Cassandra's Challenge (29 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

BOOK: Cassandra's Challenge
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“What’s your relationship with Lucas?” Tibullus

“My relationship with…” She looks at William.
“That’s what this is all about?” She can tell William’s furious
with the question but is letting her answer. Turning back, Tibullus
finds himself pinned by a pair of blazing blue eyes.

“I met Lucas Zafar when he crashed his Blade on
Earth twenty seven days ago.” Her voice is hard and pointed. “He
was hurt, my family and I helped him. He was on Earth approximately
three hours. A Raptor came to rescue him, on board where two
pilots, Dodge and Scratch, I believe, and the Admiral. While they
were picking up Lucas, Strikers attacked setting off a nuclear
bomb. The Raptor returned to the Retribution with Victoria and me
on board. The Earth was destroyed. Lucas made a point of checking
on Victoria and me to see how we were settling in. I consider him a
good friend. He’s never been anything more to me than that, other
than the Admiral’s son. Does
answer your question on my
‘relationship’ with Lucas, Chief Tibullus?”

Tibullus clears his throat. “Yes, thank

“Any other questions?” Cassandra demands in a
frosty voice.

“No, no mam. Thank you for your assistance.”
Tibullus finds himself stuttering. “Admiral, may I have your
permission to access your personnel file?”

William’s eyes narrow, “As Chief Investigator
you don’t need permission.”

“I know sir, but I’m asking.”

“You have my permission.”

“I believe I’m ready to start my interview.”

“Dismissed then.” Quinn looks from Cassandra to
the Admiral.

“I’ll be outside for a few minutes.” He tells
them following Tibullus out.


William closes the distance separating them
gently caressing her bruised neck. Her eyes are still blazing.

“You handled that very well. I don’t think I’ve
ever heard Tibullus stutter before.”

“That was bull shit William. A ‘relationship’
with Lucas? Please!” Her eyes question him. “You never

“I might have, in the very beginning.” His eye
burned into hers. “He’s closer to your age then I am. Then you were
hurt,” he’s thumb gently caressing her cheek where the new bruise
is. “I had to see for myself you were okay. When you responded to
me then I knew.”

“Knew what?”

“That you were mine,
life mate.”
Leaning down he kisses her, Cassandra wraps her arms around his

“I love you William.”

“I know.”

At the discrete knock on the door the two
separate. Tar reenters the room. On the other side of the glass
Chief Tibullus enters the interview room.

“They can’t see us?” Cassandra asks as she
approaches the window looking at Falco’s smug face.

“No.” William walks over to stand behind her.
Quinn pushes a button so they can hear the interview.


“Let the log show this is Chief Tibullus in
interview with Senior Chief Delondra Falco and her consul
Lieutenant Bayard. This interview is to show if there is just cause
to charge the Senior Chief with two counts of attempted murder and
one count of sabotage of a coalition vessel. Senior Chief, do you
understand the charges filed against you?”

“Yes.” Falco final speaks.

“What is your answer to the charges?”

“Innocent of all charges.”

“Senior Chief, explain to me how you believe you
came to be charged with these crimes.”

“It’s that refugee bitch’s fault!” The sudden
venom in Falco voice catches both men by surprise.

“Who would that be Senior Chief?” Tibullus

“That Earth Bitch.” Falco looks at the

“I need a name.”

“Cassandra Chamberlain!” She spews.

“Why would she be to blame for the charges
against you?”

“Because she’s jealous of me, she thinks she can
take my place with the Admiral. She can’t!” While Tibullus had been
prepared for this, Bayard is not. His shock is evident.

“What place is that?” Tibullus continues. Falco
gets this very maniacal look on her face.

“As his lover of course. We’ve been lovers for
over eight cycles, ever since Diomede…he’s a
very....inventive....lover.” Falco says with a sly look at the

Feeling William stiffen behind her, Cassandra
leans against him just slightly, hoping he understands. Quinn
catches the slight movement and is amazed to realize that she’s
trying to comfort Will, not find comfort from him.

“Where did you first meet the Admiral?” Tibullus
brings her eyes back to him.

