Carved in Stone: Monochrome Destiny (23 page)

BOOK: Carved in Stone: Monochrome Destiny
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expression transformed.  His incredulity morphed into something darker,
blacker.  Robyn watched his eyes, so wide with shock, sharpen and begin to
rage with a cold fire.  He furrowed his brows and stared at her with his
head tilted down in fierce disapproval.  His jaw squared as muscle bulged
and his lips became a tight, thin line.  He seemed to grow before her
eyes, his presence now taking up too much space in the room, sucking in too
much air and suddenly she found it difficult to breathe.

stilled, unnaturally so and stared so directly at her that she thought she
would wither.  She was prey to his predator, there was no doubt about
their roles and there would be no doubt about the outcome.  Andrew’s anger
was a burning, giant, thing and it was barely controlled.  He shook with
rage as his shoulders squared, his fists clenched and his knuckles whitened.

had Robyn forgotten about the rage within him?  When had she begun to
think him tame?

clock ticked loudly as both stared at each other.

blood raced through her veins as she fought the age old instinct to run from
the hunter, knowing that it would do her no good.  Her knees quivered,
threatening to give and her heart thrummed.  Taking one careful swallow,
Robyn drew on her mettle and slowly too one step backwards.

watched her, unmoving but his gaze darkened further.  She could feel the
impending danger.  Andrew’s rigid, silent statue, tense and enraged, was
an omen of things to come.

took a second step back.

gaze never faltered and Robyn couldn’t avert her eyes.  To look away would
seal her fate.  She’d never seen such anger and she knew that it was
taking all the control he had not to come at her.  This rage was what she
had only glimpsed previously.  This was what had made her instinctually
wary.  Now, she wished that she had listened to that instinct, for her
only hope was to back to the door.  Andrew stood in front of the front
entrance, but the back door to the garden was behind her.

took another step. 


shrieked and hurried backwards in blind panic.

Andrew took a second step, Robyn backed into the kitchen units.  Her legs
were shaking so badly that she gripped the countertop to remain upright. 
He was too fast.  There was no possible way that she was going to get the
back door open and escape before he was upon her.  With nowhere to go,
Robyn braced herself and leaned back as far as she could. She was shaking from
head to toe and her fingers began to hurt where they dug into the wood under
the edge of the kitchen counter, but still she could not take her eyes off of

took another step, his huge body now perilously close and Robyn arched back
further, her head hitting the wall cupboard.  Her breathing was fast and
shallow and it took all her willpower not to pass out.  She whimpered and
Andrew stopped.


She was
afraid.  No, that was too subtle a word; Robyn was terrified. 
Of him.
  He stopped in his tracks and saw her quaking
in fear and desperately trying to pull away from him.  She would have melded
with those kitchen cupboards if she’d had the ability.

the hell was he doing?

he was angry, downright fuming about her crazy antics, but she didn’t need to
see him like this.  Not out of control like this.

inhaled deeply and forced his body to relax.

done something very foolish and he was frightened of the possible consequences,
but it was done now and there was little he could do about it.  He didn’t
need to frighten her, but he did need to stop her.  He didn’t want her to
go.  Damn it, how had he gotten so involved so bloody quickly.  He
was hot for this woman, desperate and every move she pulled just pushed her
closer to being kicked out of town.  Didn’t she know how he felt?  Didn’t
she know what she meant to him?  Well, perhaps it was time he showed
her.  She was his.


Andrew was
halfway through the kitchen, a mere two steps from reaching her, when he
stopped dead.  Robyn watched the cold fire ebb as his eyes widened with
shock.  She didn’t move, didn’t dare.  Like this, he was

Robyn stared, Andrew’s body, still huge in the room, relaxed; his muscles no
longer bulged, his fists no longer clenched.  The fury drained from his
body but in its place something else brewed.  Andrew’s feet parted and he
lifted his head higher.  His shoulders moved with heavy deep breaths and
darkness seemed to pool in his eyes. 

stepped forwards, one, two paces.  Robyn closed her eyes.  She could
feel his presence right in front of her, feel his breath on her skin and she
waited, unable to do anything else.

grabbed her.  One hand took her hair and one her waist.  In an
instant, Robyn was yanked away from the units that she so desperately clung to
and drawn up against rigid, hard, man.  She managed to gulp in a breath
before ravenous hot lips descended on hers.

opened for him, had little choice as he forced his tongue between her
lips.  He was unstoppable.  He plundered with an enthusiasm that
Robyn had never known and her body responded with heat and longing.  She
melted into his firm hold and let him take her.

his touch, she felt searing heat, not warmth.  Instead of heating her
tissues, it burned them as it jettisoned through her body.  It was like
lightning coursing through her veins, boiling her blood in its wake and it woke
desires inside her that she had never known previously existed.

kissed her, hard and she kissed him right back.  He bit her lip, the pain
clenching things deep inside her and making her groan in his arms.  He
sucked her tongue into his mouth and she fisted her hands into his hair. 
He yanked her hair to pull her head back and expose her throat and she cried
out in desire before his lips feasted on her milky white flesh.

breath came fast and shallow as he greedily tasted and she heard him groan. 
He was fire itself; burning, consuming and she wanted all.

changed his grip and lifted her onto the kitchen counter.  He shoved her
skirt up to part her thighs and stand in the gap.  Once there, he yanked
her towards him and ground his erection into her.  She threw her head
back, rocking against his hardness as he pressed it into her lace covered

she wanted him so badly.  She would explode if he didn’t put out this

brought her mouth to his as he pushed rhythmically against her.  She was
so wet for him.  His tongue delved in and out in a parody of what she so
desperately needed and she moaned as her fingers fumbled with the buttons of
his shirt.

hands squeezed her breasts through her blouse and she arched into him wanting
him to take, to pleasure.  She managed to get one of his buttons undone.

was unravelling in his arms.  She had no patience.  She wanted him,
skin to skin.  Robyn gripped the two side of Andrew’s shirt, too impatient
now to take the time to undo the buttons, and yanked them apart.  Buttons
ricocheted across the kitchen floor but she had no care as she placed her palms
against his skin and began running them up and down.  She needed to feel
him, every inch.


