Candy Licker (2 page)

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Authors: Noire

BOOK: Candy Licker
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He was rich.

His place was a palace compared to the holes I'd lived in. The windows were paneless and made of flat dark glass, the ceilings were twenty feet high, and the floors were smoked Italian marble bordered with gold trim. Everything about his crib screamed quality and cash, and as much grief and drama as I had just been through, I figured I was due to lay back and enjoy a few luxuries in my life.

Hurricane took me inside and made sure I met the other wifeys who stayed there, and then later on that night he let me bathe in his $30,000 onyx tub. I damn near melted when I saw his huge custom-built, oversize Hypnos bed. It was sitting up on a raised platform that was down in a sunken area in the middle of the room. The top of the bed had a canopy of black and white silk curtains that were tied back with tiny silver chains. Six carpeted steps led down into the sleeping area, and six more made of smoked black glass led back up to the bed on all four sides. I felt like a queen as he kissed my neck, then held my hand and escorted me all the way up to the top.

“Sweet Candy,” Hurricane whispered as he pulled back the thick towel and stared at my naked body. “Soft brown skin and”—he tangled his fingers in my hair—“sexy blue eyes. I've run through some jawns up in here, but you's a keeper.”

My nature was always running hot and I couldn't wait to feel him inside of me. My nipples were aching to be kissed, and thick juices were percolating between my legs. I laid there like a fool, grinning and posing all up in those sheets, ready to go all out for the man who was gonna make me a big star.

But I figured out what kind of party it was the minute he pulled down his pants and started grinding me so hard I swore the bed would break down. You ever heard of beating a pussy until you knocked it out? Well that's what Hurricane did to mine. He raised himself up on his hands and knees, slammed his hips down hard enough to crack my pubic bone, then grinded like he was on a mission to kill somebody.

“Slow down, baby,” I begged, trying to catch up with his warp-speed rhythm. I wasn't a virgin, but my young ass didn't
know shit about shit neither. Yeah, I'd played a little touchy-feely a couple of times, and true, I was a professional masturbator, but nothing I'd experienced had been anything like the express train that was roaring on top of me right now. I wanted to get with him, but all that pounding was drying up my juices, so I grabbed his thick arms, squeezing his muscles, then slid my hands down his back and held tight to his trim waist.

“Wait,” I whispered, spreading my legs wider as I tried my best to feel him. “Is it in yet, baby? Is it in?”

He froze.

“What you say?”

Working my hips to get in his groove, I rounded under him and rubbed his ass, letting my hands work the thick muscles of his back. “Put it in
I demanded, arching my back and brushing my nipples against his hard chest, eager to get my pussy stretched out and filled up until it burst. “Go 'head and slide all a’ that good dick up inside me baby!”

Hurricane moved fast. He slid his palms under my hips and grabbed one ass cheek in each hand. Then he squeezed my mounds like they were two lemons, balling his hands into tight fists and digging his fingers so deep into my booty muscles he almost paralyzed me.

I screamed.

“I said, what the fuck did you say?”

Sweat broke out all over me and I arched my back and clenched my ass tight, panting against the pain.

“Candy!” he growled in my ear. “What the fuck did you just say?”

I honest-to-God didn't know what the hell I'd said. Whatever
it was, I damn sure wasn't about to say it again. He rolled off of me and reached across the huge bed, searching for something under his pillow.

“I'ma put something in your ass,” he said in a low voice. “Put something in there that'll shut you right the fuck up.”

I almost screamed again when I saw what he had in his hand.

That crazy motherfucker was holding a gun.

And not one of those regular old Saturday night specials either. I'd seen this kind of gun before, it was Seagram's favorite piece. A
caliber Magnum with a hair trigger. The kind of shit you roll with when you wanna blow a niggahs brains out through the back of his head.

Hurricane cursed and slapped the barrel across my mouth, busting open my bottom lip. I swallowed blood and panicked when I saw the crazy look in his eyes. My teeth were clenched but he forced me to open them shits, shoving that barrel halfway down my throat, then taking it out and cracking it first against my collarbone and then dead on the tip of my elbow. I yelped and rolled over, balling up in a knot and cradling the black pain that ran from my shoulder all the way down to my fingertips. Suddenly he was on top of me again, and the cold metal was being pushed between my legs. All I could think was that the gun had a hair trigger and was gonna go off and blow me up from the inside out. I screamed and fought, but come on people. You know who had the wins. And then my pussy was being filled up for real. With something so hard and icy it got my whole body to shivering with pain. But as chilly and cold as that revolver was, just take my word for it and believe me when I tell you. It wasn't half as cold as Hurricane's heart.

azzy and Danita both did the damn thang in the pit and came out sweating me with a thousand questions, screaming, 'cause Jay-Z and Kanye were both in the house, and feenin’ like industry freaks to find out what Hurricane thought about their performance. I tried to tell them to play it chill, that Hurricane knew hot talent when he saw it, and if he thought the opportunity to turn a dime was right there under his roof wasn't no way in hell he was gonna let it slide.

I know I made Hurricane sound like a nine-headed monster, but actually, he wasn't much different than a lot of other entertainment hustlers out there like Suge Knight, Irv Gotti, and even PDiddy with his crazy self. Cane kept a posse of street-hard soldiers around him ten to twenty deep, and most of them were either bangers or stone criminals who didn't have no artistic talent but were down for whatever. They would take a niggah out real quick and then show you where the bodies were buried.

