Campaign of Desire (CSA Case Files 4) (26 page)

Read Campaign of Desire (CSA Case Files 4) Online

Authors: Kennedy Layne

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

BOOK: Campaign of Desire (CSA Case Files 4)
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“Thank you,” Phoebe whispered, not wanting to ruin the content and tranquil aura that surrounded them. She knew those two words weren’t enough to convey what she felt, but they were the best she could do in this instant.

“Thank you, Phoebe,” Lach replied, his rich tone enveloping her more than any blanket could. He wrapped his arms over the corset and pulled her tightly against him. For the first time when lying with a man, she no longer needed the leather against her skin. She wanted his warm flesh against hers. “Tomorrow brings a new day and new insight. I hope you still feel the same in the morning as you do now.”

Phoebe wanted to ask what he meant, but for once in her life she was afraid to get an answer. That wasn’t like her, since she usually pushed through circumstances with all her might and came out standing on the other side with no thought to the consequences. What she and Lach had seemed almost too precious to do that to, so she let herself rest against his body and soak in the comfort he offered her. The rising of the sun wouldn’t change how she felt, yet she couldn’t prevent the niggling of doubt he’d placed in the back of her mind.

Chapter Nineteen

ach poured both mugs full of freshly brewed coffee, just to his liking. He’d brought a change of clothing with him and he had already showered, letting Phoebe have time to herself as she got ready for her day. The morning after such an emotional and intense revelation could make a person wary of their atypical reaction. In what manner would she respond? She had her highs and lows before and there was no telling.

The memory of the night returned as Lach went about making them omelets, using what ingredients she had in her refrigerator. They’d made love around two-thirty in the morning, slowly and tenderly. No words were exchanged, but none were needed. She’d held on to him as if she were afraid he would leave at any moment, but he was certain that was due to the endorphin high she’d come down off of earlier in the evening. He’d actually felt the same and couldn’t stop himself from holding her gently against his chest while they slept afterward.

Lach didn’t know where this newfound relationship was headed. They’d spent over a year getting to this point and now that they were here, they needed to take things slow and adjust to each other’s like and dislikes. He had no doubt things would settle down, considering what her upcoming travel schedule looked like. It wasn’t as if he could take off and join her on the campaign trail with her father. He could just smell the hot reunions. The pheromones would be flying in all directions when she managed to get back his way. Primaries were still in full swing, but Lach was no longer a part of her detail. For now, all threats appeared neutralized. All of this came down to one point and that was that both of them had jobs to do.

“You didn’t have to cook, but I will say it smells delicious.”

Lach turned his head and he couldn’t prevent his eyes from looking Phoebe over from head to toe. She was wearing a cream colored sweater with a long turtleneck that draped down the front of her. He would swear the material looked like the angora fabric that his sister used to wrap her boyfriend’s class ring in when they’d been in high school. Phoebe’s matching cream pants contained a flare at the bottom, where her dainty feet were encased in black and cream high heels. The entire outfit hugged her frame and when he finally brought his gaze back to her gorgeous face, it was then that he noticed she’d pulled her hair up, leaving just enough tendrils for him to place behind her ears. He resisted glancing at the clock, knowing if there was enough time he would have her back in her bed and they wouldn’t come out again until noon.

“Good morning.” With spatula in hand, Lach turned and pulled her toward him with his other. Her neck was there for his taking and he nuzzled her supple skin just below her left ear, breathing in the sweet fragrance he’d come to associate with her. “You look delicious. How do you feel?”

“Better now that I’m out here with you,” Phoebe answered honestly, her blue eyes sparkling up at him when he finally allowed her to relax back to the ground. There was a delicate pull on her pink lips though. When he cocked his head to indicate that he wanted additional information, she hesitated slightly before sighing and then revealing a little more. “I don’t want to leave this apartment today. I feel that if we step outside those doors we won’t get this feeling back.”

“There is nothing outside those doors that can alter what took place last night.” Lach took a hold of her chin, making certain that he had her full attention. “You gave me a gift and I will treasure and nurture it to the best of my ability. You are to promise me that at any time during the day you feel insecure for any reason, you’ll call me.”

“I’m not insecure,” Phoebe protested, shaking her head and pulling her chin out of his grasp. “That’s not the type of person I am. I can’t explain my apprehension, but it has nothing to do with insecurity.”

“Let me reiterate,” Lach replied, doing his best to get her to see this from his point of view, although knowing she had a pride about her that allowed her to only see things in black and white. “What you experienced last night was subspace. It isn’t unusual when a submissive feels what is called a subdrop. Even Dominants can experience it. When you become overcome with a foreboding emotion and can’t put your finger on why, contact me. I will do the same.”

Lach could see with his claim that Phoebe’s tension eased and her pink lips formed a sensual smile that had him thinking of other things she could be doing with that mouth of hers. Again, if he didn’t feed them and get them on their way, they’d never leave this apartment.

“Omelets are about ready. Could you get the plates?”

“Yes.” Phoebe bit her lip as if she were going to say something else. Would it have been Lach’s title for when they were conducting a scene? He liked that she was eager and ready. So was he and he ended up turning to the stove so that he could adjust the denim over his hardened cock. “Did you get reassigned to another case yet?”

