Captive, Mine (13 page)

Read Captive, Mine Online

Authors: Natasha Knight,Trent Evans

Tags: #Contempory BDSM Erotic Romance, #Romantic Suspense

BOOK: Captive, Mine
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The crease of her brow and the quiver of her lower lip almost made him smile.

“Relax. I’m not going to punish you. I haven’t told you this one yet.”

The set of her shoulders eased a little.

“When you speak to me, you address me as ‘Sir.’ Always.”

“Yes… Sir.”

He smiled at her then. “You’re on a roll, Lily girl.”

Lily’s stomach growled loud and long, her cheeks coloring.


“Yes, Sir.”

Lake scratched his chin. “Well, if you’re good, maybe we can get you something to eat. But first it’s time to see if you’ve learned how to do as you’re told.”

Her big eyes watched him, her teeth worrying her lip again.

“I want you to stand up and walk over to that wall.” He pointed to the wall next to the bed. “Face it and wait.”

He thought she’d resist it, and he sighed as he waited, moving his hand along the mattress in the direction of the paddle that still lay there.

Finally, she rose and turned to the wall, looking at him over her shoulder before facing it, her head bowed, her hands clenched to fists at her sides.

Her bottom looked swollen, the rounded perfection of her buttocks marred by broad marks, faded to a deep pink from the livid red welts he’d watched the strap leave across her pale skin. The marks across her thighs, though, were more inflamed, a bluish bruise already darkening along one of the stripes.

“Do you see those rings in the wall above you? Reach up and grab one.”

She looked up then glanced at him over her shoulder again.

“Eyes front, Lily. Do as you’re told.”

With a little shudder, her arms reached up, her shoulder blades slowly moving as her body stretched. She had to go up on her toes to reach it, the smooth muscles of her calves bunching as she rose. Her fingers curled around the metal, and she stilled, a lock her hair falling down her back, the darkness of it contrasting against the clear smoothness of her skin.

For long moments he simply sat there, watching her, his heart pounding with the same painful throbbing of his hard cock. The delicate muscles of her arms stood tight, her position emphasizing the slenderness of her ribcage, the trim waist, the swell of that round, heart-shaped ass that called to the predator in him, called for both caresses and lashes. Her strong, lithe thighs trembled as she strained upward, the bruise deepening more, the color making him want to kiss it, to trace that line of pain with gentle, possessive fingers.

Every second he watched her seemed an eternity, his lust rising until all he could think about was falling upon her helpless body, taking from her what he knew he had no right to take. Yet he knew now that her body wanted him to take it anyway, even if her mind fought it, fought him — and what surrendering to him might mean. Right and wrong, good or evil, none of that mattered now. There was only lust, the animal rising within him. For too long he’d suppressed this side of himself. He’d wondered if it had died with his wife. But, as he took in the pale, smooth lines of Lily’s stretched, trembling form, he knew the truth of things, and the realization was both a joy and a sorrow. How could he be what he really was? How could she—

Stop it, Lake. Just feel. Just be.

Up on his feet and advancing, he reached her in two steps, wrapping a hand in her hair, making her gasp. His other hand clasped her throat, squeezing just enough to make her still, her pulse pounding against his fingers, her breath coming in rapid little pants.

“Tell me something, Lily. What were you, when you were younger?” He released her throat, easing his hand down her back to cup the soft weight of her buttock, the heat of her punished flesh against his palm. “Gymnast? Or was it yoga? How’d you get an ass like this, girl?”

Lily made a tiny sound, dropping her head.

He slapped her bottom, a comparatively gentle blow, tightening his grip in her hair.

“Answer me.”

“Gymnastics — and — track. Please…”

“Yoga too? Tell me.”

He pictured the lithe lines of her body in the early morning light, her outstretched limbs, those supple curves covered in a light sheen of sweat as she moved.