“I just told you when, on Diomede when we were
both on leave.”

“You were serving under the Admiral then?”

“No, and he was a Captain.”

“So that would be,” Tibullus pauses as he looks
at his screen. “13 Marta 5245?”

“5246.” Falco corrects.

“Where did you meet the next time?”


“You just stated that you’ve been having a long
term relationship with Admiral Zafar. Where did you meet the second

“We met on the Callao space station two months


“30 Bealtaine.” Tibullus consults his screen

“Official records show that Captain Zafar was
commanding the Battleship Babirusa on the Regulian border at that

“That’s just what he put in the records.”

“The Battle of Fayal took place during that
time. Three Regulian battleships were destroyed, one captured.
Captain Zafar was promoted to Vice-Admiral because of it. Your
saying he wasn’t there?” Falco is silent.

“When was the next time?”

“There were too many over the cycles to remember
exact times and places.”

“What about your relationship with Captain

“What relationship?”

“The one that you threatened his wife with, you
were removed from the ship, committed for treatment and prescribed

“That’s a lie!” Falco exclaims. “That bitch
changed my records.”

“And that would be…”

“The Earth Bitch.”

“You’re stating that someone who’s been on the
ship less than,” Tibullus references his notes. “thirty days, would
be able to alter secured Coalition files. Is that what you’re


“Empty Xyphrine bottles were found in your
quarters. Xyphrine was used to poison Victoria Lynn

“Bitch did that herself, to get rid of the
little bitch, than planted the bottles in my quarters.”

“Quarters that you secure with a remote
detection system, how’d she get in without you knowing?”

“She just did, she’s tricky, look how she’s got
the Admiral’s private chef cooking her and the little bitch’s
meals, sending them to their quarters. Well they don’t have any
quarters now, do they.” Falco giggles.

Bayard and Tibullus look at each other both
knowing Falco has lost her mind. In the observation room William
puts a hand on Cassandra’s waist as he feels her stiffen.

“Missing DC-48 and a detonator were also found
in your quarters.”

“Lucas planted them there.” Falco tells

“Why would the Admiral’s son do that?”

“Because the two of them are lovers, have been
since Earth, he’s always sniffing around her.” Tibullus decides
this need’s to end.

“You know, whoever blew up those quarters is an
idiot.” Falco’s eyes flash at him. “I mean first the bomb barely
touches the target, all its shrapnel ends up in the wall. The timer
didn’t work, and it was pure luck that it didn’t just blow a hole
in the floor.”

“Luck my ass!” Tibullus can easily see the
hatred Cassandra saw in Falco’s eyes. “That bomb was perfect! The
timer was set so it wouldn’t go off until the hatch opened sixty
degrees, the shrapnel arranged in a kill pattern, and the DC-48 was
formed into a perfect front only blast for greatest impact. Hole in
the floor my ass! I have an E-1 ranking! I know how the hell to
make a fucking directional bomb. Why that Bitch moved away I don’t
know! She should be

“Lieutenant Bayard, I am ending this interview
due to Senior Chief Falco’s confession. Do you agree?”

“Yes I do.”

“Confession?!? What confession?” Falco

“Let the log show that this interview has ended.
Senior Chief you will be returned to you cube.” As Tibullus leaves
the room, the Colonel shuts off the speaker.

With Tibullus’ departure Falco seems to have
calmed. Bayard says some to her but gets no response. She stands
and walks to the door waiting for it to open.


Cassandra turns to face the Admiral the rage in
her eyes banked. “He’s good.” She says of Tibullus.

“He’s one of the best.” The Admiral agrees.

“It’ll hold?” She asks as the door opens.

“It’ll hold.” Tibullus answers for the

“Then maybe you’re not a complete jerk
Tibullus.” Cassandra says before remembering she’s with the
‘Admiral’. Glancing up she sees William is amused though he’s
trying to frown.

“Thank you, I think.” Tibullus replies, not sure
what a jerk is.

“What else do you need?” The Admiral asks.

“Just a couple things about the search of
Falco’s quarters and the deactivation of the remote sensor and we
should be done.”

