Carrying the Billionaire's Baby: A Clean BWWM Billionaire Romance (The Billionaire Baby Mystery Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Carrying the Billionaire's Baby: A Clean BWWM Billionaire Romance (The Billionaire Baby Mystery Book 1)
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Chapter 11


“So how long have you worked for the Blacks?” The young man lit his cigarette, then offered the flame to Marlene.


“Oh, as long as I can remember. Like, since high school.” Marlene took a long, hard drag on the cigarette, blowing the smoke in circles above her head. The smoke rings glowed in the light of the smoky bar. “I’m sorry, what did you say your name was?”


The dishwasher boy sat and watched as if it were the first time he had seen such a thing. He had been working at the Black estate for only a few months, but he had recognized Marlene immediately.


“Dave. My name’s Dave.” He sipped his bottled beer and looked around the bar.


Marlene swigged the last of her scotch and soda and pushed the glass to the edge, signaling for more.


“So you must like them, the Blacks, I mean, to work for them for that long.”


“It’s a job. You get used to it. And besides, I know things.”


“Yeah? What kind of things?”


Her second drink arrived and she could feel herself loosening up. She had found an interested ear, and she needed to vent. And if the story got out, well, would that be so bad?


No, it wouldn’t be so bad, Marlene thought. It would be my chance.


Marlene looked at him over the rim of her glass, raising her eyebrows.


“For starters, Richard and Sherry don’t remember ever making that baby she’s carrying.”


“WHAT?” Dave exclaimed.


“Nope. They don’t even remember being married. But they were. Yup, they were married and got pregnant and boom—we changed all of that.” Marlene snapped her fingers and spilled some of her drink on her lap.


“What do you have, a magic wand?” Dave laughed.


“It’s not magic. The brain is an amazing place, ruled by chemistry and electricity.” She leaned in close to Dave’s face and whispered loudly, “You can’t imagine the things the right drugs—and needles—can do.”


“Shut up. That kind of stuff only happens in movies!” Dave raised his beer and watched her from the corner of his eye. She was getting pretty drunk, and he wondered how much of this crazy story he could believe. Then he decided he didn’t care, and raised a finger for the bartender to bring her another drink.


Marlene was shaking her head back and forth and wagging her finger at him. “Oh no, no no. It’s real and we did it. We wiped out their memories and they have no idea they were even married.”


“Then how did they end up pregnant?”


“Well, we didn’t know she was already pregnant when we did it. So, that was a bit of a hiccup.” Marlene laughed loudly and threw back what was left at the bottom of her glass. She slammed it on the bar, then reached for a fresh one.

“So Dave,” she said, leaning forward with a sly grin. “Buy me another drink, and maybe I’ll let you in on a few more secrets.”




Back at the house, Sherry lay in bed, writing busily in her journal. Her entries had changed over the last few weeks from desperation and confusion to sincere feelings and optimism.


I can’t believe this man who demanded I move here is starting to touch my heart. I still can’t believe that I’m going to give birth with him by my side. All this time, I was preparing myself to be an independent single mother and now, I’ve found the man of my dreams. I’m living a pampered life and my world is a fairytale. Every day, when I wake up, things just get better and better. I feel like I’m the luckiest girl in the world.


Richard entered the room and she slid her pen in the page, tucking the book beneath her pillow. She wasn’t quite ready to tell him all of these things, she had been hurt before. She would much rather have him profess his lover for her and follow his lead. She felt safer that way. Besides, she was already in pretty deep, carrying his child, the rest she would have to take as slow as possible.


“How are you feeling?” Richard asked. He had a way of asking a question that made Sherry feel like he really and truly wanted to know the answer. It was a trait she loved about him and not something she would have ever expected, based on his television persona. He was so much more than the man she had seen in magazines. He sat beside her, leaning in, waiting for her answer.


“I’m fine. Just a little stir-crazy, that’s all. Something strange happened earlier with Marlene and she ended up storming out of here. I don’t know what I said.”


“I’m sure you didn’t say anything. That’s just Marlene.”


“No, she started to say something and caught herself. It’s like she knows something that I don’t. She knows something about us.”


“Look, Marlene has worked for me for many years, she knows a lot of things,” Richard explained.


“I know, I know. But, it was more than that. It was like she knew something about my past and when she started to tell me, she caught herself.” Sherry leaned back on the pillows and rested her arms above her head. “It’s like there’s this whole block of time that I don’t remember. Do you ever feel that way?”


Richard leaned back on the bed next to her and brushed the hair away from her face. “No. I can’t remember anything before you,” he whispered.


“Oh, stop.”


“I’m serious. When I’m with you, I forget about everything and everyone. Time stands still when I’m with you.”


“That’s what I’m saying. It’s like time stood still. It’s like I woke up one day and I was pregnant and alone and …”


“And then you found me, and everything was right with the world,” he interrupted.




