Authors: DPM Morton Walker

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In both South America and Central America I studied for weeks at a time with shamans (respected so-called “witch doctors”) who were the primary sources of healing for those indigenous people living in the jungles of Belize, Ecuador, Peru, Guatemala, and Panama. When I was in Panama in the spring of 1971, I photographed numerous sources of yellow fever and malaria with only a shaman’s herbals as protection against infection. That medicine man’s botanicals unquestionably worked well for me. At that time I consulted with tropical disease medical specialists at Panama’s Gorgas Hospital, whom I witnessed dispensing some aspects of shaman medicine. In short, much more healing is accomplished worldwide through other methods rather than just from the prescribing of drugs.


Herbal Therapy Is Resurging in the United States

No medicinal claims are allowed for most American herbal products because the U.S. Food & Drug Administration requires the same standard of absolute proof as is required for new synthetic drugs. The FDA has rejected the idea of establishing an independent Expert Advisory Panel for the development of monographs similar to Germany’s Commission E monographs, as well as other ideas to create a suitable framework for the marketing of herbal products in the United States. Currently in the United States, herbal products continue to be sold as “food supplements” and manufacturers are prohibited from making any therapeutic claims for their botanical products.
Despite this repression, herbal medicine is undergoing a rebirth, as stated, especially in developed countries because scientific researchers are exhibiting a renewed interest. During the last three decades an explosion of herbal information has occurred, which includes crude plant extracts, lesser known pharmaceuticals made from herbs, alkaloids in herbs which heal destabilized DNA, and some highly popular herbal sellers for drug companies which have excited the market.

Finding that it cannot beat down herbal usage by consumers, drug companies have decided to join in with herb product distribution and sale. Currently, over 25 percent of all prescription drugs in the United States contain active constituents obtained from plants. Even codeine and morphine are in this group.

The public, along with their health professionals, are learning that herbs are as useful in treating burns and preventing illness as they are in curing them. The administration of herbal therapy is an example of true holistic medicine in practice, for it deals with the “whole” person by treating the body as an integrated system and not just as a collection of isolated parts.


Beljanski’s Anticancer Botanicals as Preventatives

Many dozens of herbal botanicals help the body heal itself and thus act as powerful cancer-prevention treatments. I firmly believe, after having evaluated alternative treatment options for diseases such as cancer in ninety-one published books to date on the subject of natural/non-toxic healing, that the optimal plant therapy in which no evil is done to the body is provided by an individual’s ingestion of the botanicals discovered by Mirko Beljanski.

Restoration of a well-functioning DNA is the ultimate in healing, and Beljanski’s formulas have proven themselves, both in laboratory studies and in clinical trials, to do exactly that. But because they have also proven themselves to have no side effects on healthy cells, Beljanski’s discoveries are invaluable as preventative measures as well, especially if you make the effort to detoxify your body of the external poisons accumulated internally over the years.

To recap the effectiveness of these extracts in terms of prevention, be aware of the following: Each anticancer botanical, Pao pereira and
Rauwolfia vomitoria
, kill cancer cells, and only cancer cells. They don’t harm normal healthy cells and have no untoward side effect in the patient.
These botanicals may be taken orally, if possible, several times with meals. Since they do not have the same cellular target, ingesting them together gives the patient twice the opportunity to destroy cancer cells. Both can be taken alone as a preventative measure as well as a way to help handle the cancer itself. The synergy these extracts show with conventional treatments means that a combination of the two will have an additive positive effect.

There are certain reasons to select one or the other of these two extracts.
The Rauwolfia vomitoria
has a particular affinity for endocrine tissues (which provide hormones related to breasts, prostate, thyroid, uterus, cervix, ovaries, testes, etc.). Thus the commercial form of this extract is highly desirable for the organs in which hormonal tissues are affected. However, if the patients are receiving hormones, antihormones, or corticoids,
Rauwolfia vomitoria
is not advised since its effect will be neutralized by these medicinal substances.

Rauwolfia vomitoria
extract in commercial form is prepared according to Beljanski’s procedure, wherein one of its components, alstonine, is concentrated because of its anticancer effects while reserpine is removed to avoid toxicity and side effects. This alkaloid may be ingested by cancer patients in order to fight malignant cells, but it also is a highly effective preventative when a person may be at risk for cancer development. I personally ingest it daily to offset BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) which tends to predispose me to prostate cancer. This cancer prevention herbal is additionally useful for women looking to overcome the negative effects of menopause.

Pao pereira fights all cancer cells. It, additionally, has no uncomfortable secondary side effect. This rainforest-grown Pao pereira may be ingested both as a treatment and as a preventative measure. Since this botanical crosses the blood-brain barrier, Pao pereira may increase the beneficial treatments for brain cancer or certain viruses. Beyond its anticancer activity, Pao pereira strongly inhibits viruses.

This antiviral action includes both RNA genome viruses (flu, HIV, FEV, hepatitis C, etc.), and DNA genome viruses (hepatitis A, B, and all of the herpes organisms). Pao pereira, unlike
Rauwolfia vomitoria
, is not modified by hormone usage.


Boosting the Body’s Natural Defenses

In chapter 5, I presented to you a brief overview of how Beljanski’s RNA primers work. These RNA fragments “prime” (i.e. catalyze or prepare) the duplication of DNA from bone marrow in a very specific manner. Bone marrow cells then physiologically synthesize white blood cells and platelets, restoring the impaired balance for these cells that have been adversely altered by toxic chemicals. RNA fragments make it possible for people undergoing toxic treatments to tolerate them much better and to maintain their bodies’ extremely necessary natural immune
This action makes the RNA fragments potentially and naturally preventative in nature.

