Cataclysm (30 page)

Read Cataclysm Online

Authors: Karice Bolton

BOOK: Cataclysm
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“Some girl?” A poisonous laugh wrapped around my soul as the fury continued to build. “Some girl, huh?”

My smile was impossible to hide. The euphoria ran through my veins at an unstoppable pace. He had no idea what we had on our side, that he was missing.

“You think your little army of white demons actually has the ability to take us down? You think this is all we’ve got? What you see around me is only the beginning. I’ve given you ample opportunity to join me freely. Since you didn’t come willingly, your fate will now be bound to me forever. I’ll place chains on your wrists, your ankles, and your soul. You’ll be right by my side, only able to peer down on all the destruction. I’ll let your little Athen roam around the world just so you can see what you can’t have. It’ll be wonderful. You’ll be unable to stop any of it, my angel. I think that’s what I’ll start calling you now, actually.”

“Your threats do nothing to me. Don’t you realize that? You don’t get the big picture. You’re a pathetic and bitter being. Slinging insults, and interfering in mortals’ lives, is one of the most pitiable existences I can imagine. You create no beauty. You don’t create love. You can’t create, period. You only destroy. It’s a lot easier to pick something apart than to build something.” My smile couldn’t be hidden. I didn’t want to hide it. I wanted to rub it in. I knew it would make him angry, and his anger would only make him weaker and more careless.

“Oh, Ana. You’re so wrong. I am the bigger picture. I am the future. You need to get used to that. Your sister did.”

“Yah? Well, I don’t see her floating around here. Do you?” I was done with the small talk, I flashed the sign to Athen, who was now waiting on the hill. The real battle was to begin. I was completely in my zone. We would win this.

The ground began to shake as the white demons began marching towards Azazel and his army. The beat of their footsteps created an eerie sound, bringing a warning to anyone who dared to cross us. The consistent bass, as our army placed one foot in front of the other, created an empowerment like I’d never experienced before.

As the ground continued to move to the rhythm of our army, I shot into the sky. The warm wind crossing my skin actually felt nice. It was the only positive of the fiery mess below.

Before landing on the hill where Athen, Cyril, and Arie were, I looked behind me to take in the oddly beautiful sight. Many of the white demons were beginning to unleash their ravishing, large white and grey wings during the march. For reasons unknown, white demons usually choose to keep their appendages hidden even in flight. Witnessing this event was one of the most amazing spectacles ever seen on earth, yet it was caused by one of the most horrendous acts on earth. Only in the white demon world could such beauty come from such devastation. The dark demons would never understand that. Azazel was turning around, directing his army as ours approached. The white wings were now fully encircling the black wings.

Landing next to Athen, I looked to get one last view before I began the fight.
“Think we should spread ours too?” Athen asked, his voice full of pride.
“I’m thinking so!” Cyril’s voice echoed over the sound of the marching and the flare of the flames.

Athen put his arm around me and whispered ever so softly, “Why don’t you take a second and look behind us over there?” He was pointing towards the direction of the backside of the mountain.

Puzzled, I shook my head and jogged over to the direction he pointed at, only to see row after row of white demons. There were thousands of the beautifully winged white demons. I was stunned. There was no way we would lose this battle. I had to remind myself, though, that the key was to destroy Azazel. He had no idea how many we had waiting on the other side of the mountain.

Turning back around to look at Athen, I saw that Cyril had already begun to transform. His beautiful light grey wings began to unfurl turning him into an even more magnificent being. Catching Athen’s eyes, I felt the tears of happiness begin to escape. He was next. Right before me, he threw his flannel shirt into the rocky dirt. Staring intently, I ran up to him right in time to see the most beautifully grand white wings, begin to sprawl out twice his size from behind his shoulders.

“Breathtaking,” I whispered. Kissing him gently on his cheek. The enormous size of Cyril and Athen’s wings created a longing. I didn’t want to miss any part of this glorious ceremony.

