Callie's Captors [Mountain Men of Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (5 page)

BOOK: Callie's Captors [Mountain Men of Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“I hate like hell to say it, but we’ve got to get back to my brothers. Shit!”

She brought the knife she’d whipped out from behind her to his throat. “Get off me.”

“What the hell are you doing? Why are you acting like this? We helped you.”

“And I appreciate it. But trying to make me stay with you?” She shook her head. “That’s so not happening. I don’t like getting ordered around and I’m no one’s captive.”

He grinned and hoped she’d find it charming. “We weren’t ordering you around and you’re no captive. Unless we have to make you one to keep you safe.”

She pushed on his shoulder and he edged away from her. He rose as she did and gestured toward the knife. “You don’t need that, you know.”

She held the weapon higher with the sharp blade still pointed at him. “Maybe not, but I’ll keep it just the same.”

His inner wolf howled in protest, pushing him to jump her and take the weapon away. He could do so before she’d realize what he was doing. He’d push her to her hands and knees, then fuck her from behind. Although he yearned to listen to his wolf, he forced his beast into submission.

“What do you want me to do, Callie? Do you want me to let you roam around the woods alone?”

“I was fine hiking by myself.”

“Uh-huh. Yeah, you did a fine job. Which is how you ended up in the bottom of a trap.”

She blinked. “What do you mean by calling it a trap? Is it yours? And what were you trying to catch in it? A poor, defenseless female hiker?”

“One, you’re not poor or defenseless. And two? It’s not mine or my brothers’.”

“What’s it for?”

He gestured toward the path where his brothers waited. “Blue and Pete are going to wonder what’s taking us so long.”

“Let them wonder. And answer my question.”

“There are these things. They kind of look like wolves, but they’re not.” He saw her eyes widen and he knew. “You saw one of them, didn’t you?”

She recovered, but he’d seen the truth on her face. “I’m not sure. I saw…something.”

“Yeah, you saw one, all right. It didn’t bite you, did it?”

“No. I was in the hole and it stayed on the outside. What was it? Tell me.”

“It doesn’t matter now. Just know that they’re dangerous. Especially to women.”

She was sexy even when she frowned. “Why especially to women?”

They didn’t have time to talk about it. Explaining about The Cursed and how they tried to capture human women to mate with would have to wait until she found out about other things first. He didn’t like the idea of being without his brothers in the woods either. The Cursed liked to attack at night, and if they got enough of them together, they’d even attack a werewolf. Lately, the attacks had occurred less often, but he wasn’t about to push their luck.

“Baby, put down the knife.”

“Not a chance. All you have to do is turn around and walk the other way. You guys can keep my camera and all my other stuff.”

Had she taken photos of them in their human forms? Or worse, of The Cursed? If she had, then it was a good thing they had the camera in their possession. They couldn’t allow pictures of The Hidden and its inhabitants on The Outside, the regular world most people lived in.

“I’m not going without you.” He hated acting like a badass, but she wasn’t leaving him with any other options. “Either you’re going to keep your promise, or I’m going to have to make you keep it.”

“Like hell I am. Now get out of here while the getting’s good.”

Her dark eyes sparkled with alarm, but with courage, too. She was a strong woman, the kind of woman he and his brothers had talked of mating one day. Had fate brought her to them? She’d made it into The Hidden without the aid of another supernatural, which meant she had to be a supernatural being of some kind, too. He sniffed, this time hunting past her alluring smell for any hint of her underlying nature.

She’s a werewolf. Or at least part.

He couldn’t be sure, but that was the impression he was getting. But, if she was, did she know it? He doubted it. If she did, she would’ve brought out her fangs and claws to fight him off instead of daring him with a knife.

He’d have to make her come with him. “I wish you’d be more cooperative.”

“Fuck you.”

She started backing up and he knew she was about to run. He’d catch her easily enough again, but he didn’t like the idea of wrestling her for the knife.

“Callie, I’m sorry to have to do this.”

He lunged at her, feinting to one side then moving in the other direction and throwing her off guard. Taking her small wrist in his hand, he twisted her arm around to her back and squeezed. She cried out and dropped the knife.

