Cancer: Book 5 in a Young Adult Paranormal Romance Series (The Zodiac Twin Flame Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Cancer: Book 5 in a Young Adult Paranormal Romance Series (The Zodiac Twin Flame Series)
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Chapter Eighteen


My siblings charged forward as soon as the lift doors opened. I dropped my bag as arms embraced me. All I could see were flashes of pink skin, red hair, dark skin, brown hair and multiple colours of T-shirts. My whole family tried to hug me at the same time. It made me feel loved.

‘What happened?’ Pisces asked.

‘Where’s Matt?’ someone else shouted.

‘Did you get laid?’ Only Scorpio would have the audacity to ask.

Someone whistled. My siblings fell away, revealing my mother and father. They stood in the middle of the living room. We hadn’t been in the new home for long but it already felt safer than anywhere I had ever stayed.

‘It’s good to have you back,’ Mother said, coming over to give me a hug.

I let her hold me, like a mother should. The pain in my chest started again as I glanced at my family. It wasn’t hard to be with the people that stood around me. Well, that was a lie, it was hard to be around them sometimes, but not in the way it was hard to be around Matt.

‘He should be in court.’ I bent to pick up my bag and dug out my phone.

Taurus stepped forward. He wasn’t as tall as my other brothers but he still towered above me. His broad shoulders made me feel tiny. He lifted his cap, scratching the short stubble on the top of his head. ‘About that…’

I bit my lip as I frowned. It looked as if he was ready to catch me. As if I was going to fall.

‘Cancer…’ He sighed.

‘Just tell me.’ I grabbed his thick arm and squeezed.

‘I’ve had a phone call from Gemini. He’s at the courthouse but Matt isn’t.’

Clenching my fists, I nodded. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I had known. He must’ve changed his mind about divorcing his wife. I rubbed my forehead as I fought with the sadness that wanted to express itself.

‘Sometimes,’ Father started as Taurus backed away. ‘No matter what we do, things don’t go as we expect them to. You may know your mission, Cancer. In fact, you all know what your mission is…’ He raised his voice so that my siblings could hear. ‘But you don’t know how it will show itself to you. We can become so focused on one thing that we cling to it. When we cling to that idea, we block anything else coming in.’

My mother put an arm around my shoulder and smiled at my father. ‘He’s right. When we cling onto something, we forget to allow ourselves to see everything else. Some things stare us straight in the face but we don’t see them because we’re preoccupied with what we think
be happening. In time, things will become clearer.’

Leo scoffed. ‘You keep saying that but it doesn’t seem to be happening.’

Our mother and father shared a look. ‘You’ve only just begun. You think this is hard, you wait until you’ve united with your soulmate. Falling in love is very different to being in love. Defeating Nick is not going to be that easy. The evil is not going to be wiped out just because you lot have fallen in love.’ My father’s words made us stare at him. He had always been quietly spoken but the harsh reality was handed to us on a plate.

‘You’re old enough now to learn the truth. We are no longer your parents, as you know, but we are still your guardians. And now it’s time for us to start revealing more. Not too much but a bit.’ Mother held out her hand to Father. He reached forward and squeezed before letting go.

‘Well it’s about bloody time, in my opinion,’ Aries said.

He barged forward, pushing some of my siblings out of the way. He towered above Father, almost scowling down at him. ‘You know we’ve wanted to know more all along.’

Virgo pushed her way past me and stepped in front of Aries. ‘What I want to know is why it’s taking so long to sort out these living arrangements? Our cooker is faulty and the bathroom space leaves a lot to be desired.’

As my siblings gathered around to listen to our parents, I backed away. I watched them closely as I made my way, step-by-step, towards the door that led to the stairs. The lift would make too much noise.

‘That’s not important right now, Virgo.’ Aries nudged her out of the way.

