Authors: DPM Morton Walker

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39. - M. BELJANSKI, Participation of an RNA fraction in peptide synthesis in the presence of a purified enzyme system from Alcaligenes faecalis È. Biochim. Biophys. Res. Comm., 1962, 8, pp. 15-19.

40. - M. BELJANSKI, M. S. BELJANSKI, Acide aminé- acide ribonucléique , intermédiaire dans la synthマse des liasons peptidiques È. VI- Biochim. Biophys. Acta., 1963, 72, pp. 585-597.

41. - M. BELJANSKI, ARN-messager: intermédiaire direct dans la synthマse des liaisons peptidiques È. Colloque International du C.N.R.S., Marseille, 1963, pp. 39-44. (Mécanismes de régulation des activités cellulaires chez les micro-organismes).

42. - M. BELJANSKI, C. FISHER, M. S. BELJANSKI, Le RNA messager, accepteur spécifique des L-acides aminés en présence d’enzymes bactériennes È. C.R. Acad. Sci., 1963,257, pp. 547-549.

43. - M. BELJANSKI, C. FISHER, Les ARN messagers gouvernant la synthマse in vitro È des cha”nes peptidiques en présence de polypeptides synthétases È. Pathologie-Biologie, 1965,13, pp. 198-203.

44. - M. BELJANSKI, “Messenger RNA dependent Synthesis of peptides by purified bacterial enzymes”. Bioch-Zeits, 1965, 342, pp. 392-399.

45. - M. BELJANSKI, L’ARN isolé du virus de la mosa•que jaune du Navet, accepteur des l-acides aminés en présence d’enzymes bactériennes È. Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol. 1965, 47, pp. 1645-1652.

46. - M. BELJANSKI, N. VAPAILLE, R™le des triterpマnes dans l’attachement des l-acides aminés par des ARN matriciels È È. Eur. J. of Clin. Biol. Res., 1971, pp. 897-908.

47. - M. BELJANSKI, P. BOURGAREL, Isolement de di- et trinucléotides, sites spécifiques d’attachement d’arginine et de valine dans des ARN d’ origines différentes È. C.R. Acad. Sci., 1967, 264, pp. 1760-1763 (série D).

48. - M. BELJANSKI, C. FISCHER-FERRARO, Nouvelle mérhode de purification des polypeptides synthétases È. C.R. Acad. Sci., 1967, 264, pp. 411-414 (série D).

49. - M. BELJANSKI, C. FISCHER-FERRARO, P. BOURGAREL, Identification des sites d’attachement spécifiques d’arginine et de valine dans des ARN d’ origines différentes È. VIII- European J. Biochem., 1968, 4, pp. 184-189.

50. - C. FISCHER-FERRARO, M. BELJANSKI, Nouvelle méthode de purification des polypeptides synthétases È. VII- European J. Biochem., 1968, 4, pp. 118-125.

51. - M. BELJANSKI, P. BOURGAREL, Isolement et caractérisation d’un RNA matriciel d’Alcaligenes faecalis È. C.R. Acad. Sci., 1968, 266, pp. 845-847.

52. - M. BELJANSKI, M.S. BELJANSKI, Synthマse chez Escherichia coli des ARN dont la structure primaire diffマre de celle de l’ADN È. C.R. Acad. Sci., 1968, 267, pp. 1058-1060 (série D).

53. - M. BELJANSKI, M.S. BELJANSKI, P. BOURGAREL, J. CHASSAGNE, Synthマse chez les bactéries d’ARN nouveaux n’étant pas la copie de l’ADN È. C.R. Acad. Sci., 1969, 269, pp. 240-243 (série D).

54. - M. BELJANSKI, P. BOURGAREL, M.S. BELJANSKI, Showdomycine et biosynthマse d’ARN non complémentaire de l’ADN È I -. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 1970, 118, pp. 253-276.

55. - M. BELJANSKI, P. BOURGAREL, M.S. BELJANSKI, “Drastic alteration of ribosomal RNA and ribosomal proteins in showdomycinresistant Escherichia Coli”. Proc. Nat. Aca. Sci. (USA), 1971,68, pp. 491-495.

56. - M. PLAWECKI, M. BELJANSKI, Transcription par la polynucléotide phosphorylase de l’ARN associé ˆ l’ADN d’Escherichia coli È. C.R. Acad. Sci., 1971, 273, pp. 827-830 (série D).

57. - M. BELJANSKI, M.S. BELJANSKI, P. BOURGAREL, ARN transformants porteurs de caractマres héréditaires chez Escherichia coli showdomycino-résistant È. C.R. Acad. Sci., 1971, 272, pp. 2107-2110 (série D).

