Captive to the Dark (13 page)

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Authors: Alaska Angelini

BOOK: Captive to the Dark
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“Mary.” My name came out just as choked as I’d been only minutes before. Pride surged through me and I loved pleasing him. Something changed in that moment. I wanted this. Wanted to give myself to him completely. To see how happy I could make him with my submission. I was a slave.
slave. And suddenly, I liked the sound of that.


Chapter 10



Mary. I couldn’t stop staring at her. For three days I’d watched her in nothing short of awe, wondering how she could be any more perfect for an animal like me. She’d let me use her body as I wanted. Still gave a little fight when she had to say she was mine, but did it with her head high. I knew she was just getting me riled up by denying my ownership, but I loved it. Loved having her here with me. The thought that I was leaving in a few hours literally made me feel sick. I didn’t want to. The need to have her by my side in all things had me breaking into a sweat every time reality dawned.

Would her father try to find her when he discovered I was back in San Francisco? Would he figure out my secret home in Washington and have men break in to help her escape? Marcio, Brace, and Terrance would kill them. They knew my orders. No one came into this house when I was gone and Mary’s name was not to leave their mouths to anyone. The whole staff knew that. They wouldn’t dare cross me. I’d had them for years and they always kept my secrets. The pay was too damn good to question my morals.

Blonde hair was splayed across the new, dark green, silk pillowcases I’d bought. They weren’t the exact color of Mary’s eyes, but close enough. They made hers stand out even more and I liked that.

We’d yet to say a word to each other since waking up. Just seemed content to stare at each other. The first five minutes left me contemplating what the hell I was doing, but I quickly relaxed and didn’t question it. It had to have been almost an hour now and we still hadn’t turned away. If I was going to leave, I could think of better things to do than this, but I knew she still had to be hurting from last night. My sadistic side had the time of its life raking my nails down her body while twisting her around like a fucking pretzel just so I could take turns trying different positions while I fucked her ass. My Mary had taken it, even when most women would have screamed at how contorted their bodies were. It made her tug at my heart even more. Damn, she was amazing.

Knocking on my door had her head lifting. Instantly, I wanted to kill whoever was on the other side for breaking her stare with me.

“What?” I yelled, not moving. Still watching her.

“You told me eleven. You have a call to make.”

Oh, shit. I’d forgotten about that. Mary turned to me, her eyes widening. “Are you calling Victor?”

“I’ll be back shortly.” I stood, glancing to the door. Marcio was on the other side. “Be out in a few. And have my coffee ready.” Mary stood on her knees, exposing her breasts and small stomach. My name was healing beautifully. I wasn’t sure if it was going to scar or not. Possibly not, but if it did, it wouldn’t be as dark as I wanted.

Mary edged off the bed. “You didn’t answer me. Are you calling Victor?”

I grabbed some jeans and slid them on. “You’re not going. Not after last time.” I left it at that. She didn’t need to know had badly it disturbed me to see her cry like that, how fucking tightly it twisted my black heart. All I wanted to do was go on a murdering spree to avenge the pain she truly held inside. It was coming from somewhere, probably her rape. I wanted it gone, eliminated from the face of this earth so she’d never dip into that state of mind again.

Mary raced to the closet and pulled out the black dress she’d balled in the corner. The moment it slid on, she came to me eagerly. “I want to go. Please. I can help. Maybe he’ll tell me something he’s found that he wouldn’t tell you.”

I cocked my head to the side. “Or maybe he won’t tell me something I need to know because you’re there.”

The green color I loved lowered, sadness taking them over. Not once since I’d brought her back after the last incident had she gotten that look. Fuck. The damage was done. Victor was already in her head. It was useless keeping her here now. She’d be on a rage and even more pissed off. Then I’d leave at odds with her. I didn’t want that.

“Fine. But you stay out of the way and let me talk to him first. Don’t let him see you. After we finish, I’ll bring you in. Then you can do your thing.” Granting her permission nearly suffocated me. I hated it. Hated that motherfucker who held office and thought he ran the world. Maybe he would. The Presidency was coming up. He was a lead contender and probably the most qualified in his party. Wouldn’t that be something? President Hagen, criminal, sex, drug, and arms trafficker. Pathetic. It made me sick.