Looking over at Arie, she nodded and began the process. Her camisole made room for the light grey wings to make their entrance. A smile spread across her face.

“We just don’t find a need for these in every day life!” She laughed. “Pretty sweet!”

Athen grabbed my hand.

“Think of everything you’ve relearned along the way, Ana. Remember the shapeshifting lessons, the flying lessons, everything! Feel the power you have inside of you. Imagine yourself with the wings to carry us to victory. It will come,” Athen said.

Nervously, I glanced back at Azazel as he began making his way towards us. Time was not on my side. Our white demons had begun attacks, but he had started moving.

Clearing my mind as quickly as I could, I thought about the wings I didn’t yet have, carrying me from mountaintop to mountaintop. I thought of myself flying up in the clouds and over the sea. I pictured myself being carried by the wings rather than my naked self. I imagined the freedom the wings brought to me.

An electric current began running up along my shoulders and down my arms. I opened my eyes to catch a look at Athen, who was grinning proudly. His hand holding mine tightly, I scanned his eyes for acceptance. The electricity zinged through me in a way I never felt before. A weight began pulling me backwards, when I realized the transformation was finished. The heaviness was the wings. The wings I couldn’t see.

“My beautiful, beautiful, angel.” Athen was beaming. “You’ve done it.” His eyes glimmering with happiness and a love I’d seen many times before.

“I know we don’t have much time, and this may be a silly question…” I began.
“What?” Athen asked.
“What color are my wings?” I asked, sheepishly.
“We’re one, Ana. I thought you already knew the answer to this one,” Athen replied.

Athen reached over my shoulder and gently plucked a feather he threw into the wind. The pure white feather slowly floated to the ground, giving me enough time to compose myself. This moment held so many hopes, dreams, wishes, and fears, but all I could do was smile right back at him.

The four of us stood on top of the mountain staring at a mass blanket of black and white feathers converging on one another. The ground’s surface was riddled with fiery cracks outlining the battleground. Noticing the echo of the march begin to slow, I nodded at Athen. This was our moment. Azazel would never see this coming. Good would prevail.

I took hold of Athen’s hand, locking my grip with his. He did the same to his sister. Cyril stepped up to our line taking Arie’s hand, pulling us all deep into the sky as one. Within that moment, the loud crackling of the earth separating began.

The pieces of ash floating in the air felt like pieces of coal, scratching my flesh, as we flew through the air so quickly. Athen broke free from Arie, releasing Cyril and Arie. Looking over at me, Athen’s eyes were filled with the same craving I was feeling. This needed to end.

“I love you, my angel,” he yelled as the wind whipped by us.

We were circling around the battleground, signaling to our ground troops that the time had come. The end was near.

Our bodies were gliding as one through the clouds for the last time before we were to meet Azazel. Feeling the electricity run through my fingertips, reminded me of that first night I saw Athen in Whistler. His beautiful green eyes were teasing me with the knowledge of our many lifetimes together that night. I looked over at Athen, now locking my eyes with his. I spoke the only words that made this moment right.

“Always in eternity,” I told him.

“Always in eternity,” he whispered back. His voice met the rumble of the battle below, but not before kissing my hand as he let it go.


Chapter 28



The burning sensation was impossible to ignore. The heat from the flames was brutal and only getting worse with every minute that went by. The cracks in the earth’s surface were continuing to widen, and the shaking was earth’s cruel joke. The smell of burning flesh and feathers was nauseating, but this was it. This was the fight centuries in the making.

There were so many of us on foot, that it was hard to tell who was fighting what. The clanging of metal, mixed with the crunching of wing cartilage being snapped, was deafening.

Feeling the weight of another on me, I jumped into the air, spinning quickly in an attempt to dislodge the creature from my wings. Another white demon shot through the air and tacked the beast to the ground. I quickly landed on the creature, crushing him and shoving him over the cliff leading to the fiery resting ground.