“Admiral, if you or Tibullus don’t need me here
I’d like to head back to quarters.” William turns concerned eyes to
her seeing she’s starting to fade.


“No, sir I have no questions for her.” Even he
can see the fatigue around Cassandra’s eyes. Shit this time two
days ago she was in medical, but still she came here and went toe
to toe with him, answering every question she was asked. Standing
by the Admiral. That alone earned his respect. The Admiral gives
her a slight nod and she leaves.

Turning down the hallway all she’s thinking is
how good that bed is going to feel. When the corridor widens
Cassandra hears a commotion behind her. Curious she turns to see
Falco escaping her guards and barreling towards her.

Hearing the commotion the Admiral opens the door
of the observation room. Finding guards rushing by and hears….

“You Bitch
!” And he enters the fray.

As Falco takes a swing, Cassandra ducks, her
hands raised arms close to her sides. Falco spins around ready to
attack again.

“I’ve had enough of you bitch.” Not realizing
she’s spoken out loud she ducks under Falco’s next swing. Sinking
her left into Falco’s stomach has she doubles over. Cassandra comes
in with an upper cut that would make her brother proud. The Admiral
reaches her just as Falco’s eyes roll back in her head and she
slumps to the floor.

“Shit!” Cassandra exclaims shaking out her

“Guards!” The Admiral orders. “Get this piece of
crap off my deck!” Coming to as the guards drag her up by her arms
Falco glares at Cassandra.

“This isn’t over, you understand me bitch? You
and that little bitch are
!” Cassandra goes very still
her blue eyes deadly. Slowly she advances on Falco, the guards
freeze, uncertain of what to do.

“You ever come near me and mine again,”
Cassandra’s tone has the blood draining from Falco’s face. “And you
won’t be going to a nice little cube with a sore chin. You

Turning she sees the look in William’s eye and
realizes she has the attention of the entire room. As her neck
starts to turn red the Admiral steps in.

“Get her out of here!” The guards holding Falco
drag her out. “The rest of you get back to work!” The guards
scatter leaving the Admiral, Cassandra, Tar, and Tibullus.

“Let me see your hand.” Inspecting it he finds
the knuckles scrapped and bruised but nothing broken.

“Sorry about that.” She quietly says so only he
can hear. He raises his eyes to hers.

“Where did you learn to fight like that?” Falco
is a well-trained member of the Coalition, Cassandra had schooled
her like a child.

“Big brother.” At William’s look she elaborates.
“Peter, my brother…Peter, Victoria’s father. He is…” William sees
the quick flash of pain cross her face. “Was a member of the
Special Forces. He felt his baby sister should know how to protect

“He did a good job.” William tells her.

“What’s the Special Forces.” Tibullus asks,
avidly listening. As the Admiral turns to him realizes he should
have kept his question to himself.

“It’s a branch of the military.” Cassandra
answers not seeing the look Tibullus receives. “Most men in my
family served. Not all but most. The Special Forces is…” She looks
to William for help. “It’s made up of small groups of highly
trained men. Usually no more than six, they get sent in to solve
specific problems. Then disappear.”

“Shock Troops.” Tar says quietly. Who the hell
this person? The Admiral’s nod tells Cassandra he

“So anyway he taught me how to defend myself.”
She shrugs her shoulders. “It’s not a big deal.” But the Admiral
thinks it is. Still holding her hand he feels the slight tremor in
it. Recognizing the sign he turns to Tibullus.

“The rest of the interview will have to wait.
You have the tapes of this incident to review for your report.”

“Wait! This,” Cassandra circles her finger,
“isn’t going to mess up the investigation is it?”

“No.” The Admiral tells her as he looks at

“No, it’s not.” Tibullus agrees. “It will show
how out of control Falco is, that she instigating the attacks.
Admiral. Colonel.” Tibullus nods to both men. “Tomorrow?”

“Ten o’clock, my ready room.” Nodding Tibullus
turns to Cassandra.

“Mam, it’s been a real honor meeting you.”
Putting two fingers to the side of his head he walks off, leaving
Cassandra confused.


William puts a hand on the small of her back
looking at Quinn who falls in to flank her. Together the three
leave the Brig.

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