58. - M. BELJANSKI, M.S. BELJANSKI, P. BOURGAREL, Episome ˆ ARN È porté par l’ADN d’Escherichia coli sauvage et showdomycinorésistant È. C.R. Acad. Sci., 1971, 272, pp. 2736-3739 (série D).

59. - M. BELJANSKI, M.S. BELJANSKI, P. MANIGAULT, P. BOURGAREL, “Transformation of Agrobacterium tumefaciens into a non-oncogenic species by an Escheria coli RNA” Proc. Nat. Aca. Sci. (USA), 1972, 69, pp. 191-195.

60. - M. BELJANSKI, Synthマse in vitro de l’ADN sur une matrice d’ARN par une transcriptase d’Escherichia coli È. C.R. Acad. Sci., 1972, 274, pp.2801-2804 (série D).

61. - M. BELJANSKI, C. BONISSOL, P. KONA, Transformation des cellules K.B. induites par la showdomycine È. C.R. Acad. Sci., 1972,274, pp. 3116-3119 (série D).

62. - M. BELJANSKI, P. MANIGAULT, “Genetic transformation of bacteria by RNA and loss of oncogenic power properties of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Transforming RNA as template for DNA synthesis”. Sixth Miles International Symposium on Molecular Biology. Ed. F. Beers and R.C. Tilghman. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1972, pp. 81-97.

63. - M. BELJANSKI, Séparation de la transcriptase inverse de l’ADN polymérase ADN dépendante. Analyse de l’ADN synthétisé sur le modマle de l’ARN transformant È. C.R. Acad. Sci., 1973, 276, pp. 1625-1628 (série D).

64. - M. BELJANSKI, M. PLAWECKI, “Transforming RNA as a template directing RNA and DNA synthesis in bacteria”. In Niu and Segal (eds), The Role of RNA in Reproduction and Development. North Holland Publ.Co., 1973, pp. 203-224.

65. - M. PLAWECKI, M. BELJANSKI, Synthマse
in vitro
d’un ARN utilis
comme amorceur pour la r
plication de l’ADN È. C.R. Acad. Sci., 1974, 278, pp. 1413-1416 (s
rie D).

66. - M. BELJANSKI, Y. AARON-DA-CUNHA, M.S. BELJANSKI, P. MANIGAULT, P. BOURGAREL, “Isolation of the tumor-inducing RNA from Oncogenic and Nononcogenic Agrobacterium tumefaciens”. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA), 1974,71, pp. 1585-1589.

67. - M. BELJANSKI, M.S. BELJANSKI, RNA-bound Reverse Transcriptase in Escherichia coli and
in vitro
synthesis of a complementary DNA È. Biochemical genetics, 1974, 12, pp. 163-180.

68. - M. BELJANSKI, P. MANIGAULT, M.S. BELJANSKI, Y. AARONDA- CUNHA, “Genetic transformation of Agrobacterium tumefaciens by RNA and nature of the tumor inducing principle”. First Intern. Congress of the Intern. Assoc. of Microbiol. Soc. Tokyo I.A.M.S., 1974,1, pp.132-141.

69. - M. BELJANSKI, M. S. BELJANSKI, M. PLAWECKI, P. MANIGAULT, ARN-fragments, amorceurs nécessaires ˆ la réplication in vitro È des ADN È. C.R. Acad. Sci., 1975,280, pp. 363-366 (série D).

70. - M. BELJANSKI, L. CHAUMONT, C. BONISSOL, M. S. BELJANSKI, ARN-fragments inhibiteurs in vivo È de la multiplication des virus du fibrome de Shope et de la vaccine È C.R. Acad. Sci., 1975, 280, pp. 783-786 (série D).

71. - M. BELJANSKI, ARN-amorceurs riches en nucléotides G et A indispensables ˆ la réplication
in vitro
de l’ADN des phages YX174 et lambda È. C.R. Acad. Sci., 1975, 280, pp. 783-786 (série D).

72. - L. LE GOFF, Y. AARON-DA-CUNHA, M. BELJANSKI, “RNA fraction from several nononcogenic strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens as tumor inducing agent in Datura stramonium”. XIIth Intern. Bot. Congress. Résumés. Leningrad, 1975.

73. - M. BELJANSKI, Y. AARON-DA-CUNHA, “RNA fraction from others sources than Agrobacterium tumefaciens as tumor inducing agent in Datura stramonium”. Workshop Third Intern. Congress of Virology, Madrid, 1975, p. 15.