From what I'd heard, Hurricane had pulled a little bid upstate for killing a drug dealer. It was up there that he made all the connections that helped him launch his record label and finance the hooked-up studio that we were chilling in right now. The real deal was that Hurricane had done something a whole lot of other hustlers wished they could do. He'd gotten in good with the right people and started sticking his fingers in all kinds of pies. Them Italians was the ones who had fronted him the seed money to build his empire, and in return he set his boy Tonk up as Harlem's number one drug distributor and used his Mob connections to make all his buys. Hurricane kept the Mob
money fresh and clean by washing it through his label, cooking the books on his artists, and producing underground porno videos and selling them by the thousands as adult entertainment.

Of course I didn't hip Jazzy or Danita to none of this. The fact that I knew about it myself was bad enough, and if Knowledge hadn't been Hurricane's right-hand man and the genius behind his financial empire, a whole lot of things would have caught me blind.

“Do you work anywhere?” I asked Danita as she finger-combed the weave that was hanging down to her ass and long enough for her to sit on. “I mean, you got a job to fall back on if this don't come through, right?”

“Nah.” She shook her head. “All I'm working on is my singing career. I got a baby girl and my mama works. I can't find no job that'll pay for day care, so I stay with my daughter during the day and my mama keeps her at night.”

I didn't have no babies, but I knew all about working on a career because I'd worked a man's job just so I'd have enough ends to chase one.

I'd signed on as a money mule for the Gabriano family when I was just seventeen, and while the stakes were high, the payoff was lovely. Just like the two girls standing in front of me, I'd been as dumb as they come. Fresh off the corner, I didn't know a damn thing about interstate trafficking. But I was tired of fighting off horny foster fathers and getting my ass felt by a bunch of play-play brothers. Daddy had been dead for years, and Mama was living in a homeless shelter at the time so she wasn't no help. The only other family I had was my baby sister, Caramel, and she was in foster care too, somewhere out in
Queens. I was at one of those frustrated points in my life where anything could have happened. I could have swung to the left or jetted straight to the right. Nicky Gabriano had come along like a life preserver, and getting in with his crew was a stroke of pure luck. The good thing was, I had enough smarts to know it.

he first time I heard the name Homicide Hitz, my girl Dominica Santiaga was screaming it in my ear.

“Did you hear what the fuck I just said, Candy?” she shrieked through the telephone, calling me at my crib in L.A. “I got a call from some chick who works at Homicide Hitz! She said they checked out our demo, and they wanna see what else we got! Girl we about to get a contract and make Destiny's Child sit their skinny asses

Dominica was a fast-talking Hispanic girl I'd met in foster care. She'd ended up in the system 'cause she snuck out her window one night to go sing in a talent show and got back just in time to catch her house burning down and her whole family going up in the flames.

“Calm down, Dominica!” I said. “And stop talking so damn fast. Who checked out our demo, and how the hell did they get it?”

She sucked her teeth and I could tell she had her hand on her hip. “Hurricane Jackson, stupid. I ran into one of his boys at a show and slipped it to him.”

“Hurricane Jackson?”

“Yeah, Hurricane. You know the fine-ass Hurricane who owns the House of Homicide in Harlem? The baddest record label in the nation? You ever heard of Big Joe or that new kid
Dolla Bill? Hennessy? Too Tall? What about Dead Moon, that hot group from Brooklyn that came out this year on his new Homicide Hitz label?”

Dominica was steady talking, but I was so shocked I couldn't answer her. Hell yeah I knew who Hurricane Jackson was. Didn't everybody? He had shit on lock all over New York and way out here in L.A. too. I just never thought we'd get close enough to make a bleep on his radar screen, let alone get him to check out our demo.

We had started singing together in foster care—me, Dominica, and our girl Vonzelle. Dominica was real pretty with big titties and a high ass, and she was also loud and ghetto. Vonzelle was just as bad, but she was sneaky and ten times prettier. She was originally from the Bronx but ended up in foster care after her mother OD'd and her and her baby brother sat locked in a room with the dead body for two days watching it rot and swell. All of us had been through some shit and none of us had had it easy, but Vonnie was the worst in our bunch. She was slick and conniving, and I swear sometimes I'd look in her eyes and see some wild shit lurking there that scared me 'bout to death.

We'd hooked up together and formed a group we called Scandalous! and when I left New York and moved out to L.A. my girls thought I was gonna flake out and leave them hanging, but I didn't. I made sure that every trip I took to the East Coast we got in some studio time, and we'd just finished recording our demo a couple of weeks earlier.

“So what now?” I cut in as Dominica flapped her tongue in about three different languages. “What does he want us to do now?”

She laughed. “He wants us to get our asses down to the House of Homicide for an audition, Candy! Next Friday at ten. The chick on the phone said he was thinking about offering us a little something in writing.” Excited, Dominica screeched loud enough to bust my damn eardrum. I wanted to curse her out, but instead I laughed right along with her 'cause I was just as happy as she was. “I gotta call Vonzelle and tell her this shit,” she said. “In the meantime get your chocolaty-red ass back to New York real quick so we can get in there and tear Hurricane's muthafuckin’ House of Homicide

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