Catch a Tiger by the Tail (24 page)

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Authors: Charlie Cochet

Tags: #gay romance

BOOK: Catch a Tiger by the Tail
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“Jesus, Cal.”

Dex shook his head, and Calvin looked away from his team’s horrified expressions. Even Maddock looked like he might be sick to his stomach. Calvin wasn’t ashamed of his childhood, but he wanted to keep the ugly parts of his past where they belonged. He did what he had to for his mom and Ethan, for himself, including things he wasn’t proud of, but his only thoughts during those times were on making it through another day because it meant he was another day closer to getting out of that shithole.

“Mrs. Ruiz needed to know her husband hadn’t been killed out of hate,” Calvin said. “That he mattered. By what she’d said to me earlier, it’s clear her family had faced hate and prejudice before. My being Human hasn’t spared me from the same pain she’s experienced, but this was about her and her pain. Ethan saw an opportunity to bring this to an end, and he took it. That’s our job, isn’t it? Find a way to get through to people, connect, show them we’re here for all our futures, not just one species?”

The truck was silent, with everyone lost in their own thoughts. Calvin had never meant for anyone outside of his mom to know what happened, but if it helped ease some of the pain Mrs. Ruiz was feeling, then it was worth it. He held his breath as Maddock looked from Calvin to Ethan and back.

“Next time, stick to protocol, or I swear I will suspend you both so fast you won’t know what hit you. Got it? That goes for the rest of you.”

Calvin replied his understanding, and Ethan nodded. He patted Ethan’s knee and settled back against the truck’s padded wall. The truck was quiet on the way back to HQ. They’d averted a potentially explosive situation, but Maddock was right. They knew better than anyone how difficult it could be to get through to people when they were hurt and angry. It was their job to listen and do what they could, but in the end when the talking stopped and the violence started, they had to do their duties and protect the innocent. Sometimes it seemed like the world was making progress, heading toward a future where Humans and Therians were treated as equals, but then his team would get called out, and Calvin would see how far they still had to go, and at times it even felt they were going backward.

It occurred to him then that things were about to change for him and Ethan outside of work. At the THIRDS their relationship wasn’t a big deal. No one cared that Calvin was Human and that his boyfriend was a Therian. They’d have to be prepared for what they’d face out there. Dex was already experiencing it, and Calvin could see how it affected his friend. It was one of the few things that truly angered Dex, and usually Sloane was the one having to calm his partner. Sloane was used to it. He’d experienced hate and prejudice for being a Therian his whole life, and although it still stung, Sloane had learned how to deal with it.

For Dex it was harder. He’d dealt with it on a different level, sticking up for his little brother, but this was something else altogether. Dex had never had anyone verbally assault him for kissing his boyfriend out in public or for holding his hand. He’d never had someone threaten him for showing his boyfriend how much he loved him. Calvin did his best to help Dex work through his anger when Dex didn’t want to worry Sloane. When he needed to let off some steam with someone who understood what it felt like. Calvin understood, and he was ready to face anything. He’d been doing it for years. This time it was a little different, but Calvin wasn’t about to back down. He would always be at Ethan’s side. Always.

Chapter Nine



is amazing.”

Ethan nodded his agreement. Calvin was right. The place looked incredible. He was glad the team had been asked to come in early before the rest of the guests showed up. Once the lights dimmed and Dekatria filled up, Ethan was less likely to get a good look at the place. He’d be too busy trying to find somewhere he could feel comfortable for at least a little while. He hated that he couldn’t enjoy parties like everyone else, because he really did want to, but he tried his best. The only time he even made the attempt to attend a big party was if he knew a good number of the people who’d be there. It meant stepping out of his comfort zone, but if he was having a good day and Calvin was with him, he could manage it.

When Cael told them his and Nina’s birthday party was themed, stating they should all dress up in 1920s glamour, Ethan had no idea what to expect. He figured some party favors, a few banners, balloons, the usual party decorations. This was something else altogether. It was like they’d walked into some Hollywood club from yesteryear, from the white and gold gossamer curtains draped between white pillars—brought in for tonight—to the elegant table settings with extravagant centerpieces. Everything from the bar to the stage had been transformed in a bold art-deco style with a black, gold, and white color scheme. The speakers played modern tunes with vintage twists.

“What do you think?” Cael asked as he approached, dressed in a very Gatsby-inspired outfit, from his white shoes and white slacks to his red-striped jacket and boater hat angled on his head.

“Looking smooth, birthday boy,” Calvin said. “The place looks amazing.”

