CapturedbytheSS (21 page)

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Authors: Gail Starbright

BOOK: CapturedbytheSS
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I gingerly ease myself out from under his arm. Just as I try
to slip out of bed though, he grabs me.

“Where are you going?” he grumbles in German. I can tell
he’s not completely awake.

“I just have to pee,” I explain. “I’m still chained to the
bed, remember?”

With a sigh, he releases me. I’m not sure where he thinks
I’m going. He locked my leash to my anklet. I creep through the darkness to the
bathroom and then quickly relieve my bladder. I don’t make a lot of noise nor
turn on any lights, so I’m convinced he’s probably dozed back off. He sounded
sleepy when he grabbed me. As gently as I can, I ease back into bed. I’m a bit
surprised when he gathers me against him and returns me to my previous position
against his chest. I thought for sure he’d be asleep.

“Missed you,” he mumbles in German.

I can tell he’s drowsy, so I don’t say anything. He only
sighs deeply. His slow breathing indicates he’s already drifted back to sleep.

Nothing in my training prepared me for this scenario. I was
always taught that I’d be executed if I were ever captured, even my seduction
teacher warned me that sex would only get me so far. So why am I still alive?
And what did he mean about me being his official property? I mull these
questions over. Logically, I know I’m not in any position to ask him anything,
and if I did, he wouldn’t answer me anyway. Deciding not to think about it, I
force myself to sleep.

Chapter Six


A warm kiss on my forehead wakes me up. Willing myself
completely awake, I open my eyes.

“Good morning,” he whispers.

My hand moves to embrace him, but I quickly realize he’s not
under the covers with me. He’s lying on top of the blankets and sheets. He’s
dressed in a fresh uniform, and he also has his leather coat on as well.

“I have a few errands I need to run this morning, but it
won’t take very long. I’ll be back by lunchtime, and we can finish


“There’s one more thing. I don’t want you to touch yourself
anymore when I leave. Your body belongs to me now, and I only want you to find
pleasure in my arms. Do you understand?”

“No,” I whisper, although there’s a part of me that

He chuckles at my answer. “Just obey me.” He kisses my
forehead again. “I’ll be back soon. Now eat your breakfast before it gets

He stands and collects his briefcase, which is on the bed
and just below my feet. I find it strangely sweet how he always tells me
goodbye before he leaves for the day.

With a polite nod, he leaves the room, closing the door
behind him. I hear him going down the stairs before the front door opens and
closes. I’m not hungry, but I don’t want to turn down food. Looking around, I
realize he’s returned the table to its previous position by the window. There
are also at least two dozen red roses in a crystal vase on the table.

“Oh,” I whisper, climbing out of bed. I survey the flowers.
I don’t see a note anywhere. My breakfast is laid out next to the roses.
Waffles and bacon along with some syrup and butter. There’s also a pitcher of
apple juice. My stomach grumbles. I actually love waffles, though I haven’t had
them in ages. I’m suddenly hungry, and I sit down.

I eagerly dig into the food. He didn’t leave any books for
me today, though the strange books from yesterday are still on the table. Since
syrup and waffles can sometimes be a bit messy, I don’t touch the books while
I’m eating. I don’t want to spoil the pages with sticky fingers. I simply stare
at the closed volumes while I eat.

After finishing my meal, I take a quick shower. I also brush
my teeth before slipping the same button-down dress shirt and the socks back
on. After retrieving the two books, I shuffle back to the bed and then sit

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, I spread one of the books
in front of me. Since I know what’s in the books, I’m a bit more prepared to
take in the information. I flip through the pages and carefully read every word
and sentence, though there aren’t many words. It’s mostly pictures.

Sighing, I study the strange pictures again. As I flip
through the pages, I hear his car pull up. I’m actually eager he’s back. I want
to talk to him. I need answers. Nothing in my training prepared me for anything
like this. I hear his footsteps on the stairs before the bedroom door opens. He
finds me sitting on the bed.

“What did you mean about me being your official property?”

He only chuckles as he slips off his leather coat, but he
doesn’t answer me.

“What do you want from me?” I press.

