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Authors: Elle Amour

BOOK: CarnalPromise
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“Yes.” Jinn relaxed as the healing rays sealed her damaged

“She checks out,” one of the med techs reported.

Another looked at Jinn over her shoulder. “All the cuts are
closed but take it easy. You can get with the rest now if you want.”

“Yeah.” Jinn’s dry throat caused her voice to crack. She
tried to roll over so she could push herself up but Drakkar grabbed her under
her arms and lifted her to her feet.

“I’ll help you.” He put her arm around his shoulders then
wrapped his around her waist, latching her to his side. He walked her to the
rest who had completed the run and sat her on one of the flat rocks that some
others had also posted themselves upon. Drakkar straightened then eyed each one
of them. “Take care of each other.” His eyes rested on her, a need in them that
said he wanted to say more, do more, but couldn’t without exposing his feelings
to her.

He has feeling…
The thought elated Jinn, the fact
that Drakkar might even like her.

Mace appeared again and marched to the group, addressing
them. “You will be the only ones that pass at this point. After a day’s rest,
you’ll be allowed to push on. The others will have to wait until we know what
caused the malfunction. Pixie—” Mace nodded with his usual scowl. “Good work.”
Then he stomped away.

“A day’s rest.” Drakkar had planted his hands on his hips
but a smile tugged at his lips.

A day’s rest.
Jinn returned the smile as he glanced
at her, thanking the ancestors that her time would not include as much sleep as
the others.

* * * * *

“We failed. Now what are we going to do? Mace isn’t going to
stop until he finds out who did this! I knew I shouldn’t have helped you.”

To Anya, the girl was hysterical. “Stop it. You erased all
the evidence didn’t you?"

The female nodded.

“Then quit acting guilty.” Anya sneered. “There’s nothing to
incriminate you.”

The communicated image of her co-conspirator shimmered. “But
they’ll want to ask everyone questions. You lied to me. I didn’t know that
thing would have killed her! I just wanted to see that prissy face of hers
scarred. That’s what I thought the cannon ray would do.” The girl paced. “This
has gone too far.”

“Revenge can be a nasty business; however, it does have its
rewards.” Anya bit her lip so as not to laugh but she glowed inside, knowing
she would finally get her revenge.

The female glared as she crossed her arms. “Perhaps for you.
At least this time. Don’t ask for any more favors. I’ve risked enough for your
ego.” The woman reached for the button and cut the communication.

No matter.
Without the woman online, Anya laughed,
knowing there were other ways to exact her revenge.

Chapter Fifteen


Cassius awoke but his senses were numb. He moaned as he
turned on the med bed and tried to push himself up. Laser locks held him
connected to the bed but they at least allowed him to move.

Glancing around, he saw no one. But someone should be near.
He hammered on the clear poly-crystal covering that arched over the full length
of the bed, a device used to contain the healing rays needed to service a human
form. Normally, he could shatter the thing but somehow the Svendians reinforced
this one.

Cassius suspected that had been done especially for him.

No one came. Frustrated, Cassius tried to send an electronic
mind-link to Knossos. Was he still aboard? What had happened?

Cassius had been put under immediately upon arrival and
taken to surgery. Were they able to remove the chip that Craddock used to
control him?

He wasn’t sure. A mist blew into the clear cage he lay in.
His eyes grew heavy.
A drug.
Somewhere in the darkness he heard a voice,
then sleep overtook him once more.


Rurik stepped to the med bed to study the bio now that he
slept. The man inside had done severe damage to many. Was he a man? The
thoughts tumbled in his head. It had been a long time since the bios were
deemed machines by the Galactic Quorum but that had been his uncle’s doing and
some of the ex-headmaster’s compatriots, even some from other races. Rurik had
to wonder why those others had been involved. Were other races really so
afraid? If so, why?

With a measured, deep breath, Rurik inhaled, the quandary
still irking him. He had missed the signs of his uncle’s deceit. What else had
he missed?

Sighing, he let his worries go for the time being. Right
now, he needed to concentrate on today.

He examined Cassius. In sleep, he seemed content, yet Rurik
now knew why the bio agreed to be Craddock’s slave.

He wanted revenge, for his kind and for his mother, a
brilliant scientist who had engineered the bios, hoping to find a cure to the
sterility of many of the Svendians and Vulgarians. After the bios were deemed
machines, they were sterilized. The act pushed the woman over the edge. She
could not deal with the torture her child went through.

And they
tortured, more than anyone knew because
Craddock had silenced the real information. When they reached the ship, Knossos
had relayed the real pain that he and his kind had endured from the process.
Rurik had felt enough pain in his life. For some reason, he sympathized with
the four bios who had been produced and then neutered. He huffed, thinking that
the compassion was his mate’s impact on him, but then again, perhaps not. His
father, Ulrich, had treasured all life that enriched the universe. Rurik felt
no different.

