Cassandra's Challenge (54 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

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“So Amina, Tori what should we have Kia make for
you first?” Cassandra asks, and the two little girls start talking
like magpies.


The Admiral watches the Limisins pull away, his
gut tightening. She’s way from his protection. Even knowing she has
five guards doesn’t lessen the feeling. Nothing will until she’s
back with him.

“She’s protected Will.” Tar reassures his

“I know.” Turning he looks at his long-time
friend. Leaving the now empty transfer room the two head for their
meeting with Deffand to discuss tomorrow’s security.


Arriving at Juruas’ shop Cassandra reaches for
the door handle.

“Cassandra no.” Lucas stops her.


“You wait for the guards to open the door, and I
get out first. You wait until I give you the okay.”

“Is this really necessary?”

“It’s either this way or we take you back to the
palace.” He gives her a hard look, reminding her of his father.

“Fine, but let’s get moving.”

Once Marat and Lucas decide its clear they are
allowed to exit the Limisin, guards on the sides, Leander bring up
the rear. Pazel and Kia are waiting to open the doors.

“Welcome!” As they enter the shop the guards
spread out, covering all exits, checking all rooms.

“Hello Pazel. Kia.” Cassandra walks up to them.
“I want to start with the girls first. Get the material picked out
and the first fittings, then we can start with Javiera and

“But…” Kia looks at Pazel.

“That will be fine.” Pazel gives Kia a hard
look. “While we’re doing that you can look at the gown designs and
decide the order you want them made.”

“That’s fine.” Turning she finds Javiera lost in
thought. “Javiera?”


“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. What were you saying?”

“We’re going to start with the girls. We need to
decide materials.” She frowns at her.

“Okay.” Turning, she focus’ on the task at

The hours fly by quickly. Materials are chosen,
designs decided upon. While the girls are cut Pazel turns to

“Have you decided your priority?”

“Tomorrow I need several day outfits and a gown
for a formal meal. These two pant outfits for daywear. This gown
for tomorrow,” Cassandra shows him the design they’d argued about
with the open beaded back. “I want it in this material.” She holds
up a satiny material the color of topaz. “The beads in the strings
in all the royal colors, sapphire and violet at the top.”

“All the colors…” Pazel gasps.

“All. Now the pants….” As Cassandra continues
Pazel and Kia are franticly taking notes. They’d thought they’d
have to lead her through the process, but once she got started she
knew exactly what she wanted.

“Javiera, any thoughts.”

“No I think you’ve covered everything.”

“Oh, and for the day wear, no heels taller than
two inches. For evening, no more the three.”


“Kia, there is no way you can make me as tall as
your average Carinian female, so I’m not going to try. Besides that
my feet were killing me last night. Have we got the materials for
Javiera’s clothes?”

“All done.” She’s informed.

“Good, so are we ready to fit the girls?”

“The first cuttings are coming out now.”

“Good.” As Cassandra is lead to another room a
bolt of material catches her eye. “Pazel…what’s that?”

Pazel brings the thin, sleek material to her. It
is the deepest most vibrant violet color she has ever seen.

“This is silke. It’s made in the Trudor

“I want some things made out of it.” Cassandra
fingers the silky material knowing exactly what she wants. “You’ll
need your design board. Javiera, can you handle the girls for a few

“Not a problem.”

“Aunt Cassie?” Victoria looks at her.

“I just need ten minutes Tori than I’ll be right

“Okay.” She follows Javiera.

“What are you thinking?” Pazel’s mind is flying.
This is full House of Protection colors. For her to wear this….

“It will be very simple.” Cassandra draws loose
gown, spaghetti straps with a modest V neck front and a plunging
one in back. The gown ending just above the floor. “It’s a single

“This can’t be worn in public!”

“No it’s for private, to sleep in. Does this
come in other colors?”

“Yes Sapphire, black, white.”

“I want a robe, long sleeved, belted, two inches
longer in length in the sapphire to go with this.”

“I can design that.”

“Good. Then variations of this in the white and
the black. Can you do that?”


“Okay, here’s the tough one.”