He tilts his head as if he’s baffled by the question. “No
more questions, American.”

He places his hands together behind his back. His facial
expression is stern.

Anger filters through me. “But…tell me why—”

“Shh, don’t analyze it.” He approaches me, and I look up at
him. His gloved hand gently cups the side of my face. His firm but gentle touch
oddly calms me. “I like you this way.”

I’m not sure what he means by that, but I don’t ask. His
tone is strange, and I don’t want to ask a lot of questions right now.

His thumb tenderly sweeps across my cheek. “You like being
with me, yes?”

I hesitate a moment before whispering, “Yes.”

“Have I taken care of you? Fed you?” His eyes slightly
narrow beneath the rim of his hat.

I’m tempted to nod, but I know he doesn’t like gestures in
questioning. “Yes,” I whisper again.

His thumb softly moves across my lips.

“You like the feel of my body against yours.”

My breath slightly hitches at the statement. It’s not a
question, so I don’t respond.

He pulls his hand away and kneels down. His nimble fingers
unbutton my shirt.

“You like how my cock feels in your cunt.” I look away from him
briefly, not wanting him to see the agreement in my eyes. He gingerly eases the
shirt over my shoulders, and I shudder.

Apparently wanting to remove every stitch of clothing, he
even pulls my socks off.

“I want to make another video,” he declares, standing back
up. “I’ve been planning it all morning. I set everything up earlier while you
were sleeping. You
follow my instructions and do what I tell you.”

I only study him, wondering why his tone is arousing me. He
offers me a slight smile as if he’s reading my thoughts.

Nodding, he unlocks my leash from the anklet before taking
my hand. He leads me out of the bedroom and down the hall toward his office.
Even though I’m naked, I’m not cold or even chilly. I think he bumped the heat
up a bit.

We walk into his office. I’ve never actually been in this
room before. I only saw part of it the night I spied on him.

His laptop is closed. There are several binders and folders
lined on two shelves above his desk. I stop in midstep when I see what’s on the
other side of the room. A crimson curtain or sheet is pinned up on the wall
while another red sheet is draped on the floor. A video camera is mounted on a
tripod while a gooseneck lamp is clipped on a nearby chair.

Unlike yesterday, I know he’s going to record me this time.
And the thought causes me to hesitate. Still holding my hand, he tugs me

“Come on, American. I’ll reward you later for the scene.”

I hesitantly follow him.

He smiles at me as he leads me to the red backdrop. “It’s
been my experience that rewards work better than harsh punishments.”

I’m not sure what he means by rewards and punishments, but
the former sounds better than the latter. So I let him position me in front of
the camera.

“Get down on your knees,” he orders, pushing me down. I settle
on my knees and sit on my heels as I simply watch him. He fiddles with the
camera and then clicks on the light. Briskly, he turns and retrieves something
from a table. It’s the crop I examined yesterday. I wince.

What is he going to do?

“Open your mouth,” he whispers.

Confused, I obey. He slips the crop tenderly between my lips
and rests it on my teeth.

“Bite down gently and simply hold it in your mouth.”

A bit lost, I do what he says.

“Good,” he whispers.

He turns and walks to the same small table behind the
camera. He picks up the black blindfold we used yesterday.

He steps behind me and then kneels down. “Close your eyes.”

I squeeze my eyes shut. He brings the blindfold up over my
closed eyes and ties it behind my head.

I hear the distinct click of his handcuffs before he nimbly
cuffs my wrists together behind my back.

“Tilt your head up a little.” His fingers gently guide my
head where he wants it. “Good.”

I hear him stand. I think he’s moving behind the camera.

“Now don’t move, not even a little. The camera is rolling,
so I’ll know later if you moved. Just stay as you are, and I’ll be back in a

He walks away. I swallow hard as I bite down on the crop.

I well remember what he said about the camera rolling, so I
try to stay as still as possible.

I don’t hear anything. I don’t think he’s even in the same
room anymore. Confusion and uncertainty colors my mood, but I merely will
myself calm and stay where I am.

