Caroline's Seduction (Montgomery Family and Friends) (17 page)

Read Caroline's Seduction (Montgomery Family and Friends) Online

Authors: Iris Abbott

Tags: #Iris Abbott, #Montgomery Family and Friends, #Florida, #romance, #Contemporary Romance, #Fiction, #Teacher

BOOK: Caroline's Seduction (Montgomery Family and Friends)
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His eyes sparkled with mirth then.   “Oh Caroline, it would take a stronger man than me to control you, but it sure is fun trying.”  His mouth swooped down over hers and the kiss was crushing in its intensity.  The truth be known, he’d been longing for her since he’d laid eyes on her again at the high school.  Having her right next door to his bedroom, but not being able to indulge in her sweetness had been pure torture.  He felt a moment of guilt for misleading her about the present state of their relationship, but it was quickly replaced by his need to make her his again.  He would worry about the consequences when her memory returned.  Maybe by then she wouldn’t care about the past.  He tried to fool himself into thinking just that.

Caroline felt her body respond to Kyle.  All the frustration and pain of not being able to remember the past four years faded into the background.  All she needed right now was this feeling and this man.  He completed her in a way that she only thought existed in her dreams.  Her body responded to every touch, every caress.  She felt Kyle tugging at the lace halter-top she was wearing right before it became undone.

“This is almost tempting enough to have me do nothing but look at you all night long.  Not quite though, I need to do more than just look and this,” he indicated the ice blue lingerie, “has got to go.”

Before Caroline could take her next breath or form a response she was completely naked and surrounded by Kyle’s warm hard flesh.  She felt her mind go blank and she gave herself over to the sensations of Kyle’s lovemaking.  She whispered words and moans of encouragement as he kissed, licked, and nipped her into a frenzy of need.  She didn’t let it stop there.  She returned every kiss and nip with one of her own.  She recognized that on some primitive level her body remembered everything there was to remember about Kyle.  She knew exactly where to touch him and what he liked most. 

When they were both breathless with need she felt Kyle widen the space between her thighs and insert his body between her legs.  She relished the thrill of his weight as his body covered hers.  He hesitated and Caroline bucked her hips toward him and an intense wave of longing speared her body.  “Please Kyle.  Don’t make me wait another second to feel you inside me!” 

She felt the tip of his erection rest at her entrance and then the breath rushed from her body as he slid inside.  She instinctively arched to meet his thrusts and all coherent thought was lost as she gave in to the feel and sensations of his body loving her. 


Caroline felt the sun’s heavy rays even behind her closed lids.  She shifted in the large bed and did a slow and lazy stretch.  She was so content she almost hated to move.  She heard the running water in the ensuite bathroom cut off and the next thing she knew Kyle was standing in the doorway.  Only a thick towel wrapped around the bottom half of his body kept him from being completely nude.  Caroline felt her heart skip a beat before picking up speed and finally settling into a healthy rhythm.

“Good morning sleepyhead.  I’ve already been for a four mile run this morning.”

“Hmmm… now I know how you stay in such great shape, but don’t expect me to join you on a run anytime soon.  I am more of a bicyclist myself.”

Kyle’s face stiffened.  “Your bike is still at your apartment.  Where it’s going to stay until this whole mess is over.  You can’t risk riding on your own, not with those maniacs still on the loose. Promise me the bike will stay put and you won’t do anything reckless.” 

Caroline bowed her head.  She hadn’t meant to put a damper on their weekend by reminding him of exactly why she was there.  “I’m sorry,” she offered “I shouldn’t have said anything.  I know it’s not safe for me to be on my own right now.”  She felt the palm of his hand cup and then lift her chin until she was staring into his glittering eyes. 

“None of this is your fault Caroline.”  He could say that with the utmost confidence, because the sheriff had found no reason to suggest Caroline had been the lone target of the kidnapping attempt.   “And I’m glad you’re here.  Don’t ever doubt that for a single second.”

Caroline was glad too and she planned to prove it to him over and over again this weekend while they had the house to themselves.  Despite her nudity, she threw back the covers, “time for a shower.”  She turned back once she reached the door to see Kyle’s eyes firmly fixed on her departing backside.  A goofy grin softened his face.  She wiggled a little and then ran giggling to her bathroom when Kyle let out a groan.  It was definitely going to be a weekend for the record books she decided.