Could they change things? Trista wanted to. She believed like
their daughter in the bios, that they were more than machines—and more than
human. They were a new race.

Yet, with their sterilization, there would be no more.

Behind him, he heard the portal swish open. The light patter
of feet approached then a soft hand eased its way into his.

“Well?” Trista murmured. She’d dressed in the sheer
traditional Svendian garb for a fertile woman. He gazed at her full breasts,
accented by the decorative gold cord that wrapped around them, holding the
translucent material tight against her. His libido raced. It always did when
she was near. She cocked her head and gazed into his face, the look in her
beautiful emerald eyes completing the question and demanding an answer.

He smirked, knowing he would give her all. He brushed his
fingers against the silky skin of her face then kissed her, plumbing her mouth
with his tongue, allowing the touch of her to calm his worries. He hadn’t
wanted her here. He had wanted her to stay on his ship, the
but she refused. She knew something of Hunter’s risk and her mothering
instincts wouldn’t let her leave.

Rurik released her mouth then clutched her hand and nodded
slowly, his body responding to his mate’s desirable form. After capturing
Cassius, Sophos admitted the bio was her undercover connection. Now that a few
of them knew, Cassius’s cover was more at risk. The secret had to be kept
close. A leak would destroy everything, that is, if Cassius decided to go back.
“He’s risked much to help. If he wants, he can return.”

Trista laid her head against his biceps. “I know he’s done a
lot of evil things but I truly think Craddock made him.”

Rurik nodded. “So do I.” He sucked in a deep breath. “I just
wonder about his relationship with Mercedes.”

Trista moved in front of him and used her thumb to stroke
his brow. “Whatever happens, it will be okay.”

He grunted, unsure. Grasping Trista, he held her supple body
flush against his. “Always the optimist.”

She smiled and stood on her toes to lay a soft kiss on his
lips. “Experience has taught me that.”

He indulged again in her wet mouth. With her touch, the
tension of the past several lunar cycles flowed from him.

“Rurik.” The whisper of her rapid breath against his mouth
stirred him. “I need you.”

He knew she did from her scent. Her body grew ripe for his.
Lifting her in his arms, he turned and marched out of the room, thanking the
ancestors once again that he had finally been able to claim her.

* * * * *

Cold sweat beaded on Drakkar’s skin, his body vibrating with
fear and anger as he paced along the dark path. Good thing Jinn used her head
when she approached the cannon ray. She could have been killed. And he had been
too far away to do anything about it.

Remembering this, his anger boiled. He clenched his fists,
wanting to exact violence on whomever was behind this. Would Craddock kill his
own niece?
. Drakkar was sure of it. The bastard knew she had
been after him. So who was his accomplice? How did they get into the training
area undetected?

They couldn’t have.
It had to be someone inside.

“Hell,” Drakkar growled in frustration. He wanted—needed—to
protect his mate. He’d promised to die to protect her! Damnation, the peace
depended on it.
But more
, he swallowed as the reality of it came to him,
I care for her

Rurik’s words came back to him then.
I love her and
always will. Find that with Jinn and you will succeed, no matter what happens.
Could it be that Jinn already had his heart?

Stopping, Drakkar closed his eyes, knowing there was an
emotion deep inside that he’d refused to see. He admired Jinn but now that he
knew her, he also knew it was more than that. He didn’t want to love her. Not
yet. Not until he knew he could trust her but that didn’t stop his heart, and
his heart wanted her for more than her body, more than the peace.

It wanted her for life, good or bad. It wanted her to love
him in return. Could she see that? If he admitted it to her, would she laugh in
his face?

Hell of a time to doubt yourself.

Delving inside his soul, he tried to find peace and prayed
that they would prevail, that he and Jinn could not only have a family, but
make a home together, love together, and be in peace. But she, too, had her
demons—but what were they? What drove her to this extreme?

The soft humming of the crickets soothed him. Somehow, he
would find out. Until then, he would be there for her no matter what.

He paced again, this time with more reflection. Before he
left, he’d seen that Karl posted guards around those that had passed the
gantlet and Mace instructed each of them to watch over each other. Just in
case, Drakkar had set Sasha to run the perimeter then instructed the wolf to
stay close to Jinn. The wolf would know an enemy to his mate should there be

Although Mace was still investigating, Drakkar had taken a
more subdued role. It was important for him to seem detached. He didn’t want
others to suspect there was anything between “Pixie” and himself, but behind
the scenes, Drakkar completed his own search. Gunnvir had it in for Jinn. He
knew that would have been jealousy but would she have been involved in
something like this? And who started the rumor that there was a Svendian spy in
their midst?

He needed Mace’s report. Which was why he now stood deep in
the Ketarian wilderness. There were few Drakkar trusted at this point, but Mace
had always proven his worth. He hoped his old comrade would be here soon.

