Careful What You Ask For (13 page)

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Authors: Candace Blevins

BOOK: Careful What You Ask For
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Chapter 20


riana had held
onto her wolf with such control, when we got to the cabin and she could relax, she
lost all restraint.

I went wolf and ran with her, but I didn’t force my energy onto her. I wasn’t going to be with her every minute of every day, and she needed to learn control without help.

Plus, using my energy to pull her into control might’ve freaked her out. We slept outside as wolves, though we were just behind the clearing and not far from the cabin. When morning came, I shifted back to human and went inside to cook. The smell of bacon, eggs, steak, and biscuits brought her inside on two legs, and she silently set the table and poured our drinks.

“I’m sorry.” She had her head down, cowed and embarrassed.

“No need to be sorry. You’ve held it together like a seasoned wolf. The very fact you could hold it together until it was safe to lose control speaks volumes about how far you’ve come.” I dished the eggs onto two plates, handed them to her to take to the table, grabbed the rest of the food, and followed. “You’re a new wolf. No one expects you to have complete control. If you’re close to losing it around people, I’d like your consent for me to help you out with my new Alpha energy, but when it’s safe for you to lose control, I’m not going to intercede.”

“Yeah, if I’m about to lose control where I shouldn’t, I’d appreciate the help. Thanks for not doing it last night, though.”

“You weren’t lost in the wolf for long. Somewhere around twenty seconds, I think.”

“A wolf can do a lot of damage in twenty seconds. I thought I was doing better.” She sighed. “Maybe I should just go back to Maggie’s until I learn complete control.”

She was in so much conflict — too much for my nose to figure out the source. I took a stab at guessing the problem. “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to give you a stable, stress free situation. If you need to go back to Maggie’s to re-center, I’ll understand, but I hope you aren’t running from whatever the two of us have started with each other.”

She looked up from her plate and I saw wolf eyes in a not-completely-human face.

She managed to say, “Help,” and I put my left hand on her shoulder and reached inside her with a metaphysical hand to soothe her wolf. I let my wolf’s energy come through, concentrating on warm and loving energy instead of dominant energy. Forcing her wolf down would’ve been easy, but I coaxed her back down instead. When Briana looked at me out of her human face with appreciation, I was glad I’d managed it. I’m a new Alpha and still learning the ropes, and I hadn’t been sure I could do it.

. I need to eat and digest food as a human before I
again.” She shook her head. “I don’t know what the two of us have started and it scares the shit out of me, but I’m not a coward so I won’t run from it. I do think I need some space for my wolf, but what you just did…”

When she didn’t finish her sentence after a handful of seconds, I told her, “I’m new at this Alpha thing, but I’ve been a Dom for a long time. Are you willing to let me try a little sex experiment and see how you feel afterwards?”

“What kind of experiment?”

“The kind where I boss you around and spank your ass?”

The spicy-sweet scent of her arousal filled the room, and I leaned back with a smile. “Lucky for you, there’s no need for me to order you to give yourself an enema, since you so recently
. We’ll finish our meal and clean up before we get started.”

I’d brought two plugs and a few floggers just in case, and I have rappelling rope in the back of my SUV. And, of course, there’s always my hand and belt. Also, I’d packed coconut oil to cook with, so we had plenty of lube.

When we finished dinner, I retrieved a plug, had her bend over the table, and I lubed her and the plug before inserting it. I talked her through it, but I didn’t give her pussy or clit any attention. She handled it like a pro, and breathed through relaxing to let it in, though she whined when I stood her up. I
the combination of pain, submission, and pleasure as the scent fills the room, and I breathed it in as I palmed my cock.

“Stand in the corner while I do the dishes. Hands at the small of your back.”

I finished the dishes, told her I was stepping outside a moment and would be right back, and went out to bring the rope in. It didn’t take long for me to toss one end over the huge overhead beam.

Anticipation can be a wonderful aphrodisiac, and Briana seemed to thrive on it. Best of all, her wolf seemed content and wasn’t near the surface.

