Caressed by a Crimson Moon (Rulers of Darkness) (8 page)

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“I did not sense your—”

“Yes, I apologize. I really must work on letting my guard down and revealing my energy.”

Eva stepped to the side so that she could see Falcon. Hadrian had stopped because he knew the knight was coming and now he spoke with him as if nothing had just happened.

Nothing had happened,
she chided herself.

“I don’t believe the two of you have been formally introduced,” Falcon said, coming to stand beside Hadrian.

“No, we have not
met,” Hadrian said with a charming smile that made Eva’s blush darken.

“Your Highness, may I present our ward, Miss Eva Maldonado of the Silveria Shifter Pack. Miss Maldonado,” Falcon gave a bow, “His Royal Highness, Hadrian Lucretius, King of the Validus Clan.”

Hadrian took Eva’s hand and placed a soft kiss to her knuckles. “Charmed.”

Eva gave a nervous curtsy.

“My king, I have arranged to interview a few chefs this evening and Miss Maldonado has graciously offered her services as taste tester,” Falcon said with smile.

Hadrian gave a light chuckle. The sound was warm and caught Eva completely by surprise. She already loved his voice, she thought she could come just from listening to him speak, but his laugh. Lord, have mercy on her peace of mind.

“A more than suitable occupation for our young ward,” Hadrian replied. “Please, don’t let me keep you from your work.”

Eva took a step toward Falcon and Hadrian’s entire body tensed. He resisted the urge to snatch her to him.

Falcon’s scrutinizing gaze locked on Hadrian as he said, “The first few chefs have arrived and are waiting in the kitchen. Miss Maldonado, would you mind going along? I would like a word with his Majesty.”

“Sure.” She headed toward the exit, but paused and gave another fumbling curtsy. “It was a
to formally meet you, Your Highness.”

Hadrian bit back a smile as she left.

“What happened?” Falcon demanded the instant the door closed.

“What do you mean?” Hadrian innocently asked.

“Do you think it has escaped my attention that the air is thick with lust?”

Hadrian could not stop himself from taking in a deep breath. The scent of warm vanilla sugar inflamed his desire once more.

“I know how much you love women, Hadrian, but this one is our ward and an innocent.”

His good humor gone, Hadrian said, “I will not dishonor the girl.”

“She is a good looking female, but—”

“That is enough, knight,” he growled.

Falcon’s teeth ground together as he mumbled, “Fine.” He gave a low sweeping bow. “My apologies,” he added, then turned toward the door.

“Her eyes,” Hadrian called after him.

Falcon paused in the threshold, slowly turning back to his king. “What?”

“Have you noticed their color?”

“They’re yellow,” Falcon answered.

“No,” Hadrian said, contemplation deepening his voice, “they are not.”

Falcon frowned. “I don’t understand.”

“She does not have shifter eyes.”

“That’s impossible,” Falcon scoffed.

It was common knowledge that shifter genes were dominant when paired with that of a human’s. In rare cases, if a half-breed survived birth, they would possess not a single physical attribute from their mortal parent. In fact, the only difference between a purebred and half-breed shifter was the dilution of magic within the blood, preventing half-breeds from shifting and locking away their animal instincts.

“Yes,” Hadrian conceded.
It should be impossible.





Chapter Six






Two days. It had been two days since Hadrian had found his pretty ward in the gym. Two days since he had nearly sank his fangs into her elegant, slender wrist. Even now, as he paced before the picturesque wall of windows in the solarium, his nerves were raw and his hunger ravenous. The demon within him wanted the half-breed. Her blood. Her body. It craved her very soul.

“Just one taste,” he snorted.

He was disgusted by how easily he had lied to himself and to her. He had been a fool to believe he would be able to pull away once the sweetness of her blood caressed his lips.

Shaking his head, his steps quickened.

He would have drained her; greedily hastening her death so that he may savor the moment her soul departed her body. There was no doubt the beast within him would howl with delight as he watched the brilliant spark of life fade from her amber eyes.

Hadrian’s wide shoulders shuddered at the thought.

How could he even think about taking the life of one so young, so innocent, vibrant and beautiful? The female was gorgeous, from her mesmerizing eyes, to her lush lips, her curves and, most of all, her spirit. She was a fighter. Many in her position would have perished long ago under the harsh treatment of the pack.

Hadrian knew shifter society well, having lived amongst various packs for numerous years in South America. She was undoubtedly beaten on a regular basis, mocked, scorned, and looked upon with disgust. Judging by her slight frame, she most likely was malnourished, given scraps or had to fend for herself.

Worst of all, she had been given to a mad vampire king whose fangs ached to pierce her flesh, whose body burned with the desire to claim her.

Had the alpha been right in sending his lowly half-breed daughter? Would he kill the girl?

