Cajun Vacation

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Authors: Mindi Winters

Tags: #road trip, #vacation, #weekend getaway, #erotic, #new orleans, #workplace, #Sisters

BOOK: Cajun Vacation
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by Mindi Winters




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Hunters Series (Romantic Suspense)

Taken by Love (Hunters 1)

Shades of Love (Hunters 2)

Dark Rapture (Hunters 3)

Mindi Winters Singles

Starving Actress

Grip This

Chapter 1


Erica Canning slipped off the subway and headed up the exit. The station sat nearly deserted at 3AM, when most normal people slept. She wanted to curl back into bed too, but not alone. Her work day didn’t start until 5:30, so she had a few hours time to make it to Gary’s penthouse for a surprise visit, and a little fun.

The traffic that flowed through the streets of New York, at all hours, continued to amaze her. When most cities had gone to sleep, NY remained alive. Cars, trucks, and taxis drove along the streets. The exhaust smell marred the otherwise crisp morning air. Even some pedestrians walked along the sidewalks and across the streets. She pulled her purse higher up her shoulder and walked faster. Every moment she spent gawking at NY life, another moment she could be tangled up in Gary’s legs disappeared.

Gary had finished anchoring the 10PM broadcast and then left work in a hurry last night. She’d wanted to leave with him, but she had work to finish fact-checking some upcoming reports, before she left for a weekend with her sisters in New Orleans on Saturday. When she finally made it home, she collapsed, only to wake up a few hours later with the idea to sneak in a trip to Gary’s before work.

Gary had come to her modest apartment late at night before, but she’d never worked up the courage to do the same with him, even though he’d given her a key to unlock the elevator to his floor. Just the idea of her making a late night sex call with her boyfriend heated her up.

They had little time to properly date one another, with their hectic schedules. Gary took the spotlight as the stations top anchor, but she constantly hustled to fulfill her role as a producer’s assistant and reporter: vetting stories and sources, arranging interviews, and being the all-around right-hand. Every morning she also needed to go over the stories tasked for broadcast in the morning show. Her schedule conflicted with Gary’s sufficiently that they scheduled their dates together far in advance. Gary planned on taking her out dining tonight, but she didn’t want to wait.

The apartment towered over the surrounding buildings, so unlike her hometown in Wisconsin, where four floors counted as a tall structure. She walked to the doorman. An uncomfortable feeling swept through her as he forced a smile and held the door open for her. She looked back at him as she passed, and watched him shake his head as he turned away. It wasn’t the usual warm reception that she typically received, but the early hour tired everyone who worked through it. She’d forgotten him before she reached the elevator and pulled out her key.

She turned the key, hit ‘50’, and then felt her ears pop as the elevator lifted her through the building. With a smooth stop, the doors opened and she stepped out into Gary’s foyer. He had left more lights on than he normally did at night. Sleek electronics lined the living room wall that featured a massive HDTV. Long dark-fabric sofas sat L-shape in the center of the room, while a mini-bar rested on the wall opposite the TV. Plaques and pictures of Gary with famous celebrities that he had interviewed over his twenty year career adorned the wall. A thirty foot window stretched across the outer wall with a breathtaking view of New York. She tossed her purse on the sofa and tiptoed toward the bedroom.


She stood rigid at the sound and resisted the urge to run to check on Gary.

Ohhh God, yes.

Erica’s stomach twisted and she forced her feet to move one step at a time to Gary’s bedroom. The door was slightly open and soft light escaped from room. Not the full light he used when he was dressing or reading, but the kind of light he used when they…

“Ohhhh, Gary.”

Erica pushed the door open. Gary lay back on the bed in a 69 position; his head nestled inside Jessica’s thighs, while the station’s intern worked on Gary’s cock. She stood transfixed as Jessica’s head bobbed up and down while the rest of her body shuddered under Gary’s tongue. Gary hand roamed along Jessica’s back. Their moans of pleasure were interrupted by occasional slurping noises. Jessica’s eyes remained closed as she worked his cock, while Gary’s head never left her pussy.

Erica’s shock wilted under her rising anger and humiliation until she exploded. “You bastard!”

Jessica shrieked and twisted off Gary. She scurried back to the headboard and pulled the covers up over her body. Gary remained calm; his surprise at the interruption passing so quickly that Erica doubted whether she even saw it.

“Erica,” he said. His legs swung over the side of the bed and he leaned over to grab the robe laying crumpled on the floor.

“What’s she doing here?” demanded Jessica. Gary brushed her question off with a wave of his hand before turning to Erica.

She turned in disgust and headed for the elevator before realizing she had left her purse on the sofa. Gary caught up to her. “Erica, why don’t you relax and have a drink?” he asked.

She paused. Numerous excuses he might try had passed through her head, but that wasn’t one of them. What did he expect? That she’d have a shot of vodka and then she’d be cool with his cheating? “Excuse me,” she said.

Gary leered. “There’s only one reason you’d come over this early, so have a drink, and unwind a bit. Then when you’re ready, come and join us.”

Erica blinked. “I catch you cheating and you expect me to join you in a three-way? Are you joking?”