Mary tiptoed and kissed my cheek completely catching me off-guard. I stared down at her, almost not even knowing who she was. Where had that come from? We didn’t kiss unless we were having sex and I was the one always initiating. Sure, she kissed me back, but it was never her first.

“Well, get going,” I snapped. “My coffee is probably getting cold.”

She smiled and headed for the door. Damn, I was such a bastard. The material of my shirt ripped as I pulled it off the hanger and had to grab another one. I’d just pulled it over my arms and began buttoning it up when Mary raced toward the nightstand.

“What the hell are you doing? I thought you were going.”

The contents hit the front as she jerked it open. She grabbed my boot polish and raced for the bathroom. I stalked around the corner as she dabbed her finger inside and rubbed a little under her eye. My jaw dropped. “Are you serious?”

“What? It’ll help. He has to keep believing I’m getting hurt so he’ll look for Lily even harder. She’s out there and I have every intention of him bringing her home.”

“Home.” The word made a tingly feeling flutter in my stomach. She didn’t say back. Mary had said home. A small smile came to my face. If only she truly meant it like that. I knew where she really wanted to go. Back to the apartment she now owned thanks to me.

“Yeah. Home. So...” She smiled. “How does it look? Real?”

My mouth twisted and I reached up, smudging it in even more. “It’ll do. Now come on, I get grumpy if I don’t have my coffee and I’ve already gone too long without that and food. It’s a bad combination.”

The house was quiet as we walked through. No one was in sight and for that, I was thankful. The last thing I wanted was for them to see Mary sporting a black eye. I didn’t beat women with my fists and I sure as hell didn’t want anyone thinking I did.

Marcio came from the kitchen and stopped his advance to wherever he was going to hold open the door. Maybe he hadn’t thought I’d show up this fast, or possibly he was coming up to get me. I wasn’t sure and didn’t really care. I strode through, looking for my coffee when Mary’s scream made every hair on my body stand on end. Spinning around, Marcio had her back against his body, his gun raised in my direction.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I didn’t even think as I grabbed a knife from the block. The blade flashed under the light as I pointed it at him. No one touched my slave and got away with it.

“I didn’t sign up for this, Mr. Roberts. You said we were kidnapping her, but what you’re doing isn’t right.”

My jaw clenched as I eased forward. “Take your hands off of her or so help me, I’ll fucking cut them off.”

Mary thrashed against him, but he held on tighter, easing out of the door. Brace came from the pantry, his gun drawn on Marcio. The fear that Mary displayed had me seething.

“Let her go, Marcio. You’re not thinking straight, man.” Brace came to my side.

not thinking straight!” Marcio yelled. “Look at her. She’s covered in cuts, bruises, bite marks. Now this! Tell me this is right.”

Mary stilled and she didn’t appear scared anymore. Slowly, she looked up at Marcio. “I’m okay,” she said calmly. “It’s not real. It’s all for show for Victor.” She ran her finger under her eye and showed him the polish. Marcio took a deep breath and dropped his head back against the door. “I was wrong about you. You’re a good man.” She lifted his hand and kissed the top, surprising all of us. The moment she stepped away and came to me, Marcio shook his head apologetically.

“Don’t even say it. We’re good.” I pointed the knife. “But if you ever touch her again, so help me, I
kill you.”

“I ain’t even gonna worry about this.” He stepped in, shutting the door. “I’ll do what I was meant to. Protect her. You. Whatever you got going on behind closed doors is obviously okay with her.”

Mary nodded. “It’s more than okay. Come on, Killer. Let’s go get ready.”

Is that what she called Marcio? Hmm. Interesting. Well, at least I didn’t have to worry about leaving her anymore. Not concerning her and my men, anyway. Now, my emotional attachment. Yeah, that was going to be a bitch to get under control.

Darkness took over until we got halfway down the stairs. The spotlight was on, ready for me to take my seat. Coffee sat on the table by the monitors and I took the cup, closing my eyes in satisfaction as the steamy liquid took over. There was no use putting it down. I sat in the chair while Mary stood by Marcio. Brace took his position behind the equipment. The all too familiar ringing filled the room and it wasn’t long before I came face to face with Victor, Jordan, and Mr. Brighton, himself. Good God, what was this? I felt like I was in a damn board meeting.