Looking over at the white demon, I was impressed with the amount of strength she had. She looked younger than I, but full of great certainty for which I was grateful. Her shirt was a bit tattered. It didn’t look as if mine was the first fight she participated in.

“Thank you,” I replied, smiling.

“Anything to help! I know you could’ve taken him, but I want you to save your strength for Azazel.” The girl was grinning.

Patting her arm, I ran to where I had least seen Athen. He was still in the thick of it, slashing and dumping one demon after the next. Some of the creatures were with wings, others weren’t. Some even had the chains that signaled Azazel’s own little posse. It was hard not to admire Athen’s strength and quickness, but I decided to dive in with him and finish off the remaining few.

“I don’t think so,” I laughed, pulling one of the demons out of the circle who was going after Athen. “It’s my turn.”

As her wretchedly long nails were swiping at me, I dodged each jab with ease. It was definitely to our advantage to be up against so many newly-turned. Her skin was red and chapped, probably getting too close to the flames one too many times. As she jumped over my head, I reached for her foot, and slammed her to the ground. If we weren’t still experiencing so many small quakes, I was sure we would’ve felt her body crash.

The numbers were quickly clearing out. Our second army had already come over the hill, much to the surprise of Azazel. We had many more lined up beyond that. He had no clue. There was no winning this for him. I could sense fear begin to stir in Azazel. That was one thing that could always be counted on with bullies. They flee. They’re all talk until it comes back at them. My fear was that he was going to try to escape and leave this fight unfinished.

I looked up at Athen, who knew exactly what I was thinking. He nodded and followed me as I went to confront the fight of my life.

The Lahar sirens began sounding, much to my relief. At least, regardless of this outcome, the mortals in the towns below would clear out before any danger came their way. I was thankful to Cyril, who I was sure was responsible for sounding those off.

I anticipated looking into Azazel’s eyes one last time. I wanted this fight. Marching back over to where he last stood, I was relieved I trusted my instinct. It was written all over his face, he had been contemplating taking off.

“Going somewhere?” I accused.
“Not without you, my angel,” he sneered.
“You’ve got another thing coming!” laughter rolled off of every beat of my sentence.

Azazel began walking over to me. I looked over at Athen, pointing to the hill. I needed him to get everything and everyone ready for our plan to work as we’d hoped. Athen flew quickly to where we last stood together. Arie was already there waiting for him. I saw the silhouette of the being, who I hoped would actually come, standing behind Arie. Our plan was falling into place. Azazel would never see it coming.

Wiping the sweat from my brow, I looked at the flames that created a wall behind Azazel. It would make his end nice and fiery.
Unable to hide my laughter, he raised his eyebrows at me in disgust. His anger was only making him weaker.
Reaching out his hands, he began moving towards me slowly.
“I see that Asmodeus didn’t believe in your little war, huh?” I wanted to jab him as much as I could.
“He wasn’t a good partner to have. It made things too complicated!” he barked.

“What about Lilith? She’s been busy running around town for months telling us our end was near. Where’s she at?” I didn’t even bother hiding my smile.

“She’ll be here.” His voice didn’t sound as confident as it had. “She’s the one who helped train this glorious army. She wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

“Hmm.” I ventured. “I bet you’re right. Just late to her own party?”
I was confusing him. He was off balance. I only hoped it would stay that way.
“You know it will take your blood to destroy me,” he howled into the air.
“Oh, really? Didn’t know that,” I replied, trying not to roll my eyes.

“I’ve coveted you for so long, the only thing that can end me is your family. You, my dear, would have to die with me,” he yelled.

“Whoa. That changes the complexion of things. Doesn’t it?” It was hard to hide my sarcasm, but I did my best.

“That’s why I’m telling you, my angel. There is no winning for your side, unless you come with me now.” He held out his hand.

The demons, both dark and white, began circling us. In every direction I looked, there were green and black eyes staring back at me. Azazel looked pleased as his army built the wall around us.

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