They spent a lazy day together mostly chatting about Sarah, and Kyle’s job.  Caroline wanted to ask questions about their relationship and the past four years, but Kyle always forestalled her by saying, “the doctor says you’ll remember in your own time and I don’t want to jeopardize your recovery.”  

Caroline trusted Kyle implicitly and didn’t even stop to think why discussing their relationship might hinder her recovery.  Maybe if she’d been thinking straight she would have.

Kyle disappeared to his office for a couple of hours during the early afternoon while Caroline read one of the latest e-book romances from an up and coming author she’d recently discovered.  She was so engrossed in the story and the romantic exploits of the heroine that the time passed quickly.  Kyle was carrying a full-length garment bag when he returned.

He gave her one of his patently sexy looks that she was becoming addicted to.  “I want to take you out to dinner at one of the really nice restaurants in Jacksonville.  I had Abigail and Sarah meet me at your apartment and they picked out this dress and these shoes for you to wear.”

Caroline unzipped the bag and looked at the lovely dress.  It looked exactly like something she would wear, but she couldn’t remember it.  She gave him a halfhearted smile.  “It’s gorgeous, but I don’t remember it.”  Her forehead scrunched as she stared hard at the dress trying to remember.

“You wore it to the school homecoming dance back in October,” he explained to her.  Then he winked at her, “we danced the last dance together and I wanted you after that dance more than I’d wanted anyone in a long time.  It was torture to let you walk out of my arms that night.”

Caroline thought the wording of his statement a little odd, but before she could ask any questions he continued.  “I need to change into a jacket and tie.  They are required at the restaurant I’m taking you to.” He glanced at his watch.  “Why don’t you go change into your dress and do whatever it is women do with their hair and makeup and meet me back here in an hour.”

Caroline threw her arms around Kyle, crumpling the garment bag between them.  Wrinkles however were the last thing on her mind.  “Thank you Kyle!  This is going to be a fabulous date.  Thank you for going to so much trouble to make this weekend special for me.”

Kyle brushed his lips lightly across her forehead.  “You deserve it, Caroline.  Now go upstairs and get ready.  We don’t want to miss our reservations.”


Caroline avidly took in the scenery of the restaurant Kyle had taken her to.  They followed the host to a secluded candlelit table in the back.  She sat down in the chair Kyle held out for her and allowed the host to place the linen napkin across her lap.  When the host departed with the promise that their waiter would be with them shortly, Caroline continued to admire the restaurant.  It was perfect for a romantic dinner.  Their table had a water view and the skyline of the city lit up the night sky.  A large rock fireplace in the middle of the room added to the romantic ambiance of the restaurant. It also kept the room a comfortable and cozy temperature. 

“I’m glad you discovered this place.  It’s perfect,” Caroline reassured Kyle.  “I couldn’t think of a better place for a romantic date with the man I love.”  There she’d said it.  It was now out in the open.  She waited for Kyle to return the favor, but of course he didn’t.

“I’m glad you like it,” was all he had to say before rushing on to offer some suggestions from the menu. 

Determined not to let Kyle’s avoidance of her previous statement ruin the evening, Caroline pretended interest in the menu.  Finally she asked, “you seem familiar with this place, have we been here before?”

Kyle offered a half smile.  I’ve been here a few times since moving to Florida.  I’m not sure if you’ve been here before, but we haven’t been together.”

That of course set Caroline to wondering just who exactly he’d been to such a romantic setting with, but she wisely refrained from asking the question.  A deep-seated instinct for self-preservation kept her quiet.  She remembered from the conversation they’d first had in the hospital when she finally woke up after the incident that they’d broken up for awhile before reconciling.  She didn’t really want to know what he’d done when they’d been apart.  After all that was the past and they were back together now and that was all that mattered.


The restaurant boasted a dance floor and live jazz band.  After Caroline and Kyle had finished a scrumptious dinner of fresh seafood and key lime pie, they listened to the band launch into a slow seductive blues tune.  Kyle stood and offered his hand to Caroline.  “May I have the pleasure of this dance?”

