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Authors: Derekica Snake

Tags: #Erotica

Cake (15 page)

BOOK: Cake
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Marcus reached out and pulled down on my lower lid with his thumb. “You still need more ease, Little One.”

I jiggled my cuffs. My arms were overextended, and it felt like my elbows were going to crack off. “Unhook me first,” I begged.

Claudius began to move. He slid off me and settled on the mattress, his hand coming up to stroke at my thigh. It wasn’t a sexual touch; it was almost like he was taking my temperature. He paused for a moment, and then shook his head. “Leave the cuffs on him until we get his Flame out completely, Marcus. I do not think we need to keep him chained to the bed any longer though. I was anticipating resistance from him.”

Only at the beginning, Claudius. Once he is aroused, Sex is like another person,” Marcus explained as he knelt at the head of the bed, ducking underneath my arms, and unchaining them from the headboard.

He looked down at me and carefully examined my face. His own red flame was burning deep in his eyes. His finger came up and traced my throat, pausing at the faint scars that were still there from his bite. His eyes flickered remorse for a mere instant, and then his finger moved up to trace my lower lip. He ran the fingertip around my entire mouth.

I liked my reward earlier today. Would you do it again? Would you climb me?”

Just this simple touch of his was enough to start up the burning feeling inside of me again, and I closed my eyes and allowed my tongue to come out and touch his caressing digit. Hearing his sharp intake of breath, I narrowly opened my eyes and watched him as he lowered his hand down to my chest, and he began to pinch and rub. I pushed my hard and begging nipples up against his hand.

That feels really good.

His red flame got brighter, and I felt his erection leaking pre-cum on my skin where his cock brushed up against me.

Pretty likes, hm?

Pretty likes, very much. Ride me, Sex.” I swung my leg over his waist, keeping eye contact with him, but he must have seen me glance furtively at his throat. “You can’t bite me right now, Sex. You know that,” he chastised.

I turned my head and offered up my throat.

It’s another form of release, Marcus. Drink deep.” Claudius ran his palm over my sweaty flesh.

Claudius reached beneath us and positioned Marcus at my portal. I was so well used that I slipped easily down his shaft, to settle on his thighs. I tossed back my head and groaned at the sensation of being filled, and then Marcus bit me.


I barely let a whimper of pain out when Claudius fanged me from the opposite side. I shuddered internally as Marcus bit deeper, and involuntarily I milked his cock with my inner muscles, shuddering again as Claudius began to pulse suck on the other side of my neck. I was going to come just from both of them drinking me.

Every muscle spasm sent my erection higher and higher, and I rubbed the weeping head against Marcus’s stomach as I pulled him along with me to orgasm. I was making a weird keening at the back of my throat, and when I did come, a cry that just seemed to get louder and louder filled the chamber. I swear I saw a blue aurora dancing on my skin, shooting from my fingers as well as from my ejaculating cock. My first Flame had burnt itself out, and I just collapsed forward like so much dead weight.

As soon as I swooned, Claudius let me go. Marcus withdrew his fangs as well, and rolling me onto my back, still keeping himself pressed deeply in my portal, he hoisted my knees over his shoulders, cupped my ass in support, and just started ramming hard into me. The crystal vision was gone. The searing fleshy sensation was gone. The desire for sex was burnt out of me. Now, I was just tormented by the pain of an overused portal.

Tears began leaking out of my eyes, and I started crying. “Stop…please, stop…Marcus.” He shifted his hold and hit my prostate. I cried out louder. It was agony. Pure agony. But he just kept rocking into me.



Claudius grabbed him from behind and pulled him off me. My legs fell from Marcus’s shoulders and I curled up on the bed, not caring that I was laying in my own filth. Every part of me ached, some parts of me screamed, while the dual bite marks throbbed.

Open your eyes, Sex.”

I stared up at Claudius, wondering if he could see the pain I was in. His face swam before my eyes as tears burnt their way out past my lashes and trickled down my cheeks. He took my chin in his hand and looked deeply at me.

Touch him, Marcus.”

I winced as Marcus did as he was told, passing his hand over my portal and patting my ass. I closed my eyes and tried to pull away from them both, but Claudius’s hold was too strong. He pulled down my lower eye lids, leaned forward, and pressed a chaste kiss to my forehead.

We did it. We got rid of that excess.”

What was this “we” crap? I was the one with the sore ass and neck. I was the one laying here, clutching at the soiled sheets. I couldn’t remember hurting like this since the beginning. There was a lingering pain deep inside of me, and I started to whisper.

Don’t touch me…please don’t touch me.”

What is that, my Little One?”

Please don’t touch me anymore.”

I’d just had two men in my body. No, not men—things. Christ, I couldn’t even call them that, because now I was one of them. Oh, my God, I’d begged them to fuck me. No, I’d dared them to.

Don’t touch me…don’t touch me.”

The bed shifted as Claudius climbed off of it. “Be kind, Marcus. Your little fledgling has gone through a lot in less than a twelve-hour period. It would have been hard for him even if he did not get an eighty the first day out. I also find him to be very fragile emotionally; too much more stress and he’ll break on you. Pamper him now. He deserves it.”

Sex…give me your hands,” Marcus urged gently, reaching for me. “We need to shower.”

