Read Caravaggio: A Life Sacred and Profane Online
Authors: Andrew Graham-Dixon
Accademia de’ Lincei (Rome) 401
Accademia de San Luca (guild of painters) 78, 203, 204, 205, 293, 355, 356, 357
Accademia degli Ozioso 341
Accademia del Disegno (Florence) 381
Accarigi, Fra Giulio, in Valletta brawl with C. 387–8
Acquaviva, Claudio, Cardinal 127, 129, 249
Acre, Siege of (1291) 359
Adoration of the Magi
(Titian) 35
Adoration of the Shepherds
(Peterzano) 54–5, Plate 7
Agony in the Garden
(Campi) 35
Alban Hills, C. in hiding 329–34
Alberti, Leonbattista 16
alchemy, Del Monte and 1
, 160
Aldato, Corporal Paulo, witness at Ranuccio’s murder 317, 319
Aldobrandini, Cinzio Passeri, Cardinal 178
Aldobrandini, Olimpia 137–8, 177–8, 282
Aldobrandini, Pietro, Cardinal 121, 137
Alicati, Francesco, apprenticed to Peterzano 54
allegory, in C.’s
Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto
altarpieces (by Caravaggio):
The Adoration of the Shepherds
(stolen) 413, Plate 82;
The Adoration of the Shepherds
(Messina) 409–11, 412, Plate 78;
The Beheading of St John
375, 377–80, 385, 389, 391, 397, 398, Plate 79, endpapers;
The Burial of St Lucy
395–400, 402, 406, 407, Plate 83;
The Calling of St Matthew
193–7, 202–3, Plate 38;
The Death of the Virgin
220, 277, 302, 309–13,
314, 350, 353–5, 426, Plate 52
The Entombment of Christ
116, 278–81, 350, Plate 36;
The Madonna of Loreto
116, 269, 277, 288–93, 301, 350, Plate 63;
The Madonna of the Palafrenieri
42, 305–9, 331,
altarpieces –
Plate 64;
The Madonna of the Rosary
349–53, Plate 62;
The Martyrdom of St Matthew
193–4, 197–204, P
late 40;
Nativity . . .
o o
f San Lorenzo) (Palermo) 413
Radolovich altarpiece (lost) 339, 340; rejected 72, 213–14, 236–8, 280, 307–9, 311–12, 350–51, 353;
The Resurrection of Christ
The Resurrection of Lazarus
52, 404–9, Plate 77;
Salome’s Servant with the head of St John the Baptist in a basin
404, 418; Santa Maria di Constantinopoli altarpiece (lost) 269–70;
The Seven Acts of Mercy
339–45, 350, Plate 70;
see also
Caravaggio: paintings
altarpieces (other artists): Baglione
The Resurrection
249; Carracci
Assumption of the Virgin
212–13, Plate 43; Cobaert (Contarelli chapel) 191–2, 234; Saraceni 312, Plate 53; Titian
St Peter Martyr
Amayden, Dirck van, biographer of Del Monte 121–3
Ambrose, St (Bishop of Milan) 17, 25
Ambrosiana Library (Milan) 134
nguissola, Sofonisba 96, Plate 13
animals, painting of 81
Anne of Denmark (wife of James I) 69
Annunciation to the Shepherds
(Bassano) 36
Antella, Francesco dell’ (secretary to Wignacourt) 374–5, 388; and C.’s
Sleeping Cupid
381–4; friendship with C. 381
anti-Caravaggist movement, after C.’s death 439
Antognetti, Lena (prostitute) 296–7
Apelles of Kos 380–81, 383
Apollo Sauroctonus
Lizard Apollo
) (sculpture) 94
Aratori, Giovan Giacomo
(grandfather of C.) 10, 12, 56–7
Aratori, Lucia (mother of C.)
Merisi (née Aratori), Lucia (mother of C.)
