Caressed by Moonlight (16 page)

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Authors: Amanda J. Greene

BOOK: Caressed by Moonlight
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Chapter Twenty-Three

Falcon's jaw clenched. Victoria leaned her back against the railing, dropping her eyes to the wooden planks of the ship.

“He isn't human,” she stated softly with a nod. She knew Falcon was hiding something and he would never reveal the secret.

But judging from his expression, tense muscles, and cold eyes, she knew she was close to the answers she sought. The question now was, did she want to unearth the truth? Yes, she wanted the truth no matter how ugly it was.

“Is he a vampire, Falcon?”

He sucked in a sharp breath and that was all the response she needed. She had married a vampire.

King Dorian Vlakhos, her husband, was a vampire. It should shock her, it should frighten her, and it should disgust her.

Instead she felt pleased for reasons she could not explain. She smiled as she took in Falcon's defensive stance and his smoldering gray eyes.

“And so are you.”

“You have a wild imagination.”

“Don't try and deny it.”

Falcon blinked in shock. She had discovered their dark secret and she was not mad or terrified. She accepted it with ease.

He remembered his original thought when Dorian had told him he had married. She could be Dorian's life mate, the one woman who could save his friend from an inevitable death.

“Yes I am,” he said, and with four large strides he came to stand over her. She did not retreat or panic, but stood calmly waiting for him to continue. “Nothing has happened to your husband. He has not been harmed or taken ill and nothing is wrong with him. He is acting exactly the way he should, given the circumstances.”

“There has to be some sort of explanation for his behavior.”

“He needs blood.”

“Blood?” she croaked, her hand rising to her throat.

“Yes. That is why you can't stay with him or see him. It is too dangerous for you. His bloodlust is so great he fears he will kill you.”


“And all this time I thought I was being punished.”

“You've done nothing wrong.”

She turned back to the water as relief and sadness swelled within her. She was overjoyed to hear that Dorian did not hate her, but she knew he was in pain.

“I want to help him.”

“Help him?”

“Yes, just tell me how.”

“No, Victoria. I don’t think that is a good idea,” Falcon protested. “You could get hurt or worse.”

“He is suffering Falcon,” she snapped, whirling on him. “I will do anything to help him and you won't stop me.”

Falcon nodded, she had to be Dorian's mate. Victoria was the only woman he had ever known that would freely offer he life to a bloodthirsty demon. There was only one way to find out if his suspicions were fact, if she was destined to be queen. He would have to send her to the king.

“You must go to him,” he sighed defeated, finally giving in. “What you find in that room may not be your husband, but a vampire. You must see past the beast to the man inside, he is there.

Be careful, my lady, and if you need me just scream. I will be out here.”

Victoria softly touched his arm and smiled, “Thank you, Falcon. I know you were only doing as bidden, and that you were protecting me. You are a great friend.”

“I didn't keep the secret.”

“Yes you did. I discovered it myself.”

She gave him another warm smile before gliding down to the second level.

He watched her until she disappeared. He could not help feeling as if he had sent her off to be a sacrifice. He hoped this would all work out, that she was the one who would save Dorian.

Victoria stood before Dorian's cabin, her hand hovering directly above the knob of the door. Her dream played in her head and she realized that through her dreams Dorian had tried to lure her to him. Falcon had saved her. It was comforting to know he would do the same again if need be.

She took in a deep breath as she willed herself to be brave.

The black shadow that had swallowed Dorian's door vanished and

she stepped in, the threshold slamming shut behind her. She glanced about the dark room nervously. Only two candles by the bed gave it light. The cabin was in complete disarray. The fine hand carved desk was toppled on its side, the armchair before the window was upside down, paper acted as rugs on the floor, and deep claw marks marred the walls. Victoria traced the gouges with the tip of her finger.

“What are you doing here?”

Victoria reeled around to find her husband huddled in a corner, his knees to his chest with arms wrapped tightly about them. His eyes glowered up at her as his hair fell disheveled across his face.

