Capricorn (The Erotic Zodiac Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Capricorn (The Erotic Zodiac Book 1)
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he next several
weeks were a blur for Lillian. She spent half of it undressed, her legs spread wide for Isaac to do what he wanted. He gave her orgasm after orgasm, wracking her body with pleasure as he continued to empty himself inside of her fertile body. They had done it in the bedroom, shower, living room, billiards rooms, study, once in the dining room (much to the surprise of the cook who walked in on them), and twice in the pool. He had taken her from behind, from the front, and in every position in between.

The other half of Lillian’s time was spent recovering. Isaac insisted that she take it easy when they weren't together, and he had set up an entire room just for her relaxation. He had installed a large leather couch and a bookcase filled with her favorite novels into a small cozy room at the front of the house. A big snugly white blanket completed the room, and she had spent many hours reading and bird watching out the window, her feet tucked happily under the warm cover.

She loved her time spent in her cozy reading area, especially when Isaac came in to sit with her. They’d talk and laugh, sharing deeper secrets as time went on. He became not just a lover but a friend. The connection she had felt when they first touched only grew into something stronger and more comforting.

Overall, life was very good. The only real difficulty she had was dealing with her feelings of guilt towards the other staff members. She felt weird taking tea from the others maids or eating fancy dinners with Isaac knowing the rest of the staff were just on the other side of the door. However, the butler and the cook had both pulled her aside and assured her that everyone had nothing but happiness for her and loved having her brightness around the house. Even so, she tried to be as little trouble as possible to everyone.

When the end of the next month came and went with no sign of a period, Lillian went out to buy a pregnancy exam by herself, being too shy to ask someone else to buy it. And as she stood in the bathroom looking down at the little stick, she didn't dare call anyone for support. She just stared at the test alone, waiting for the little blue lines to appear.

"Fingers crossed," she whispered, looking at her watch. Five minutes left.

She was excited to see what the outcome would be, but there was also a knot of concern in her gut. She wasn't sure why she felt apprehension, but as she held the little white stick in her hand, her shoulders felt tight and drawn.

Slowly, a blue line appeared. Then a second.

"Oh my god, I'm pregnant!"

As the words left her lips, the weight of her decision hit her. She was growing a new life. With her boss! All of a sudden, her earlier apprehension made sense. She realized that once she gave birth, Isaac may whisk the baby away to fancy schools, and she'd never see their child again. She also might never see Isaac again - after all, she would have fulfilled her duty. Once he got the inheritance, would he need anything else from his awkward little maid? The thought of never laying in his bed again made her heart numb.

There was a sharp knock on the door to the bedroom, and she quickly got up and fumbled out of the bathroom. She was halfway across the room when the bedroom door swung open, and Isaac barged in, looking divinely handsome in a well-cut white suit.

"I'm heading to the club for lunch, and I thought you might want to join me?" he asked, crossing quickly to her.

She just stared at him dumbly, her mind a jumble of emotions. She certainly didn't want food, not when it felt like her whole world was spinning out of control; in fact, she was pretty sure she was going to throw up.

"Is everything ok, Lil?"

She nodded weakly, and then held out her hand, the pregnancy test nestled in her palm. Isaac grabbed it and stared for a long second. Then he looked up at her, excitement and pride lighting up his eyes.

"Does this mean what I think it means?" She nodded again, and Isaac quickly scooped her up for a hug. He spun her around, kissing her on the nose. But just as quickly he stopped and set her on her feet. "Oh, maybe I shouldn't do that. I don't know what's safe right now. Do you feel ok? Do you feel sick yet?"

She shook her head and moved to sit down on the bed. "No, I think it's too early for morning sickness. I took the earliest possible test, and we'll have to go to the doctor to confirm it and everything."

"Of course. I'll get someone to set that up. And I'll go with you to every appointment." He sat next to her on the bed and grabbed her hand in his. He beamed down at her, reminding her of a little boy who had just received his first bicycle. She didn't think he could look more excited. However, he quickly noticed she didn't share these same sentiments. "Are you sure you are feeling alright? You look pale."

Lillian took a deep breath and steeled herself. She knew she shouldn't complain; keeping her mouth shut was the smartest way to just collect her money and go. But she and Isaac had created life, and that had to count for something, right? She couldn't bring herself to lie to the father of her baby. Even if she was never going to see him again, it meant something to her that they’d made a child together.

"No, I'm not feeling great. I mean, I'm happy to be pregnant. In fact, happier than I would have imagined I'd feel at the news," she quickly reassured him.

"Then what is it?"

"Well, I know we agreed that I would give up my parental rights at birth, and I'm not going to go back on my word. It just makes me sad to think I'll only have nine months with him or her, and then it's all over. And well, I might only have nine months with you. Because once the baby is here, we won't need to see each other anymore."

