Carnal Ecstasy (6 page)

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Authors: Lissa Matthews

BOOK: Carnal Ecstasy
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“I wouldn’t mind them looking, but I would mind them touching. I don’t play well with others and I don’t like them playing with my toys.”

“Am I a toy?”

He smirked, tried to keep his look light. “You’re whatever I want you to be.” But his breath hissed out between his teeth. She’d dipped her hands back in the warm water and was now gripping his cock through his jeans. She squeezed the shaft, dropped lower to squeeze his balls and, God…

“What do you want me to be?”

His. His toy, his lover, his girlfriend, his slut, his kitten. Just…his. He didn’t know about giving up his bed-hopping ways, but he knew he didn’t want her hopping beds, and the only way to ensure that for the time being was to keep her in his. “Bent over the sink.”

He spun her away from him and did just what he’d said. He bent her forward until her nipples touched the soap suds. “Don’t move.”

A light smack to her ass and he walked through the swinging door to the bar and grabbed another condom. He was going to have to replenish the supply at this rate. His 42

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jeans were undone and the condom on when he stepped up behind her at the sink a few seconds later.

She wiggled her butt against his groin. “Didn’t I tell you not to move?”

“I liked the little spank.”

“You did, huh?” He gave her another two, one to each cheek. “Spread your legs,”

he urged. As soon as she complied, he thrust his hips forward until he was seated full inside her.


“You okay?”

“Yeah. Don’t stop.”

“Not planning on it until I’m done.”

He pumped and fucked her hard, fast, deep. Her back arched, taking as much of him as he’d give, following him when he’d slide out. Gripping her hips, he advanced and retreated, filling her and leaving her empty, hungry for more.

“How are those pretty nipples doing?”

She giggled and his balls tightened. “They’re wet and making designs in the water.”

He slowed, teasing her entrance with just the crown of his cock, and leaned over, placing tiny kisses down her spine.

“Oh… Dallon, please…”


She wiggled against him again. “Please f-fuck me.”

She stammered and he thought the word “fuck” coming from her was the sexiest he’d ever heard. “Say it again. Say ‘fuck’, Carrie.”

“F-fuck,” she said softly.

“More. Don’t hesitate. Just say it.”


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“Good girl. Again.”


He gripped her hair in his hand, still held her hip in the other and rapidly descended back into her cunt. “Again, kitten. I love hearing you say it.”

He drove into her like a bat out of hell, forcing the dirty word from between her lips. “Fuck.” She screamed it this time and he grinned behind her.

“So naughty coming from such a sweet, innocent kitten girl.”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

God, he was gonna come. Right then. Right goddamn then. He filled the condom and wanted so badly to be able to come without it, to feel that tight tunnel bareback, to feel those walls close in around him without any barriers between them.

His dick throbbed and jerked inside her, his balls releasing their grip on his sanity.

He let go of her hair, smoothed it with his palm, and dropped out of her.

“How far away is your apartment?” he asked after discarding the condom and helping her to stand up straight again. He kissed her soft, delicious lips and grabbed a towel to dry her nipples. They hardened, lengthened, and she moaned, swayed toward him. “No, no. Not yet. How far?”

“I live in those apartments right down from the university and couldn’t believe how turned around I got yesterday.”

“It happens. C’mon. I’ll go with you. I don’t think we’ll be done for a few days.” Or weeks, or months, maybe not even years. He didn’t put voice to his thoughts, but he would when the time was right.

Her smile brightened what was already a beautiful day. “Okay.”

* * * * *


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Dallon pulled into the complex and around to the building she’d indicated. The entire time to her place his hand never left her thigh, sometimes traveling high up until his fingers pressed her skirt between her legs. He couldn’t get enough of touching her, couldn’t keep his hands off her. For more than twelve hours, all he’d done was touch her. She soaked it up too. The way her eyes lit up, the way she moved into his body, his hand, his mouth told him how much she’d been starving for human contact, for intimacy and that she was beginning to realize she’d been hungry for it as well.