My father cleared his throat. ‘Don’t do that to your sister. We’ll get things sorted, Virgo. Aries…’

I reached behind me, tuning out what they said. Feeling my way, I grabbed the handle and very gently pushed it down, letting the door open. Stepping back, I ducked into the little hallway that led to the stairs, closing the door silently behind me. Turning quickly, I rushed down them as quietly as I could. I had to get away from everyone. If Matt hadn’t gone to court, I needed to speak to him.

I was tired by the time I got to the bottom of the stairs but I didn’t stop. Focusing on my phone, I typed in the address of the courthouse. I needed to see for myself, even if it was too late.

‘Where do you think you’re going?’

I spun to see Derek following me down the road. I scowled before I started to run. His footsteps sounded behind me. There was no point in attempting to get away. I would never outrun him.

‘I’m going to the courthouse.’ I puffed.

Derek nodded as he fell into step beside me. He was silent, letting me lead the way. We weren’t that far from the courthouse. I started to run as we got nearer, sprinting inside when we got there. I slammed into Gemini as he came through the door.

‘Watch where you’re going!’ He grabbed my shoulders when he saw it was me. ‘Cancer. What are you doing here?’

I tried to rip out of his grasp and go past him but he wouldn’t let me.

‘I need to see for myself.’

Gemini glanced over my head, presumably at Derek, who stood behind. They shared a look but I ignored it. Gemini was tall and thin but he wasn’t weak. I tried to push him. He didn’t budge but he did let me go.

‘She’s coming out now. They’re still married.’

I nodded, going through the door and making my way inside. Standing in the middle of the lobby, I stalled. I had no idea who Matt’s wife was or what she looked like. It was pointless being there.

‘That’s her,’ Gemini muttered, pointing as he joined me.

Derek came to stand on the other side of me, linking his hand in mine and squeezing. I glanced down to where he held me but didn’t take much notice. I stared at the woman who came out of a room. She was beautiful. Intelligent, older and cold. Her face was hard, her eyes blank. She turned suddenly, glaring straight at us. Her gaze travelled up and down me before she shook her head. A smirk covered her face as she held up her engagement finger and wiggled it. Her rings were still there.

‘Just ignore her,’ Derek said.

‘How dare she?’ Gemini was about to step forward.

I grabbed him back, holding his hand in my other one. My brother and my bodyguard were protecting me from the energy that she threw my way. She swayed as she walked out of the building, not looking back over her shoulder. An image of Matt came into my mind. My heart was sad but at the same time, I knew it was right. Gemini let go of me and came to stand in front of us.

‘I’m sorry you had to see that.’ He glanced down at our joined hands.

His eyebrows lowered before his eyes widened. I followed the line of his gaze before running my eyes up Derek’s body, towards his face.

Gemini moved away, giving us some privacy. When our gaze clashed, my stomach plummeted. I had to suck air into my lungs to help me breathe. He watched me, silently. Our fingers were entwined. I was completely aware of where his skin touched mine.

‘I hardly know you,’ I stuttered.

He shrugged as a smile came to his face. A part of me wanted to take my hand away but a stronger part made me stay.

‘But Matt…’

‘...was a catalyst.’ Gemini stepped towards us again. ‘I heard Father talking to Mother about catalysts. Someone that feels like they could be your soulmate but they’re actually there to help you get to a better place so you can meet your
twin flame.’

I glanced away from Derek. My brother looked between us, his gaze darting quickly. ‘We need to get you out of here.’

He was right. Matt’s wife was part of the Dysfunctionals. That meant they were probably nearby. If they found out that Matt had chickened out, they might realise that he wasn’t my twin flame soulmate.

‘I don’t understand,’ I said. ‘It can’t be…you.’

Gemini took hold of my arm and pulled. I let him lead me out of the courthouse. Holding onto Derek, I dragged him with us. I couldn’t let go. I didn’t know why. Glancing down at our hands, I gasped when I noticed that my bracelet looked brand new. I paused, lifting my arm to get a closer look. The silver charm glistened and the thread was strong.