“I knew it. Whatever it is, it’s working. This body…
. Unbelievable.” Lake looked down, lifting each of her plump buttocks in turn upon his palm. “Keep them relaxed, totally relaxed. That’s it. I want to watch them move.”

He let each one drop then bounced them on his hand, slapping them back and forth, loving how they wobbled and shuddered, the soft, silky weight of them making him want to sink a gentle bite into her flesh, glorying in her quiet acquiescence to his fondling of her body.

“Good marks here. I’ll be leaving more soon.”

“Please, Lake. No…”

“Shh, Lily.” His fingers delved between her legs, finding the slick evidence that gave lie to her words. “This says what your words don’t. You may not have liked your punishment, but your pussy is dripping. Part of you liked it. A lot.” He patted those plump, soft labia he already wanted to taste again. “Don’t worry though. You’ll be getting more of what you need.”

With a confusing mix of pride and guilt, he stroked the darkening bruise across her thigh, and she hissed, her body tensing.

“Just checking it, girl. It’s okay.” He caressed her thighs, rubbing the swollen marks there gently. “I may have something for these. Later though.”

His hands explored every inch of her skin, testing the pliability of her flesh with a pinch here, a little slap there, squeezing the smooth muscles, fingertips coursing down the bumps of her spine. Her form trembled, the tension within her vibrating off her body.

She’s afraid of you, Lake.

In another time, that realization might have horrified him, made him recoil. But he knew that was far from all she was feeling, and the very fact that those contradictory feelings so obviously warred within her, only fed his lust more, the perverse thrill at playing her own body off against her mind filling him with a possessive joy, and a
about her body, a body he was increasingly seeing as his to do with however he wished.

He reached up for her hands, closed his fingers around hers as she gripped the ring. Pressing his body to hers, he let her feel the aching hardness of his erection against her. She shuddered with a long shaky exhalation of breath. He savored the scent of her as he kissed her hair, nuzzling those curls at the top of her head. Her body seemed even smaller, more vulnerable, as his big frame crowded her against the wall.

“What are you going… to do?”

“What do you want me to do, Lily?”

He felt the slightest of movements of her hips against him.

“You were going to”—she swallowed—”use that. Weren’t you?”

“Use what? I want to hear you say it.” His hand smoothed down the unruly curls of her hair, moving the weight of it to one side to bare the expanse of her smooth skin, to feel the taut muscles of her back.

“Your cock.” Her voice grew stronger. “You want to fuck me.”

He looked down, smiling. “To be honest, I was thinking of whipping this plump little bottom of yours again. And thinking about that makes my cock hard, Lily.”

“Why? I did… what you told me to do.”

Another small, but definite, movement of her hips against him.

“There doesn’t need to be a reason, girl.” A shudder passed through her body, and he pressed himself to her harder, his lips moving against the wisps of her hair. “That bothers you, doesn’t it? That I’d punish you just because I wanted to? Or does it confuse you? Do you wonder why your cunt is dripping at the idea?”

“I’ll never want you, Lake. Never.”

“If I reach down to feel that pussy of yours, I’m going to find it soaking wet, aren’t I? What do you think that says? I think it terrifies you to know your body wants what it wants.” His finger tapped the back of her skull. “No matter what the mind says.”

“Chemistry isn’t love. It means… nothing.”

“Doesn’t it?” He grasped a fistful of her hair, wrenching her head back, making her hiss with the pain. He tasted her trembling lips, felt the heat of her rapid breaths, as he kissed her harder. He explored her mouth possessively. That mouth, those soft, swollen lips were his, just as the rest of her was. He pressed quick soft kisses to the corners of her mouth, the tip of her nose, even a long, gentle one over her moist eye. He’d tried to fight this before, the passion rising within him, and barely succeeded, but now he gave in to it, kissing her savagely again, her lost moan swallowed up by his ravenous lips. Her tongue met his, tentatively at first, then she gave way, kissing him back, surrendering to his control, to his lust.

