Captured Heart (A Garrett's Point Novel) (11 page)

BOOK: Captured Heart (A Garrett's Point Novel)
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Chapter Ten

Emma had just set the coffee and cake down on the family room coffee table when she heard Jack come into the kitchen. “I’m down here.”

Jack rounded the corner and came to an abrupt halt. Emma was standing with her damp long hair slightly curling around her face. She wore baggy grey sweats and a black t-shirt that sported a country music singer he recognized on the back, and she’d never looked sexier to Jack.

She was soft and real. That’s what he liked the most about Emma. She was genuine. Most women he dated – if you could call it that- had their own agendas. Frankly it made it easier to have the love ‘em and leave ‘em relationships. Emma didn’t fit into that category. He knew if they pursued this attraction, she could get hurt, and he didn’t want that. The problem was the more he was with her, the more he wanted her.

Emma carried the cake into the family room while Jack grabbed the coffee mugs. Taking a seat on the sofa, she took a bite of cake and was licking the chocolate from the fork. She grinned. “Chocolate makes everything better.”

Not everything, Jack thought to himself.

She tucked her legs underneath her, turning to face Jack with her plate in hand. “Where do we start?” Biting her bottom lip, she waited for Jack to get situated on the sofa beside her. She was nervous, couldn’t help it. This was not going to be an easy conversation.

“We have to discuss the joint guardianship, Emma. It’s the elephant in the room isn’t it?” Jack rubbed the back of his neck, his signature giveaway that he was feeling tense.

“The way I see it, we have two major problems, or I have two major problems with this.” Jack started. “My life is in Richmond, not here. I truly thought in the back of my mind that Dana would leave full custody to me as our parents and Jeff’s are both gone. I was mentally preparing a checklist to put the house up for sell, spend a few weeks getting things in order with Olivia and relocating her to Richmond with me.”

“I don’t want to give up my career or move to Garrett’s Point.” Jack finished, expelling a long breath.

Emma was silent, taking in his words and compartmentalizing what they meant. “I get what you are saying about your life prior to this tragedy, but what are you saying, that you want to take Olivia to Richmond?” The thought made ice creep into her veins. She shivered. Jack was a lawyer. If he wanted to fight for full custody and being the blood relative, he would know how and would probably win.

“I’m saying that is one option. We really only have two, don’t we? She goes with me or stays here with you.”

“Do you think uprooting her from her home is in her best interest right now?” Emma asked. She really believed the comfort of her familiar surroundings and people who she knew would help her cope over the next several months.

“I know it would be difficult for her. Hell, Emma, what’s an even bigger question is who would she be better off with? Don’t think I haven’t realized you are certainly more equipped to take on the role of surrogate parent more so than I am. I just feel like I’d be letting Dana down somehow. I don’t know what the right answer is.”

His voice was less audible but gravely. He cleared his throat that had become clogged with emotion. Emma took his hand to offer comfort. Both looking directly into each other’s eyes, they both saw the same sorrow and grief reflected.

“Jack, I love Olivia, and I do know that staying in her home, being surrounded by familiar people that can help her deal with her loss has to be the better option, but you are her uncle. All I can tell you is I am committed to her wellbeing. I will move in here and stay with her if that’s what we think is best.”

She felt him tense beside her. “Jack, I also won’t fight you if you decide that you want to take her back with you to Richmond. I wouldn’t be happy about it, but I wouldn’t fight you. I would; however, want to be involved in her life.”

“I would never prevent you from being part of Olivia’s life. I have no reason to do that. She loves you as much as you love her.”

“Thank you for that, Jack.” Unintentionally caressing his hand, she suggested “Why don’t we sleep on it for a few days. We don’t have to have all the answers tonight. All I ask is that you don’t shut me out, Jack. We need each other working together to help Olivia. Dana wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.” Emma glanced up at the mantle where multiple pictures of Jeff, Dana and Olivia sat. They had been so happy.

Jack followed her glance. “They were amazing parents, weren’t they?” he whispered. “I admired her so much.”

“Me too. Jeff was always a great guy. Even in high school he was friends with everybody. When he and Dana met in college, married and settled down here, Dana fit right in. It was like she’d always been a part of Garrett’s Point. She loved it here too.

“I know she did, and I know she would want Olivia to grow up here. I think that’s why they did what they did with the house. We haven’t even talked about that.” Jack finished.

“I know, but I think that will be an easy decision once we come to a decision about where Olivia belongs.”

“I just don’t want to make the wrong decision, Emma.” He sounded defeated.

“There really is no wrong or right decision here, only what is best for Olivia. If we base our decisions with that as our primary focus and not ourselves, it will work out to be the right decision, Jack.”

She had reached up to caress his cheek. He looked so sad and confused. She knew the feeling. He turned his cheek towards her, his lips grazing her palm.

Her insides clenched. She felt the atmosphere around them shift. Suddenly it was very warm. Jack’s brown eyes simmered like chocolate.

Trying to grab hold of her sanity and raging hormones, she pushed back from Jack.

“Jack, if we give in to this, we would only be thinking of ourselves. There is more at stake here.” Her hand cupped his cheek. “I don’t want to jeopardize a good friendship that would have a negative impact on Olivia in the future. We’ve got to be the adults here.”