Dave carried Marlene to the cab and slid her into the backseat. He slow-jogged around the back of the car and climbed in next to her. Unsure of Marlene’s address, he instructed the driver to take them to Richard’s estate. Once there, Dave sent a text to the kitchen crew and instructed them to send a golf cart out for Marlene. Once inside, Dave and the staff assisted Marlene to a vacant room on the guest wing.


Dave carefully lowered her onto the bed, and Marlene turned to him and slurred, “Thank you Davie, I love you.” Dave laughed and left the room slowly, closing the door. Marlene had introduced herself only a few weeks ago, giving the appearance that she was so in control, but give the girl a few drinks and she falls apart.


Dave headed for the kitchen staff area, deciding to just spend the rest of the night there instead of going home. He had to work in the morning, so he may as well save the trip. As he walked through the large room, he saw the glow of the open refrigerator. Richard Black stood with the door in his hand, rummaging through the packed shelves.


“Hello,” Richard said, turning at the sound of Dave’s steps. “Who are you?”


“Why are you still here? It’s well past midnight.”


“I was just heading out. I, uh, had to escort Marlene here. She and I went out for a few drinks and …”


“She forgot her own name.”


“How did you know?”


“I’ve had drinks with Marlene, I know how she gets.”


“She’s in pretty bad shape. We tucked her in the guest room for the night.”


“Good stuff. I appreciate your help, Dave.”


“Absolutely, sir.”


“And, Dave, one more thing.”


“What’s that sir?”


“No more drinks with Marlene,” Richard said.


Dave nodded and continued walking.


Dave was quite sure he wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation of taking Marlene for drinks again. He chuckled at the thought of pumping her for more information, but hopefully not needing to her clean her up, again. He was thrilled that tomorrow when he arrived for work, he’d have an advantage. He had something over her and was not afraid to use it He’d been harboring a little resentment ever since their first encounter and was looking forward to cracking the code of what made Marlene tick.

Chapter 12


Richard headed back to Sherry’s bedroom. He carefully balanced the breakfast tray, complete with pickles, ice cream and a bowl of potato chips. He was surprisingly good at taking care of a woman and her pregnancy cravings, and was enjoying it, too.


When he arrived at the bedroom, Sherry was fast asleep. He shook his head and placed the tray on the nightstand. He sat in the chair beside the bed and helped himself to a pickle while he waited for Sherry’s eyes to open. He watched her sleeping and imagined their little one already here. He imagined what it would be like to hold their baby as his woman slept in his bed. For years, it was something he had secretly dreamed about, as no one would believe that America’s richest and most handsome bachelor longed for the family life. But why should he be any different? Why shouldn’t he, too, long for love? He was human.


Though sometimes he felt super-human, like every woman he met was either intimidated by him or wanted something from him. Sherry wasn’t like any of them.


In the short amount of time they had spent together, Sherry had found her way into Richard’s heart, and he liked having her there. This was a welcome change to Richard, and very different from the way he had felt about the other women he had dated. Usually, he had only been interested in having a young beautiful girl on his arm for the sake of the cameras and the paparazzi. He did not want to get too close to anyone, and he had been playing the part of popular bachelor quite well.


That is, until Sherry entered his life.


Sherry started to stir and squinted at Richard. She stretched her arms and pulled herself up in the bed. “Oh my goodness. I fell asleep.”


“I ate your pickle,” Richard laughed. “But you can have this one.”


Sherry wiped her eyes and tried to wake herself up. “Did I ask you for pickles?” Sherry was still groggy and a little confused.


“Well, you didn’t ask for pickles. But, I noticed you’ve been eating them every night, so I thought I’d surprise you. Surprise!”


They both laughed as Sherry leaned over to dip her pickle into the melting ice cream.


“That is just gross.” Richard shook his head and feigned disgust.


“Oh, you don’t know what you’re missing.”


“I’ll take your word for it,” he smiled.


Sherry finished her snack and watched as Richard placed the tray by the door. He climbed in next to her in bed, and Sherry placed his hand on her belly.


“She’s jumping everywhere. She loves when I eat!”


Richard’s eyes lit up at the idea of tiny arms and legs moving around inside her belly. “You’re going to run out of room in there,” he joked.


“I know, and I still have a long way to go” Sherry yawned and stretched as she tried to get comfortable on her side of the bed. Richard watched her body relax as she fell asleep. He was glad to see her feeling so much better.


“Do I have to use the baby nurse?” she said in a sleepy voice, with her eyes closed. Richard wasn’t sure if she was half-asleep or really having a conversation with him.


“You don’t have to do anything, sweetheart. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. The help is there if you want it.”




The next morning, Marlene awoke in her bed, unsure how she got there. She wiped the makeup remnants her eyes and tried to piece together the events of last night, struggling against the pounding in her head as she did so. She peeked out the window at the rising sun and wondered if she had enough time to shower before the morning meeting with the staff, then gathered her hair in a ponytail and quietly opened the bedroom door. She peeked up and down the hall to see if anyone was stirring, and quietly made her way to the kitchen for some coffee. She spotted Dave standing beside the coffee pot, and suddenly the events of last night started coming together.