No, she was his ward. Honor dictated he keep her safe from all, including himself. He would order Falcon to chain him in the dungeon before he harmed the girl.

Hadrian’s lips twitched with a smile. Perhaps that was not such a horrible idea. His incarceration would certainly appease his mind. But locking himself away would do nothing to prepare him for returning to his clan. Eva was a temptation and he would face countless temptations once he rejoined vampire society. The girl was not only a test given to him but also a test for him and he would not fail. He would prove everyone, himself included, that he could be civil, that he was no longer controlled by his madness.

Still, there was no denying that he wanted the half-breed. She plagued his every thought and when she was near, a high-level, intense buzz rocked his body, vibrating his very bones, firing his blood and provoking his hunger. Her delicate scent set him on edge and made his cock ache to be inside her. His need to take her was near impossible to ignore and his need to taste her blood was consuming when she was near.

Hadrian’s eyes darkened as he continued to pace, his thoughts growing deeper as he analyzed his odd response.

He had not been with a woman for more centuries than he would like to even think about. Before his exile he had countless lovers, all faceless, nameless women, each as interchangeable as the last. None had been worth remembering. Over the past three hundred and fifty years he had been alone, lost in his mind, wading through chaotic memories. Was his body shaking free of his madness? Was he only interested in Eva because she was a readily available female? Could his response be due to his sexual appetite?

Hadrian paused and rubbed his brow. It was the most plausible explanation. His drive for sex had always been accompanied by his need for blood. Sex and blood, it was all he had ever needed or wanted from women. He made certain they all found their pleasure, while he remained guarded. Never sharing himself with anyone, never wanting any kind of intimacy. 

He could think of no other explanation for his fierce reaction to the woman. One night filled with intense passion would surely cure his sexual desire for her, while carefully controlled bites would satisfy his hunger for her.

She is my ward
, he thought, appalled with himself.

He could never take her to his bed. He would never feel her soft body move against his while entangled in the sheets, never hear her sighs of pleasure. And never would he taste her sweet blood. He would not dishonor or disrespect Eva and her pack in such a way. She had been placed in his care to guard, not to use for his own amusements.

He should find another to see to his needs. If memory served, any female would do. He could easily teleport to Maggie’s. Her brothel was still in business.

Perhaps, his response to Eva was a positive sign. Was his mind truly healing? Could he return to the man he once was?

He scoffed.

I’m crazy. Not delusional.

Hadrian knew he would never be the same. Not after Titus’s death and the destruction of his psyche. He was no longer able to control the demon and its evil memories would forever haunt him as they did now.

As if on cue, a montage of fire and death flickered in his mind as the victim’s pain sliced through him. Terrified screams echoed in his ears as he tried to remain calm, focusing on his breathing. Searing heat ignited in his chest and spread over his body until he could feel the flames whip at his flesh. Thick smoke seemed too fill his lungs as we was swept into the memory. Pale, cold corpses lay about the village, each with their throats ripped out. Fire wildly snapped as it consumed their huts and eagerly began to feed on the bodies. Imbrasus stood, hands on hips, his face smeared with blood, his clothing drenched to the point his tunic appeared to be black. Beside him stood a man, his fangs and claws still dripping with blood, his face the mirror image of Hadrian’s.


Imbrasus turned lightning white eyes to Hadrian’s twin, his lips twisted with a murderous smile as he asked, “Shall we find your brother?”

The words ricocheted in Hadrian’s mind. He knew Imbrasus had used Titus to get to him.

I am a vampire because of him…and Titus is dead because of me.

Hadrian opened his eyes. His hands shook uncontrollably as his anger heightened to rage. Claws extended. He needed to get out of the keep. He needed to run, to force out the vile tension that wracked his body.

Another scene blurred his vision as the high-pitched horrified screeches of children carved through the silence of the room. Imbrasus enjoyed playing with his young victims.

Stay calm,
he ordered himself.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe!

The nauseating scenes of torture would not stop. The raw stench of agony mixed with the heady scent of fear beckoned to the darkness within him. He could feel the madness coming. It crawled up his spine. Its claws ripped into his shoulders and entered his mind. The demon’s sinful memories ensnared him, twisting reality.

The abyss. The blackness. The mouth of hell was open. Waiting for him to fall, waiting to consume his soul. He was on the edge, knowing if he slipped, he would never return. His mind would be lost forever.

Hadrian’s heart stopped, his lungs froze, his body stilled as time slowed. His vision began to fade as all that surrounded him slowly turned gray as darkness closed in on him. He felt himself sway; he knew he would hit the marble floor any moment.

The sound of a steady, strong heartbeat began to sing in his ears, faint at first until it became a roar. Vanilla filled his senses, the rush of the fresh scent washed over him, cleansing his body and freeing his mind. His heart slammed back into action as his lungs expanded with breath, taking in the warm aroma.