Laughing softly, he placed his forehead against hers. “Believe me, there is nothing childish about the feelings I have for you, Emma. I want you. I know you want me too.” Sighing, “Why do you have to be so logical? I feel like I’ve been reprimanded by my grade school teacher, nicely of course.”

This time she was the one chuckling. “Oh, Jack. If you really knew what was going through my mind right now and the positions I’d like to see you in, you might not feel that way.”

His grip tightened. “Jesus, don’t say things like that, Emma. A man can only take so much.”

“I’m sorry, Jack. It’s just not the time for us to jump into this. I don’t make a practice of sleeping around. When I do have sex with someone, it means something more than a one-night stand at least to me.”

Conceding defeat, he stood holding out his hand to offer his assistance. “Guess we table whatever this is for a later date.”

“I guess so.” Emma knew it was the right thing to do, but it didn’t mean she was happy about it. In fact, quite the contrary. She felt let down knowing that Jack hadn’t fought harder. He was a lawyer after all. He knew how to argue his point to get what he wanted. Maybe he didn’t want her badly enough to fight for it. Now why did she have to go there? That just made her feel worse. It was for the best. She would be starting something that would never last. Why would she want to set herself up for that kind of pain? She’d already lost enough. She didn’t need to lose Jack too.

As they stood up from the sofa, Tucker roused from his spot near their feet. They walked up the stairs together in silence, both lost in their own thoughts. He stopped at her door. “Good Night, Emma. Sweet dreams.”

Smiling, she returned the salutation, “Good Night, Jack.” She couldn’t help herself. She reached over and kissed his cheek and went into her room, Tucker right behind her.

Jack stood there for a few minutes staring at her closed door. His hand inadvertently rested on the door. He wanted to follow her in and make love to her until they were both spent in each other’s arms, shutting the world out for just tonight.

Instead he went the few steps to his room, closed the door and went to bed alone. Never bothered him to be alone before until now.


Emma is awakened, but she isn’t certain by what. Tucker is whining at the door. Does he need to go out? What time is it? Then she hears it. It’s Olivia crying out in her sleep. Emma is instantly wide-awake, fear for Olivia driving her from her bed and into Olivia’s room.

She finds the little girl thrashing in her sleep, obviously entrenched in a bad dream. Emma offered calming words in soothing tones, lying down beside the child to stroke her hair.

Olivia calmed, her breathing back to normal. Emma had picked up a few words the child had muttered. She had understood “mom and dad” and “no” cried out several times.

Emma continued to stroke her hair and her back, making sure she had succumbed to a more peaceful sleep. She said a prayer, asking for God’s peace and hedge of protection around this wonderful child who had lost so much.

Slowly she lifted herself from the bed and placed a soft kiss to Olivia’s forehead. Turning to head back to her room, she came face to face with Jack leaning against the door jamb of Olivia’s room.

Her hand flew to her heart, her sharp intake of breathe alerting Jack he had startled her. Tip-toeing from the room, she left the door slightly ajar so she could hear Olivia if she experienced any further nightmares.

“Jack, you scared the daylights out of me.” She whispered. “Did she wake you as well?” she asked.

“Yes. I heard Tucker whining too. I got up to see what was going on. Is she alright, do you think?” his concern evident in his gruff tone.

“Yes, I think so. I’m sure there’s a lot going on inside her that freely inundates her mind when she sleeps. I’ll listen out for her.”

“You truly are one of the most loving people I’ve ever met, Emma. She’s very lucky to have you in her life. We all are.”

She was surprised by the sincere confession. Looking up at him, it was that moment she realized he was clothed only in his boxers; his beautiful toned chest just inches away.

Emma wasn’t the only one aware of the lack of clothing. Jack was standing at attention being so near to Emma as she stood with only a little grey t-shirt that stopped just above her white silky lace panties. He hardened just looking at her.

They stared at each other frozen in place for mere seconds. Jack made the first move, but Emma quickly followed. He reached for her, pulling her against him. She could feel his hardness pressed against her belly.

“Jack, I…” He cut her off, taking possession of her mouth, devouring her lips. She was lost at his touch. Fire spread through her veins.  His tongue slid across her bottom lip seeking entry to the secrets within.  The kiss deepened as tongues collided.

His hands cupped her bottom as he lifted her, her legs locking around his back for balance. He pushed them into her bedroom, closing the door behind them. Tucker sat on the other side of the door, lying down in front of it.

He pushed her up against the wall, eager to feel more of her against him. His control was slipping. He’d wanted her so badly for so long. His need of her rushed to the surface. His hand slipped under her t-shirt caressing her breast, tweaking her nipple.

Moaning at the tremendous sensations coursing through her, feeling like she was galloping toward something she couldn’t quite reach, she rubbed her center against Jack harder and faster, her wetness seeping through her panties. Jack felt her heat, her moans tugging at his control.

“Jack, oh Jack. Please…” Two fingers slipped under her panties to her core and inside her. She thought she would burst into flames right then and there, her muscles clenching around his fingers.

“Baby, Emma, God, you’re so hot and wet. Tell me to stop. If you don’t stop me now, I will be lost, Emma. Tell me now.” He urged as his erection pulsed on her stomach as his fingers pumped her closer to release.

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