“Good morning, Sunshine,” he sang as she entered, holding her head.


“Oh. My. God. We went out last night.”


“Yea, we did. How are you feeling?”


“Awful. How did I get here?”


“I brought you home. You were a mess,” he laughed.


“Oh. Well, thank you. I think.”


“Nothing happened, Marlene. I was a complete gentleman. I mean, I had no idea you were such a lightweight.”


She ignored him, stirring her coffee and wondering what she might have said to Dave on their impromptu date. She hesitated to ask and hoped for the best. She stirred the sugar until it dissolved, grabbed a croissant and made her way out.


“Thanks again,” she said, and went to her office. She had just started looking at the schedule for the day when a knock sounded at the door.


“Hello there,” Richard said with a teasing smile. “Rough night?”


“Apparently. I can’t say I remember much. Dave was a real life saver bringing me here.”


“Yes. I met him in the kitchen last night. He told me all about it.”


“He did? Well, there wasn’t much to tell,” she said, watching his face and wondering just how much Dave had said. He seemed unconcerned though, and even a little distracted.


“Well, he did say you were pretty plastered, so … Anyway, we’re meeting in my office today at noon, that should give you plenty of time to freshen up.” He tapped on the door and walked away.


Probably to hurry back to Sherry, Marlene fumed. Marlene was convinced that she could best anything that Sherry had to offer. She even entertained thoughts of getting Sherry out of the picture, completely. It was a plan she had been working on with Mrs. Black for some time. But, the old lady had grown a little soft with all the talk of the baby’s arrival. She would have to find a new approach and a new confidante. She would need someone on the inside, who could help her devise a plan and see it through. Someone she could trust, and would listen to her.


She scrolled through the contacts in her phone and found Dave.


Meet for drinks tonight?
she texted.




Later that day, Marlene attended the afternoon meeting with Richard and Evelyn. When she arrived, she was startled to see Sherry sitting at the boardroom table.


“Why aren’t you in bed?” she quizzed Sherry.


“I’m feeling much better, and Richard thought I needed a change of scenery,” she answered.


Marlene took a seat and offered a polite smile. “Am I still on bed rest duty? Or can I move on to other things? I mean, it looks like Richard has the bed rest thing under control.” Marlene knew she was being rude, but she didn’t care. She was peeved to see Sherry sitting at the table, as if she belonged there.


Richard cleared his throat and gave her a warning look. “We’ll still need to help Sherry when I’m not able to, but I have the evenings covered.” He glanced at Sherry with a wink.


Marlene was far from amused and changed the subject.


“Mrs. Black, where are we with the press tour?”


“Marlene, what has gotten into you? You’re rather ornery today.”


“She had a late night,” Richard answered.


Sherry perked up, wanting to hear more about Marlene’s late night and how Richard knew about it.


Marlene’s phone buzzed with a text message from Dave.


Sure. What time?


“I’m just anxious to get things in order today. I have plans later,” she said, deleting Dave’s message.


“I hope those plans don’t involve drinking,” Richard joked.


Evelyn interrupted the banter. “Let’s get back to the matter at hand. The press surrounding Richard and Sherry has turned negative. There have been a lot of negative reports about the two of you and it’s time for a positive spin.”


“Mrs. Black, if I may, why do we care so much about what the press says or thinks? Do we really have to explain ourselves to them? Do they need to know that I’m on bed rest? What business is it of theirs?”


“Their business runs our business, dear. Having a positive profile in the process can make or break this corporation. I don’t expect you understand it all, since you’ve just joined us. But know that you are being watched. We all are. What we do says more than what we say. We have to give them what they seek. It’s all a part of the game.


Richard stood up. “I was wondering the same, Mother. Maybe we should avoid the media this time. Remember, Sherry’s in a high risk pregnancy right now. I just don’t think she needs any added stress at the moment.”


“Then why is she here?” demanded Marlene.


The room sat silent as Marlene’s words hung in the air.


Sherry cleared her throat. “I’m here, Sherry, because I am a part of this family-slash-corporation now. I know that doesn’t sit well with you, but it’s a fact. I’m not sure what kind of relationship you and Richard once had, or you wished you had, but it doesn’t exist. So, as soon as you stop despising me for being Richard’s partner, the easier all of this will be.”


Richard squeezed Sherry’s hand and smiled.


Marlene grabbed her smartphone and ran out of the room.


“Okay. I think we’re done here,” said Evelyn. She gathered her things and left abruptly.


Richard sat down next to Sherry, rubbing her shoulder.


“I’m sorry, Richard. Was I out of line? I just feel like it had to be said. Didn’t it?”


“I don’t know. It’s definitely what everyone was thinking. I don’t think there would really be any good time for that discussion.” He leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. “Let’s get you back into bed and order you some lunch. I think you’ve had enough excitement today.”


Richard walked with Sherry back to their suite, arm in arm.

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