Lach slid the spatula underneath her omelet and placed it on the plate she had in her hand. She held up the other dish and he did the same with his omelet, which had some additional spices to his particular taste. He was glad that she brought up something other than this newfound relationship they’d begun. The last time they’d gotten ready to leave after having sex hadn’t gone so well. He was determined that wouldn’t happen again.

“Yes.” Lach waited until Phoebe had placed both plates onto the counter and took her place on one of the stools. He slid his dish back toward him on the other side, more comfortable standing and facing her. “As a matter of fact, I have a meeting tomorrow morning at zero eight hundred. Today I’m scheduled to help the team go over some information regarding a male subject that we’re looking for.”

“Is he in trouble?”

“You could say that,” Lach answered and then took a bite of his omelet. “You have tight security, so I’m not too worried. I would like you to keep an eye out for a male who is in his mid-forties, European in his manner and speech. Black hair. He goes by the name of Ryland. His tastes run on the rather higher end, so he’d easily be able to fit into your social circles. If you notice someone that fits that description, point him out to any member of your detail. They have photos of the suspect and they’re aware of the threat. I’ll also bring a picture by so that you know exactly who to look for.”

“I’ll try not to take that as an insult.” Phoebe smiled over the rim of her mug, indicating that she was going to have fun with his statement and he knew exactly which one. She was referring to Ryland’s social preferences. “I’m rather confused that you lump me and my family in with the higher end of society like we’re some kind of snobs. You realize that my parents started out with nothing and that they ingrained a strong work ethic in both my sister and me. Regardless, it seems that
have a particular high end taste in coffee and food.”

“Hmmm,” Lach halfway conceded, letting her gain a point in her favor for acute observation. “My palate that you are referring to comes from having parents who are wine tasters by choice and vineyard owners driven by passion. We learned at an early age to tell by a sip of wine not only what country the nectar originated in, but also what region and which various grape varieties were blended together to pollinate the flower that was to become the wine grape. We were also taught to recognize the peak time during veraison of the fruit, in the development of the tannins and phenolics for harvest, picked too early or too late. You’re left with rocket fuel after fermentation. So it’s not simply what you have a taste for, but when is the best time to appreciate the flavor of the product of your labors.”

“That would explain it,” Phoebe commented with a raised eyebrow as she placed her cup back down on the granite and picked up her fork. He had obviously belabored his point, her smirk showing that much. She was being a smartass, but he let it go. Lach was pleased to see that over the last two days of eating properly that she’d gotten her glow back. “Dad, Paul, and their entourage are off to another state, but should be back early next week.”

“You’re not going?” Lach was surprised, since he knew it had been on her docket.

“There’s a donor who wanted to discuss some things with me in person, so I rearranged my schedule to meet with her around ten o’clock today.” Phoebe finished off her omelet and then wiped her mouth with a napkin that he’d just handed her. “I’ve had appointments with this woman before and she tends to be a bit of a talker, so I’m sure we’ll end up going to lunch at Manny’s Steakhouse.”

“Well, considering you’re going to one of the finest establishments in the Twin Cities, I guess I don’t need to worry about you not eating at lunch.” Lach cleared the plates, rinsed them, and put them into her dishwasher. Phoebe watched him the entire time, her blue eyes turning to the dark sapphire color he loved. If she kept staring at him that way, she sure as hell wouldn’t be having meetings today. “Are you free for dinner?”

“Dinner?” Phoebe picked up her mug and watched him closely as he finished wiping down the counter. “I was hoping you were going to ask me if I was free for the

“Really?” Lach asked, laughing at the way she’d tried to take control of the day. He didn’t have it in him to play games, and honestly, he didn’t want to. This thing between them was becoming too important. “As a matter of fact, that was my next question. Oh, and don’t worry about picking out a corset. I’ll have one with me when I arrive here tonight.”

“You’re buying me a corset?” Surprise laced Phoebe’s tone, yet he also caught the pleased smile as she hopped off of the stool. “I’ve never had anyone buy me something of that nature before.”

“You’ll experience a lot of firsts with me.” Lach waited until she’d come around the counter and into the heart of the kitchen to broach a subject that he wasn’t so sure what her answer to would be. It was going to be interesting to watch her reaction to something so personal. “I do have a question for you.”

“And what would that be, Mr. McKinnon?” Phoebe ran her hands up and around his leather holster that he’d secured onto his chest after getting dressed. “I’m sure I have an answer.”

“A friend of mine is having a birthday party for his one year old son. Jax and Emily had postponed it for a couple of weeks so that we could make the transition over to the Secret Service agents.” Lach was pleased to see that Phoebe was a little speechless, her pretty pink lips parted ever so slightly. Keeping her off guard and making her life spontaneous was all part of his job. “It’s this Saturday at one o’clock. I was wondering if you’d like to join me.”

“Is this the same man who was working with you on finding out who was threatening my father?” Phoebe had slid her fingers under the leather straps and held them tight, as if to anchor herself. Lach couldn’t help but notice she’d evaded answering by asking a question herself. “Are they going to mind you bringing a guest, especially one that has an armed agent following her every move?”

“To answer your first question, yes, Jax helped with the investigation. Two, they won’t mind and I will probably get an endless supply of ribbing by bringing you, but it’s worth it. And to reply to the question you didn’t ask, my team members don’t think less of you because your family is struggling with the issues of your father’s career. Your sister’s conduct won’t be brought up either.”

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