"Oh Lillian, you do have a way of ruining surprises, don't you?"

"What do you mean?" she looked up quickly, her eyebrows knotted in confusion.

Isaac leaned in to give her forehead a quick kiss before dropping to the floor next to the bed. As he got down on bended knee, Lillian’s heart began to race wildly. She opened her mouth to say something, but only sputtering came out.

Isaac reached into his pocket and pulled out a little red case. Holding it in his hand, he looked up into her eyes, his gaze intense and protective. "Lillian, I have thought a lot about my future lately, and I realized that the last couple weeks have been some of the best of my life. I've enjoyed hearing about the books you are reading or listening to your dreams for the future. I've loved how you are the clumsiest person I've ever met, get irrationally invested in watching the home shopping network, and how you've never forgotten to ask me how my day was. You are kind, and complex, and breathtakingly beautiful. And now that you are the mother of my child, I never, ever plan to let you go." He flipped open the top of the case, revealing a beautiful yellow diamond ring. "Lillian Scott, will you do me the supreme honor of becoming my wife?"

"Yes, oh my god, Yes!" she cried, putting out her trembling hand so he could slip the ring onto her finger. It looked brilliant, even in the dim light of the bedroom, and she couldn't wait to take it outside to see it's full beauty under the sun.

Isaac got up from his knees and rejoined her on the bed. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to his chest. "Lillian, I love you. I thought you would know by now, but I guess it’s time for me to actually say it."

The words shot through her body, bypassing bones and muscles and hitting right to her very soul. What surprised her was how right they sounded. Somehow, over the course of the past several weeks, she had fallen in love too. An overwhelming need rose within her, and she wanted to be close to him, in every way.

"Isaac? I need you inside of me," she said in his chest.

Isaac didn't answer. He merely grabbed the hem of her white sundress and ripped it over her head, leaving her in only a lacy white bra and thong. He gave her body a lustful look and placed his hand protectively on her stomach.

"You're quite the stud, knocking me up so quickly," she said playfully.

"Oh, this won't be the last time. I can't wait to see you fully pregnant, Lillian. You are going to be so round and beautiful, glowing as you carry my child. I'm going to love every curve of your body as you grow." He pushed her backward on the bed and crawled on top of her. He leaned down and grazed her neck with his teeth before whispering huskily into her ear. "And then I'm going to do it again. I'm going to fucking love impregnating my hot as hell wife over and over again. I hope you are ready, because I'm going to be rutting into you like an animal, putting as many babies into that fertile body as I can."

Lillian gasped as the words sent a lightning bolt of desire through her body. Her pussy was practically drenched as she imagined all of the unprotected, wild sex she was going to be having with her handsome Isaac.

Her handsome husband. The words were crazy to contemplate but felt so right.

"Take me," she growled, reaching down to pull off her thong.

Isaac stripped off his own shirt, revealing the rippled muscles of his chest. Then he quickly pulled off his pants and shoes, leaving him bare and gorgeous on top of her. She had seen him naked plenty of times by that point, but as she looked at his rock hard cock, its pink head already leaking pre-cum, she melted a little.

Isaac grabbed her legs and swung them over his shoulder. With a heel on each side of his head, she was now open and exposed below him. He stared down into her soft folds, a hungry look on his face.

"You are so fucking beautiful," he growled out, before plunging himself into her waiting hole.

They came together hard and fast, the air quickly becoming filled with the noises of their skin slapping together. Lillian gripped the sheets tightly in her hands and moved her hips in rhythm with Isaac's rapid thrusts. His girth was splitting her open wide, filling her up to her core. He was gripping her thighs so tightly she thought he may leave a mark, and that only turned her on more. She loved that he was claiming her body. Her legs, her pussy, her womb - it was all his, and he was putting his mark everywhere.

Lillian began to feel the tension rising in her core and knew her own climax was near. She threw her head back and closed her eyes as he continued to pound into her. As he drove her over the edge, she could only call his name as her whole body went into a spasm from pleasure.

“Isaac,” she cried, loving the sound of his name on her tongue as she came undone.

He followed soon after, his back becoming rigid as he buried himself inside of her a final time and unleashing his load. He pumped her full, emptying himself completely. When he finally pulled out, he let the warm liquids of their lovemaking leak out to cover her inner thighs.

Isaac then collapsed next to her with a grin on his face. "So, you are finally comfortable calling me Isaac it seems. But only when you are coming?"

Lillian playfully swatted him before snuggling closer. "Well, since I'm going to be Mrs. Walters, I guess it might be time to be on a first name basis with my boss."