“What’s the news?” My tone was cold. Clipped. The longer I looked at Jordan, the more pissed off I got. Whose brilliant idea was it to have him here? I’d stabbed him already. Did they not know his presence was going to set me off? Dumbasses.

Victor leaned against the desk, completely unreadable. “We’re getting closer, but before we get into that, I would like to see my daughter.”

I motioned to Marcio and he walked over, bringing Mary to my side. The ropes were absent this time. Mary stood motionless, her head slightly lowered, but staring at the monitor. Jordan’s hand rubbed against his mouth, anger evident in his move.


Nothing else. Just a trembling question while she looked forward. Shaking wracked her body and she appeared on the verge of crumbling to pieces. How in the hell did she do it? Where did she go to in her mind to get her to this troubling state?

“How are you, Mary? You okay?”

It was a ridiculous question for what Victor assumed was happening. Of course she wouldn’t have been okay. Mary was standing there with a supposedly black eye.

“I want to come home.” Her tone reminded me how she likely would have sounded as a scared little girl. All false bravery. “Please tell me you’ve found Lily.”

Victor leaned forward. “We’re going to be bringing you home real soon. Don’t you worry about that.” He nodded to the side. “Look, Jordan came to see you. He’s been really worried.”

Mary’s breathing deepened and I couldn’t tell if she was nervous or excited. The anger inside burst into an inferno right in the center of my chest. My hands itched to grab her around the throat and make her announce to all of them who owned her. Who she yearned to stay with. But the truth was, I knew she wanted to leave, and I couldn’t stand it.

“Hello, Jordan.” Her head lowered even more. “I’m glad to see you’re doing better. I was worried.”

“No big deal.” Jordan took a shuddering breath. So many emotions flickered on his face I almost couldn’t believe it. He looked down, only to look back up at her with…want? And not just sexual. Almost what appeared to be yearning? “I’m so sorry, Mary.” He blinked and looked away. After a few seconds, he turned back. “You were so brave. Still are. I can’t get the way you looked when he pulled you away out of my head. The fear.” His hands appeared to tighten and I watched, trying to read every little movement. “Mary, I wanted to come to you. To save you. I hope you understand why I couldn’t.” He paused. “God, we have a lot to talk about when you get back. I just want you to know that I’ve been really worried, and
we are
going to get you back. That’s a promise. I won’t stop until you’re here.”

Hearing anymore was going to make me snap. “Enough of this. We’re not here to listen to lovebirds tweet ballads out of their asses. Take her.” Mary pretended to put up a small fight as Marcio pulled her back to the stairs. I glared at her, making her squirm. When my attention came back to them, Victor’s face hardened.

“You lay one more hand on my daughter…”

“Are you threatening me? Tell me. What will you do, Victor?” My head cocked to the side. Waiting. Praying he’d say anything to set me off. I needed a valid excuse to go batshit crazy and tear shit up. I didn’t think jealousy was going to fly in Mary’s eyes and she’d want an excuse for the behavior if I started ripping this place apart.

“Show me your evidence. I’ll tell you nothing more until I see what you’ve been going on about.”

Great. So much for my excuse. I nodded to Brace who brought me one of the many folders. “Let’s see.” I opened it glancing down at the affidavits I’d collected over the months from witnesses. Behind them were photos. I pulled out the stack, flipping through them. A smile came to my face and I held up one of Victor and Julian at the Blasé. The club was exclusive and only dealt with members. The luxury hotel that was attached was perfect for them to get on their monthly kinks. But, this picture was special. A petite brunette sat on Victor’s lap while her face was buried against Julian’s neck. “Katrina Benvose. Did you know she’s only sixteen?” Any woman would have been bad enough, but a minor? That one picture alone would ruin his career.

I held up the next. And then the next. All of them with the same girl in the main level. It’d been hard as hell for me to get those shots. Being a member myself, I had no problem getting in. It was trying to get past the governor’s detail that had made the pictures almost impossible to take. But I hadn’t had a regular camera. Mine had been attached to my suit jacket.

“Son of bitch.” Victor lowered his head. “Is that it?”

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