Can't Get Enough (10 page)

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Authors: Tenille Brown

BOOK: Can't Get Enough
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Then he looked at her lying there, seeming to savor the sensations
of the aftermath of their fuck. Her only movement since he rolled off her had been to pull her panties off and let them fall on the floor.

“Aren't you going to miss your plane?” he asked.

“No,” she said.


“I don't have to go this morning.”

“But you do have to go?”

She nodded. “No way out it. Business and all that.”

He ran his hands over her face, touched the lips that he loved to kiss and to have on his cock. “So when do you go?”

Her nose wrinkled. “I am not telling you.”

He laughed. “So why this game?”

She rolled over and pulled his face close before kissing him. “Because it was fun. Because I knew that you wouldn't be able to resist just one more wild fuck. Because it gave us last night.” She smiled. “Need any more reasons?”

He saw how she was enjoying herself. “So one of these days I'll find you've gone off to catch a plane.”

She nodded. “I'll leave a note. You are the one who pointed out that there is no way we can manage to make it easy. So I need to find a way to sneak out the back way.”

“I just came in the back way,” he said, kissing her again.

“My point exactly,” she said.

“Are you leaving today?”

“Maybe not,” she said, licking her lips. “What rule says a trip should have only one great good bye?”

“You are marvelously devious as well as embraceable,” he said. And he began singing, “my sweet embraceable you…” softly.

She began to undo the buttons on her blouse, watching his eyes as she bared her breasts and touched her hard nipple. “Does
embraceable mean the same thing as fuckable?”

“I can accept that interpretation,” he said.

She crawled on top of him, straddling his body and taking off her blouse. He laughed as she started humming the same tune that had been running through his head and then sang, “Embrace me, you insatiable you….”


Heidi Champa

or three months, I asked nearly every cabdriver I rode with if I could suck his cock. I was stoked when one finally said yes.

I don't know what possessed me to start doing it. Maybe it was the fact that I was in a brand-new city, in a brand-new country where I didn't know a soul. Maybe I was just lonely and horny. That seems most likely. Plus, it seemed like a good idea at the time.

I still hadn't gotten used to the idea of riding in the front seat of cabs. In America, we never did that, unless you were the unlucky one of the group who wouldn't fit in the back. But, in Australia, it was customary for lone male passengers to ride up front. I could never get a clear answer as to why, but who was I to buck convention?

I guess the first time I asked my driver if I could blow him, alcohol was to blame. I'd spent a night out with some guys from my university class and had no luck finding anyone interesting to take back to my apartment. I mean, flat. Actually, since I'd
arrived, I'd only had two hookups. I thought being American would set me apart, but instead, it usually made me odd man out. I stumbled into the cab that night and when I looked at the driver, I thought he was hot. The Aussie accent always killed me, too. That, combined with his thick forearms, was enough to make the question pop out of my mouth after he pulled up to the curb in front of my building. He merely smiled and said he didn't swing that way. I walked to my door, dejected, and spent the rest of my waking hours beating off.

Some other cabbies weren't so kind with their replies. I'd been sworn at a lot and had many rides cut short, but on the bright side, it helped me learn the streets of my neighborhood. One guy pretended he didn't speak English so he couldn't understand my request, but he'd spoken it fine when he picked me up. Luckily for me, no one decided that the only way to respond to my question was with a swift punch to the face, although a few looked as if they wanted to.

When I got into the cab that fateful night, I took one look at the driver and wasn't even going to ask. His gruff expression and the angry growl in his voice when he asked me where I was headed made me think twice. My streak looked like it was going to come to an end, obviously not counting the ladies who'd picked me up along the way. But after I told him where I was going, my mind started to change. It had been a long week. Finals at university had kicked my ass and I was keyed up and looking for some release. As the driver twisted and turned through the streets that led me home, I kept looking at him out of the corner of my eye.

“Something you wanna say, buddy?”

His question surprised me, and at first I only shook my head.

“Because it seems like you got something on your mind.”

“It does?”

“Well, you keep looking over here. Gotta problem?”

“No, I don't. Sorry.”

He started laughing and slapped me on the shoulder.

“No worries, mate. I just find it helps weed out the creeps if I ask up front. Usually keeps them quiet the rest of the trip. But, you don't look like a creep.”

“Good to know.”

He slammed on his breaks as a car stopped short in front of us, and cursed under his breath.

“Jesus, this has been a shit of a night. Thankfully, you're my last pickup. I can't wait to get to the pub.”

I opened my mouth to say something, but was cut off by the blare of his car horn, his anger bubbling up again at the cars in front of us.

“Goddamn this city is full of morons.”

I cleared my throat and tried to make polite conversation.

“It must suck to be a cabdriver.”

He chuckled before flipping on his turn signal, which I noticed was on the opposite side of the wheel than I was used to.

“You could say that. But it does have the occasional perk.”

He turned to look at me as we drifted to a stop at a red light.

“Yeah? What's that?” I asked, his eyes still locked on me.

“You wouldn't believe me if I told you.”

“Try me.”

He smiled and shook his head as we started moving again, his strong hands turning the wheel with ease.

“Let's just say that every now and then I get a very generous customer.”

“You mean a good tipper? Because I didn't think tipping was all that common in Australia.”

“Something like that.”