Pazel isn’t sure if he’s excited or afraid of
what she wants next.

The gown she draws is strapless with form
fitting widening just above the knees.

And it will be done with this as the lining and
matching lace over it.


“I want it done this way Pazel, the beading will
be in violet.”

“I will see if I can match it.”

“Thank you, now I need to see about


“Aunt Cassie, these clothes are awesome!”

“Good. Amina?”

“They’re great!”

“Cassandra, Hutu is here with the meal.” She
turns to Javiera.

“Meal?” She looks at the time to find its 1230,
where had the morning gone?

“You girls hungry?”


“Of course you are.” The smile Cassandra shots
Javiera fades at the look on her face. Cassandra walks over to

“Javiera, what’s wrong?” Javiera looks quickly
at Leander then away.

“It’s nothing. Let’s get the girls fed.”

Not wanting to push in front of the girls she
lets it drop, for now.

“Aunt Cassie?”

Cassandra looks at her as she chews.

“How much longer will we be here?”

“What, bored already?”

“No, but if we’re done….”

“What do you think Javiera?”

“There’s really no reason for them to stay.”
Rising from the table Cassandra walks into the outer room were the
men have been.


“What’s up?”

“The girls are done. They need escorted back to
the palace.”

“We stay together.”

“No. They need to go back. You and Leander can
take two guards go back to the palace, than send the guards back.
Javiera and I have a lot left to do.”

Marat has been listening, he knows Lucas has
final word on Victoria’s protection, but he has final on

“He can take one guard. That’s three guards for
two girls.”

“And four for two women.” Cassandra fires

“One or they stay.” Marat won’t budge on this.
He has his orders too. He turns to Lucas waiting.

“We’ll be fine with one guard.” Lucas
interjects, “I’ll notify the driver.”


“Victoria!” The Admiral’s head whips around at
Lucas’ voice to see Tori running down the corridor toward him.
Deffand steps out, meaning to stop the small girl, one minute he’s
gripping her shoulder the next he’s being kicked in the shin and
she’s spinning out of his hands continuing on her way to the
Admiral. The King holds up a hand, stopping the guards.

“Hi Admiral.” Victoria smiles up at him. The
Admiral frowns at her as he drops down to her level so he doesn’t

“Victoria Lynn, you know you’re not to run away
from Lucas.”

“But I wasn’t running
Lucas, I was
you.” Tori tells him with simple logic.


“Uh huh.”

“Is Cassandra going to see it that way?”
Victoria looks at her feet then raises hopeful eyes to his.

“You don’t have to tell her.” The Admiral’s eyes
stare into hers. “Okay, okay. I won’t do it again.”

“Good. Now,” Lifting her up with one arm. “King
Jotham may I introduce to you Victoria Lynn Chamberlain. Victoria,
King Jotham.”

Victoria’s eyes widen slightly as she looks at
the King. She’d never met one before but Grandpa Jacob had always
said that people were just people and this one has nice eyes.


“I really like my room. Thank you.” She looks
trustingly into those eyes.

Jotham raises an eyebrow at the little girl in
his friend’s arms. She is a tiny little thing, flame red hair clear
emerald green eyes that currently stares trustingly into his. He
can’t help but be charmed.

“You’re welcome.”

“You look like Tibullus when you do that.” The
King goes still.

“You know my son?”

“I met him once, on the Retribution, he came to
talk to Lucas,” She looks over at Lucas who nods, “after Aunt
Cassie was hurt, you remember Admiral?” She looks up at him.

“I remember Tori.” The King catches the change
in his friend’s voice.

“This is all very nice. Can we get rid of the
girl so we can get back to the matter at hand?” Valerian doesn’t
appreciate the interruption.

All heads turn toward Valerian. Victoria shrinks
into the Admiral’s arms.

“Are you giving me orders, High Admiral?” The
King’s voice cold.

Realizing his mistake Valerian back tracks. “No

“I didn’t think so. As for the matter at hand,
we’re done discussing it. I will let you know my decision.”

Yes, Majesty.” Knowing he’s been dismissed
Valerian walks away.