She slowly crossed the floor to stand just out of his reach knowing that if he wanted to grab her he easily could. She had witnessed his speed before.

“I didn't summon you,” he said, his voice gruff.

“You tried.”

“Falcon saved you,” he snapped, his lips curling back over his teeth. “Why are you here?”

“I want to help you.”

“You want to help me?” He snorted. “Leave Victoria, I don't want your help.”

“But you need it,” she countered.

He laughed, the sound was chilling, but she ignored it and began to unlace the ties of her robe.

“What are you doing?” he rasped, his eyes fixed on her hands at her breasts as she loosened her laces.

“Removing my robe.”

“Don't,” he begged on a whisper as the silk fell to a pile on the floor.

“It is stifling in here.”

Her lavender scent was overwhelming and the sound of her steady heartbeat was maddening. She had to go.

“Get out!”

“No,” she protested.

“You don’t know what you are–” his words stopped as her thoughts drifted through his mind. “Or perhaps you know exactly what you are dealing with. But,” in a flash he stood behind her,

“can you handle it?”

“Yes.” She would not let him scare her off.


“No,” he whispered, his breath tickling her ear. “You can’t possibly know. My dear friend, Falcon, even leaves the room every time I change.”

“I want to help you, Dorian. Let me,” she pleaded. “I need to help you.” She wanted to scream the words. She felt so useless the past two weeks. He was her husband and he needed her even though he would not admit it. Knowing he was in pain and being unable to aid him had been insufferable.

“I will kill you. Leave!”

She did not move. He roared, snatching her by the shoulders, he spun her around and slammed her back against the wall, trapping her with his body. He held her arms over her head, his fingers like shackles about her wrists. His eyes burned black, his fangs stood long and prominent. His voice was low and hard.

“Is this what you want to help?”

She could not speak. Her voice was gone, vanished. He shook her.

“Answer me!” His black eyes captured and held hers as his grip tightened.

“Yes,” she squeaked.

He snarled and spun away from her. She brought her hands down and began rubbing the pain away. Dorian sighed and ran his hands through his hair as desperate exasperation washed over him.

“What can I do to make you understand?” The question was directed to himself. In that brief moment, he was again the man she had married and not the vampire she had just faced seconds before. But his eyes were still clouded black and those fangs still flashed. He looked so vulnerable and she wanted nothing more than to wrap her arms around him.

He must have heard her thoughts for he turned his deadly gaze back to her and snapped, “I don’t want your pity. If that is why you are here I suggest you leave before I throw you out.”

His threat was empty she knew, his voice did not hold any menace and neither did his eyes. She shook her head stepping, away from the wall.

“Then why do you insist on helping me?”

“Because I care for you,” she confessed. “And because it pains me to see you like this, suffering when there is no need.”

“No need?” he laughed. “I could kill you if I took your blood.”

Victoria shrugged. “You could, but I know you wouldn’t.”


He took a threatening step toward her. “How can you be so sure?” he challenged.

“The man I married would never allow it.”

“If you hadn’t noticed,” he advanced again, “he is not here.”

“Maybe not,” she conceded, closing the remainder of the space between them. She brushed her fingers along his knuckles. “I want you Dorian.”

His eyes sparkled with devilish delight.

“Those are bold words, kitten,” Dorian warned.

“I remember the first night we shared together as true husband and wife. And the next night and the one after that,” her words faded away.

He knew what she was trying to say. They had lived peacefully before Falcon had come carrying bad tidings. Since that day, Dorian had been cold and unfeeling.

“I’m sorry for the way that I have been acting,” he apologized. “I did it because I thought by acting like a complete ass it would be easier for you to see me go.” His eyes flickered between their blue-green and black before settling on black.

She nodded in understanding. She ran her hand up his arm and behind his neck.

“I want you.” He opened his mouth to protest but she silenced him by pressing her fingers against his lips. “I want you, Dorian, the man and the vampire. You.”