My wrists were still bound together. I shook my head and shifted away from his touch. “You said I didn’t have to be your fuck toy. You said you wouldn’t fuck me if I didn’t want it. You lied to me. You said you wouldn’t. Don’t touch me.” I curled in on myself, the epitome of self woe.

You gave me your consent, Sex.” His voice was calm and reasoning. I wanted to punch him in the face.

You held a knife to me! That is not consent.”

You simply made assumptions,” he replied, sweeping my red hair off my sweaty brow and anchoring it back behind my ears. I shook my head hard, letting it fall back into disarray. My breathing was shallow and fast, and as he reached out for me again, I smacked his hands away with a double-fisted block.

You held a knife to my face! What the fuck kind of assumption can you draw from that?” Anger was something I could hold onto, the despair and pity that had swamped me just moments before being swept away by a tide of fury and irritation. I might well be a captive, but I wasn’t a slave, and I certainly wasn’t a wimp, thank God. “Take these off,” I demanded, holding out my cuffed wrists.

No. You will have another Flame in a couple of hours.”

The horror I felt must have shown clearly on my face. Marcus moved to gather me up in his arms, but I scrambled back and hit the headboard hard with my shoulders. He quit trying to corral me.

Your next Flame will be nothing like this past one,” he promised. “It should be smaller, more manageable, and closer to the Flame you will get from just a regular feeding. You will get nothing but pleasure from it.”

I tried to blend with the wood of the headboard that I was pressed against. My bound wrists were held tight against my stomach as I crouched in a tightly clenched ball.

Again? It’s going to happen again? I don’t want it happening again. This one hurt. I’m torn inside. I can feel it. I can’t do this again.”

I panicked. I babbled. The edge of hysteria that was coloring my voice was taking over. I’d just had sex with two men. No—two vampires. They’d both fucked me. They’d both drank from my neck. And now I was being told that they were going to do it again in a couple of hours. But the worst part of it was; I had begged them to. And I was terrified I would do so again.

I can’t do this!”

I jerked wildly on the leather cuffs holding me prisoner until Claudius took pity on me and pressed upon a pressure point on my throat. I felt his strong fingers push at the crotch of my neck and shoulder and then, nothing.

Sweet, sweet nothing.


Xavier E

I awoke plastered to Marcus’s side. His arms were wrapped around me, with one leg crossed possessively over my thigh, pressing his groin up into my butt cheeks. At my neck, his breath was even and slow. I hadn’t realized vampires breathed, which was stupid of me because how many times had I listened to Marcus panting over me during the eight hundred rapes I’d endured. Excuse me, eight hundred and one.

I also hadn’t realized that Claudius was currently my pillow. I had my head resting on his upper arm as he slept facing me. His other arm was draped loosely over my waist, and his groin was pushed up against mine. What a hell of a way to wake up. I was trapped between them. Still, I needed to go to the bathroom. Apparently, vampires need to pee. How the hell was I going to untangle myself?

Marcus, move,” I whispered, pushing at him. The brown haired lump of a vampire hardly shifted. Hmmm, okay. “Claudius, roll over.” Without even opening his eyes, he did so, and I crawled over him and slipped out of the bed. I was surprised at how easy that had been. I’d thought I was going to have more of a fight on my hands, escaping their duel embrace.

Going into the bathroom and relieving myself, I thought momentarily about taking a shower but then, realising that I didn’t reek of orgy sex and felt clean, I guessed Marcus must have washed me when I’d been unconscious. The throbbing stinging in my backside was gone too. I couldn’t have been as badly ripped up as I thought, but I couldn’t reach my portal to check things out with my hands cuffed together the way they were, so I did an experimental buttocks muscle squeeze, and was glad not to feel any residual pain. I wobbled my head from right to left, but there were no sharp stabbing pains there either, and the dual bite zones on my throat were sealed over too. I guess vampires
heal quickly.

Thinking of the bites I’d received made me run my tongue along my own teeth, and I was happy to find them all even and non-stabbing.

Walking back into the playroom, I stood at the end of the bed and stared at it. There was no way I was willingly crawling back on it while Marcus and Claudius slept there. I didn’t care that they had already done to me what I kind of feared would happen, I still wasn’t crawling back between those two men…er vampires. I was in my right head now, and I was no dummy.

Snagging up my leather pants off the bench at the end of the bed, I headed for the Great Room, where I stood with my mouth hanging open. It hadn’t been just the bedroom that had changed in the concrete bunker, for in this room too there were now plush pillows in jewel tones, lush greenery and small trees in big ceramic pots, with ferns and plants I couldn’t name, potted all over the place. My eyes skimmed over crystal lamps, wrought iron candle stands and items of furniture in rich, soft leather.

I struggled into my tight pants, cursing Marcus because I couldn’t do them up with my hands cuffed together, but at least after much wriggling and tugging, everything was decently covered for a change.

There was a huge painting on the wall which caught my eye, and I headed over to it. It was a portrait of Claudius, and was obviously very old as the pigment and varnish had a crackle to it. He still looked the same as in the picture, except his taste in clothes had gotten better. There was a signature in one corner, and I leaned forward and squinted at it. Even though the room was quite dark, I could still clearly make out that it had been signed by…Marcus.

BOOK: Cake
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