Stopping, he gazed through the break in the forest canopy,
trying to ease his unrest. Neither of the moons were out. Only the stars that
twinkled against the black fabric of night, like children who had no worries.

He prayed that someday he and Jinn could say the same.

Inhaling, he closed his eyes and let the conifer fragrance
of the woods seep into his lungs.
. He needed focus to analyze the
facts and find the answer. Logic was his strength, though lately, with Jinn
involved, even that seemed to have dulled.

Drakkar sucked in another deep breath and listened to the
night. The sounds and smells helped to smooth the edge of his fears.

The sound of a Mawwaw, a night bird native to the planet,
filled the air. It was the signal Mace and he had settled on. After a few
moments, the large man emerged from the hidden path.

Mace stared at him and shook his head. “Nothing yet. We know
someone remotely controlled the ray. When we examined it, it functioned as it
should have but one of the techs did a scan as an afterthought and found a
microscopic trigger. When they broke the piece down is when they found the
remote. The thing was rigged to disintegrate. We were lucky we got to it when
we did. There’s not much left of it at this point. That’s about it. We’re
questioning everyone. Even the candidates. I’ve grilled Gunnvir like you asked.
I don’t think she was involved. ” He sighed and rubbed his forehead. Knowing
the man as Drakkar did, he knew his friend and mentor was troubled.

Mace huffed then stared at Drakkar again. “You know this
next phase, she’ll be in the wilderness. Alone. They’ll be teams searching to
capture them and they’ll have to survive with only a knife and their wits.
Unless we find the culprit in the next day or so, well.” He shook his head
again. ”I think you should take her away.”

Drakkar nodded. “So do I.”

Mace grumbled. “Karl isn’t for it. He thinks she’ll be safer

“I don’t give a damn what Karl wants.”

Mace snorted. “Your mother trusts him.”

“Yeah.” Drakkar frowned. His mother had good judgment but
Karl was a politician and Drakkar never did think much of politics, even though
his mother was a key politician herself.

Drakkar rubbed the back of his neck. “Jinn won’t be happy
about it. I know that. This test was part of our bonding agreement.”

“I know. You told me why but she can always try to finish

“And start over again? You know that’s the rules. She won’t
like it and it’ll keep her from going after Craddock, which is what she wants,
unless of course, Rurik finds him first. She’ll fight me on this. I know it.”

“But it’s for her safety.”

Drakkar shook his head. “I doubt she’ll see it that way.
Like you said, she has a demon driving her. I just wish I knew exactly what it

Mace sucked in a breath then huffed. “Yeah. Me too.” He
slapped Drakkar on the back. “Well, have a good night. I think she’s waiting
for you. Take her to your room. You can tell everyone that the med techs want
to recheck her to make sure she’s healed. Just make sure you get her back
before dark tomorrow.”

Drakkar grinned. “I’ll do that.”

Mace spun on his heel and melded back into the woods. Alone
again, Drakkar gazed again at the stars. “Ancestors, help me.” Then he murmured
another thought. “Ulrich the Bold, if you can hear me, your daughter needs you.
In all that’s holy, be with us.”

With that, Drakkar, too, blended into the wild and went in
search of his beloved.

* * * * *

Cassius’s head ached. An unusual occurrence for him. Even
his groans were strange to his ears but the operation to remove the chip that
controlled him still dulled his senses.

The stench of a Telrusian street seeped into his nostrils.
Where had they transported him?

He cracked open his eyes and stared at the filth in the
. He recognized the alley, one of the many that could
lead one to the temple. It wasn’t too close to the holy shrine, just enough, he
surmised, so he’d be safe until he awoke.

His body ached as he struggled to stand. The Svendian
medical personal had left a few of the bullets in him as proof of Hunter’s
attack in case Craddock questioned him.
. That’s what Hunter had
called the plugs of metal that had invaded his body.

Even in Cassius’s dazed state, he’d remembered what had been
said. Not that any one of the Svendians needed to describe it to him. Cassius
could feel exactly where the metal was. What the Svendians didn’t know was how
the lead affected him. But Cassius did. He could sense things he had never felt
before. He could feel the lingering pain. Not that he hadn’t experienced pain
before. He had. Many times. But it never lasted like this. In some ways, the
experience was freeing, enlightening.

In others, the fragments were to his detriment. One of his
main assets was his ability to heal himself. But now, that had slowed. Somehow
the metal interfered with his genetic ability to recuperate. With the violence
that Craddock regularly put on him, Cassius wondered if he would survive.

He had to though. Somehow. At least until he could discover
who the rest of the Purist council members were.

In the meantime, his mission had to stay covert.

But they know.
At least Rurik and Hunter did. Knew
what his real mission was. That fact unnerved Cassius. Until now, only Sophos
and Knossos knew. Now there were two more players, players from whom he had
escaped. At least, that’s what the official word would be. With others now
informed, Cassius prayed no one else would find out. A simple slip of the
tongue could destroy everything.

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