Cat and Mouse (13 page)

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Authors: Genella DeGrey

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Cat and Mouse
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After walking a few blocks in the opposite direction of White’s, Max fortuitously found a hackney waiting to be hired. “To Lovat Lane.” No sooner did he take his seat when the carriage lurched forward.
Back to Katrina
, he sighed, torn between elation and agony,
and the hideout of the East Side Den of Thieves

* * * *

Max found Katrina standing in the middle of Jimmy’s old room.

“They do work fast, don’t they?” Her voice was soft, but it echoed off the walls of the barren space.

He came to a stop next to her, aching to put his arms around her. She looked so forlorn in the golden light of the oil lamp she held.

“They’ve removed everything. Who knows where they’ve taken it all?” She let go a cold chuckle. “They’ve even taken his bed.”

“What will they do with it all?”

“Sell it. Trade it. Hoard it. It could be any number of things. All done without regard to the owner. That’s how they work, you know. Entirely without feeling.”

“You miss your friend very much, do you?”

She sniffed and raised her chin a notch. “I do.”

Jealousy coiled around his insides. Did she think of him when he was away from her like she did that
? He cleared his throat. “I was thinking that perhaps we might look for the murder weapon.”

“Yes, of course.”

Even though she’d acquiesced, she didn’t move from her spot. Max stood for a few moments while emotions like whispers skittered across her features. At once she took a shuttering breath and turned, inching her way to the door, whispering as she went.

“We must be careful. Follow my lead. Move when I do, stop when I stop. At least until we get to Brenner’s room.” She lowered the wick so that the lamp flame was nearly out. “This time of night most everyone is out gathering goods, but just in case there are a few lingering—”

There was no need for her to finish her thought. Max fell into step behind her.

In moments they were ascending the half-flight wooden staircase to Brenner’s room. They hadn’t been seen, but were forced to pause their steps at least twice before entering yet another corridor while Katrina listened for movement

Once inside Brenner’s room, Katrina set the lamp down, turned up the wick, and quietly wedged a chair beneath the doorknob.

“Now, if I recall, Susanna said something about—” She swallowed. “That he was beaten first then stabbed.”

“So we are looking for perhaps a bludgeon?”

“Or some sort of d-dagger.”

Katrina’s voice wavered between strained and helpless. He felt genuinely sorry that she insisted on subjecting herself to situations that brought her pain.

“We don’t have to do this now.”

She stiffened her spine as if it would boost her fortitude. “Of course we do. It seems everyone is out and Brenner is occupied. There is no better time I could think of to search the premises.”

She now seemed near hysteria, the poor darling. “Could we take a moment to gather our wits?”

Katrina sighed restlessly but surrendered.

Max closed the gap between them with two strides and took her in his arms. She tilted her head forward to lean against his chest. He held her close and murmured, “I wish we were in a different place altogether—a different time, surrounded by different circumstances.”

He felt her nod again. He couldn’t blame her for her lack of conversation. Max pulled away just far enough to place his right knuckle beneath her chin. She tilted her face up towards his when he applied the tiniest amount of pressure. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears. Her beautiful lips looked moist and inviting.

Without thinking, he brought his mouth to hers.

She kissed him back without the slightest hesitation. As their lips pressed together, he reached for her tongue with his and she moaned at first contact. Her hands slid up to cup his jaw. He enjoyed the sensation, wishing she’d wrap herself around him and remain that way.

That did it. He was lost. He lowered them to their knees, to the plush Persian rug beneath them.

He pulled away from her to look into her eyes. “I’m going to bring down Brenner. This I promise you.”

“I trust you,” she whispered.

His heart soared. Knowing how many times she must have been promised things by the men who had treated her so cruelly throughout her young life, he silently vowed to do everything in his power to prove himself worthy of her trust.

“But how could I ever thank you?”

Max reached down and grabbed a fist full of her skirt fabric.

“We really don’t have time for this,” she warned.