‘Is it just me that feels this?’ I tried to say to Derek as he tugged me. We marched along the pavement. He had gone into bodyguard mode, glancing over his shoulder and checking everywhere. Gemini was in front of us, doing the same.

‘No, it’s not just you.’

‘There!’ Gemini called over his shoulder. He pointed down the street. There were a few men clothed in black. Nick had obviously expected me to arrive. But I wasn’t scared of him. Not anymore. Matt had chosen his course and it was up to him to save his own life.

‘I want to talk to Nick,’ I said, pulling my hand away from Derek.

Gemini turned to me, swearing when he saw that I was determined. ‘Are you mad?’

Derek took my hand again. I looked up at him, waiting for him to try and persuade me not to speak to our enemy.

‘I’m not afraid of him. In fact, I think we could take him.’

Gemini rolled his eyes. Doing up the button on his suit jacket, he pulled it straight and nodded. ‘Okay. If I die today at least I’m well dressed.’

I giggled. My brother was amazing.

We started to walk towards Nick’s men. I couldn’t look at Derek. I didn’t know if it was real. I had wanted his attention when we were in Greece but I didn’t know why. I thought it was only because I was upset about Matt.

‘You’re sure about this?’ Gemini asked.

I glanced at my brother. Ever since he had met his twin flame, Athena, he had been more cautious. The danger for him had passed. Once the others had united, Nick seemed to give up, his attention immediately going to the person who was going to find their soulmate next. Unfortunately, that had been me recently.

‘I’m not scared.’ I didn’t have anything else to say.

‘Me neither,’ Derek said as his arm came around my shoulders.

It felt weird to have the bodyguard all of a sudden mean something else to me. When I spoke to him, it was easy. There was no to-ing and fro-ing or anger.

‘I told you, I see you,’ Derek whispered into my ear.

I shuddered as his breath hit my sensitive skin. He stood straight again as we approached the men. His arm fell away as we came to a stop in front of them.

‘What do we have here? Do you want to be killed?’ one of the men shouted.

We hovered on the pavement, ignoring the people that walked around us. There were three of them and three of us.

‘I want to speak to Nick,’ I demanded.

They looked at each other and laughed. ‘Well, you’re in luck.’

‘Hello, Cancer,’ someone said from behind.

We turned slowly. Nick. The grey haired man with grey eyes stood on his own in the middle of the pavement. Derek took my hand, lacing his fingers through mine.

‘Now, this is interesting.’ Nick’s head bent to the side as he watched us. ‘You seem to have forgotten Matt pretty quickly.’

‘What can I say?’ I really didn’t know what to say. Derek’s presence beside me was strange but right at the same time.

Gemini fiddled with the buttons on his shirt cuffs. I kept my eyes glued to Nick, ignoring his nervous twitch.

‘How does it feel to get it wrong, yet again?’ Gemini asked.

Nick shrugged, glancing over our shoulders. I waited for the attack. Sure that one of his men would come at us from behind.


I turned. Matt stood between two of Nick’s men. He wore the black uniform, just like them. My heart flip-flopped all over the place. I had believed for years that the older man was my soulmate. It hurt to see that he had betrayed me and gone back to his people. Had they known all along that he wasn’t the one?

‘I’m sorry,’ he said.

Shaking my head, I looked away from him and up at Derek. His green eyes were clear when they met mine. His shoulders were set high, ready to do battle. His palm sweated against mine but he didn’t pull away. He was immature sometimes. He tucked his hands into his pockets but he could see me. I had never seen him, though. Until now.

‘I want to thank you,’ I called to Matt. ‘For making me see what type of man I need. The type of man I deserve.’

The click of a gun safety being pulled back cut through every sound. I froze. Other guns were prepped and pointed at the same time.

Nick held his gun to the back of Derek’s head. Gemini had pulled one from his sleeve and aimed it at Nick. The Dysfunctionals also had their weapons drawn.

People in the street screamed as they saw what was happening. They rushed away from the scene but I didn’t go anywhere.

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