Caitlin's Hero (5 page)

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Authors: Donna Gallagher

BOOK: Caitlin's Hero
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Grabbing her coat and keys, she went to the lounge to say she was leaving. It was a shock to see the look of surprise in Riley’s eyes when he saw her outfit.

“Caitlin Walters, what are you wearing?” he choked out. “You look so different—I mean, in a good way. So grown up!” He giggled.

June playfully slapped at him to shush and winked at Caitlin, smiling as she added her thoughts. “You look beautiful, Caitlin. Go sing your heart out. Maybe someone will be there to catch it tonight, my girl.”

* * * *

Caitlin arrived at Mia’s a little early but wanted to have a quick meeting with Roberto about the final playlist and what was expected from them for tonight. Angelo had told her the night was a fundraising event. The tickets cost one hundred and fifty dollars each, and all seats had been pre-sold. Caitlin was amazed that so many people would pay so much for a dinner at Mia’s that would normally cost a quarter of the price. It was a good feeling to know people out there cared enough to help others in need. She’d have loved to donate her share of tonight’s wages, but then she wouldn’t have enough for Riley’s swimming fees. However, she decided she’d donate any tips she might make.

As Roberto started tinkling at the piano keys, Caitlin knew it was time to make her way onstage. Angelo had created a small alcove perfect for a
area. The stage floor was raised up a
couple of
feet above the main room’s floor level and further enhanced by a brick archway that also gave the performers a private spot, out of the public eye. The archway created a divide between the main floor and
raised platform
. As Caitlin stuck the playlist on the brick wall, out of eyeshot of the main room, she noticed some of the guests arriving.

lights were still off, so Caitlin had a good view of the room. She could see Angelo nervously buzzing around. He was still waiting for the organiser to arrive and had hoped to introduce them, so Caitlin could receive any last-minute directions needed for the night to run smoothly. From her spot peeking out from behind the archway, she oohed and ahhed at some of the outfits the obviously well-to-do guests were wearing—designer handbags and expensive jewellery were plentiful in the room tonight. It wasn’t the usual clientele of Mia’s Italian Restaurant, and she worried that she might not be up to the task of entertaining such a group.

Reminding herself that the people were not really here to be entertained by her and Roberto, but to raise funds to buy wheelchairs for children, Caitlin motioned to Roberto that she was ready to begin. They had decided to start the night off with a few slower songs—background music while the guests enjoyed their meals, not even bothering to turn on the stage lighting because the night was not about them. Caitlin heard the familiar introduction to one of her favourite songs, the theme from the latest
movie. It wasn’t
taste b
ecause of its original singer, but it was still one she enjoyed performing. As she lost herself in the music, all nerves and apprehension she’d previously felt
She felt so at home on the stage.

* * * *

Brodie was late.

He hated not being punctual, but he had taken too long in the shower. He had been haunted by the memory of Caitlin Walters many times over the last few days and every time he thought of her, his cock stood
attention. It was becoming a problem, and he had taken to relieving himself just so he could function like a normal human being, without the ache of his constantly swollen cock distracting him.

As he had stood under the spray with his eyes closed, soaking up the warmth of the water on his still muscle-fatigued body, he had thought of her. The feel of her legs wrapped around him, her pebbled nipples pushing against him… And he had let his imagination take over.

Brodie had picked up the soap, made a thick lather in his hands and grabbed his cock, which was stiff as a post. He had begun to roughly stroke up and down as his imagination took off.

He could almost taste her nipples as he drew them into his hungry mouth, the fullness of her breasts pressed hard
his face as he drew those nipples further behind his lips and teeth, nipping gently at them, suckling and lapping first at one breast, then the other. He could imagine the little gasps and groans that would come from her as he lavished attention on her beautiful body…

All the while he’d stroked his length up and down in a ruthless rhythm, feeling the tightness in his balls as his ejaculation had neared.

She took hold of him, put her soft, silky fingers around his cock, the feeling of her hand on him incredibly making him harder. She pumped her fingers up and down,
before exploring the circumference of his swollen head, playfully delivering a
few faint taps
before returning to pump and stroke the whole length again. She tentatively touched his balls, and he sighed at the intense pleasure as she rolled them gently in her hand…

Brodie had felt the release as it travelled up his shaft and exploded from the end of his cock. He
another few good, long pulls as the spurts of his cum mixed with the running shower water and washed away. He’d closed his eyes and le
ned his head on the shower wall as his body had recovered, as the sensations and his imaginings disappeared along with his watery essence.

“Shit, I really need to get laid,” Brodie had groaned. “I’m back in my teenage years, wanking every bloody shower again. It’s disgusting.”

Then, to compound the problem and add to his agitation, just as he was about to leave, Lila had rung. She had ranted at him hysterically, something about the water heater system at the house being broken, preventing her from getting ready for his fundraiser.

Brodie didn’t know what angered him more, the fact she had bothered him at all about
house—as if it was his problem and he should fix it—or that she was coming tonight. He had sold the tickets himself, and she certainly would not have got one from him, so where, then, had she got it? Someone he knew had obviously given her a ticket, or was bringing her.
Great news
. When was she going to stop embarrassing him, sleeping with every Tom, Dick and Harry?
Apparently never, or at least not tonight
. He loudly slammed the door of his car. The aggravation from Lila never stopped.

Brodie found a car spot at the rear of the restaurant, in what appeared to be a private car park, probably used for staff. There was room for many cars,
only two spots were occupied
Brodie hoped the owner wouldn’t mind him parking there as well. He really needed to get inside and greet everyone, so he hurried around to the front entrance. As he pushed the door open, he was immediately struck by two questioning thoughts. Where was everyone? The place was so quiet. And who did that hauntingly beautiful singing voice belong to?