“Indeed we do, but it will have to be hurried this time,” he growled playfully and found the drawstring of her drawers. He dragged the cotton to her knees. In an instant he lay between her thighs and released his cock. She freed one of her legs from the inside of her drawers, spreading herself wide to his impulsive deed. Lust surged through his body, further stiffening his eager rod.

They could be caught. She must know this. But her excited breathing told him she was up for a quick fuck. Hell, she’d barely protested… His sweet, brave little mouse.

He manipulated her clitoris with his thumb and forefinger, soft and fast. She came so quickly it seemed she’d been halfway there before he’d touched her. He shifted, pressing his demanding shaft into her and she drenched him with her cream, her inner muscles greedily milking him while he pumped his hips against hers.

Aside from the fact that danger undeniably played a part in his excitement, the hunger he felt for Katrina was irresistible. To lure this intoxicating creature, and convince her to let him inside her could very easily become his own personal drug. They obviously weren’t married, not even engaged, but everything about it felt right, settling into his mind as if he’d been called home from a lengthy absence. He gazed upon her rapturous face, about to speak her name.

“Maxwell—” she whispered.

He came the instant he heard her sweet voice call for him.

In the seductive haze of afterglow, they lay there for a few moments, catching their breath, when Max noticed a lone item—it looked like a small pile of fabric under Brenner’s bed. He disengaged himself from Katrina, fastened the front of his trousers, and reached for the object, pulling it from its hiding place.

“What is that?” she asked while hitching up her drawers.

“Don’t know.”

They moved towards the lamp. It was a small carpet bag. Max pulled apart the handles. Inside sat an expensive, jewel encrusted dagger that still held traces of blood on the slim blade.

Katrina looked away. “Why would someone keep such an awful thing?”

Max didn’t dare touch it. “Don’t know. A trophy, perhaps? Regardless, it’s got to be the murder weapon.”

“Agreed,” she said, still averting her gaze.

“This bag holds vital evidence—if we’re caught with it, the only hope of putting Brenner away will be Susanna’s testimony.”

“Which would never be enough on its own.”

“Precisely. Now we need to get your things—”

“What? Why?”

“Did you think you’d be out of harm’s way here?”

“As much as I’ve always been.”

“Which means not at all.”

“I’ll have you know I’ve survived on my own since concluding my father’s affairs—”

“Be that as it may, you are no longer safe. Once we remove this bag, I’m sure Brenner will interrogate everyone at the Den until he finds out the truth. Where will you be then?” His argument was sound, he reminded himself, but he needed to keep focused so that he would know for sure that he wasn’t doing this for his own selfish reasons.

She went still and quiet for a long moment. He had her. Now if she’d only admit it and go without a fight.

“Where, exactly, would I be able to go if not here?”

“My townhouse.” The words rolled off his tongue much easier than he’d anticipated.

“Don’t be absurd.”

“All right then. Where?”

“I’ll stay here.”

“Out of the question.” She made to protest again, but he cut in. “I have servants who will watch over you round the clock. What better protection can you garner other than that?”

“I can’t possibly put your staff in danger.”

”You wouldn’t know this, but both Walters and Simmons belong to gun clubs. They each have an impressive arsenal at their fingertips and would defend my home and those within its walls like mother bears. So I can assure you with great confidence that you will not be putting anyone in danger. And I’m afraid it will have to be an extended stay—at least until we can be assured of your safety.”

She gave him a murderous look, but, thankfully, she conceded with a stiff nod.

Katrina removed the chair from in front of the door and they wove through the corridors and hallways to her hovel.

She opened her trunk and stood over it.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t think I want to keep any of this.”

“Are you sure? This is all you have in the world.”

She shrugged. “Far too many memories attached to these items—memories I’d be happy to put behind me.”

“Up to you. However, if you take but a few things, it might give the impression that you’ve gone far afield.”

He watched as Katrina chewed on her lower lip for a moment. “Very well.”

She went to her tiny bed and straightened out the top sheet. She then dug through her trunk, pulling out bits of clothing—tossing them onto the bed and making it look like her things had already been rifled through. “I’ll take my latest gown. Brenner hasn’t even seen this one yet. I hid it so he wouldn’t sell it like he has everything else I had of value.”