Andrew pulled
back, broke their kiss and glanced down at his ruined shirt.  Her hands
were gliding over him in an act of possession that had never felt so
seductive.  He’d been careful to hold back, to stop the animal within from
just taking, but as her legs wrapped around him in a possessive hold, his
control snapped.  He ripped open her lilac blouse and grabbed her breasts
with animal ferociousness.  Robyn arched into his hands and gripped him
tighter with those curvaceous thighs.  Groaning, he grabbed the black lace
bra that covered her and wrenched it apart, allowing her wonderfully full mounds
to pour freely into his hands.  Ah god, the feel of them in his
palms.  She spilled over his fingers and he could feel the tightening buds
of her nipples against his skin.  He cupped her, moulded her and then
clamped her nipples between forefinger and thumb and squeezed.  She arched
and moaned, so he squeezed harder.  She squirmed and rubbed herself
against his hard cock.  Dear God she liked that.  He dropped his head
and devoured her breast, his one hand still rolling and pulling one nipple
whilst he bit the other one.


God.  He was going to make her come from his touch alone.  Every time
he pinched her, it clenched something deep in her core and the harder he
pinched, the harder the clench.  Her mind was losing all contact with

air suddenly bathed her breasts as Andrew released her nipple and pulled
upright.  His hand shot down to where she was grinding herself against him
and he wrenched her underwear away one handed, the lace giving way and leaving
her bared to him as he yanked down his trousers to free himself.

felt elated, wild.  This feral need, this wildness, was Andrew, but she
met it with the same animal passion. 

entered her in one smooth forceful thrust.  She felt the stretch, the
bombardment, for the briefest second before fire consumed.  Andrew’s touch
was warm, soothing, enticing and addictive, but this, this meeting of sensitive
flesh on sensitive flesh was white fire.  Heat seared into her, burned
into her core and detonated an intense climax.  Robyn cried out, closed
her eyes and arched back as Andrew began to pound into her.  She rode the
wave of pure unadulterated ecstasy, clinging on by a bare thread to
consciousness as it threatened to completely consume her.  When she came
down, when she could breathe, she realised that the fire wasn’t out.  As
soon as her orgasm waned, another began to build.

thrust into her fiercely fast.  He pounded her against the worktop, held
her hips firmly and drove in with reckless abandon.  And she loved
it.  Her body responded to the searing sensations by meeting his thrusts,
gripping his shoulders and riding the wild wave with him.

opened her eyes and gasped.

stared at her, unerringly, longingly, and his eyes were blue.  Pale, pale,
blue surrounded by brilliant cerulean.   Robyn couldn’t stop her
stare as she wrapped tighter around him and tilted her hips to allow him to
penetrate deeper.  Even as he tilted her back to pound harder, she still
stared.  Those eyes, after years of monochromatic existence were the loveliest
things she had ever seen.

changed his grip and ground into her harder.  He filled her to the brim,
stretching her and pleasuring her with each forceful thrust.  She built
and built as he hit her sweet spot over and over.  This was not gentle,
sensuous passion, this was frantic and rough and untamed.

second orgasm hit her so hard that she cried out over and over and Andrew
ground into her faster, harder, with bruising power.  She loved it, craved
it and rode the wave.  Clamping her legs tightly to him, clawing his sweat
beaded skin to embrace him more fully, Robyn clung to Andrew.


He wasn’t going
to last any longer.  Her body was clinging to his as her sex squeezed and
clamped him furiously as her orgasm ripped through her.  He thrust one
last time, feeling his cock swelling, filling, and them he shoved in hard and
spilled inside her as her glorious sex milked him for every drop.

what had he done?  Torn clothing lay strewn across the kitchen floor, the
microwave had been all but shoved off of the counter to make room and he was
wrapped around her like she was a second skin. He’d taken her like he was an
animal.  He’d had the most explosive orgasm of his life and certainly
Robyn had come hard, twice, but she was better than this and, shit, he hadn’t
even used protection.  Even now, his seed was splattered over both of them
where they were still joined.

pulled out of her slowly, aware that he’d taken her hard and she may be
sore.  He shoved himself back behind his fly and did his trousers back up.

looked dazed,
“ I
. . . .
I’m .
. ,” Christ, what was he supposed to say?


Andrew looked so
lost that it was almost laughable.  In the space of a few minutes he’d
gone from bitterly angry, to passionate beyond thought, to lost.  Robyn
stopped his apology with her finger for she knew what he would say.  He’d
taken her like some wild beast and he was ashamed, sorry.  Well, Robyn
wasn’t.  She’d never had such excruciatingly explosive orgasms. 
No-one had ever ridden her quite like that or gotten her body to respond in
such a way.  It was enlightening, empowering and she wanted more.

put her fingers to his lips to stop him and smiled into blue eyes.  It was
the weirdest thing.  Everything else remained colourless, but Andrew’s
eyes were blue and blue they remained.  She didn’t know if this was a
permanent change, the doctors were always so evasive when she asked about the
possibility of getting her vision back, or if it was just a figment of her
thoroughly fucked imagination, but she was going to make the most of it.

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