“Let go of me.”

“What the hell are you doing?”

Callie and he glanced up in sync to find Blue and Pete standing a few feet away. Although she struggled and she was strong, he took her other wrist and held both arms behind her back.

The corner of Blue’s mouth twisted into a snarl. “I asked you what you’re doing to her?”

Blue’s anger rolled off him in waves that made Raine’s hair stand on end. His brother would never hurt him. At least he didn’t think he would. Blue was usually the calm and collected one, but that Blue wasn’t standing in front of them now.

“She took off. I’m trying to make her see sense.”

Pete’s eyebrows shot up. “By wrenching her arms behind her back? I’m not sure I like your method of communication, bro.”

Did they really think he wanted to hurt her? Did she? Irritation swept over him and he shoved Callie toward his brothers, taking care not to push her hard enough to make her fall. “Here. See if you can make her understand that she can’t go off half-cocked in the middle of the night.”

She fell into Pete’s arms, then pushed away and tried to dart off in a different direction. Pete shouted a curse and grabbed her, pulling her into his arms. She struggled against him, kicking and cursing him as he tried to calm her down.

“See what I said? She won’t listen to reason.”

Blue’s anger had gone, replaced by a sullen recognition of the problem. “Raine, get a couple of those vines over there.”

He groaned. “We’re tying her up?”

“Unless you have a better idea.” Blue’s gaze dropped to the knife on the ground. “Or would you rather let her take another stab at you?”

“Nope. I learned that lesson fast enough.”

As Pete continued to hold Callie, Raine snatched up the knife, then stalked over to the underbrush and cut off a length of vine. The vine was thin, but it could restrain even a male werewolf. He came back and gave Callie an apologetic look.

“Baby, say you’ll come with us. I don’t want to have to use this.”

At least she’d stopped kicking and stood next to a frustrated-looking Pete who kept one hand locked around her arm. She adopted a sweet smile and tossed her glorious locks. “Sure. No problem. Just turn me loose and I promise I’ll come along without a bother.”

Raine chuckled then wished he could take it back when she snarled. “You can’t expect us to believe you. Please understand that we’re doing this for your own good.”

“Pff. Yeah, right.”

“Will you at least walk between us so I don’t have to tie your hands?”

She gave him another sweet, but insincere smile. “Of course I will. I’ll do whatever you say.”

Blue tore his shirt along the hem then snatched the vine from Raine’s hands. “Enough of this. Hold out her hands, Pete.”

Pete did as he ordered, putting her hands and wrists together. To Raine’s surprise, Callie didn’t protest. Not that she didn’t want to. He could see her barely controlled anger, but she was smart enough to recognize the futility of fighting them.

“So you’re making me your captive.”

Raine couldn’t deny or confirm her statement. Tying her up was their only option now that she’d refused to cooperate.

Blue wrapped the cloth around her wrists. “This will keep the vine from cutting into your skin.” He worked the vine around the padding and tied it, bunching her wrists tightly together.

“It’s not too tight, is it, baby?” He hated to see her tied up against her will. Tied up in sexual play would be wonderful, but that was a different thing.

“No.” The resistance flowed out of her. “It’s okay. I don’t blame you. I should’ve trusted you guys. After all, you did save me.”

“And that’s all we’re still trying to do.” Pete rubbed her arms. “Maybe after a bit, we can untie you.” He looked to Blue for confirmation.

Blue shrugged, then stalked back toward the path. “Don’t make any promises we might not be able to keep.”


* * * *


Raine shouldn’t like the fact that she’d run, and he didn’t. At least not logically. But deep inside him, his wolf paced back and forth, wanting to let her run again so he could chase her. Still, he didn’t want her to run, for her sake.

She had to be frightened, of course, but running meant that she hadn’t trusted them. Tying her up just made things worse. He watched her, telling himself that he did so because he had to be ready should she try to escape, but that wasn’t the real reason. He watched her because he liked doing it.