“I liked saying that word.” She spoke her admission softly, cautiously. “I was never allowed to curse, and when I got to college and heard that word for the first time…I laughed and whispered it to myself. It’s so dirty to say or to even think out here in the normal world. I mean back at the bar when we were…”

He loved how she rambled, how she was so openly curious, openly thinking. She didn’t hesitate with him when she spoke, she just let loose. “What word?”

She laughed and he looked over at her with his most serious expression. “You’re teasing me. You know what word.”

“Say it.”

“I can’t say it now.” Carrie buried her hands in her face but not before he saw just how bright red her cheeks and throat were.

He shrugged and squeezed her leg. “Then I have no idea what word you’re talking about.”

He pulled into a parking space right up in front of her particular building and suddenly the word flew out from between her lips. “Fuck.”

“Yeah, that’s the one.”

His tone was teasing still, but that wasn’t why she’d said it. Her gaze was trained forward, out the windshield, at the two people on the upstairs landing.

Her parents. Her father wore a suit, just as his father always had, as if wearing anything else would offend their God. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, and he 45

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was rocking back and forth on his heels. Her mother, in a dress, same as his mother would always wear when she was alive, stood against the railing, her hands clasped together, her purse hanging from her forearm. Both were looking down at Carrie with disappointment, disapproval, and Dallon’s hand was still on her thigh.

The heat that moments ago had flooded her cheeks vanished and she turned pale.

Gone was the woman he’d been with since last night and earlier that morning. In her place was the powerless teenager. He knew because the first time his father had shown up at the bar he’d worn the same expression as Carrie’s parents, and Dallon had felt drawn back in to those desperate times when he needed his father to understand he wasn’t like that, would never be like that, that he didn’t believe the way his father did.


Slowly she turned her head toward him. Beneath that now-fragile exterior was a woman he knew to be strong, learning to be sure of herself, and so beautiful, so erotic and sinful it melted every part of him. “I wish I could be like you,” she said softly. “I wish I didn’t dislike the person I am with them and love the person I am with you.”

He could well understand that. Disappointing others was always a high price to pay for one’s own happiness. “Come on. Let’s go and get this over with.”

“You don’t have to stay. You can leave. They’ll bring me to my car later.” She ducked her head and took a couple of deep breaths before she looked at him again.

Regret shimmered in her eyes. “It had to come to an end sometime.”

The regret he spied wasn’t at having been with him. “Leave? End? Is that what you want?”

She shook her head and smiled, small but genuine. “This isn’t your fight.”

But he wasn’t going to let her stand alone. “Maybe not, but I know what it’s like trying to break free, to be who you really are inside, to let that person out. I’ve been there. I’ve done it. I’ve got all the scars to prove it.”

“I don’t know how to…” She shook her head, unsure what to say.


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“You have to trust in yourself, Carrie. You have to believe in yourself, in who you want to be, in who you already are. You have the right to live your life the way you want. They can’t dictate your steps anymore. And if last night and today have done anything, I hope you’ve learned you can stand on your own, make the choices that will make you happy and that you’re not all by yourself.” He hadn’t planned on getting so deeply involved with her, especially when drama was not at all his thing. He had wanted a good time, a hot time between the sheets, and he’d had it, intended to have more of it. He intended to have a lot more than that though. She was special.

And his bachelorhood was fucked.

His hand lifted from her thigh to cup her cheek. He leaned forward and kissed her, right there in plain view of her parents. The tiniest flicker of heat, of need, of strength took root when she looked in his eyes and she smiled.

“Good girl. Now let’s go. I have plans for you later.” He got out of the car and met her halfway around the vehicle. His fingers locked with hers and they walked up the stairs together.

On the landing, she finally looked her parents in the face. “Mom. Dad.”

“Carrie Anne.”

Her father nodded at her and her mother just looked away. Carrie unlocked the door and led the way inside. Dallon stood with her, lending his strength and comfort.

