Candescent (The Opalescent Collection Book 1)

BOOK: Candescent (The Opalescent Collection Book 1)
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Book Two



Isabelle Gallo
















Copyright © 2010 by Isabelle Gallo

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher.


Summary: Chenille East’s journey continues on the mysterious planet Catastrophe by the powers of a silver dragon charm. She must figure out the charm’s powers and uncover its secrets in an unfinished adventure before it is too late.



Printed in the United States of America

















Part 1
The Charm

Chapter 1 - Tangible

Chapter 2 - Brother

Chapter 3 - Mask

Chapter 4 - Masquerade Ball

Chapter 5 - New World

Chapter 6 - Sea Travel

Chapter 7 - Sea Dragon

Chapter 8 - Allies

Chapter 9 - Meeting

Chapter 10 - Trial

Part 2
Silver Dust

Chapter 11 - Return

Chapter 12 - Medicine

Chapter 13 - Masquerade

Chapter 14 - Hideout

Chapter 15 - Treasure

Chapter 16 - Stray

Chapter 17 – Chance

Chapter 18 – Manhunt

Chapter 19 –The Transfusion

Chapter 20 - Captivated

Chapter 21- Red Snow

Chapter 22 - Deliverance

Chapter 23 - The Captain’s Room

Chapter 24 - The Arii Desert

Chapter 25 - The Effect

Chapter 26 - The Fool’s Paradise

Chapter 27 - Take Me Home

Part 3

Chapter 28 - Awake

Chapter 29 - Remorse

Chapter 30 - Respondent and Incandescent





Important Terms

About the Author























Part 1
The Charm











Chapter 1 - Tangible


hen I woke up it was unbelievably muggy and hot. This was just the beginning of summer in Florida. To my surprise, no one was home. I forgot that my parents had left for a business trip the previous night. My brother was probably out getting himself into trouble or perhaps working his summer job. The doorbell rang and sluggishly I walked over to the door to find myself staring wide-eyed at my friend.

“You called?” It was Louie, my black haired blue-eyed friend, who resembled Lucian in my dream. Unlike Lucian, his athleticism showed from his built arms and the almost visible lines on his black shirt that traced the muscles of his upper body.

              For a moment, I forgot why I called him and just continued to stare at him puzzled to think that I was actually friends with him.

“Yeah, I need to tell you something. Come in.” I nearly stuttered my words.

              He casually stepped inside and took a seat on the couch. Slowly I walked over to him, indecisive whether to stand or sit next to him. No, I would stand so I would not stutter again.

“It’s about Pete.”

              His mouth seemed to twist into something I would have liked to think of as a frown, but his expression seemed to display more of disgust.

“Your boyfriend?”

              I looked at him shocked. That was disgust. He was jealous. I felt a ping of joy. Pete must have told him that we were officially a couple.

“Did he tell you about the dream I had last night?”

              Louie shrugged. “He mentioned it to me. He only said you had a crazy, real feeling dream.”

“He didn’t go into detail?”

“He didn’t have much detail to give me.”

“Do you think the dream could have been brought on by the necklace?”

“I don’t know, maybe.”

“You told me Pete probably dropped it when he saw me sleeping.”

”Yes, he did.”

“What happened last night? What did I miss before dinner?”

“Well everyone was preparing for dinner and you decided to go for a walk. You were gone for a while so Pete decided to go out and see if you were ok. He ran in a few minutes after he left and told me you weren’t moving. I came out, but you were awake by the time I met up with Pete by the willow. That’s it. You didn’t miss anything else.”

I waited for him to say more and when he didn’t I sat down to think. Maybe Pete could tell me more. Louie’s phone vibrated in his pocket and he sighed, glancing at it.

“It’s Monty. He’s been trying to reach me. I have to head back home.”

As soon as Louie left, I took a seat on the couch and closed my eyes, too lazy to turn on the AC even though the heat was blistering. It was too hot to sleep so I stayed as still as possible.

Later that evening Pete invited me over to his house. He wanted to talk to me, probably about the night before. A servant opened the door, Pete’s family always had great wealth, and I stepped inside. The servant led me inside and pointed me in the direction of what appeared to be the family room. Pete was sitting on a leather couch positioned in front of a large television. He rolled his eyes toward me and smiled to himself.

“Come sit Chenille.”