74 . - L. LE GOFF, Y. AARON-DA-CUNHA, M. BELJANSKI, Un ARN extrait d’Agrobacterium tumefaciens souches oncogマnes et non oncogマnes, éléments indispensables ˆ l’induction des tumeurs chez Datura stramonium È. Canadian J. of Microbiology, 1976, 22, pp. 694-701.

75. - M. BELJANSKI, Y. AARON-DA-CUNHA, “Particular small size RNA and RNA fragments from different origins as tumor inducing agents in in Datura stramoium”. Molec. Biol. Reports, 1976, 2, pp. 497-506.

76. S.K. DUTTA, M. BELJANSKI, P. BOURGAREL, “Endogenous RNA-bound RNA dependent DNA polymerase activity in Neurospora crassa”. Exp. Mycology, 1977, 1, pp. 173-182.

77. L. LE GOFF, Y. AARON-DA-CUNHA, M. BELJANSKI, Polyribonucleotides, agents inducteurs et inhibiteurs des tissus tumoraux È. Conf. Intern. Montpellier (1978) - Résumés.

78. - M. BELJANSKI, P. BOURGAREL, M.S. BELJANSKI, Découpage des ARN ribosomiques d’Escherichia coli par la ribonucléase U2 et transcription
in vitro
des ARN-fragments en ADN complémentaires È. C.R. Acad. Sci., 1978, 286, pp. 1825-1828 (série D).

79. - M. BELJANSKI, M. PLAWECKI, P. BOURGAREL, M. S. BELJANSKI, Nouvelles substances (R.L.B.) actives dans la leucopo•ese et la formation des plaquettes È. Bull. Acad. Nat. Med., 1978, 162, Volume n¡6, pp. 475-781.

80. - M. STROUN, Ph. ANKER, M. BELJANSKI, J. HENRI, Ch. LEDERREY, M. OJHA, P. MAURICE, “Presence of RNA in the nucleo-protein complex spontaneously released by human lymphocytes and frog auricles”. Cancer Res., 1978, 38, pp. 3546-3551.

81. - M. BELJANSKI, L. LE GOFF, Y. AARON-DA-CUNHA, “Special short dual-action RNA fragments can both induce and inhibit crown-gall tumors”. Proc. 4th Conf. Plant Path. Bacteria Angers, 1978, pp. 207-220.

82. - M. BELJANSKI, L. LE GOFF, Stimulation de l’induction - ou inhibition du développement - des tumeurs de crown-gall par des ARN-fragments U2. Interférence de l’auxine È. C.R. Acad. Sci., 1979, 288, pp. 147-150 (série D).

83. - M. BELJANSKI, M. PLAWECKI, “Particular RNA fragments as promoters of leucocytes and platelet formations in rabbits”. Exp. Cell Biol., 1979, 47, pp. 218-225.

84. - M. BELJANSKI, “Oncotest: a DNA assay system for the screening of carcinogenic substances”. IRCS Medical science, 1979, 47, pp. 218-225.

85. - L. LE GOFF, M. BELJANSKI, “Cancer/anti-cancer dual action drugs in crown-gall tumors”. IRCS Medical Science, 1979,7, p. 476.

86. - M. BELJANSKI, “Oligoribo-nucleotides, promoters of leucocyte and platelet genesis in animals depleted by anticancer drugs”. NCIEORTC Symposium on nature, prevention and treatment of clinical toxicity of anticancer agents. Institut Bordet, Bruxelles, 1980.

87. - M. BELJANSKI, M. PLAWECKI, P. BOURGAREL, M.S. BELJANSKI, “Short chain RNA fragments as promoters of leucocyte and platelet genesis in animals depleted by anti-cancer drugs”. In the Role of RNA in Development and Reproduction. Sec. Int. Symposium, April 25-30, 1980, pp. 79-113. Science Press Beijing. M.C. Niu and H.H. Chuang Eds Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.

88. - M. BELJANSKI, P. BOURGAREL, M.S. BELJANSKI, “Correlation between
in vitro
DNA synthesis, DNA strand separation and in vivo multiplication of cancer cells”. Expl. Cell. Biol., 49,1981, pp.220-231.

89. - M. PLAWECKI, M. BELJANSKI, “Comparative study of Escherichia coli endotoxin, hydrocortisone and Beljanski Leucocyte Restorers activity in cyclophosphamide-treated rabbits”. Proc. of the Soc. for Exp. Biol. and Med., 168, 1981, pp.408-413.

