Cassandra's Challenge (15 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

BOOK: Cassandra's Challenge
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“She’s the target? Why?”

“I don’t know but she’s right Quinn. Hutu
wouldn’t hurt Victoria. He has a soft spot for her.”

“And Cassandra?”

“He has no reason. There is a reason for this.”
It pisses him off that he can’t see it.

“Your instincts are rarely wrong Will, but are
you too involved this time?”

“I’m fully involved Quinn. That’s going to be my

“Okay, can I see your report again?”

“What are you sniffing?” William asks pulling
the original out of a drawer.

“Something’s been bothering me.” Quinn scans the
report. “Here, if we assume this Glitter Man who she says is
big, is Carinian, why not just take her then?” It’s a
thought that has crossed William’s mind before. He doesn’t like his

“What if they weren’t sure, if they were waiting
to see?” William poses the question.

“Weren’t sure they needed her, or that she was
the one they wanted?”

“Maybe both, but there is something there,
Cassandra says grandmother was abducted when she was young. She
described them, they were Regulian.”

“Two in one family?” Quinn questions.

“Yeah, I know. One Regulian,
one Carinian.” It seems farfetched, but William believes

“Quinn, I need you to find out what happened
here tonight. I know it wasn’t Hutu. Same as I know it wasn’t

“Okay, I’ll dig further.” Quinn
raises an eyebrow. “Why aren’t you spearheading this?”

“Because if I’m right, someone
just tried to kill my life mate, if I get to them first…” William
trails off as Quinn watches the rage in his friend’s and Admiral’s

“Understood, you don’t think
she realizes it yet?” He asks.

“No, if she did she’d be
racking herself with guilt.” William picks up he’s headset. “Hutu,
report to my ready room.”

The friends’ finish they’re
drinks in silence. Quinn opens the hatch at Hutu’s knock. Hutu
stands in front of the Admiral’s desk.

“Sir, how is she?” His voice is

“Stable for now.” The Admiral gives him a
hard look. “Did you put the bowl of sauce on the plate Hutu?”

“Sir no! I took the cover off Victoria’s
plate myself. She’d asked what she was having so I showed her. She
was so excited. There wasn’t a bowl of sauce on her plate.”

“And Cassandra’s plate?”

“Sir?” Hutu gives him a confused look.

“Was there one on Cassandra’s
plate?” William repeats.

“Sir, I never removed her
cover. It was on
plate? There would be no reason for it she was having Rhea. If
I’d removed the cover I would have known something was wrong sir.”
Hutu looks at the Admiral with earnest eyes. “I’m sorry

“I know you are Hutu. I also want you to know
that I don’t believe you did this.”

“Thank you Admiral!” Hutu replies in a
relieved voice.

“Neither does Cassandra.” Hutu closes his

“Thank you sir.”

“But still someone got to those
plates. I need you to think. When were they left

“I’ve thought of nothing else
sir. I personally prepared the food. Plated and covered them. The
tray was…” Hutu pauses.

“What!” The Admiral

“The tray, it wasn’t where it normally is, I
had to go back to the storage area to find it.” Hutu says
remorsefully. “I’m sorry sir. I left the plates. When I came back I
just put them on the tray. I didn’t recheck the food.”

“There was no reason for you too Hutu.”

“Sir, I brought it to her.”
Hutu’s is distress easily seen by both men.

“Who else was in the kitchen? Someone not
normally there.”

“Sir, no one stands out. I don’t remember
anyone unusual.”

“Keep thinking about it Hutu. If you remember
anything report to Colonel Quinn immediately.”

“Yes sir.”

“Dismissed.” Hutu leaves.

William gets up from his desk. “If you need
me I’ll be in medical.” He tells Quinn.

Lucas heads to medical the look
on his face moving everyone out of his path. Anyone seeing him had
no doubt he was the Admiral’s son. Entering medical he doesn’t see
Victoria then he sees the guards. Heading for the room a guard
stops him.

“Let him through, Paas that’s Zafar.”