Gary tried putting hand on her back, but she moved away. “It’ll be fun,” he said, a wide grin on his face.

Erica’s stomach twisted again. She could smell the sex on him, and see the moisture on his face from Jessica’s pussy. She had interviewed Jessica for her internship, and had been the one to extend her the job offer. Now her intern from NYU was fucking her way to a promotion. She bit her tongue and held back what she really wanted to say. She had already been made a fool. Acting with calm was something that she could control. She had to keep it together if she wanted to leave Gary’s penthouse with as much dignity as she could hold on to.

“I think it’s best if we don’t see each other outside of work again,” she said, and then held her hand out for a formal goodbye.

Gary rolled his eyes. “You shouldn’t be so dramatic,” he said. “A man in my position can’t be tied down. You’ve worked at the station long enough to know that.” He stepped forward and regarded her more closely. “Unless you haven’t been paying attention.” He rubbed his chin. “I thought you’d end up being more open minded. This changes things,” he said. Then he turned and headed back to the bedroom. He stopped at the bedroom door and looked back at her. “I’m canceling our date for tonight. And make sure you leave your key when you leave,” he said. Then he disappeared into the room, the door closing behind him. Seconds later, Jessica cried out in pleasure.

Erica’s mouth dropped. She refused to cry. No jerk like Gary would get tears from her. The sounds of sex grew louder. Erica threw the key and left.

During the entire ride down the elevator and trip to work, three words kept ringing through her head:
This changes things.



The red light went on. Quiet settled over the set. Erica stood off-stage as Gary started the late morning broadcast. He hadn’t spoken a word to her since she had left his penthouse. Even when her job required her to speak with him, he looked past her like a ghost, and gave her the barest of recognition. She grew increasingly restless as the morning dragged on. Her eyes darted between the other women who worked in the studio. They were all beautiful.
Was Gary fucking all of them?

Every glance, touch, smile, and laugh between the other women took on a new meaning. Erica couldn’t shake the feeling that she alone wasn’t in on some important secret. Her teeth gnashed every time she passed Jessica. The 20 year old blonde wore the sweetest smile throughout the morning. Erica resisted sharpening her tone and getting short with her. A nagging feeling ate at her that, if she acted even the slightest bit unprofessional with Jessica, she would be the one to get in trouble.

Gary droned on and Erica headed back to her office. When she met Gary a year ago, while working in the newsroom for the print division, it seemed like her dreams were finally coming true. She started dating someone she thought was a good man. Then she made the transition from the dying print to the thriving TV division, and had been promoted. After a few months, Gary had arranged for her to get some on-camera reporting opportunities. Everything seemed to come together in her life. Now she wondered if it only happened because she spread for Gary.

She reached her office and swallowed as cotton formed in her mouth. Melissa Selfridge, the station’s VP, stood up from behind Erica’s desk.

Melissa walked around the desk, her hand extended in a welcome that made Erica wince. “I’m so glad that I caught you before you leave tomorrow,” said Melissa.

Erica feigned happiness at seeing her. “I’m well ahead in all my projects. Everything should be smooth over the weekend broadcasts,” she said, and then hastily added. “Of course, if anything goes wrong, then I’m available.” She hated how her words came out and wondered if her tone matched her unease.

Melissa smiled. “Well we do have something that we’d like you to do over the weekend. If you’re not too busy?”

“I’ve planned this trip for months. What exactly did you have in mind?” asked Erica

Melissa gave a wave with her hand. “Don’t worry about it. It was just a follow up story we wanted to do on the long-term environmental impact the oil spill did to the bayous in Louisiana. But if you have plans then we have it covered,” she said. “You made such a good call hiring Jessica as our new intern. Gary said she’s quite the go-getter and we should give her a shot at this story. But since you were going there anyway, I wanted to give it to you as a reward for you always being such a team player.” Melissa paused. “I know you’ll do… anything to keep advancing your career at the station.”

“I’ll do it,” said Erica. Then she took a few deep breaths while her stomach finished falling out. She considered a dozen ways she could make Jessica’s life hell, but discarded all of them as impossible until she had delivered this report for Melissa. Erica hadn’t even considered the implications of everything Melissa had said before agreeing. Had Melissa warned her that her career was over with the station, unless she satisfied Gary in his fantasies?

Melissa beamed. “I told Gary you’d do it before letting Jessica have the assignment. He’ll be so happy to hear that you’ve gotten on board. I’ll text you the contact details for your cameraman.” Then she walked out of her office. From down the hall, Erica heard Melissa yell. “Oh, and have fun with your sisters.”

Erica slumped down in one of her visitor chairs, her body going completely numb.

Chapter 2

Erica and her sisters didn’t look like siblings. Sara managed to inherit their father’s natural blonde and bulkier frame, which on her meant voluptuous; although Sara and her constant parade of diets disagreed. Then Alicia managed to get double dose of recessive genes and had stunning, shoulder-length, red hair. With a body frame that could walk any fashion runway, Alicia had men constantly drooling over her. Meanwhile Erica was stuck with the boring, brunette hair of her mother. Being the oldest didn’t mean prettiest and she suppressed a pang of guilt at being jealous.

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