90. - M. BELJANSKI, L. LE GOFF, M.S. BELJANSKI, “Differential susceptibility of cancer and normal DNA templates allows the detection of carcinogens and anticancer drugs”. Third NCI-EORTS Symp. on new drugs in Cancer Therapy, Institut Bordet, Bruxelles, 1981.

91. - L. LE GOFF, M. BELJANSKI, “Crown-gall tumor stimulation or inhibition: correlation with DNA strand separation”. Proc. Fifth Conf. Plant Path. Bact. Cali, 1981, p. 295-307.

92. - M. BELJANSKI, M.S. BELJANSKI, “Selective inhibition of
in vitro
synthesis of cancer DNA by alkaloids of b-carboline class”. Expl. Cell. Biol., 50, 1982, pp.79-87.

93. - L. LE GOFF, M. BELJANSKI, Agonist and/or antagonists effects of plant hormones and an anticancer alkaloid on plant structure and activity È IRCS Med. Sci., 10, 1982, pp. 689-690.

94. - M. BELJANSKI, L. LE GOFF, A. FAIVRE-AMIOT, Preventive and curative anticancer drug. Application to Crown-gall tumors È Acta Horticulturae, n¡125, 1982, pp. 239-248.

95. - M. BELJANSKI, Oncotest: dépistage des potentiels cancérogマnes et spécifiquement cancéreux. Conceptions et perspectives nouvelles en cancérologie È. Environnement et nouvelle médecine. n¡2, 1982, pp.18-23.

96. - M. BELJANSKI, L. LE GOFF, M. S. BELJANSKI, In vitro Screening of Carcinogens using DNA of the His-Mutant of Salmonella typhimurium È. Expl. Cell. Biol., 50, 1982, pp. 271-280.

97. - M. BELJANSKI, L. LE GOFF, Tumor promoter (TPA), DNA chain opening and unscheduled DNA synthesis È. IRCS Med. Sci., 11, 1983, pp. 363-364.

98. - M. BELJANSKI, M. PLAWECKI, P. BOURGAREL, M.S. BELJANSKI, Leucocyte recovery whith short-chain RNA fragments in cyclophosphamide-treated rabbits È. Cancer Treatment Reports, 67, 1983, pp. 611-619.

99. - M. BELJANSKI, The Regulation of DNA Replication and Transcription. The Role of Trigger Molecules in Normal and Malignant Gene Expression È. Experimental Biology and Medicine, vol. 8, Karger (1983), pp. 1-190.

100. - M. BELJANSKI, M.S. BELJANSKI, Three alkaloids as selective destroyers of the proliferative capacity of cancer cells È. IRCS Med. Sci., 12, 1984, pp. 587-588.

101. - L. LE GOFF, J. ROUSSAUX, Y. AARON-DA-CUNHA, M. BELJANSKI, Growth inhibition of crown-gall tissues in relation to the structure and activity of DNA È Physiol. Plant., 64, 1985, pp 177-184.

102. - L. LE GOFF, M. BELJANSKI, The
in vitro
effects of opines and other compounds on DNAs originating from bacteria and from healthy and tumorous plant tissues È. Expl. Cell. Biol., 53, 1985, pp. 335-350.

103. - M. BELJANSKI, Activation et inactivation des gマnes: Incidence en cancérologie È. Aspect de la recherche. Université Paris-Sud, 1985, pp. 56-62.

104. - M. BELJANSKI, M.S. BELJANSKI, Three alkaloids as selective destroyers of cancer cells in mice. Synergy with classic anticancer drugs È. Oncology, 43, 1986, pp 198-203.

105. - M. BELJANSKI, L. LE GOFF, Analysis of small RNA species: phylogenetic trends È. In DNA Systematics, vol.I: Evolution. Ed. S.K. Dutta CRC Press, Inc. Florida (1986), pp.81-105.

106. - M. BELJANSKI, T. NAWROCKI, L. LE GOFF, Possible role of markers synthesized during cancer evolution: I- Markers in mammalien tissues È. IRCS Med. Sci. 14, 1986, pp. 809-810.

107. - L. LE GOFF, M. BELJANSKI, Possible role of markers synthesized during cancer evolution: II- Markers in crown-gall tissues È. IRCS Med. Sci. 14, 1986, pp. 811-812.

108. - M. BELJANSKI, L. LE GOFF, M.S. BELJANSKI, Régulation des gマnes, cancer et prévention È. Médecines nouvelles, 15, 1986, pp. 57-86.

109. - M. BELJANSKI, Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase and ribonuclease activities in purified hepatitis-B antigen È. Med. Sci. Res., 15, 1987, pp. 529-530.

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