She could do this.

She squeezed his hand tight and cleared her throat. “I’d like you to meet Dallon.”

Her father barely looked at him. “I am not interested in meeting him. This is a private matter and it would be best if he left.”

She started to protest, but Dallon beat her to it. “Sorry. I’m not going anywhere. I brought her here and she’ll leave with me when you’re done.”

The man did turn to him then, but Dallon didn’t flinch. He’d been confronted with that same distasteful look. “This does not interest you, son.”


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He pulled Carrie closer to his side. She was becoming more tense by the second.

“But she does.”

Her mother still hadn’t spoken, but Dallon wasn’t surprised. His mother never did either when his father and she confronted him together. All the talking and decision making came from the man.

Dallon liked submissive women as much as the next alpha male did, but he didn’t like one who was scared to talk or who could be forced into never thinking for herself or standing up for something she believed in. Where was the fun in that? He liked fire, sparks flying.

Carrie looked at him then. Her eyes started out dark, sad, but the longer she stared at him, the brighter, clearer they became. “What am I doing?” she whispered. Dallon didn’t think she was actually talking to him but rather to herself as something dawned in her gaze. She squeezed Dallon’s hand and nodded as if she’d just made a decision.

The tension that had entered her body when her father suggest he leave, left instantly.

She turned back to her father. His eyes were warm, full of concern, but angry as well. “He stays. I assume you’re here because I quit the job at the university.”

“We are. They were very concerned when you gave no reason other than you wanted to find yourself.”

The way he said “find yourself” made it sound worse than the curse word she’d said in the car. But then Dallon imagined they’d never understood her need to do just that…find herself, learn about herself, become her own person and not the person they had planned for her.

“I’m sorry to have worried you. I did intend to call you myself and tell you, but I…”

“But you took up with him instead. Shame on you, Carrie. We raised you better than that. I saw his hands on your person in the car. I saw him kiss you. You should be ashamed of yourself. Don’t you know he doesn’t love you, that he’s just using you for his own lustful purposes and when he’s done he’ll just toss you aside?”


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Damn but the bastard was cold and Dallon tried not to visibly flinch.

“I know.”

Odd, but it stung a little to hear her agree with the old man. Dallon might not love her yet… Didn’t mean he never would. He hadn’t promised anything and she hadn’t asked for anything.

“I’ll deal with it. I have to learn somehow. I have to live my own life. Don’t
understand that?”

“You have a life. You have a path laid out before you, sweetheart. All you have to do is walk it.”

Carrie turned to her mother, listened to her speak, and Dallon saw the hope in her eyes that she could get through to the only child they’d ever had. He knew Carrie hated disappointing them, hated that she couldn’t do what they wanted, that she’d die inside if she did. He knew her probably better than she knew herself. They could be twins with what she was now going through mirroring his own breaking-free stage.

“No. I have
path laid out before me. I don’t want it. I never have. You just wouldn’t listen, didn’t want to hear me say it.”

“You will find a good husband and have a purpose. It’s not as bad as you think it will be.”

“Whether I find a good husband or not is for me to decide, as is having a purpose.

It’s my life. Please try to understand that. My. Life. Let me live it the way I choose. I don’t want to hurt you or sound ungrateful. I just don’t fit in your box.”

“You don’t know what you want.”

“I want to find out.”

“We won’t financially support you any longer. You will be completely on your own. I will not support a…a heathen.”

Her father’s anger was now morphing into disappointment and disapproval. Anger was easier to deal with than what she was staring in the face at the moment. Her 49

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mother stepped forward and touched her face, curled Carrie’s hair behind her ear and smiled a very sad smile. “We still love you. You’re still our daughter. Isn’t there anything we can say to change your mind?”


“We just…”

“I know, Mom, and I understand.” She let go of Dallon’s hand long enough to hug her mother. Her shoulders trembled and Dallon ached to reach out and pull her back against him.

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