“Like what?”

She moved over to the bed and began tying the corners of the sheet so that it gathered the items together. “My hair,” she said coldly and took up the bundle.

His gut wrenched for her as she bravely marched towards the door. He stopped her by placing his hands on her shoulders. “I’m so sorry. But I must say, I think the way you wear your hair is most attractive.”

She gave him what was likely a placating smile. He couldn’t imagine how Brenner had convinced her to sell her lovely black locks, but he found his stomach burning with even more contempt than before for the bastard. Max embraced her for a moment hoping he conveyed how much he admired her forbearance. “Now, let’s get the hell out of here.”

As they sneaked around corners and through a network of alleys, he contemplated how to present all this to the police without implicating Katrina.

Chapter Fourteen

“So with your permission, sir, I shall begin making inquiries about a second groom tomorrow morning.”

“That will be fine, Simmons. We may need an extra maid as well. I’ll leave it all to your discretion.”

“Thank you, sir.” Simmons bowed and left the dining room.

Katrina had merely toyed with her dessert while Simmons came to inform Maxwell that his household was in need of filling a position. She wondered if she shouldn’t consult Simmons about finding her a situation with a reputable house—perhaps one with children.

“You don’t find the custard to your liking?”

Maxwell startled her out of her reverie. “No,” she explained. “It’s very tasty. I’m just finished.”

He placed his napkin upon the table. “Do you like to read? I have an extensive library in the country, but all my favourites are here in town.”

She sat forward. “You mean you have more than one house?”

“Well, it belonged to my parents, really. This one,” he gestured to their surroundings, “is entirely mine.”

Katrina didn’t even want to speculate how wealthy the Courtland family was—certainly more so than her own used to be. “I’m not sure I could concentrate long enough to enjoy a book right now.”


“I think I’ll just retire for the evening.”

Before Katrina contemplated standing, Maxwell was there, pulling out her chair and offering his elbow. She took it gladly and pondered how comforting his presence was.

On the way up the stairs, Maxwell let Walters know he wouldn’t be needing him this evening and Katrina’s heartbeat quickened. She knew it would be her playing the role of his butler tonight.

He escorted her all the way to her door. Katrina thanked Maxwell, but didn’t shut him out. Instead, she observed him as he made his way across the hall to his room.

He turned to look over his shoulder and caught her watching him.

Her cheeks heated with a fury.

Maxwell spun on his heel and leaned against the wall next to his door. “Personally, I’d rather not be alone tonight. Would you?”

Katrina shook her head.

With a wicked grin, he held out his hand to her. Shutting her door, she practically flew into his arms.

He embraced her, trying to kiss her and bring them into his room at the same time. Once inside, their steps faltered. Max longed for a connection with her as if they hadn’t made love in months. Their laboured breaths intermingled with each gasp. Their lips disconnected and reconnected as he groped the back of the door for the bolt. Laboriously they peeled each other’s clothes off, fumbling and clumsy like a couple of wayward lovers who’d sneaked upstairs together at a formal dinner. The room felt warm and inviting—as if somehow granting permission for their promiscuity.

Katrina giggled at the impulsiveness of it all. She’d said earlier that she trusted him, not realising at the time upon how many levels her trust for him lay.

Maxwell kissed her as if she were his only connection to life. She let him back her towards the bed. Her gaze darted to the wooden box that sat on the table next to his bed, but she turned her head, trying to quell her curiosity. As if she were a feather, he lifted her by her bottom to set her upon the velvet coverlet. It felt cool against her heated skin and her breath caught.

He paused to look into her eyes. “What is it?”

“It’s nothing. It’s—” Unable to help herself, she glanced at the box.

Maxwell grinned playfully and he narrowed his eyes at her. He must have known exactly what drew her attention. He cupped her cheek in his palm. “I would deny you nothing. You know that.”

She nodded. He slid his hand from her face only to capture the back of her neck, easing her closer still to him.

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