When I had done so, he turned in my direction. He reached out his hand, traced along the side of my face and then felt the silver dragons that hung from my neck. I noticed how he used his sense of touch frequently.

“Why have you been doing that? You use your hands so much to trace along things as though you are unsure they exist.”

He sighed. “That’s what I wanted to tell you about.”  He sat back. “I have never told you…not even my own father.” He looked back as if to check to make sure no one was listening to us. “If my father knew, I would be a disgrace to him.”

“Knew what?”

“I am blind in my right eye. I can’t see perfectly in my left eye either.”

He had used his sense of touch to judge what he could not see pertaining to the other eye.

“What happened?”

“When I was younger I was diagnosed with glaucoma. No one knew I had it until I complained that my vision was getting worse. By then my eye was so damaged because at the time, I was a child and I didn’t understand what was going on. I was afraid to tell anyone about my sight, but my sight became so bad it was hard to hide the fact that it was getting worse. If only they caught the disease earlier I would probably be able to see…and the vision in my left eye would probably be better than what it is now.”  

He focused his attention on me and I stared back, taking in what he had told me. It was not like saying he was legally blind without glasses. No, he could not see out of his right eye at all. It seemed so unrealistic because he had sight in his left eye and could focus well with it. With one eye focused, his other eye had the notion to follow as though it too had sight.

There was the sound of movement going on in the kitchen and he was quiet which was good because I could not think of anything to say back to him. Though I stayed quiet too, I must have been looking at him differently because he turned his face from me at once.

“I don’t want you to look at me like I am different from any other person.” He said now in a low tone. “I don’t want you to look at me and see me as disabled and that I can’t hold my own. I don’t want you to offer me help. I’m not completely blind. I just want you to know the truth, but I don’t want you to see me as anyone different than what you saw me as before you walked through that door.”

I nodded slowly seeing now that he had become tense and almost angry at the thought that I would think less of him. His father came into the room for once not dressed in a suit for business, even though he looked busy enough. He was talking on the phone engaged in a high-strung conversation about stocks, I could only assume by his tone and mentioning of the Great Depression. Though that had nothing to do with his profession of running multi-million dollar companies and keeping them where their high statuses should be, occasionally he got involved in talking about the stock market, or so Pete had once told me.

Noticing me, he smiled to show his acknowledgement. I knew my family had liked them, the entire Silver family, so he had no problem if I showed up once in a while. I turned back to Pete and waited for his father to collect his keys on the coffee table beside the couch and leave the room.

“I don’t see what you have against him.” I remarked when I was sure his father had gone.

“It’s none of your business of what I feel about my father.”

“Why can’t you tell him?”

“He has looked for impurities in me from the moment I was born. I hold his business statuses as his son and I symbolize all of what he is when I stand in front of a crowd. To be called the blind boy of the rich man, I would be looked down on and pitied and so would he. What he thinks of me will be worse than anyone else.”

“But he will understand that you’re different. You are his son. He has to respect that as your father.”

Pete stood up angrily. “You don’t get it Chenille. You don’t have to get it, but don’t you tell me who my father is and isn’t.”

I got up, frightened by his growing anger. I could tell there was a growing hate between him and his father for whatever reason and he did not want me to be involved.

“Pete I didn’t know. I’m-,”

“Shut up Chenille.” His fists remained at his sides, his anger slowly surfacing.

He looked at me silently and relaxed when I hastily stepped back away from him. I did not want him to explode. His expression immediately softened, but before he could catch me, I backed myself to the door and watched as he panicked.

He had caught a glimpse of my hair and reached out but found himself clutching the arm of the chair in front of him. He ran his hands over the plush material and at once shook his head, probably assuring himself that it wasn’t me he had. He thought I had left, for he stayed where he was, puzzled and still angry, whispering to himself that I had left him. Then I did.

I found myself crying as I ran home, being that my house was not that far. I slowly dissected my dream. How could it have been that Pete was the total opposite in my dream? The Pete in my dream had been vicious and uncontrollable, willing to kill me for his power, but in reality, he was actually a little helpless. I could not grasp the idea that he was partially blind or if he was lying and the eyesight in his other eye was as bad as to be qualified as blindness too.

However, what hurt me the most was the thought of his relationship with his father. He had been the way the character in my dream had been. He was like the Chenille in my dream. He feared to be different and rejected by his own family just like how there was fear of being a vampire in a family of wolves.















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