Aratori, Margherita (aunt of C.) 11
Arcadelt, Jacques, madrigals 133–4
archaeology, religious 147–8
Archilei, Vittoria (soprano) 127–9, 130, 133
Aretino, Pietro 114
Ariosto 30
aristocracy: Italian fluidity 11–12; Milanese celibacy 16; Neapolitan 336
Aristotle, theatrical genres in
Arpino, Cavaliere d’
Cesari, Giuseppe
art: Borghese papacy and 286, 304–5, 307–8; Borromeo and 35–8, 42, 55; Byzantine art influence on C. 405, 406–7; changing views on Christian art 273; Clement VIII and 68–9, 71–2, 272–3; donor portraits 290–91, 352; hierarchy of painting modes 8
1; paintings as aid to religious
meditation 33–6, 55, 137–50, 290–93; sacred and profane 150–55, 181, 227, 308–9
art history, Vasari’s view of 41
artists: artists props 271–2, 273–4; artists’ supplies 75, 76; competition and rivalry 75–6, 91–2, 157, 245, 274, 275, 299–300, 303–4; esteem for C. 355; Rome artists’ quarter 72–3; temperament of 168
Augustine, St 333
Augustinian Friars 210
: account of pardon for C. 426; accounts of the Ranuccio killing 314–16; reports death of C. 428
Bacchus, paintings by C. 73, 82–5, 90–91, 153–5, 333
Bacchus and Ariadne
(Titian) 85, Plate 15
Baglione, Giovanni 5–6, 7, 8, 58, 76, 443; account of C.’s ambush and the reason 417–18, 419–20; accuses C. of arranging his murder 355–7; accuses C. of sodomy 247–8; on the
Boy Bitten by a Lizard
93, 97; C. and Del Monte 113, 117, 193; on C. in Malta 386, 387, 390; on C. in Sicily 399, 413; on the Contarelli Chapel paintings 202–3, 236; C.’s last days 426–7, 431; district
286; envy and conflict with C. 245–8; gold chain awarded by Benedetto Giustiani 246, 251, 265, 362; knighted 356, 362; libel case against C. 254–67; on
The Lute Player
flowers 134; made
of the Accademia di San Luca 356; on
The Madonna of Loreto
292–3; opinion of C. 91, 272–3; on the paintings for Cerasi 213; on Ranuccio’s murder 314, 317; on the
Self-Portrait as Bacchus
83; target of libellous poems 249–54, 361–2; on
The Entombment of Christ
279; on
The Musicians
125–6; threatened by Longhi 267–9;
Divine Love Overcoming Earthly Love
245–7, 249, 265, Plate 57;
The Resurrection
249, Plate 58
, in Sicily 394
baptistries, in
The Martyrdom of St Matthew
Bardi, Arnolfo, surety for C. 267
Baronio, Cesare 119
Basile, Giambattista, orgies in the Cerriglio 416
Bassano, Jacopo,
Annunciation to the Shepherds
Bauldewyn, Noel (composer) 142
Bazzi, Giovanni Antonio (Il
) 248
Beccafumi, Domenico 248
Bellintano, Fra Paolo 49–50
Bellori, Giovanni Pietro 5, 6, 7, 8, 58, 94; anti-Caravaggist 439; appearance of C. 166, 167, 272; on
The Betrayal of Christ
23, 229, 232; on C. in Malta 386, 387, 390; on C. in Naples 339; C. returns to Naples 413; C. in Rome 64, 76, 81, 90; on C. in Sicily 404, 413; Cesari rejected by C. 91–2; on
The Conversion of St Paul
216; on
The Crucifixion of St Andrew
347; on
The Crucifixion of St Peter
219; C.’s desire to be a Knight of St John 361; on C.’s flight from Rome 330, 334; on C.’s last days 426–7; dark and black colouring 144, 166, 184, 185–6, 219, 232, 303; on the first
St Matthew and the Angel
236, 237, 238; on
Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto
159–60; on
The Lute Player
132; on
The Madonna of Loreto
292–3; on
The Martyrdom of St Matthew
197–8; on
The Musicians
125–6; on the papal portrait 304–5; on the portrait of De Vignacourt 373; on Ranuccio’s murder 314; on the rejected Palafrenieri Madonna 308; on