Brodie’s eyes
adjusted to the lights in the restaurant, he was relieved to see his first question was unfounded. The place was filled with people sitting quietly, listening to the voice apparently coming from the dark stage area he now spotted at the back of the room.

Brodie’s attention was immediately taken up by Angelo, the restaurant’s owner, who was checking to see if it was okay to start serving. He explained he had been waiting on Brodie’s arrival. Letting the man know that this was acceptable, Brodie also explained tonight’s schedule again to the nervous owner. He’d wait till between the entrée and the main course to make his welcome address, and between the main and the dessert he would auction off the various donations and memorabilia pieces he had gathered.

Brodie never quite made it all the way to his table, just left of the stage—he was stopped by nearly every guest. A handshake here, a kiss there… It was quite the job, being the host. It actually got to the point that he thought his welcome speech would be redundant. Was there anyone left in the room he hadn’t personally welcomed? Still, as empty plates were being whisked away by efficient wait staff, Brodie made his way to the stage, stepping onto it from the front. The music had stopped, clueing him in that he was up.

As the stage light blinked on, Brodie noticed an older, plump man sitting at the piano. Maybe the voice had been a recording, he mused as he took the microphone from its stand. It was already on and ready for him to begin his spiel.

the usual welcome, thanking everyone for their generosity, and gave an explanation as to what was being
why and for whom. This brought rounds of applause from the dinner crowd. Brodie was comfortable with public speaking—since he was the captain, it was usually up to him to do interviews or make comments after a game. One of the hardest things to do was to talk to a reporter seconds after the final siren sounded, especially after a loss. He had done his fair share of this sort of function before, so speaking to this crowd of familiar faces was no problem. Soon he was ready to finally take his seat, but before he could, the door to the restaurant burst open. With the lights shining in his face Brodie couldn’t quite see who the late arrivals were, but he knew, just by the commotion, that Lila had arrived.

* * * *

Caitlin had forgotten to grab a glass of water before starting her first set—she left Roberto to finish a piano solo and slipped out to the kitchen. As she took a swallow of water, she heard the male voice welcoming everyone to the night. Caitlin
got a
fluttery feeling. Did she know that voice? Was it the same sexy voice from Monday? Shaking her head, she tried to clear her mind.

“Honestly, I’m really losing it,” she whispered. “What on earth would Brodie James be doing here at Mia’s, using my microphone?” She laughed at what she dismissed as her own silly imagination. Clutching the glass of water, she headed back to the main room, careful not to get in the way of the busy staff heading out to serve steaming hot plates of home-made pasta.

Angelo was standing in front of the side entrance to the stage, smiling broadly.

” her boss said, his Italian accent strong as he pinched his fingers together and touched his lips, making a kissing sound. “You sing like an angel,
, as always.” Caitlin could not help the
that stole over her cheeks from Angelo’s compliment.

He was waiting to introduce her to the organiser of the event, the man on stage, Angelo explained, and as Caitlin looked around him to get a better view of who her boss was talking about, her heart skipped a beat. She blinked, looked again. She could not believe it. Brodie James was on her stage. It was
Caitlin could do not to drop the water she was holding. She clenched the glass tighter.

How on earth was she going to sing again, knowing he was watching her? She started to feel all hot. Perspiration beads dotted her forehead.

Who am I kidding? He probably won’t even remember me anyway
it wouldn’t hurt to freshen up a little.
Caitlin excused herself from Angelo quickly,
mumbling about
visiting the ladies’ room, having drunk too much water. She held out the glass for him to take from her still-shaking hand, noticed the look of concern on his face, but
stay and explain to Angelo why she was acting so erratically. Then she turned and fled once again, away from this man who caused her body and mind to react in such unfamiliar ways.

She couldn’t stay hidden in the ladies’ all night, though.
As Caitlin started heading back to the stage,
she watched Brodie step off it. He was just a couple of feet away from her. He hurried towards the front door. Looking in that direction, she understood why. In the doorway stood the most attractive, sexy, tall blonde woman Caitlin had ever seen. She appeared as if she had stepped straight from a catwalk or centrefold. Her clothes seemed almost explicit because of how little flesh they actually covered.

Reality cut deep into Caitlin’s heart. This was the sort of woman that men like Brodie were attracted to, not skittish young girls who made fools of themselves. It was okay—it had been a nice fantasy while it lasted, and the bonus was she still had her mother’s bracelet after all, thanks to him.

After nodding to Roberto, Caitlin started singing the next song listed, a newer release from a young country singer branching off into pop. It was ironic considering the situation, that there would be no Romeo for her Juliet. Not tonight, and not in this crowd of people. She was not in their class at all. Trying to ignore her hero in the crowd, she focused on the very large,
man at the table to her right. He looked a little familiar, as did a few other young men who seemed to be grinning up at her. She
turned slightly
away and tried to return to the almost dreamlike state she could achieve while singing, not wanting to ever think about any good-looking men again.

Chapter Six

Brodie stepped from the front of the stage, plastered a fake smile across his face and headed for the door to ‘welcome’ the late arrivals. As he walked closer to the noisy, attention-seeking woman—as he’d suspected, it was Lila—he finally realised who was accompanying her. It was none other than Jack Edwards, the scandal king, a reporter whose name was attached to nearly every article that had attacked Brodie’s beloved sport over the past few years. He was furious. What the hell was his ex-wife doing here at his function with Edwards?

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