Isaac put a hand on her stomach again and cupped the flat surface gently. "And soon there will be Baby Walters. I'm so happy, Lillian."

He leaned in and kissed her hard, and as they melted together, Lillian couldn't think of anything in the world she'd rather have than his love and protection.


illian absentmindedly adjusted
her black robe and hat, which sat precariously on her French twist. She had worked hard to finish her degree, and as she stood under the sun in her regalia, it was tough to believe that she was finally finished. She had graduated, with honors, and now she could pursue whatever she wanted next.

The party around her was loud, with over a hundred of her friends and family happily talking and eating in the mansion's courtyard. Isaac had insisted he throw her the biggest graduation party possible, complete with chocolate fountains and expensive wine flown in from Chile. It all seemed rather elaborate to Lillian, but she knew he was bursting with pride and wanted to show off her achievement to everyone.

"Momma," came a high-pitched squeal behind her, and Lillian quickly turned around.

A little brown haired girl toddled through the crowd before attaching herself firmly to Lillian’s leg. Anna was the spitting image of her mother, except she had Isaac's big eyes.

"Hey, baby! Are you having fun at the party?"

Lillian picked up her little girl and laughed when she saw that Anna's face was absolutely covered in dark stickiness. She knew that somewhere, the chocolate fountain was sitting utterly destroyed. She kissed the sticky hands of her baby and shook her head indulgently.

"There are my two favorite ladies," Isaac said as he came up, a martini in hand. “Are you guys getting into trouble?”

“This one is. I’m afraid she’d inherited my ability to smash expensive things.”

Isaac chuckled indulgently. “Good thing she inherited your cute little cheeks, too. It makes it impossible to be mad at her.”

Lillian laughed and leaned over to give him a kiss, followed by Anna quickly demanding a peck of her own. Isaac beamed at them both, happiness filling his eyes. Lillian loved seeing him so pleased, and she quickly gave him another kiss to express her own joy.

"Down!" Anna squealed as she saw the family dog, Lucky, rush past. Lillian let her drop to the floor and watched the toddler waddle off through the crowd.

"You look great in black," Isaac whispered when their daughter was gone, wrapping his arm tightly around Lillian’s waist. "I may have to take you inside and show you how excited you are making me with your sexy graduation outfit."

"This is practically a black sack, Isaac. I don't think you can even tell what my body shape is," Lillian responded with a laugh.

"I can imagine, though." His hot breath was making her shiver as it hit her neck and ear. "And I’m eager to get you bent over in front of me. Now that you are done with school, I was thinking it might be time for us to start trying for baby number two."

Lillian looked up, surprise on her face. "Are you ready for another one?"

"Honey, I can't wait to put another baby in that hot body. In fact, I think there is a closet in the hallway where I could bend you over right now."

Lillian looked around them and saw that everyone was happily entertained. Anna was playing with the dog and her nanny, so there was plenty of time to slip away. They had time for a quickie, so Lilian winked at her husband and nodded happily, letting him lead her away into the house for some dirty little fun.

Once they were inside the closet, Isaac carefully shut the door and turned to her with a serious expression. "Lillian, I have a confession to make."

"What, honey?" she looked up at her husband with concern, having no idea what could make him suddenly so stern.

"I haven't been totally honest."

"About what?"

"I didn't decide that I wanted you on the day when you broke that vase. In fact, I had wanted you for much, much longer. Ever since I saw you arrive at the house for your job interview, I was enthralled with you. You were so beautiful and so kind. I needed an heir to fulfill my obligations to my grandfather's estate, but you were the only person I even considered having a child with. It was madness, but as soon as I saw you, I knew you were mine."

Lillian’s mouth dropped open as she considered the ramifications of this admission. "So, you didn't just pick me randomly because I fell down in front of your office? I mean, I knew you came to love me eventually, so I wasn't upset if you did just pick me by chance."

"No, I was actually sitting at my desk trying to figure out how I'd manage to seduce your sexy ass. Then you managed to drop that vase and open up that whole conversation." He smiled tenderly at her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I've been infatuated with you from the very beginning. I didn't know how to tell you without scaring you off. But now that we are married, I want you to know that it was always going to be you. I was struck by lightning when you walked through that door, and I don't plan to ever let you go. You are mine and always will be. I'm going to put another one of my children in you, and then another. Because goddamn it, there is nothing I want more in this life than to build a family with you."

Lillian didn't bother responding in words. Instead, she decided to answer him in the way he liked best - with her body. She kissed him passionately, her tongue forcing its way into his mouth as they melted together in the closet. He answered just as enthusiastically, his hands everywhere on her body.

When at last she pulled back, she gave him a naughty grin before turning around and flipping up her dress. "If you want me so bad, all you have to do is come and get it."

She didn't need to ask twice.

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