The Rest on the Flight to Egypt
141; on
The Supper at Emmaus
223–4; on
The Entombment of Christ
279, 281; theory regarding ambush of C. 418, 419
Benavente, Don Juan Alonso Pimentel y Herrera, Conde de 347
Benzi, Francesco, in Valletta brawl with C. 387–8
Berenson, Bernard, on
The Crucifixion of St Peter
Bernini, Gianlorenzo 63–4
Bertacchi, Pellegrino (d’Este agent) 317
Bertucci, Antinoro, artists’ supplies 75, 76
Bianchi, Orazio 205
Bianchini, Anna, models for C. 176, 177, 297, Plate 32
Bisciola, Paolo, plague rumours and commentary 47, 51
Black Death (14thC) 46–7,
see also
Bonaventure, St,
Life of St Francis
Boneri, Francesco (Cecco) 247, 248, 270–71, 272, 273, 274, 329, 332, 365, 443, Plates 46, 56
Bonifacio, Giovanni, manual on deportment 172–3
books, Index of banned books 30, 69
Borghese papacy, ushers in full Baroque style 286, 309
Borghese, Camillo, elected Pope Paul V 286–7
Borghese, Scipione, Cardinal: acquires early paintings by C. 83, 333; bargains C.’s unsold pictures for a papal pardon 426; patron of C. 286, 301, 307–8, 309, 333–4; search for C.’s last paintings 428, 429, 431, 432–3, 435–6, 437
Borgianni, Orazio, accused of plotting against Baglione 356–7
Borromeo, Carlo, St, Cardinal Archbishop 58, 67; admiration for Neri 116; asceticism 23–4, 27, 36, 219, 309; attempt to purify Milan 24–31; Catholic zeal of 22–31, 55; clashes with Spanish rulers 25; collaboration with Sixtus V 67; ecclesiastical appointments 23; educational concerns 26, 53; instructions regarding baptistries 200; Jesuit influence 31–2; pieties out of fashion 273; pilgrimage 38; plague year edicts 45, 47–50; portrait of Plate 6; private army (
famiglia armata
) 25, 35, 48; procession to avert the plague 50–51; and religious art 35–8, 42, 55, 140; sight is the origin of sin 43–4; theatricality of 36–7, 219
Borromeo, Federico 23, 134–5, 136–7, 149–50, 223
Bosio, Antonio,
Roma Sotterranea
Bosio, Giacomo 359, 374, 381
Botero, Giovanni, Italian stereotypes 73
The Birth of Venus
Boulogne, Valentin de 439
Bramante, Donato (architect) 67
Bronora, Tella, affray with Prudenza Zacchia 178, 180
Bruegel, Jan 94, 134, 353
Bruni, Prudentia (C.’s landlady) 270, 283; ceiling damage and
302–3; seizes C.’s possessions 301–2, 303
Bruno, Giordano, burned at the stake (1600) 69
bubonic plague
Buonarroti, Michelangelo the Younger 384,
see also
Michelangelo Buonarroti
Burke, Peter, translates documents about rogues and beggars 102
bust-length heads: painting 76,
see also
Butio, Hippolito 209
Byron, Lord George 366
Caccini, Giulio 130
Caffarelli, G.‘P.,
The Families of Rome
170, 178
Caimi, Bernardino,
sacro monte
Caltagirone 393
Calvi, Menica (Menicuccia) (courtesan) 282, 298
(music rooms) 130–32
Campanella, Tommaso,
The City of the Sun
Campi, Antonio,
Agony in the Garden
Canonico, Flavio, wounded by C. 204–5, 209
Capaccio, Giulio Cesare (Naples administrator) 335, 337, 344
Capeci, Giovanni Andrea, passport official for Malta 363
Capitoline Museum (Rome) 98, 225
Caramano, Alessandro (boatman) 425–6, 430–31, 433–4
Caravaggio: biographers 3–6, 7, 8–9, 87; birth and early life 5, 8–9, 13, 15–16, 26, 52–3; appearance of 163, 166, 167, 272; portrait of by Leoni 188, Plate 1; connections with Colonna clan