Several seconds pass. I hear him approaching again. I know
he’s in the room again, but he won’t say anything. It’s strange to be
blindfolded like this. I think he’s standing near his desk, but he won’t speak.
I think he’s just looking at me. Finally, I hear him moving.

He stops several feet in front of me. I think he’s fiddling
with the camera.

“Good,” he murmurs. “Very good.” There’s a soft beeping
sound. “You didn’t move. You obey very well.” The camera beeps again.

I know it sounds crazy, but I like it when he praises me. I
sense he’s coming closer. The crop moves slightly. He doesn’t say anything, but
I catch his want. I let the crop go as he pulls it from my lips. I hear a chair
being moved. I think he just sat down a few feet in front of me.

The flat part of the crop traces my face and then my neck.
Slowly, it moves over my shoulder before slipping down between my breasts. I
swallow hard, feeling confused and uncertain. I vaguely wonder what I should

I lower my head, feeling a bit foolish. The crop presses
under my chin, forcing my head back up. The crop merely touches me, but he doesn’t
hit me with it. I well remember what he said about how he missed wielding a
crop or a flogger. I’m sensing he’s enjoying this. After several minutes, the
crop leaves me.

“Don’t move,” he orders again. The crop presses against my
inner thigh before I feel a sharp slap in the same spot.

I yelp, but it didn’t really hurt.

“Widen your stance,” he orders. His wicked tool softly slaps
against my inner thigh again. His tone is hard and cold.

I spread my knees wider, opening my stance. His tone doesn’t
frighten me but instead excites me. The flat part of the crop flattens against
my folds. He gives my pussy one quick, sharp slap. I gasp and nearly topple
over from the intense jolt. Again he didn’t hurt me, and the mild sting is

“Again?” he murmurs darkly.

I can’t even stop myself from whispering, “Yes.”

He blesses my pussy with another blissful slap. Hot liquid
trickles from my cleft. He grinds the smooth part of the crop’s hard tip
against my overheated folds, effectively massaging my clit as well. His wicked
tool smears my warm juices, thoroughly drenching my curls. I quiver helplessly
as my captor takes a deep and uneven breath. He smacks my folds again, even
harder than before.

“Do you know how much you cost the empire?” His tone is harder
and colder than I’ve ever heard it. And oddly enough, the slight threat in his
voice is thrilling to me.

“No,” I barely whisper.

“American spies don’t come cheap and your little cunt is
going to pay for your reward.”

He smacks my folds even harder with the crop. My folds are
burning. He gently wedges the thinner sticklike part of the crop between my
folds and grinds it against my clit. The action edges me closer and closer to

He abruptly pulls the tool away. “No, you’re not coming
yet.” He smacks my pussy again. It’s agony to be so close to orgasm and then
disallowed to come. He administers three more hard smacks with the crop. I yelp
and whimper with each sharp smack.

I hear him stand up and move about. I sense him kneeling in
front of me. His gloved hand cups my tortured pussy. As he cups my mound, he
gently kisses my forehead.

“I wasn’t too rough, was I?”

I’m touched by the question. I almost sense he’s pausing
what we’re doing to ensure I’m all right. “No, you weren’t too rough. I…I liked

“We continue?”

“I…” I’m not sure what I want.

He chuckles softly. “You’re a novice,” he declares. With one
hand still over my mound, his other hand gently cups the side of my face. “We
slow down.”

Relief washes over me. I didn’t even realize that was the
answer I was looking for. He tenderly strokes my cheek with his thumb as his
other hand presses into my folds. He expertly massages my center. I moan softly
as he pushes me closer and closer to orgasm. I only hope he lets me come this

“Come, American. Come right now.” His words flutter across
my forehead.

His order pushes me over the edge. I lean forward slightly
as ecstasy washes through me. I cry out as he expertly rubs my throbbing clit.
He doesn’t drag out my release but instead stops just before my orgasm turns

I hear him take another uneven and ragged breath as he
stands. With my hands still cuffed behind me, I shift around a bit and sit on
the floor while squeezing my thighs together. My orgasm is now a pleasant buzz.
Several minutes of silence pass. Since I’m still blindfolded, I have no idea
what he’s doing. I think he’s just standing nearby, watching me.

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