Victoria pressed herself against his solid body and brushed her lips across his. Her tongue slipped into his mouth, brushing over his fangs and sending a violent wave of pleasure down his spine. He did not wrap his arms about her or bring her hard against his body. Instead, he pulled his lips away.

“You need to go,” he demanded, his voice gruff.

She ignored his words and ran her hands down his sides to his hips. Her fingers undid his belt and Dorian was stunned by her brazenness. His little innocent kitten was acting the ravenous lioness. He had to admit that he liked the idea, but now was not the time. His moods were unpredictable and his actions uncontrollable.

The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her.

“Victoria, you don’t understand,” he began calmly. “I can’t be trusted right now. You have to go.”

“I need you,” she said, turning her face up to his as her fingers began to loosen his buttons.


“This isn’t out of pity?” he asked, his voice hard again, his eyes shinning with anger. “If it is–”

“Is it wrong for a woman to want her husband? Is it wrong for her to need him?” She shook her head. “You pleasured me beyond imagination last time we made love and now, I want to pleasure you.”

His kitten was playing with fire and if she were not careful it would consume her.

Victoria kissed him soundly again on the lips before trailing her tongue down his throat. She released her hold on his pants and they fell to the floor, his manhood standing proud and now staring her in the face. She tugged on her bottom lip nervously and then she looked up at him. Dorian’s eyes were black and whirled with desire and defiance. He wanted this too, he needed this, but he would deny them both. She would not let him.

Dorian closed his eyes in ecstasy as Victoria’s tongue swirled up his shaft. Her mouth was like fire surrounding him, drawing him in. He clenched his teeth as lust, yearning, hunger and thirst surged through him. Her lips were so soft, her tongue was so hot, and he knew he could not let this go on. He tried to speak but the words would not come as sensation after pleasurable sensation lapped at him with every stroke of her tongue.

He yanked her to her feet and claimed her lips with a soul-searing kiss while his hands ripped at her nightgown. He took her up in his arms and lightly tossed her on the bed before joining her.

She had not seen him move or tear off his clothes but he kneeled on the bed before her, bare and wild. Her heart raced with anticipation as he slowly ran his hands from her ankles, over her bent knees, up her spread thighs, and continued until he reached her breasts. Each hand cupped a breast, massaging and kneading, his thumbs flicking the nipples, making them protrude and tighten.

His lips came to her ribs, licking and nipping, she bucked against him before he straightened. He raised her hips to his, his fingers gripping her buttocks.

He pressed the head of his shaft against her entrance and growled with primal satisfaction, she was creamy with need for him. Every sane thought he had ever had, every fear, every worry vanished. There was only her body and his, and the ravishing need that consumed him. Dorian thrust hard and deep. Her cry of pleasure ripped a roar from his throat. He moved within her, trying to go slow, but the beast would not allow it. The feeling of being

inside her was exquisite, hot silk clutching him, taking him in. The pleasure was almost unbearable.

Her fingers skipped across his chest with every thrust. She arched, wanting more of him. She was wild with need; her legs hooked about his hips trying to bring him closer. He obliged, dropping his weight down on her, her arms roped about his neck, her nails scratching at his shoulders.

Dorian drew his lips across her chin and traced her jaw with his tongue. She sighed his name over and over as she came closer and closer to her climax. Then she exploded. Her body rocked with shock waves as the terrible pleasure devoured her and with a growl his heated lips opened on the curve of her neck. Her pulse pounded ecstatically.

He could not remember the exact moment when he lost control. He closed his eyes as his fangs lengthened. On an impulse he sank them deep into her throat as he buried himself within her.

She screamed with a newfound pleasure.

Dorian drove into her over and over as he fought to find his own release. His mouth moved insatiably on her throat. Her blood was the sweetest he had ever known, intoxicating, seductive, and pure. His thrusts were more demanding as he took her with an animalistic fever. Her sighs and moans of pleasure were all he could hear. Their bodies moving as one was all he could feel. It was a drugging sensuality.

They came together, a tidal wave sweeping them away. He sealed her wound with his mind as he slowly came back to earth.

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