Entering the room he gets his first look at
Victoria and his heart drops. She’s so small lying in the bed with
machines hooked up to her. She’s pale with dark circles under her
eyes and so eerily still. Cassandra’s sitting in a chair on the far
side of the bed holding her hand to her cheek talking softly to

“Cassandra...” Lucas quietly approaches the bed.
Still holding Victoria’s hand to her cheek she turns agonized eyes
to Lucas.

“Tori, Lucas’ here, why don’t you open your eyes
and see?” Cassandra tries to get a response from her niece.

“Take her hand Lucas. She needs to know you’re

Lucas gently picks up Victoria’s other hand, so
small in his and rubs his thumb across the top.

“Tori, I’m here, baby. Come on open your eyes.”
He gets no more response then Cassandra has for the last two

“We need to keep talking to her, keep her with

Bliant enters to check Tori’s stats. He meets
Cassandra’s look.

“No change.”


“What’s that mean?” Lucas demands.

“She’s not getting any worse.” Dr Bliant informs
him. He gives Cassandra one last look then leaves the room. Outside
he sees the Admiral approaching.

“There’s been no change Admiral, no better, no
worse. It’s a waiting game now.”

“Thank you Bliant.” Entering the room he sees
his son on one side of the bed, Cassandra on the other. It doesn’t’
look like she’s moved since he’d left. Walking over he puts a hand
on her shoulder. Tipping her head to the side she leans into his

“You need to take a break, Cassandra.” He rubs
his thumb against her cheek.

“No. I’m fine.” Her voice is firm as she lifts
her head. Knowing she isn’t going to leave he pulls over a chair
and sits beside her.


Cassandra doesn’t notice the passing hours.
Victoria has her complete focus. She’s been talking to her almost
none stop. William and Lucas have had to leave several times but
always returned. She knows they both have other responsibilities
but Victoria is her only one. Alone in the room she rises from the
chair climbing into the bed to hold her niece in her arms.

“Come on baby.” She whispers in her ear her
voice rough. “I’ve got you. You’re safe. Wake up baby.” Softly she
begins to sing in her ear, an old song she knew Cyndy sang to her
when she’d been sick or scared. She’s so focused on Victoria she
doesn’t hear the door open.

“Come on sweetheart you know I need help here.
You need to sing your part or I sound stupid. You know how I hate
that.” Starting the song again she’s part way thru when Tori’s lips
begin to move, Cassandra’s voice catches. As she continues to sing
Tori is whispering her part when she finishes then opens her

“Hi baby.” Cassandra whispers blinking back

Dr Bliant, who’s entered with Lucas and the
Admiral, moves quickly to the bed.

“Hello there, young lady.” Tori looks at him
with confused eyes.

“Aunt Cassie?”

“It’s okay baby, you got sick. Dr Bliant’s been
making you better.” She slides off the bed still holding her

Tori watches Bliant until she sees Lucas at the
foot of the bed. She gives him a little smile.

“Lucas. You’re here too?”

“I had to come see my best girl didn’t I?” He
tells her in strained voice, making the smile grow. Cassandra steps
back holding Victoria’s hand out to Lucas. He walks up to take it,
giving her a grateful look.

“Tori, I need to steal your Aunt away for just a
few minutes okay?” William asks her.

“You’ll be back?” Fear enters her eyes.

“You bet. Lucas will stay until then okay.”
Cassandra’s voice trembles.

“Okay.” Tori turns her eyes to Lucas.

Leading her into Bliant’s office William pulls
her into his arms as the door closes. Wrappings hers arms around
his waist Cassandra bursts into tears. Holding her close he knows
she’s finally releasing her fear. He’s seen her instant reaction to
a crisis, with the rescue of Tori from the fire. But what he’s
witnessed here is the underlying strength, her total commitment,
without reserve, to someone she loves. She’ll give until she
breaks. William wonders what it would feel like to have her feel
that way about him.

As he continues to rub her back she calms.
Lifting her head she looks up at him.

“I soaked your jacket.” Her voice is hoarse.

“It’ll dry.” William takes a visual inventory of
her, seeing the pale skin, red rimmed eyes, the dark circles
underneath, tears still threatening to overflow, her exhausted body
trembling slightly.

