Cameron, Paige - A Fling with the Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (16 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - A Fling with the Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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“No one expects you to be able to remember us all in one meeting, but I’ll give you a brief rundown. I’ve already mentioned my older brother, Clayton, runs the family business, and us if we’d allow it. He’s thirty-four and engaged to a very thin, very snobbish socialite. I believed he picked her for her background. Whatever he does, he has a purpose.”

“You don’t believe he loves her?”

“I’m not sure anyone does but her parents. You’ll see what I mean. She’s sure to come with him. The easiest one of us to remember is Grace, the only girl. She thinks she wants to be a fashion designer. She’s apprenticing with some big fashion house in New York.”

“You sound like she’s not really serious about her goal.”

“We’ve all spoiled her. She just started this apprentice job. The first time someone yells at her, she’ll come home.”

“Shame on you. Have a little faith in her. I bet she had to fight all of you to get out on her own.” Chelsea saw Dirk was thinking about what she said. His cheeks flushed.

“Damn, you’re right. We’ve been doing to her what I hate for Clayton to try to do to me.”

“What about the other brothers?”

“The third brother, Rand, just got his MD, did his internship, and then his residency in internal medicine. He’s engaged, too. His future wife is also a doctor.”

“Wow, that will be a busy household. Did he always want to be a doctor?”

“Yes. Rand is very organized, and once he knew the direction he wanted to go, he went straight for it. Graham is next in line. He studied history. A waste of time and money as far as Clayton is concerned. But Graham has always walked to the beat of a different drummer. He drives Clayton even crazier than I do.”

“Has he taught history?”

“No. He traveled and saw the places he’d studied. He recently came home and is writing a book.”

Chelsea chuckled. “That must have had Clayton pacing the floors.”

“I’m sure the top of his head blew off when he first heard. To be fair to Clayton, when Dad died, he jumped in and took over. He’s done a good job, but he missed that period in your life when you play, party, discover what you really want. The yoke was put around his neck, and he accepted it.”

“Deep down, you really admire and love him, don’t you?”

“Yeah, but don’t tell him. I just keep hoping he’ll meet a real woman who will show him the fun side of life. It won’t happen though. He’ll be married before he has a chance.”

“I feel sorry for him.”

“Me, too.” Dirk turned left onto a narrow two-lane road. This starts our ranch. We’ve not widened the road. It discourages strangers.”

“Smart idea. But quick there’s one more brother you haven’t mentioned.”

“Ah, yes. The youngest, Sam. He’s in charge of the ranch. He loves the land and the work. After he got his degree in agriculture, with a minor in animal husbandry, he came right back home. Sam is the peacemaker. You’ll see.”

Dirk turned toward a white house that sat on a knoll. Gardens were in full bloom around the verandas that were on at least three sides. The green lawns slanted downward to a small lake where a gazebo sat, with lattice woodwork, beside the water.

“What a beautiful setting. It must have been a wonderful place to grow up.”

“It was. I wish Dad was alive so you could meet him. He was great. He gave each of us individual time, encouraged our interests. He and Mom were great parents. I’m not sure how many baseball and football games they attended. Mom was a Girl Scout leader. Some days the house was overrun with girls. All of us boys literally ran for the hills.”

Dirk parked beside a large SUV and came around to open her door. His warm, funny at times, commentary about his family had relaxed her. She looked forward to putting faces to names.

But what would they think of her and her relationship with their brother? What was their relationship? She didn’t know the answer to that question herself.

Chapter Twelve

They walked up several steps before the walkway became flat. A slim, medium-height woman in a pale yellow dress welcomed them.

“You made it. I’m so glad.”

“Mom, you know if I said I was coming I’d be here, and we’re ten minutes early.”

“So you are. Who is this lovely lady?” She smiled at Chelsea.

“Chelsea Pearce, this is my mother, Mrs. Brodie.”

“Not Mrs., call me Jane.”

“I can’t do that, Mrs. Brodie. My parents said it was disrespectful to call an—” she hesitated. Mrs.
eyes twinkled like Dirk’s when he had her in a tight spot.

“I believe the word is an
elder person.
You were not to call him or her by their first name?”


“I like her. She’s been taught well,” Mrs. Brodie said to Dirk. Then she turned to Chelsea. “But I insist on Jane. It is quite acceptable around here. Come in and join the rest.” She winked at Chelsea. “I’m sure you’re excited about meeting us all at once.”

She liked his mother. She was friendly and funny. Chelsea took a deep breath, caught hold of Dirk’s hand, and stepped into a beautiful house. Creamy walls complemented the dark wooden floors and the light-blue furniture. Several vases, full of fresh flowers, sat on small tables scattered around the room.

At one side of the room a piano sat by a bay window overlooking a wide expanse of prairie. Chandeliers hung from the ceilings. The room was large, colorful, and greeted you with warmth.

“May I ask who decorated this room for you?”

“I had it done a few years ago before my daughter went off to the big city. She helped me. She’s good with colors and seeing the placement of furniture. She likes rearranging furniture.”

