Caleb: A Black Widow MC Romance (10 page)

BOOK: Caleb: A Black Widow MC Romance
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Chapter One



I arrived at the Nautilus Club fifteen minutes late again. The seedy building stood in an abandoned complex right next to the jammed freeway. A gigantic neon sign repeated girls three times and a long pink awning jutted out from the front door. I stumbled out of my car, carrying my purse and bag of school books. In between dances, I could get a little homework done if nobody bothered. Jerome stood at the front door looking menacingly as always. He was an over-sized black man with the softest heart and a hug that could crush every bone in your body. He grinned and let me right in.


The club lights were dimmed and Cherry danced on stage to Britney Spears' “Womanizer”. A bar sat along the far right wall and Johnny was there tending to the drunks. A shot of whiskey sounded good right about now. I took a hard right through velvet curtains that stated employees only.


Joe, the owner, came barreling towards me. His hair had receded to the very back of his head and he wore the cheapest suits available. He wasn't as soft as Jerome but he took care of his girls. “Brooke! You gotta be kidding me. How could you be late again after we just had that talk?”


I thought he might not have noticed this time.


“I'm so sorry, Joe, but I got caught in traffic.”


Joe checked his watch. “There's no traffic at eight o'clock.”


“I promise it won't happen again.” I gave him my best puppy dog eyes.
Joe was a sucker for a pretty girl.


He narrowed his eyes at me. “Cherry offered to switch. You go on in twenty minutes.”


I really owed Cherry a big one. This was the fifth time she had covered for me.
Maybe I could buy her some makeup as a thank you.


Joe continued, “I also need you to cover Jasmine's shift on Saturday night.”


Double Shit!
This Saturday I promised my mom I'd come visit her. But I couldn't negotiate with Joe without him firing me on the spot.


“You got it, Joe. Whatever you need.”


Joe clasped his hands and bowed before me. He really wasn't all that bad. I just needed to be on time more often.


I walked into the makeup room and sat at my station. Exposed light bulbs surrounded the mirror and pictures of my family were taped to the edges. I wanted my area to feel a little more homey—a little more personal. I went to the open rack behind me that held the few outfits I owned. The dancers at Nautilus were required to pay for their own costumes which meant I couldn't afford too many.


I pulled out a blue bikini that was bedazzled with little sequins. It looked really cheap but you couldn't tell in the dark club. I quickly changed and stuffed my big breasts into the bikini top. I sat down at my station and opened the drawer full of makeup. I brushed my hair and darkened my eyes with black liner and eyeshadow. I added the biggest fake lashes and overdid the lipstick.


Helena strutted into the room wearing a long dress and platform shoes. She was very thin and tall with small perky breasts. She could've been a model if she wanted to. Most of the women were so jealous of her body.


“Joe seems angrier than usual. Were you late again, Brooke?” Helena sat down at the station next to mine. She had been dancing at the Nautilus for over ten years.
When I started dancing, Helena helped me through the basics.


I capped my lipstick and pursed my lips in the mirror. “Only by fifteen minutes. I could be one minute late and he'd still go ballistic.”


Helena laughed. “Joe is Joe.” She put her hand on my shoulder. “We just got in a big group of bikers.”


“I hope they have deep pockets.” I winked.


Cherry came back from the stage all sweaty.


I got down on my knees and groveled at her feet. “Thank you so much, Cherry. I owe you a million times over.”


Cherry's fake red hair burned brightly. “You better believe you owe me. I barely got any tips out there and a group of bikers just came in right after I finished.”


“How about I split my tips with you tonight. Will that make up for it?”


Cherry smirked. “Yeah that might work.”


My phone buzzed on the counter. I checked my message and it was from my roommate.


Jenny: You better text me when you're on your way home.


Brooke: Don't worry I will :)


Jenny didn't have a job so she made it her life's work to make sure I was safe. She was so worried that one of the customers would try to kidnap me. Jerome was always around and would never let that happen.


Joe popped his head in. “You're on in five, Brooke.”


“Knock em' dead, Sapphire.” Cherry kissed me on the cheek.


Sapphire was a name I quickly came up with right before my first dance. I needed a stripper name that radiated class. Diamond was already taken so Sapphire became mine. Most girls went by their real names backstage and some lucky girls like Cherry were already born with a fake stripper name.


I took a deep breath and went to the back of the stage. I peeked through the curtains and spotted a ton of guys surrounding the stage. They were all covered in tattoos and wearing leather vests. Tonight might actually be a good night.


The announcers voice boomed through the air. “Ladies and gentlemen, the Nautilus Club proudly presents: the mysterious, the insatiable, the lovely—Sapphire!”


My song: “Pour it up” by Rihanna blasted through the speakers.


I burst out of the curtains with fire in my eyes. The overhead spotlights focused on my body as I made my way down the raised walkway. The boys cheered my name, throwing one-dollar bills onto the stage. I ran my hands up my stomach and grasped my boobs, flaunting them to the crowd.


“Take it off,” one of the bikers screamed.


I pouted my lips and shook my finger to the crowd. I faced away from the audience and slowly undid the string around my back. My bikini top hung loosely against my chest and I held it in place with my hands. The men hollered at me. I turned around and danced for the bikers, not letting them see it all yet. Dancing was the art of seduction.


I dropped the bikini top and let my large breasts free. The boys cheered and whistled at my tits. I went up to the cold steel pole and pushed it against my cleavage, rubbing myself up and down. I bent over all the way, hugging my ankles and giving the best view of my thong and ass.


My eyes caught one of the bikers and my heart skipped a beat. He wasn't like the others. He sat quietly and stared at me. This guy had long slicked-back hair that was shaved on the sides. Intricate tattoos covered both of his strong arms and broad shoulders.


The mysterious biker's dark gaze focused in on me. I became flushed and lost my way for a moment. I climbed high up the pole, wrapping my legs around and locking myself in. I leaned back and swung around, slowly dropping all the way to the stage floor. I flipped my blonde hair back and locked eyes with the biker.


This is way too hot.


Rihanna's words slowly faded away and the crowd cheered. I gathered my bikini top and all the tips off the stage.


“One more round of applause for Sapphire,” the announcer yelled.


I gave the audience a curtsy before disappearing into the back—but not without getting one last glance at the biker. He sat in his seat, blanketed in shadows, with one finger slowly tracing his lips.


“How much did you make?” Cherry asked.


My head was all cloudy and my cheeks were bright red.
Who was that man?


“I said, how much did you make, Brooke?” Cherry repeated.


“Oh sorry. Thanks again for covering for me.” I didn't even bother counting the tips. I handed her the majority of the crumpled up cash in my hands and her jaw dropped.


Cherry fanned out all the bills. “You made all this from one dance?”


I shrugged.“I guess they liked me.”


I sat down at my station to calm myself down. I didn't have another dance for a couple hours and desperately needed a drink.


Joe came in. “Great job, Brooke. You got a guy out there requesting a lap dance.”


I nodded and touched up my makeup.
Could it be him?

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