Campaign of Desire (CSA Case Files 4) (32 page)

Read Campaign of Desire (CSA Case Files 4) Online

Authors: Kennedy Layne

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

BOOK: Campaign of Desire (CSA Case Files 4)
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“Very good, Phoebe.” Lach used his fingers to massage her arms, not liking that they would be kept this way for a while. He would have to run her a hot bath afterwards to soak her muscles. “Now tell me what you taste.”

“Taste?” Phoebe’s confusion was evident, yet she lifted her head to look up at him with a hundred percent concentration. He was leading her to the place she needed to be and she was following along nicely. Her unease lifted as she smiled, obviously liking this game. Since he was still standing within an inch of her, she placed her lips over his scar. Had he not been waiting for it, he wasn’t so sure he would have felt her tongue glide over the damaged tissue. Damn, but she had twisted this scene slightly and got his heart pumping. “I taste you—salty and sweet with a hint of vanilla. There’s an aftertaste that I want to stay with me.”

Lach reached in between them and gently captured her nipples in between his fingers, rolling and pressing the hardened pebbles. Phoebe’s swift intake was so immediate he could feel her sliding into that space he needed her to be. She once again placed her forehead against his chest.

“What do you smell?” Lach asked, noticing she’d yet to exhale. Phoebe slowly let out the air that was in her small frame and he could feel her breathe deeply to find her answer.

“Nutmeg. Clove.” Phoebe tried to lift up on her toes, as if she wanted to smell his neck, but her ankles cuffs kept her in place. “Your cologne is so subtle, as if it’s a part of you, Sir. Cinnamon, amber, earth.”

Lach allowed her to continue describing his scent as he continued to play with her nipples. He didn’t let up until she stopped speaking and he heard a light whimper escape from her throat. His next question rolled right off of his tongue.

“What do you hear?”

“My heartbeat. My breathing.” Phoebe had let her head rest against the wall behind her. Her eyes were closed as her lashes fluttered against her flushed skin. “Your breathing. Us, Sir.”

“That’s right, Phoebe. Us.” Lach pressed a little harder on her nipples and was pleased to see her straining for more. He released them and stepped back, taking in Phoebe’s color and the fact that her fingers had curled into her palms. “Open your eyes.”

Phoebe’s long beautiful lashes trembled as she did as instructed, revealing her dark sensuous eyes. The sapphires appeared to glow against such a picturesque background. He was more than pleased with the erotic image in front of him and once she became focused on him, he asked his last question.

“What do you see, Phoebe?”

“You, Sir. I only see you.”

Those simple words and the way Phoebe stated them stole Lach’s breath away. He wasn’t usually prone to such poignant triggers, but she’d somehow ended up combining the physical act of a scene and the emotional side of it in a way no other woman had done before. There was something about her…only her…that made this lifestyle come together in a way that made his soul feel complete.

Lach wasn’t sure how long he stayed where he was, with more than their eyes connecting. Maybe it was the glistening of light off of her cream that clung to her inner thigh that garnered his attention. It could also have been the slight rotation of her hips that signaled her need. Whatever it was, he knew it was time to take her further and continue their journey through both of their limits.

“Do not take your eyes off of mine,” Lach ordered, wanting to keep the environment and connection on this intense level. He reached into his pocket for the additional gift that came with her corset, courtesy of Lauren. When Phoebe had found them among the dark blue tissue paper, she’d held them up for his viewing pleasure. The tweezer type nipple clamps were made of platinum, with teardrop cut sapphires dangling from the matching platinum chains. They seemed a little lighter in color than what was adorned on her corset, but as he held them up to her skin, he noticed they darkened just right. “I want your nipples to feel every movement of your body as the tails of my flogger dance over your skin.”

Lach used the pads of the clamps to trace her areolas and continued to make circles until the rubber reached her protruding nub. He loved how her mounds of flesh were supported by their leather perches and accented by the deep blue gems, highlighting one of her best features. The hardened nipple was swollen to the point of aching need, he was sure, but what this little device would do was even more stimulating. He made sure her nub was directly in the middle of the black rubber and then adjusted the tension. When he got little reaction, he increased the pressure and was pleased to hear a low guttural moan.

“Answer me this, my socialite,” Lach murmured as he went about fastening her other clamp, “do you like being at my mercy?”

“Yes, Sir,” Phoebe groaned, her mouth staying open in a silent plea as he tightened the compression and then gently flicked the gem so that it rocked side to side.

“Will you take the pain and pleasure I give you?”

“Yes, Sir,” Phoebe answered, her body trying to follow his as he stepped back to retrieve his flogger that he’d placed on top of his dresser. He was pleased to see that she didn’t react to the word
as she would have previously. “I need…something, Sir.”

“What is your safeword, Phoebe?”

Lach waited patiently for her to answer, knowing her body was getting used to the pleasure of the weights on her nipples. He wouldn’t continue unless he was certain she was ready and prepared for what was about to happen. She’d responded nicely to their brief scene a couple of nights ago, and had even reached the outer edges of subspace, but this one would last quite a bit longer and take her deeper into herself.

“Red, Sir.”

“Are you to come without my permission?” Lach rotated his wrist, twirling the strands and getting himself reacquainted with the movements.

“No, Sir.” Phoebe had a slight perspiration on top of her swollen breasts as she continued to get accustomed to the weight on her nipples. That sensation alone was keeping her where he needed her. She responded so nicely that he was in awe of her untapped sexuality. “I-I will wait for your permission.”