“She sure does,” Dirk said. “My brothers and I never knew what home we’d come into when we returned at the end of the day. Sometimes we were sure we’d gone to the wrong house, or we wished we had. Still, she has definitely gotten better.”

“Dirk said she was a fashion designer?”

“It seems she prefers that to decorating houses. She’s very talented,” Mrs. Brodie said.

“Where is she?” Dirk glanced down a long hallway.

“Where do you think?”


“Yes, and obviously she’s forgotten the time again. Thank goodness Clayton isn’t here yet. He’d be fuming about her forgetting the time.”

Chelsea heard a car, and Dirk looked out the window. “She’d better get back soon. The boss is here.”

“Don’t call him that, Dirk. You know it gets his back up. I love him, but I don’t know where he got his uptightness from. Certainly not from his father or me.”

Dirk moved to Chelsea’s side and put his arm around her. They both watched a tall, dark-brown-haired man and a very slim, tall blonde march toward the front door. Mrs. Brodie went to the door to greet Clayton and his fiancée.

Introductions were made. Clayton had cool, light-blue eyes, high cheekbones, a tight mouth, and a strong, square jaw. His posture was upright and his dark-blue suit fit him to a tee. He was a handsome man, but not overly friendly. He gazed at her with speculation in his eyes.

Priscilla, his fiancée, was cold. Apparently she thought a genuine smile might crack her lovely face. The slight
of her lips must be the best she was willing to do.

A young woman rushed in. She’d been hurrying, because her cheeks were flushed. She wore a pink sundress and sandals. Her auburn hair blew around her in soft waves halfway down her back. A man younger than Dirk followed behind. His hair was a lighter brown with tints of blond. He was tall, slim, and, with his golden-brown eyes, very handsome. He came across to Chelsea.

“I’m Sam. Welcome.” He hugged Dirk. “I’ve missed you, brother.”

“I’ll try to get over more often. Why don’t you visit me?”

“I will. I want to see that new house.”

Chelsea enjoyed watching the interaction of the family. She’d never been exposed to such a large group.

Mrs. Brodie joined her. “We’re a lot of people for a person to get used to all at once. Come with me for a walk. Did you see my gazebo?”

“It’s lovely. You can’t miss seeing it, but I’d love to check it out up close.”

They walked slowly down the gentle slope to the lake. Ducks paddled along the edge of the water. A gentle breeze blew their hair.

“Step inside. I have two comfy chairs and a nice table. I like to bring my lemonade, or hot tea when it’s cooler, and sit and contemplate my world.”

“You have a beautiful ranch and house, six children that adore you, and I must say you taught your sons well. Dirk is a fine gentleman.”

“Thank you. Are you in love with him?”

Chelsea was taken aback by her blunt question. She looked around at the colorful surroundings and tried to find the right answer.

“I think I fell a little in love with him the first time we met.” She glanced at Mrs. Brodie. “We were overseas and both had a few days off. He was funny, intelligent, and sexy.” She glanced at his mother.

“You don’t have to blush. I remember the feelings well when I met his father. Go on, I interrupted.”

“Later on he asked me to marry him.”

“He never said a thing to any of the family as far as I know.”

“I turned him down.”

“I recognized you. You’re the reporter who got captured.”

“Yes. Dirk and his friends rescued me. I hope none of you will mention my being here or that the military weren’t the ones to find me. It’s best that way. And I’m not ready to deal with my fellow reporters.”

“We won’t say a word. But I wonder why my son went halfway around the world to rescue you, when you’d turned his proposal down?”

“I’m pretty sure he loves me.”

“And you?”

“Loving someone is not always easy. Especially when he wants a wife and family at home on the ranch. I’m not sure I can survive in that setting.” Why had she said that? Why open up to his mother? Mrs. Brodie was extremely easy to talk to, and now she’d tell Dirk what she said. Then he’d question her before she was ready.

Mrs. Brodie put her hand on Chelsea’s. “You look anxious. Don’t worry. I won’t say anything to Dirk. You two have to make decisions for yourselves. I understand.

“My sister married Mr. Terrell, and she’d never lived on a ranch. It was an adjustment for her. They loved each other so much they made it work. She grew to be a part of the ranch as much as him.

“It was the same for me. My husband, Clay, was a good friend of Frank Terrell’s. I met him when I visited my sister. It was love at first sight. But I took to the country living immediately. I was so ecstatic to be with him, working at his side, making a home for him, loving him, that I never looked back. If you have love, you can do a lot of things.”

“But should the woman have to give up her career?”

“I’m not sure. I think she has to decide on her own how she wants to live her life. Once you know the answer, you’ll know what to do. There is no wrong way to go if you follow your heart’s desire.” She squeezed Chelsea’s hand. “I think we’d better go back. It’s time to eat.”

Dirk’s cell phone rang just as Chelsea walked up. He stepped aside. But she heard him say Rand. Evidently, the doctor brother was the caller.

“Is everything all right?” she asked Dirk when he returned. “You’re frowning.”

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