“You need sleep. You’ve been up over forty-eight

“I know, but Tori need’s me.” Stepping away she
whips her remaining tears away. Putting a hand on his cheek she
looks into concerned eyes. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Being here.”

“I’ll always be here for you.” Cradling her head
he tips her head back. “I’m not letting go.” Gently he kisses her
lips, with a sigh she sinks into him drawing on his strength.

“I need to get back to her.”

“I know.” Opening the door he lets her exit
first. Victoria’s eyes are closed when they reenter the room.
Cassandra’s eyes fly to Bliant.

“She’s just resting. All her signs are looking
good she just needs some food and rest now.” Cassandra looks at her
niece as she listens. Nodding at what Bliant is saying.

“Does she need to stay here?”

“I’d like to keep her over night to make sure
she’s keeping her food down, but after that she can go home.” Tori
opens her eyes looking at her Aunt.

“Aunt Cassie…you look terrible.” She says in a
stronger voice. Cassandra raises an eyebrow at her niece. Lucas
tries not to chuckle.

“Really…” She eyes Lucas.

“Hey, innocent here.” William sees his
opportunity and takes it.

“Victoria would it be okay if Cassandra left for
awhile to get some sleep? That might help her.” Cassandra looks at
him, but before she can speak Victoria chimes in.

“You’ll make sure she sleeps?” Tori demands.


“But you’ll come back later, Aunt Cassie?”

“Tori, I’m not leaving you here alone.”

“I’ll stay with her.” Lucas interrupts. With
three pairs of eyes watching her Cassandra can do nothing but give
in. Moving to her niece she leans down giving her a kiss.

“I’ll be back in a little while.” Tori nods as
Cassandra and the Admiral walk out the door.


Cassandra’s nearly sleeping on her feet by the
time they get to William’s quarters, her extreme exhaustion making
her unaware of where he’s leading her until they get there.

“Why are we here?”

“You’ll sleep better.” He leads back to his
private quarters.


“Cassandra,” He’s been patient as long as he
can, watching her exhaust herself, being unable to help, has ripped
at him. There is something he could do now and he’ll be damn if
she’ll stop him. “Shut up and get into bed.” Cassandra tries to be
upset at his tone but finds she’s just too tired.

“We’ll fight about this later.” She mumbles as
she all but collapses on his bed.

“Come on baby,” William keeps her upright.
“Let’s get these clothes off. You’ll sleep better.” Sliding her
pants over her narrow hips he realizes her boots are still on.
Impatiently he pulls them off, than finishes with the pants.

“I’d sleep better if you were with me,” she
mumbles. William looks up at her, seeing she’s already half asleep
as he tucks her legs under the blankets.

“I will be later count on it.” He pulls off her

“Promise?” She asks in a sleep filled voice her
unfocused eyes trying to stay open.

“Promise.” William gives her a hard kiss as he
pulls the blankets over her. She’s asleep before the kiss ends.
Watching her sleep for a moment he turns to his ready room. He has
work to do.


Several hours later William puts down the final
report he’s received from Quinn. There’s no new information on
where the Xyphrine came from. No one remembers anyone out of the
ordinary in the kitchen. Whoever did this had blended in. Rubbing
his eyes William heads into his private quarters.

His life mate slept in his bed. Someone on his
ship wanted to harm her. But why? William ponders it as he removed
his clothes. Getting into bed he gently pulls her to him. In her
sleep she wraps an arm around him. Closing his eyes he lets sleep


Waking she knows she’s alone. Seeing the closed
adjourning door she realizes the Admiral is already in a meeting.
It’s only 0730. Sliding out of the bed, she heads to the bathroom
for a shower.


In his ready room the Admiral is reading the
translation of the Regulian response to the earlier translation.
“Light will be extinguished.” William looks at Quinn. “They’re
getting testy with each other.”

“Yeah.” Quinn agrees.

Hearing the shower running, he picks up his
headset calling Hutu. “Twenty minutes.” Is all he says.

“Were we able to get any closer to finding who
received the transmission?” William asks turning back to Quinn.


“Okay, tell communications to keep up the good

Knowing he’s being dismissed Quinn stands.
“How’s she doing Will?”

William looks up at his friend. “She slept like
the dead. Getting some food into her should help.”

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