Caroline smiled her delight and took the offered hand.  “Of course, I love dancing with you.  I do remember that much!”

She let Kyle lead her onto the dance floor.  Once they found a spot in the rapidly filling space she glided into his arms.  She’d been waiting all day to be held by him again and it had been well worth the wait.  She nestled even closer and rested her check against his chest.  They swayed back and forth across the floor and eventually her lips found their way to his jaw line.  She trailed tiny kisses as she worked her way to his lips. 

She stopped a hairbreadths distance from touching her lips to his.  “You’re playing a dangerous game in front of all these people,” he warned.  “In my haste to take what you’re so sweetly offering I might forget we’re in the middle of a restaurant, surrounded by people.”

Caroline pulled away.  Her confusion was plain to see and some of the light dimmed from her bright blue eyes.  She hadn’t really been trying to tease him.  She just couldn’t resist kissing him.

Kyle inwardly cursed himself when he saw her wounded look.  “Let’s get out of here.  I can’t wait to have you all to myself.  Believe me.  I want you just as much as you want me.”

They walked out of the restaurant in silence.  It was going to be a long drive, about two hours back to Kyle’s house.  The tension was thick in the car.  Caroline giggled to ease the silence.  “I loved the restaurant, but maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to choose one so far from home.”

Kyle had already negotiated the city traffic and was on the outskirts of town headed toward home.  He took his right hand off the wheel and used it to grasp Caroline’s left hand.  “Trust me, Caroline.  Anticipation will only make things better that much more intense.”

Caroline felt her toes curl at the deep husky voice Kyle used to deliverer his promise.  She didn’t even know it was possible for things to become more intense.  The slow heat inside her had been steadily building since the dance floor.  Every inch of her body tingled in anticipation of his touch.  Now the seductive timber of his voice and the thumb that was lazily tracing circles on her wrist was about to drive her insane.  “Drive faster!”

Kyle chuckled at the impatience in her tone.  He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed the palm.  “Remember all good things come to those who wait,” he offered up the tantalizing proverb. 

Caroline’s only response was a tortured groan.  She felt like she’d been waiting a very long time, possibly years.  She listened to the soft music playing on the radio and tried to concentrate on the current song.  She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the headrest.  It would be easier if she could sleep away the rest of the drive, but her body was strung too tight.  There would be no sleep for her.  Not until her body, heart, and mind had been satisfied and she knew the only satisfaction would be found in Kyle’s arms.

Kyle gripped the steering wheel tighter with every mile his high-powered sports car ate up.  He would never admit it to Caroline, but she’d been right.  He had wanted to impress her and make this date special.  The restaurant in Jacksonville had been perfect.  It was too far away though.  He should have planned better and got a hotel room there in town.  He had to focus on the drive.  Soon they’d be home and Caroline would be in his arms and in his bed.  His felt his foot drop a little more on the accelerator. 

They passed the rest of the drive in silence.  Finally the gatehouse at the entrance to his neighborhood was bathed in the headlights of his car.  Caroline watched as he zipped through the lane for residents and waved at the guard.  Three more minutes and he was pulling the car into the garage.  Caroline held her breath as the low-slung sports car barely cleared the rising garage door.  Kyle was in such a hurry, she was sure the car roof and garage door only missed each other by an inch, if that.

Kyle jumped out of the car and ran to the other side to open Caroline’s door.  He unbuckled her seatbelt and then scooped her up into his arms. 

“Kyle put me down this instant.  I’m too heavy for you to carry, especially all the way up the stairs.”

Kyle just tightened his arms around her while sliding his house key into the lock.  He pushed the door closed with his hip and relocked it.  Then he punched in the security code to the alarm before it could be triggered, all while still cradling Caroline in his arms.  “You weigh hardly anything at all.  I bench-press more than this on a daily basis,” with that he made a mad dash up the stairs and straight to his bedroom. 

Caroline pressed herself into the comforting warmth of Kyle’s body.  She tightened her hold around his neck when they jostled up the stairs.  Finally before she knew it the soft weight of his mattress was pushing against her back.  She looked up at Kyle who was leaning over her just out of reach.  “Too many clothes,” she blurted out.  She was dismayed to learn she was too far gone to utter complete sentences. 

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