Colonna; family deaths due to plague 51–2; family links severed 186–8; apprenticed to Peterzano 35, 53–6, 57; artistic ambition 81, 90–91, 383–4; character and temperament 44, 56, 58–9, 64, 73, 91–2, 161–75, 204–9, 273, 275–7, 295–8, 361–2, 385–6, 401–2; contemporary criticism 203–4, 206, 213, 439; influence of Borromeo 42–3, 44, 219, 407; links with St Filippo Neri 116; personal problems and painter’s block 283; plays guitar 133; religious belief 27–8, 411; suggestions of homosexuality 4–5, 122–3, 150–51, 247–8, 271, 412, 416; the swordsman 16, 165–7, 322; gold chain awarded by Wignacourt 385; signature of 379, 380, 392; with Cesari in Rome 79–85, 91, 95, 362; conflict with Baglione 245–7, 249–64, 267, 273, 341, 355–7, 361–2; rivalry with Carracci 143, 212–13, 219–20, 224, 264; rented house in Rome 270–73, 283, 301–3; fights and fracas in Rome 162–6, 204–9, 275–7, 281–3, 287–8, 293–8, 303–4; pimping, alleged 296–8; flees to Genoa after Pasqualone fight 298–300; bad blood with Ranuccio Tomassoni leads to duel 178, 181, 209, 298, 313–25; in hiding in the Alban Hills 329–34, 351; Naples (1606–1607) 334, 339–52, 355–8; Malta 358, 361–2, 365–91; Sicily
in more detail at
Messina; Palermo; Syracuse; Naples (1609–1610) 413–21, 435–7; last journey, death, burial 425–35; patrons 90–91, 97–8
in more detail under
Costa; Del Monte; Giustiniani; Mattei; his dog: Corvo 399; influence of C. on cinema 441–2; influence of C. on other artists 42, 98–9, 202, 347, 353, 372, 439
Caravaggio - paintings:
St Matthew and the Angel
(first) 234–7, 240, 309;
The Adoration of the Shepherds
(stolen) 413, Plate 82;
The Adoration of the Shepherds
(Messina) 409–11, 412, Plate 78;
153–5, 161, Plate 31;
Basket of Fruit
134–7, 223, Plate 25;
The Beheading of St John
375, 377–80, 385, 389, 391, 397, 398, Plate 79, endpapers;
The Betrayal of Christ
228–32, 349, Plate 48;
Boy with a Basket of Fruit
82–3, 85–91, 333, Plate 11;
Boy Bitten by a Lizard
93–7, 100, Plate 12;
Boy Peeling a Fruit
77–8, Plate 10;
The Burial of St Lucy
395–400, 402, 406, 407, Plate 83;
The Calling of St Matthew
117, 193–7, 202–3, 210, 215, 222, 224, 236, 384, 407, Plate 38;
The Cardsharps
98, 99–106, 118, 196, Plate 16;
The Conversion of St Paul
40, 209, 213–17, 292, 440, 441, Plates 41, 43, 44;
The Crucifixion of St Andrew
347–9, 350, 358, 379, 398, Plate 73;
The Crucifixion of St Peter
40, 210, 217–20, 230, 292, 346, Plates 42, 43;
David with the Head of Goliath
332–4, 426, Plate 68;
The Death of the Virgin
220, 277, 302, 309–13, 314, 350, 353–5, 426, Plate 52;
The Denial of St Peter
421–3, Plate 84;
Doubting Thomas
238–40, Plate 54;
The Entombment of Christ
116, 278–81, 350, Plate 36;
The Flagellation of Christ
345–9, Plate 72;
The Gypsy Fortune-Teller
98–101, 104, 106–10, 118, Plate 17;
Judith and Holofernes
40, 181–3, 185, 441, Plate 35;
Judith and Holofernes
(lost painting) 350, 352;
Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto
159–61, Plate 30;
The Lute Player
132–4, Plate 24;
The Madonna of Loreto
116, 269, 277, 288–93, 301, 350, Plate 63;
The Madonna of the Palafrenieri
42, 305–9, 331, Plate 64;
The Madonna of the Rosary
349–53, Plate 62;
Martha and Mary Magdalen
176–8, 181, 184, 185, 272, Plate 32;
The Martyrdom of St Matthew
193–4, 197–204, 379, Plate 40;
The Martyrdom of St Ursula
423–5, 432, Plate 85;
Mary Magdalen
(lost Alban Hills painting) 330;
156–9, 272, Plate 20;
The Musicians
124–6, 131–2, 144, Plate 21;
Omnia vincit amor
240–44, 245–6, 247, 273, 382, Plate 56;
The Penitent Magdalen
137–41, 176, Plate 26;
Portrait of Alof