She was beautiful. But more than that, she was feisty and brave. The fact that she’d been out in the woods alone was evidence of those two attributes. And she was intelligent. He’d seen that the first time he’d looked into her eyes. Granted, falling into the pit wasn’t the brightest move, but everyone made mistakes, especially when terrified and attacked by a huge animal.

He’d have to thank Jerry. If Jerry hadn’t chased her into the hole, he might never have met her. And not meeting her? Well, that would’ve been a damned shame.

The movement of her bottom entranced him. She was lean, but the girl still had enough booty for him. The swaying ends of her long hair pointed at her ass, almost as if to say, “Come and put your cock here.”

Damn, but how I’d love to do exactly that.

Thinking she was about to stumble, he caught her arm. For a moment, they locked gazes and he kept his hold on her. Then she blinked and tugged her arm away, then started moving forward.

Her legs were long, and even through the material of her jeans, he could tell they were strong. She wasn’t a runner, but she had stamina. How many women could have gotten chased by a wild animal, fallen into a hole, confronted three wolves, then tried to escape? He doubted most could have.

Blue turned back once and caught him studying her ass. His smile came and went, but not before Raine knew that his brother was having the same ideas about her.

That was different. They’d been attracted to other women before, but he’d always known it was only a physical thing. Yet around two years earlier, they’d stopped taking women whenever the need arose. It was almost as if they’d had an agreement that they’d stop before the right woman came along.

Could Callie be that woman?

If they’d met outside The Hidden, he would’ve known instantly. But, although werewolves in The Hidden didn’t get as strong a connection as they might on The Outside, he couldn’t ignore the pull he got from her. The question that remained was whether Pete was as entranced by her as he and Blue were.

He spun around, making a complete circle, but that was enough time to see the infatuation on Pete’s face. All three of them were thinking the same thing.

Is she the one?


* * * *


Halfway back to camp, Blue relented and allowed Pete to take the binding off her wrists. She’d given it a lot of thought and realized that to go off into the forest when she had no clue where she was would be foolhardy. Instead, she’d have to put her trust in them. The strange thing was that she did trust them. It didn’t make sense, but she couldn’t help it. They made her feel safe, as though they’d do anything to keep her from harm.

“So how much farther is this camp of yours?” She trudged along, taking care not to trip over anything on the path.

“Not much.”

“Way to go, Blue. I wouldn’t want to know too much information.” She gave Raine a pointed look and brought out another of his wonderful, crooked grins. The men were gorgeous, all buff and tanned. They were three gods come to life in a wilderness fantasy, but they each had different personalities.

Blue was the reserved one. She didn’t know if he was the oldest or not, but he seemed to have taken a leadership role over the other two men. He kept his face expressionless for the most part, but when he did smile, it was magical, brightening up his entire demeanor. He was driven, leading the way like a one-track kind of man and rarely joined in the banter between Pete and Raine.

Raine was the jokester. He kept a cheerful expression that was the precursor to his breathtaking grin. Although he kept his voice low at the urging of Blue, he still kept making jokes, sometimes at the expense of his brothers.

Pete was the outsider of the three. He didn’t look anything like his brothers, but had adopted mannerisms from both of them. At times, he was as jovial as Raine. Then, without warning, he’d grow serious and become as focused as Blue.

“So you guys are brothers, huh?” She craned around to check Raine’s reaction. “I hope you don’t mind my saying so, but Pete doesn’t have the same family traits that you and Blue have. Let me guess. He’s a brother from another mother?”

Instead of getting angry or upset, Raine laughed at her joke. “You might say so. Actually, he’s a brother from another mother
another father.”

She glanced at Pete, who didn’t appear to mind them talking about him. “So he’s adopted? Sorry, Pete. We shouldn’t be talking about you like you’re not even here.”

“Don’t worry about it. I don’t have any issues because I’m adopted. If it hadn’t been for our parents, I wouldn’t have the life I have. And I’m over the problems that came along with my real family.”

Raine walked backward a few steps so he could confront his brother, then whirled back around. “What problems?”

“Yeah, right, bro. Just the problem of my mother abandoning me.”

“Your mother dumped you? Did you grow up in a foster home?” Did she have that in common with Pete?

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