The darkness vanished, the abyss that wanted nothing more than to swallow him was gone. The memories fled, hiding in the recesses of his mind.

Hadrian stood dazed, gazing out the picturesque wall of windows, the scene more vivid than he could ever remember. Shock rattled his system and for the first time in his unnaturally long life he was thunderstruck.

What had just happened?

“Good god,” a startled female gasped from behind him.

Snapping out of his stupor, Hadrian turned toward the entrance. The relief he felt a moment ago vanished as lust took hold of him.

Eva was at the door. She wore a simple, floor length causal yellow dress with thin straps and a low neckline. His gaze skipped over her face, lingering for a moment on her full peach colored lips, then her pulse before moving down to her breasts and lower. The dress complimented her figure and teased his desire.

Hadrian whispered a curse as he dragged his gaze from her. Damn the half-breed for being so alluring. Her scent was soothing, bringing calm to his mind and yet, erotically intoxicating. His jeans grew tight. His fangs tingled, as he focused his gaze on anything other than the woman before him.

A disturbing thought glimmered in the back of his mind. Had it been the demon’s sexual need and hunger that had drawn him back from oblivion? Or had it been Eva herself?

“Your Majesty,” she said, regaining her composure, “I didn’t know you were here.”

Hadrian straightened his shoulders, deciding to reflect upon his bewildering experience and her role in it later. Now, he needed to practice control. He needed to prove to himself that he was capable of civility and decorum.

“Good evening, Miss Maldonado,” he greeted, with a smooth voice.

“I apologize for disturbing you. I can go—”

“Nonsense. Won’t you come in?”

Eva hesitantly entered the solarium and slowly came to stand at Hadrian’s side. She shifted uneasily beneath his gaze.

“What brings you to the solarium this evening?” he asked.

“Um,” she said, trying to collect her thoughts. Being this close to him was wreaking havoc on her senses and his rough, sexy voice was not helping her concentrate. Her eyes watched his lips move as he asked her another question. Damn, his mouth looked—
Snap out of it!

“I thought a change of scenery would be nice. I’ve been in a movie coma for the past two days. There is so much that I’ve missed:
It’s Complicated, The Hangover, The Avengers,
and all the

Eva blushed when Hadrian smiled. She knew she sounded like a child with her enthusiasm.

“You have been terribly deprived,” he said with a light laugh.

“You have no idea. Only this morning did I create a

“It seems you and I are in…I believe the term is ‘the same boat’.”

Eva laughed, causing an odd warmth to spread through Hadrian’s chest.

“I suppose we are, Your Majesty,” she sighed when she was through with her giggles. “To be honest, I was hoping to go for a walk. I was on my way to change when I noticed the storm,” she pointed out the windows, “I thought the solarium would be the next best thing.”

“Yes, it is quite ugly out there.”

Snow fell in a mad flurry as wind tore across the landscape.

“I wouldn’t say that. Beauty can be found in chaos. I’ve experienced my fair share of storms. Hurricanes were always a worry where I grew up in Florida. My mom used to say, ‘there is always hope after a storm’.”

Sparing her a glance, he took notice of the grief that dulled her brilliant amber eyes. Sorrow, it rolled off her in cold waves. Hadrian raised his hand before deciding it was best if he did not touch her. He knew nothing of comforting others. As a mortal, he had been stern, a military man who had no need of kind words and as a vampire, well he had been no better.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” he said hoping there was enough sympathy in his voice.

Eva mumbled her thanks before shrugging off her momentary depression. She was not an emotional person. Besides, her mother had taught her to never dwell on the past. ‘Always live in the now, Eva’. And she would. Right now, she was staying in a castle that reminded her of her favorite childhood movie,
Beauty and Beast
. The man standing beside her was straight out of a dream, fangs and all. She was free of her father’s rule. Free of the pack and the harassment she was forced to endure day after day.

‘Today is what counts, forget about yesterday.’
Yes, mama, you’re right.

“Do you come to the solarium often?” Eva asked.

Hadrian shrugged and Eva watched his wide shoulders roll wanting nothing more than to feel them move beneath her fingers as he—
Stop right there. It is one thing to seize the day. It is quite another to throw yourself at a vampire king. Especially when you are the equivalent of a political captive.

“Like you, I had hoped to roam the night, but alas, the storm has ruined my plans.”

“I thought vampires weren’t susceptible to the cold.”

“You are correct in your assumption. However, I do not relish the thought of having snow and ice slap me repeatedly in the face.”

Eva could not hold back her laugh. “Your old accent and choice of words make the strangest combination sometimes.”

“I do my best to sound modern.”

“I meant no offense, Your Majesty,” Eva quickly said.

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