“He has eyes like the Glitter Man.” Victoria
whispers to the Admiral.

“What?” The Admiral looks down sharply.

“They’re mean like the Glitter Man’s.” William
looks at Lucas.

“Who’s the Glitter Man?” The King asks.

“He’s the big Carinian man that had the
Regulians kidnapped me when I was two.” Victoria tells the King
matter of factly.

King and guards alike stare at the little

“Victoria, I need to talk to King Jotham. Go to
the Royal Wing with Lucas.” The look in the Admiral’s eye tells her
not to argue.

“Okay.” She hugs him as he puts her on her feet.
Walking towards Lucas she stops then walks over to Deffand. She
waits until he looks down at her.

“I’m sorry I kicked you. You were in my way. I
didn’t know you were protecting the King.”

Deffand’s eyes shoot to the King who nods.
Deffand squats down to the little girl.

“Don’t try it again, you could be hurt.”
Victoria gives a him a large disarming smile that melts the big
man’s heart.

“You’d have to catch me first.” Turning she
slips her hand into Lucas’ and they walk away.

“Pretty confident little girl.” Jotham tells

“Her father was a member of a shock troop.” The
Admiral watches Deffand rise. “So was her grandfather, Cassandra’s
father. They made sure their women knew how to defend themselves.”
He sees the understanding in Deffand’s eyes.

“So the rumor is true.” William looks at


“That she took down a member of your crew with
one punch.”

“Two, if you ask her, but yes, Falco attacked
her, she took her out, came out of the whole thing with a couple of
bruised knuckles.” The Admiral frowns at the memory.

“You need to fill me in on this Glitter Man.”
The King turns towards his wing knowing the Admiral will


“That’s the last one.” Kia says helping
Cassandra out of the final fitting.

“When do you think you’ll have them all done?”
Cassandra slips on her borrowed clothes.

“The ones you need for tomorrow can be taken
with you now. The rest we will deliver tomorrow.”

“And shoes?”

“The same.”

“Javiera and the girls’?

“Some will go with you tonight, the rest

“Wonderful. Thank you Kia, Pazel.”

“You’re welcome.” Entering the outer room
Cassandra sees the suns are setting.

“What time is it?” She looks at Marat.

“1830 mam.”

“What! Javiera we need to get back, I didn’t
realize it was so late.”

“I’ll have the Limisin brought around.” Marat
tells her. As they wait, finished clothes are loaded.

“We’re ready for you.” The security detail
surround the women escorting them to the waiting Limisin. Once they
are alone Cassandra turns to Javiera.

“Tell me what’s wrong.” Javiera eyes fill with
tears as she looks at Cassandra.

“Leander found the test.”


“We fought at about it.”


“He…he thinks…he accused me of…”


“Of being with someone else since he’s taking
the Ollali juice.”

“Javiera why didn’t you just tell him it was for
me?” She’s aghast that this has happened because of her.

“He should have trusted me, believed in me! How
could he think…”

“This is my fault.”

“No, it’s Leander’s!” As Javiera breaks down
Cassandra wraps her arms around her. She was going to have to fix
this, if she could. When they come to a stop Cassandra sees they’re
back at the Palace.

“Javiera we’re back.”

“What?” Looking up she quickly wipes her eyes.
Her cheeks are dry when the door rises.

Exiting the Limisin Cassandra finds William
waiting, his eyes going from her to Javiera.

“Marat, let’s get them into the Royal Wing.”

“Yes sir. Vetter you’re to remain on guard

Security encloses the group leading them to the
Royal Wing. As they approach, security unlocks the door allowing
them entrance.

“I’ll go check on the girls.” Javiera quickly
leaves. William watches Cassandra’s concerned eyes following

“Is there a problem?” He gently touches her
cheek, bringing her attention to him.

“I need to speak to Leander.”

“Can it wait? He’s in a security meeting with

“I need him for five minutes.” Cassandra won’t
budge on what she wants. This needs settled.

“Go to our suite, I’ll send him up. Then we’ll
eat.” William’s eyes tell her not to argue with him.

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