I pulled her from the corner into my arms, kissed the top of her head, and grasped the back of her skull to move her face where I wanted it to kiss her.

She let me have my way with her, but she kissed me back with enough energy to show how much she wanted this.

“So much I want to do with you, but I think we’ll start out light and fun this evening and see where things go,” I told her. “Open the drawer to the right of the stove and pick two implements you want me to spank you with.”

Women who’ve never been spanked with a wooden spoon always pick it. The ones who know the kind of bruising a wooden spoon leaves tend to stay far, far away from them.

I grinned when she brought a large pancake spatula and the wooden spoon. I’d wait until she was warmed up to let her feel the wood, but the spatula could be fun.

I’d retrieved a folded blanket from the linen closet earlier and put it on the coffee table without opening it. I pointed to it. “Hands and knees. The blanket’s for your knees — aren’t I considerate?”

She gave me a slightly doubtful look, and I smirked. “Or, toss it on the floor if you don’t think you need it.”

I grinned as she got into position with her knees on the blanket, and I slapped my thigh with the spatula a few times to get the feel for it.

She jerked at the sound, and I leaned down to wiggle the outer portion of her butt plug. Her moan was more arousal than annoyance, and I told her, “You’ll have something bigger before the evening’s over.”

Her back arched to push her bottom higher, and I popped one cheek and then the other with the spatula. Little rosy spots came up a few seconds later, and I gave her three on each cheek in quick succession before stopping to rub.

She yelped and tucked her bottom under a brief second, but then pushed it back out.


’ve never enjoyed
a spanking like this before. I mean, I’ve enjoyed thinking about it afterwards, but I don’t think I’ve ever craved the next strike. Part of me wanted to ask him if that was as hard as he could hit, but the sane portion of my brain decided to just wiggle my ass at him and hope he got the message.

He chuckled and popped me a few more times, and I gave a deep groan as the heat soaked into my muscles and warmed my ass and pussy.

I didn’t count, but I’m guessing he hit me at least a hundred times on each cheek with the spatula before he used his hand a while, and then finally showed me the wooden spoon.

“We’ll start with twenty strikes, so ten on each cheek.”

After giving me hundreds and hundreds with the spatula and his hand, keeping it so low sounded odd, but I nodded and rested my head once again. At some point during the spanking I’d gone to knees and chest, and settled my head comfortably on my folded arms.

At the first strike of the spoon, I went back to hands and knees and had to force myself to stay on the table. I wanted to scream in pain, but I had no air in my lungs so my pained shriek was silent.

I moaned as his hand gently soothed the hot, angry spot on my left ass-cheek.

“You chose the spoon. Be glad I waited until you were warmed up.”

“Can I choose something else?”

He chuckled, patted just below where he’d struck before, and said, “Afraid not.”

I screamed this time, and he was faster to sooth the spot he’d just struck. “Three more here before I switch cheeks. You want them fast or slow?”

I smelled his arousal grow a second after I screamed, and I realized how much this was working for him. Still, it fucking
, so I answered, “I don’t know. Maybe one slow and then two fast, so I can see, please?”

“How about three fast, and then you can tell me if you want five at a time for the next fifteen, or if you want them all one at a time?”

I’m not sure what made me say it, but I told him, “Whatever will turn you on the most, Patrick.”

I couldn’t put my finger on every emotion coming from him. Happiness, contentment, more arousal, some kind of fucked up sadistic/dominant feeling, and several other things. It was like trying to figure out all the ingredients in someone’s dressing. You’re sure there’s sage and nutmeg, but you’re also certain there are a half-dozen other herbs and spices but you can’t put a finger on what they are.

“Three now, then. If you come off the table they don’t count. If you come off the table twice, I’ll use the rope to make sure you stay where I want you.”

I nodded, took a breath, tensed, realized my muscles were all taut, and focused on relaxing at least the muscles he was about to strike.

“Good girl.”