Running his hand down her body, he plunged it between her cheeks, seeking the wet heat of her sex. He could already smell her on the air in the small, still room, the scent of her arousal unmistakable, something he knew he’d never tire of. His fingers slipped between those bare, swollen lips, plunging deep, testing her, confirming what her words denied.

“So wet,” he breathed against her lips, pressing a hard kiss to her once more, triumphant, catching her lip between his teeth, making her whine even as her bottom pressed urgently against him now.

“No,” she said. “I don’t…”

“Don’t fight it, Lily. It doesn’t matter anymore. Just let go.” His fingertips slid over her hard clit, circling it gently then more insistently at her hard gasp, her thighs squeezing his hand. “There’s no right or wrong in this. Let go.”

“Lake… I can’t. Please.”

“You can, Lily.” He brought his sopping fingers up to her lips, forcing them into her mouth for her to suck. He pulled them away, kissing her again, tasting her upon her lips, his mouth watering at the clean scent of her. “This says it. This is the real you. Stop fighting it. Stop pretending and be who you really are.”

“I don’t know… who that is anymore.” She jerked up onto her toes, panting as his fingers worked her clit even harder, the little bundle of nerves growing bigger by the second. “I don’t…”

“You do know, Lily.” He leaned his forehead against her temple, his lips caressing the curve of her ear. “You’re
. Accept it.”

He curled his fingers into her cunt, the shocking wetness making him growl with animal lust. She reared up, groaning as he alternated stroking within her heated sex and worrying the hard bud of her clit.

“Let go, Lily. Give me this. Surrender to it.”

He worked at her cunt harder, the curling strokes of his fingers coming faster and faster, her hips bucking up and down as his hand thrust into her.

“Lake! Ah God, that’s… oh

He smiled at the urgent need he heard in her voice, her swollen pink lips locked in an O, her eyes squeezed shut, that gorgeous hair wild around her blushing cheeks.

“Please! Oh God, please!”

“Let go,” he said against her ear. “Just let go, Lily girl.”

One last, hard curl of his fingers within her and she let go a harsh, almost surprised scream, her body convulsing, her head thrown back against his shoulder, teeth clenched. He made her ride his fingers all through those gushing convulsions, her juices bathing his hand and wrist, dripping to the floorboards between her feet.

“Oh my God! Oh my God!”

“Yes, let it come, girl. Let it come. I want all of it.”

He swirled a fingertip over the hard, swollen clit, and she screamed louder, her entire body stiffening, her hips rotating against his painful erection in a halting, bucking rhythm.

Lake kept at her, the wet sounds if his fingers plundering her cunt, not letting her rest, the dripping, molten sex widening around not one but three fingers now as he forced them deep, pushing her up onto her toes once more, her head, the dark curls sodden with sweat, falling forward between her outstretched arms.

“No… God, I can’t… again.”

“Yes, you can, girl. You’ll come for me again.”

Twice more, his relentless fingers stirred her up again, mercilessly working the hard and no doubt sore little clit until he brought her to climax, and twice more, she screamed out her release, her voice growing ragged as she pleaded though her final orgasm, sweat running down the sweet trough of her spine, her entire body trembling, legs shaking as he let her back down to her feet with a gentle, wet slap of his hand against her soft buttocks. She let go of the ring, sagging to her knees, leaning against the wall as he let her go, tears streaming down her face, words tumbling from her lips, almost unintelligible.

“No… more, so… much. God, Lake…”

But he wasn’t done.

He dropped to one knee behind her, one hand working at his fly, the other catching up her hands in his, pulling her to her feet with ridiculous ease, marveling again at how small she was, how light she felt in his hands.

“Put those arms against the wall, girl. Move your feet back.”

His throat felt constricted, the effort to form words becoming more difficult as he looked down at the blushing, bruised buttocks, jiggling as she haltingly obeyed.


“Farther, Lily. Stick that bottom out now.”

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