The car turned onto my street and stopped in front of my building. He turned the meter off and jotted down something in a notebook on the console.

“That'll be seven dollars fifty.”

I pulled out my wallet, ready to pay and go, without asking the question I was dying to ask. The ten dollars in my hand went right back in between the other bills when I looked into his eyes. Hey, we'd both had a bad day, right?

“Can I suck your cock?”

His eyes widened in shock, but he soon was grinning.

“What did you say?”

I swallowed hard and repeated myself.

“Can I suck your cock?”

“Why would you wanna do something like that?”

“Does it really matter why?”

He shifted in his seat and rubbed his hands over his thighs. I waited for him to kick me out of the car, but instead he grabbed a handful of my shirt and pulled me into a kiss.

“Not to me, mate.”

I took off my seat belt and leaned toward him, but he pushed me back.

“Not here.”

He took off down the street and after a few quick turns, we were in a lonely alley, the only lights the ones coming from the dashboard.

“Get in the back, mate.”

I pushed the door open and stepped out into the night air. There was a moment I thought about running away, forgetting the whole thing. But I couldn't. I'd come this far. I'd asked for a reason. When I slipped into the backseat, I heard his belt buckle jingling and the metallic click of his zipper going down. In the
dim light of the cab, I saw his hand wrap around his cock and start stroking. Without a word, I leaned over and pushed his fist aside, wrapping my lips around the fat head of his cock. His hand went to my hair immediately, twining in the strands and giving a slight tug right before he pushed himself deeper into my throat. The sound of his groans filled the quiet of the cab, along with the creaking of the vinyl seat underneath us.

Normally I didn't like guys who were so forceful, but with the cabbie, it only served to make me hotter and harder. My cock was straining against the zipper of my jeans and I couldn't stand it anymore. I opened my pants with my free hand and fished out my dick, wrapping my hand around it to try to ease the ache. When his hand relaxed a bit, I took back a bit of control and my tongue traced the length of his shaft. I paused at the tip and swirled my tongue all the way around before sucking the tip back between my lips.

“Fuck, that feels good, mate.”

In the distance, I could hear traffic on the main street, the sound of blaring horns and squealing brakes. The cabbie slouched farther down the seat and started pushing his hips up, thrusting his cock even deeper. His iron grip was back as well and all I could do was take it as he fucked my mouth, the force making me gag a few times, but I didn't care. My hand kept working my own cock, but most of my attention was focused on the stranger who had finally fulfilled my misguided fantasy.

His moans had turned to grunts, and I could feel the muscles in his legs flexing with effort. When he started to move faster, I did my best to keep up with him, but it was mostly a lost cause. With a loud roar, he started coming, his hot load hitting the back of my throat so I had no choice but to swallow him down. I felt him relax, bit by bit, until the tension that had filled his body since I'd climbed into the cab was completely gone. I gave
the head of his cock one last lick before I sat up. I wiped my mouth on my sleeve in the dark and had started to close my pants when he stopped me.

“Hey, I can't let you go home with blue balls, mate.”

He yanked my pants and boxers down to my knees and wrapped a meaty fist around my cock.

“You don't have to do that.”

I don't know why I protested, but thankfully for me, he didn't listen.

“I know.”

I could just make out his smile in the dark before he lowered his head and I felt his tongue swipe over the head of my cock. I gasped before I could stop it, the feeling overwhelming. It had been way too long since I'd been with anyone and within a few minutes he had me dangerously close to the edge. Trying to slow him down seemed useless; his pace only increased as he took me deeper. My toes curled in my shoes and I tried to think about my physics test or composition class, anything to keep me from coming too soon.

It took all my strength to push him away, just so I could have a moment to breathe.

“Something wrong?” he asked, his hand replacing his mouth around my dick.

I sighed at the continued contact and had to close my eyes.

“I'm too close. I didn't want it to be over yet.”

“Well, all you had to do was say so, mate.”

I expected him to stop; instead his mouth was back on me in an instant, but this time, the intensity was replaced by the light tease of his tongue. He licked every inch of me before taking one of my balls in his mouth, then the other. I gripped the seat for dear life when he started sucking my cock again, his pace starting slow and increasing with each bob of his head. This
time, I didn't stop him when I felt myself losing control. But I felt like I should warn him.

“Oh god. I'm gonna come.”

I bit my lip to stop myself from yelling, but it was no use. My hips started to lift off the seat as if I had no control over them, my body wracked with spasms as I came into his mouth. The cab got quiet as we pulled apart and as exhausted as I was, I managed to pull up my pants. He got out of the backseat and back behind the wheel and I followed his lead. Without a word, he started the car and within minutes, we were back in front of my apartment complex. I pulled out my wallet to pay the fare, but he stopped me.

“Keep your money, mate.”

“You sure? What about the pub?”

“I think I've got it covered. Besides, you turned my day right around.”

I turned to open the door, but he pulled me back, kissing me hard.

“So, is this what you meant by perks of the job?” I asked.

“Yeah, I'd have to say it qualifies.” He jammed a business card into my hand and leaned back, smiling as he spoke.

“Next time you need a ride, mate, give me a call.”

“I will.”

“Tell me something, how many other drivers have you asked?”

I smiled and lied through my teeth.

“You're the first.”

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