As the body ages, natural immunity has a tendency to wane, and at least one dose of RNA fragments per week is recommended. Ingesting RNA fragments is also advantageous for people undergoing x-ray examinations or vaccinations which alter the fragile immune cells.

Also in chapter 5, I reported that the special
Ginkgo biloba
extract that Beljanski developed from the golden leaves of that remarkable plant stems from his research in radiation protection. This particular botanical does not resemble other traditional extracts from the same plant, both in terms of its harvest time as well as in its purification and extraction procedures. Beljanski’s
extract was developed to protect people from the dangerous effects of radiation (burns, fibrosis, cicatrix), to improve healing of the skin and tissues in general (wounds, bedsores, scars, etc.), to avoid natural developing fibrosis, and to regulate the function of several proteins and enzymes, impaired either by treatments or by disease.

Ginkgo biloba
is particularly recommended for application in certain diseases in which there is an untimely protein build-up—cancer markers, etc.—which make it ideal as a preventative. The excessive protein is both a consequence of cellular deregulation and also a contributing factor in the worsening and continuation of a degenerative disease. Without any known side effects, Dr. Beljanski’s extract gives an important boost to the body as it fights to regain internal homeostasis and restore normal health.

Beljanski’s botanicals I believe are an important part of any cancerprevention program for three powerful reasons. They are:

1) selective,

2) immediately eliminative of a small population of cancer cells before tumors develop, which is the paramount goal for any cancer preventative agent, and

3) applicable for periodic ingestion by individuals at high risk or even by healthy elderly or middle-aged people with the aim of stopping prostate cancer, breast cancer, or other cancers before they have a chance to start. Prevention comes in many forms, and it requires diligence and a willingness to be mindful of what we put into our bodies as well as with what we surround ourselves. Cancer doesn’t have to be the dreaded killer that it is reputed to be, but we have to stand up and fight for what we have seen proven scientifically to work against this horrible disease.


Fighting Back Against the Psychology of Fear

Most of us are aware that, for the majority of cancer patients, hearing a diagnosis of “cancer” is the equivalent of receiving a death sentence. Many physicians are well acquainted with the futility of treating patients with the established but often inadequate oncological methods that are usually recommended by our medical institutions. Still these treatments are continually pushed onto medical consumers even when they don’t necessarily want them. As I have noted before, conventional cancer treatment is big business. Now the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is getting active as well.

The FTC is now requiring two random-controlled human trials (RCTs) for any health-related claim that is marketed on a product’s label. The cost of such RCTs averages $200,000. In effect, this makes Big Pharma the prime contender because only they can consistently afford the testing required, so only they will be able to produce and sell nutritional supplements with health claims. This new requirement will drive the small manufacturer out of business, and supplements will cost us medical consumers ten times the current price. This announcement was just recently released on May 24, 2011, and Big Pharma is delighted.

The three conventional methods used to treat cancer are: surgery, chemotherapy with toxic drugs, and radiation therapy with X-rays and cobalt radiation. Any other method which might be tried by a holistic-type health-care professional most often is labeled “controversial,” “unproven,” or “quackery” by the above-mentioned entities.

Even so, a movement is afoot in the United States to change the status quo. Patients are opting out of the conventional system. People who have taken charge of all other aspects of their lives are challenging the powerful bureaucracy which has been able to control the practice of medicine. Instead of seeing themselves as non-powerful patients under the control of those who profess to help but instead harm, these courageous individuals count themselves as “medical consumers.” They seek solutions for their health problems in the same way that they manage every other aspect of their lives, by “shopping around.” What they discover is that there is a diversity of opinions among medical professionals about how to think about and treat cancer. This “shopping around” is a vital step in fighting back against the psychology of fear which pervades conventional medicine.

The underlying psychology coming from purveyors of conventional cancer treatment is:
do what I tell you to do or you will die
. At that moment, the emphasis shifts from science to business. The patient is no longer facing a scientific decision predicated on the answers to certain questions:
what is cancer and how can I stop what it’s doing to my body?
Instead, the patient becomes a customer of the medical (or cancer) industry which makes a profit from the patient’s illness. If this industry can control the medical marketplace by gaining a monopoly over the treatment of cancer then their profitability is assured regardless of the merits of their service and/or product. The easiest way for the purveyor of cancer treatments to guarantee their profits is to eliminate any other form of cancer remedy which would compete for their supply of new patients. Adherents to conventional cancer treatment and the global pharmaceutical companies which profit from the sale of chemotherapy drugs have been able to connive with government officials by means of bribery, awarding of favors, free trips to luxurious places, and all manner of other “gifts.” These special favors support the drive for a medical monopoly by legally suppressing medical research and discoveries which would challenge conventional medical therapies. The experience of Dr. Mirko Beljanski in France is just one example of how bureaucratic forces can be manipulated or connived into interfering with scientific progress in favor of Big Pharma business.

As potential cancer patients—for we all are that, no matter how deeply we bury our head in the sand—the real fear in each of our minds should be:
what will happen to me if the forces which continue their drive for a medical monopoly over cancer are victorious?
As politically conscious medical consumers, we must voice our opposition to these monopolistic giants and the bureaucrats which would side with them and prevent the purveyors of conventional cancer treatment from gaining any more control over the medical industry. At the same time, we must work to encourage proper research be done on the most promising alternative methods available so that we can be even better informed about the choices we make.

Dr. Mirko Beljanski devoted his life to discovering the biological tools to fight cancer and infectious viral diseases. Now it is up to us as educated consumers and freedom-loving Americans to fight for what we want and believe is right for us as individuals.

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