped inside. My hands were roaming up and down her back. I would never get enough of this woman.

Our kiss went on and on until we were both struggling to get a deep breath. I was careful not to push my hips into her, although it was hard. Literally and figuratively. I wanted to grind myself up against her so she knew exactly how affected I was by her kiss. She pulled back slightly and dropped her chin to my chest with a sigh of pleasure. “You sure do know what you’re doing with those lips.”

I reached down and grabbed her bottom again. “Just my lips?”

“No, not just your lips, but that’s all I can physically handle right now. I’m going to need a couple of more weeks.”

I raised her head up and put our foreheads together. “I know, sweetheart. I can wait as long as you need. You’re worth it.”

Her eyes filled with unshed tears, and I just knew she was thinking about Freddy. He hadn’t thought she was worth much at all. “You are. You’re worth anything. Everything. I’ll wait as long as I need to. I’m yours, Karen. Only yours.”

She reached up and pulled my lips down to hers again in the sweetest kiss I’d ever received. It wasn’t hot and heavy. It wasn’t filled with unrestrained passion, it was a thank you. A thank you for showing her how much value she had. I didn’t think I owned anything that had value like she did. Not even my lucky stick.

“I don’t want to wait until after dinner.”

“Huh?” My brain wasn’t functioning normally yet.


“Yes? Yes, what?”

“I’ll marry you.”

I was caught off guard by her words. “You’ll what?” The tenderness in her expression amazed me.

Her glorious laughter took up the space in the room as she put her hand over my heart. “I’ve never seen that expression on your face before, Cage. Are you sure you want to go through with it?”

“Yes. I’m sure. Wait here.” I ran up to my bedroom and grabbed the stack of papers I’d downloaded from the Internet the day I left for San Francisco. I returned to the kitchen as Karen was eating a carrot. “Here.” I shoved the papers in her free hand and waited for her to read them.

“Holy shit.” Her hand flew to her mouth. “How long have you had these?”

“Just a little while.”

She broke into a wide open smile that hid nothing. I knew she was well and truly convinced. “They’re my sponsor papers for citizenship.”

“Yes. As your husband, I’ll have to fill out all of that to sponsor you. There’s a bit more to it than that, but that’s the first step. When?”

“When?” Her eyes were still scanning the papers.

“When do you want to get married?”

“I don’t know. In a month or so?”

“Okay. Anytime you want.” I wanted her to move in with me that very night, but I was afraid to ask. She’d just agreed to marry me. It might not be the best time to push my luck. I couldn’t believe how happy I was. I wasn’t worried one bit. Ah, the hell with it. “Move in with me. Tonight. Tomorrow.”

She shook her head no. I knew I should have kept my trap shut. “Not yet. The boys are coming soon. It’s already arranged with your mother. We’ll move in together after they leave, okay?”

Jaden and Ethan were due here at the end of the week. They were staying until the third of July, and then I was flying home with them to visit my mom for a week. “Okay. Why don’t you come with me when I take the boys home in July? You can meet my mom.”

“I think that sounds perfect.” Her smile vanished in a look of panic. “Oh shit.”

Alarm bells went off in my head. She hadn’t thought of something that would change her mind, had she? “What? Just tell me.”

“Well, we have to tell Jody.”

Powerful relief filled me. That was her worry? “It’ll be fine. We’ll tell him together. He’ll just be glad to have you here, don’t you think?”

There was a shimmer of doubt in her eyes, but she agreed with me. “Yeah. I’m sure you’re right.”

I wasn’t sure at all. I just didn’t care what he had to say.

Chapter 23



He laughed.
. Just tossed the idea right out the window. “Funny. No, Karen. You’re not marrying Cage.”

We were sitting around the picnic table at Jody’s house. I think the only reason I still had a nose that wasn’t broken again was because Jody was holding Addie.

“Oh, you don’t think so? Here’s a newsflash for you. You don’t make my decisions for me, Jody. We’re not going to have this discussion again. Aren’t you happy that I’ll be staying here?”

He frowned at her while Addie bounced on his lap. “Of course, but we’ll find another way. You’re not marrying him. He’ll never be faithful, Karen. You know that.”

“Hey—” Karen cut me off.

“No, I don’t know that. You’re wrong about him, and I think you know it. What’s this really about, Jody? If you say Freddy, I’ll rip your head off myself.”

“You don’t understand! You weren’t there when I got the phone call. You didn’t feel what I did. I felt worthless. I should have taken that prick out before he could harm you at all. You just don’t get it.”

Karen’s eyes were wide as she shook her head in disbelief. “
don’t get it? I don’t understand how
felt? I guess I don’t. I was too busy losing my baby in the hospital! You don’t know everything big brother, but know this. You have to move on. It was done to
, not you. I’ve moved on. I need you to do the same.”

“Baby?” He handed Addie to Lacey and gripped Karen’s hands. “Oh my God, honey. Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

“Give yourself a minute here and think about that. Where do you think you’d be if we told you about Freddy killing my baby?”

His face contorted with anger and pent up frustration about something he could no longer do anything about. “But—”

Karen’s voice lost all its fight. “No, no buts. Answer me. Where would you be?”

“In jail. I would have killed him.”

“I know. Mom knew that too, so we didn’t tell you. So listen up, brother mine. If you ever compare Cage to Freddy again, we’re done. I love you, but I won’t let you run my life. Like it or not, Cage loves me. Maybe it’s not the kind of love most marriages are based on, but we care about each other. We’re attracted to each other and we’re going to do our best to make this a real marriage. It’s what we both want.”

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