Read Cast On, Bind Off Online

Authors: Leslie Ann Bestor

Cast On, Bind Off (16 page)

BOOK: Cast On, Bind Off
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Alternate casting on knit and purl stitches as required for your ribbing, for the desired number of stitches.

Alternating Cable Cast On

This is a variation of the Cable Cast On
page 36
) that incorporates purl stitches, making it suitable for ribbed edges. The edge is neat and firm and not too stretchy. It would be useful for ribbed edges where you want a neat edge that doesn't require a lot of give, such as the bottom edge of a cardigan. Directions are for K1, P1 rib, but you can use them for any rib pattern by following the order of knits and purls called for in the rib.


• Neat edge for ribbing; looks good on both sides

• Firm edge


• Any ribbing (K1, P1; K2, P2; K1, P3; and so on)

Working the Cast On

Make a slip knot, leaving a short tail, and place it on the left-hand needle.

Knit into the slip knot, leaving the slip knot on the left-hand needle.

Slip the new stitch to the left-hand needle knitwise.

Bring the yarn around to the front. Reaching behind the left-hand needle, insert the right-hand needle between the 2 stitches, wrap the yarn around as if to purl and pull the stitch through.

Slip this new stitch (a purl stitch) to the left-hand needle knitwise.

BOOK: Cast On, Bind Off
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