Castle (41 page)

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Authors: Marc Morris

Tags: #History, #General

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Richard I (Richard the Lionheart) 57, 71, 73, 74, 81

Richard II 24, 163, 171–2, 175–6, 179

Richard’s Castle 8

Richmond Castle 68, 70

Roaring Meg 248–9, 250, 252, 253

Robert the Bruce 183, 190

Robert of Jumièges 9, 10, 11

Rochester Castle 5, 50–2, 55–6, 58, 59–60, 61–3, 265

chambers 66, 68, 69–70

repairs 92–3

siege 51, 71, 75–8, 80–1, 85–91

stone types 61

Roger of Montgomery 36–7, 39, 41–2, 44, 45, 68

Saillon Castle 122–4

St Georges-d’Esperanche 125

St Georges, Master James of 119–20, 124–7, 131–2, 136–9, 140

Scarborough Castle 58, 70

Scotney Castle 158

Scott, Walter 202–3, 205, 213, 266

Sherborne Castle 239

Skippon, Major-General 246

slighting 261, 265

Somerset, Henry, Marquis of Worcester 223–4, 233–5, 238, 239–43, 245–8, 250–4, 262–3

Somerset, William 228–9, 230, 232–3

Sprigge, Joshua 247

springalds 82

Stephen, King 57, 58

Stirling Castle 183–4

stonemasons 117, 119, 199–200, 220

Tabraham, Chris 188–9

Tantallon Castle 186

Taylor, Arnold 119–26

Threave Castle 187, 188–95, 197, 210, 221

tombs 180–2

tower houses 184–221, 265–6

Tower of London 52–4, 55, 70, 110

trebuchets 81, 82–5, 86

undermining 86–8

Urquhart Castle 207–10, 213, 220–1, 266

Vere, Aubrey de 63

Vikings 12–13, 14, 15

Wallace, William 139, 183

Walter of Guisborough 135

Wars of the Roses 226–7

Warwick Castle 32, 161

William ap Thomas 224–5

William the Conqueror 10, 24–5, 26, 27–9, 31–7, 40, 42–9, 52–5, 154

William of Poitiers 29, 54

Winchester Castle 129

windows 120, 122, 127, 145, 229–30

Windsor Castle 262–3

Wolsey, Cardinal 227

yetts 187, 215, 218

York Castle 29, 32–3, 34

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Epub ISBN 9781446492796

Published by Windmill Books 2012

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Copyright © Marc Morris, 2003

Marc Morris has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

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