Lach stepped closer to her, and without snapping his wrist he lightly danced the strands over Phoebe’s right arm. He continued to do so until he saw the shadowing of goosebumps on her flesh. He then ran the soft suede over her cleavage, but made sure to stay away from her nipples for now. He shifted his stance and continued on to her other arm until he could see her become impatient.


Lach stopped and pulled the material away from Phoebe’s skin. He took a step back and planted his feet firmly into the hardwood floor, crossing his arms in front of him so that the stands of his flogger dangled. Her eyes flickered every once in a while to the implement, but for the most part she kept gaze connected to his. He must have stood that way for a good two minutes before she caved.

“Sir, I’m sorry. I just need more.”

“I will give you what you need, but in
time.” Lach could clearly see a teardrop of Phoebe’s cream trail down her inner leg. She’d always known instant gratification, with the exception of the other night. He wasn’t one for immediate release, for it meant nothing. One must work for his or her reward. “Are we clear?”

“Yes, Sir.” Phoebe bit her lip as if she were holding back her own words by force. Lach had witnessed the pink flesh of her clit swell from the time he’d placed her into position to now. It wasn’t close to the size he wanted it when he would finally give her permission to come. “You will give me what I need.”

“I want you to say that every time my flogger strokes your clit.”

Lach waited until Phoebe answered him properly and then he shifted until he was in place. He ran the threads down the outer side of her right leg, dancing them across the top of her foot. He brought the soft suede filaments up once again and down the other side. He did this twice more before bring the flogger up with a flick of his wrist, the end of the strands catching her clit. Pleasure filled his pores when the slight sting brought about her surprised cry. He then waited.

“Y-you will give m-me what I need, Sir.”

Lach stepped back, wanting to see her reaction. Her clit further peeked through her swollen folds, giving him only a glimpse of what he wanted to see. It looked as if they had their work cut out for them.

“Very well, Phoebe. I will do that.”

*   *   *   *

Ever so light, Phoebe felt Lach start once again with her arms and she would swear that he didn’t leave one section of her skin untouched. The sounds of the impact started to change and she knew he was creating harder strokes, but she didn’t really feel the difference. Her body seemed to adjust to his momentum and take her higher without any relief in sight. She would have wept had she thought he would allow her to come right now.

Phoebe did let her thoughts drift slightly, hoping it would help her ward off the intense need to find immediate relief. When she’d opened the box that contained her corset, she hadn’t known what to expect. Seeing the gorgeous design had taken her breath away and seeing the delicate nipple clamps had only added to her desire to try them on immediately.

As if sensing what she was doing, Lach let the flogger drop and brought it up between her legs with a tap. She tried to close her legs as an intense shot vibrated through her body. He waited patiently for Phoebe to give the right response, but she had to allow the tortuous pleasure to pass before she could speak.

“You give me what I need, Sir.”

Phoebe rushed the words out, afraid she would beg once more. She had a feeling the more she pleaded, the more he would hold out. It was almost as if this was a test of wills, but she knew he wouldn’t see it like that. She never would have guessed in a million years that she would enjoy such an implement, but she needed more of the exquisite impacts each strand created on her skin.

“Then I will give you more.”

Phoebe wasn’t sure if she should laugh or cry at his statement. She was trying her best to keep her eyes on him, knowing that was what he wanted, yet she had an overwhelming need to close them in order to savor the sensations running through her body. Her skin had become so sensitive that even the movement of the heat coming through the vent could be felt. Her breathing was starting to sound loud in her ears, yet she wasn’t so sure that wasn’t her heart pushing the blood through her body at a rapid pace.

Lach worked the flogger over her abdomen, leaving her breasts to only have the sensation of the clamps. It was enough, if not more so given that with every movement the sapphires swayed and kept her aware of the pressure on her nipples. She hadn’t expected him to land the actual threads on top of the clamps, but he did. She gasped in her cry, trying to rise up on her toes to get relief from whatever this pleasure or pain was that he’d inflicted on her. His dark eyes remained on hers and she could have sworn she saw profound hunger within their depths that matched hers, yet that would be impossible.

Without breaking eye contact, Lach brought the flogger down and before Phoebe could brace herself for another impact, he brought the strands up between her legs. The direct collision, although still light in nature, had lights dancing around her peripheral vision.

“I don’t hear you, Phoebe.”

Phoebe couldn’t stand it any longer, yet she knew if she said anything other than the words he instructed her, he would carry this scene out longer. She would swear they had been doing this for hours. She couldn’t handle it if he added on any more time than what he already had in mind, so she said the correct words.

“You give me what I need, S-sir.”

“Your clit has finally revealed itself to me,” Lach said, tapping what felt like the handle of his flogger on her clitoris. Phoebe couldn’t prevent the whimper that stole through her. The pleasure was so intense she started to rethink the orgasm she wanted. She was afraid of what it would do to her. “Let’s see if we can match your flesh to the color of your clit, shall we?”

Phoebe wasn’t prepared for the peppered reins of the threads to connect to her skin. She was just now realizing that Lach was only now starting but before she could feel bad for her position, the rapid and unexpected pace sent her somewhere euphoric. Over and over, the strands connected with her body until it was as if she could no longer feel them. She knew they weren’t, but in an odd way, they had become a part of her.

“Come for me.”

As if Lach had flipped a switch, Phoebe’s body did as he instructed. Wave after wave crashed over her, but not in the way she had been frightened of. Her eyes stayed locked with his, which seemed to drag her under the current even more so. This release only added to the exultant sensation her mind, body, and spirit were already experiencing. It carried her farther away until she wasn’t sure she’d ever return to this place and time.

Chapter Twenty-Four

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