He touched three spots just under where he’d already hit, and then struck those three spots in succession, fucking

It’s a good thing we were in the middle of nowhere, because my screams were loud, long, and shrill.

Three at once had been a mistake. It was more than I could handle, but just as I was about to scream
, his hand was soothing my ass while his wolf soothed my wolf. I hadn’t even realized she was feeling it, too, until I settled a little more when she did.

I went from bracing on my hands to resting on my forearms, and I tilted my head down so the top of it rested on the table.

. I almost said the magic word. I don’t think I want to do that again.”

He rubbed my back to help me relax and he said, “We’re figuring out what you like and what you don’t like right now. We’ll do all twenty because I want you to experience what it takes to make it to a goal. If you stay on the coffee table for all twenty strikes, you’ll get a big reward.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I don’t want to quit, but I’m not sure I can take them fast like that.”

“You have to know you won’t have a say in that sort of thing if I need to punish you. Tonight’s fun and it’s kind of a get-to-know-you session. I’m hoping we build a little more trust, too.”

He’d walked to my other side as he talked, and now he touched the top of my other ass cheek, and a few seconds later he struck it.

It was both easier and worse than the first strike on the other cheek. I knew what to expect this time, but I also knew what was coming. It felt like he’d connected the dots on my other cheek, with each strike so close to the one above it, the five spots created a line of fire going down my ass.

Patrick made his way down my ass again, soothing the pain between strikes, and I relaxed a few seconds after the fifth, but then freaked as I realized he was about to return to the other cheek.

“Time for a bigger plug,” he told me as he reached for the bowl he’d put some coconut oil in. I turned my head to the side and watched him lube what looked like an impossibly large plug.

“That’s too big, Patrick.”

“If it is, we’ll go back to this one, but I think you’ll be surprised. I’m glad you told me it takes you a little bit to get used to anal before you really enjoy it. Back to knees and chest, please.”

I squeezed my eyes closed and tried to stay relaxed as he pulled the plug from my ass. I yelped at the widest part, and then immediately yelped again when he had the other plug pushing in within a half-second of the original one sliding out.

I insisted it was too big over and over, and Patrick slowed down and occasionally even pulled out a few millimeters to give me a little relief, but fifteen minutes later he managed to get the whole damned thing in me. I’d never been so full. Part of me
it out, but another part of me wanted it to stay in.

And I’d completely forgotten about the spoon.

“I think we want to get the next ten over with, so I’ll help you stay put.”

I shook my head as his arm wrapped around my torso and he tucked my hip into his side. This time, he used the spoon to lightly touch the five places he was about to strike, and before I could beg him not to, he struck five times in about three seconds and I thought I might come unglued.

I screamed, fought, and tried to flee, but he held me tight and soothed the area around the five strikes without touching them. It worked and before long I was still and quiet again, but I had the hiccups.

“Let’s see if we can’t get rid of those hiccups with the other five. I’m going to move to your other side, are you good to be still while I resituate us?”

As much as I wanted to run away, I also wanted to see these twenty strikes through to the end. “Yeah. I’ll stay.”

I smelled his pleasure as he walked around me and I stayed put. It felt good to know I’d pleased him.

The final five strikes were awful, but when they were over I was so damned horny I thought I’d go mad. The pain, the heat, the endorphins, the way he held me and loved me and cared for me, and his hand all over my bottom… it all worked together until I wanted him inside me in the worst sort of way.

Thankfully, he didn’t disappoint. He stepped behind me, pulled the plug from my ass, grasped my hips at the top of my thighs, and lifted my torso from the table. I scrabbled to get my toes on the table, but he pulled me back. My hands went backwards as if I were doing a wheelbarrow race in reverse — and I was the wheelbarrow.

His cock went into my ass all at once with no warning, and it was all I could do to keep my hands under me. My legs were dangling down from his waist, and I managed to feel a little in front of me and get my toes on to the coffee table, but his hands gripped my hips and held me where he wanted me as he jackhammered his cock in and out of my thankfully well-lubed ass.

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