“Doesn’t it,” Cael said excitedly. “We hired Lou to do it. The guy’s a party guru. Just don’t get in his way while he’s working. He will shank you with a toothpick. I’m serious. Ash nabbed a grape from one of the platters before I could warn him.” He shook his head sadly. “Lou’s still telling him off.” Just as he said the words, there was a loud crash from out back. Ash came bursting through the kitchen doors to the sound of Lou’s Spanish curses. He spun and thrust a finger at the swinging doors.

“You’re fucking insane, you know that, Lou? It was
grape!” With a tug to his pinstriped vest, Ash headed in their direction. Ethan couldn’t help his chuckle. Ash looked right at home in his pinstriped suit, complete with red carnation in his lapel, two-tone shoes, and a white felt hat angled on his head. He threw his arm around Cael and looked them over with a grin. “You two are adorable.”

Calvin looked down at himself with a frown. “Hey, Baby Face Nelson was shorter than me. You wouldn’t call him adorable.”

“Probably because he was a cold-blooded murderer. You, on the other hand….”

Ash leaned over to pinch Calvin’s cheek, and he swatted Ash’s hand away with a laugh.

“Fuck off.”

Ethan had to agree with Ash. Calvin was the most adorable mobster he’d ever seen. Of course, he wouldn’t tell Calvin that. The royal blue three-piece suit brought out his eyes, and the newsboy cap looked too cute on him. Ethan had chosen the same style hat, but he’d gone with a more casual look, opting for a green shawl collar sweater with deep auburn buttons that matched his bow tie and shoes, and a pair of gray slacks. He looked more like some twenties collegiate than a dangerous mobster.

This was so much fun! He couldn’t wait to see what the rest of his friends were wearing. Just as the thought crossed his mind, Dex emerged from the back entrance of Dekatria, which Bradley had left unlocked for them. The drums of some swinging tune kicked up as Dex sauntered over. Ethan had to give the guy a slow clap.

“Aw, shit. Well, look at what we’ve got here,” Calvin said with a laugh. “It’s Public Enemy Number One.”

“More like Public Pain in the Ass Number One,” Ash grumbled.

“Thanks, Cal.”

Dex bowed gracefully, and Ethan put his thumbs up. His friend looked good in his navy blue three-piece suit and long black overcoat. He wore a black felt hat on his head with white spats over his shiny black shoes. Dex grinned widely and opened the sides of his coat to reveal the imitation Tommy gun hanging from his shoulder holster. He motioned over his shoulder.

“My sugar daddy should be here any minute. He’s parking the Rolls Royce.”

“So the delinquent falls for a class act. Not much playacting involved there,” Ash drawled.

“Bite me, Capone.”

The back door opened, and Ethan let out a whistle.
Holy cow.
Everyone broke into whoops and catcalls.

“Yeah, yeah. It’s called a shave,” Sloane said with a smirk as he turned to show off his tuxedo with tails, white vest, and bow tie.

His hair was slicked back and parted neatly to one side, and he held a top hat in one white-gloved hand. Ethan couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen Sloane without at least some stubble. Had his friend ever been clean-shaven? Come to think of it, he’d never seen Sloane in anything that resembled a suit either.

Dex walked over to Sloane and kissed his cheek. “You clean up so pretty. Now how about wetting my whistle, handsome?”

Sloane held his arm out, and Dex looped his through it.

“Come on, kitten. Let’s get us some hooch.”

“Just stay away from the grapes,” Ash warned.

Dex cringed. “Ooh, you ate from the platter before he put it out? You’re lucky to be alive, man. Lou is scary when he’s working. Seriously. Like, we’re talking Temple of Doom, rip your heart out of your chest scary.”

Ash threw his hands up. “It was one freakin’ grape.”

Ethan chuckled and followed them to one of the larger tables. Letty arrived draped in a faux fur coat, her hair pinned up in curls, and a dazzling silver headpiece sparkling as she walked to the coatrack. She took her coat off, and everyone whistled.

“Holy shit, Guerrera’s wearing a dress,” Ash teased. “Never thought I’d see the day.”

Letty flipped Ash off as she hung up her coat and walked over, the fringes of her glittering gold flapper dress swishing as she moved. “Fucking heels. I already want to throw them at someone.”

“Looking smoking hot,” Dex said, wriggling his eyebrows.

“Shut up.” She tried to gather as much of her skirt fringe as possible in an attempt to sit, got frustrated, and plopped onto the empty chair beside Sloane.

“No really, you look good.”

Letty peered at him. “You saying I don’t always look good?”

“Um….” Dex leaned into Sloane, whispering hoarsely, “Help me out here.”

Sloane took Letty’s gloved hand and placed it to his lips for a kiss. “Letty, you always look beautiful.”

“See?” Letty smiled sweetly. “That’s why he’s a gentleman, and you’re a hood.”

Dex slapped his hand over his chest. “Ouch! Mi corazone.”

,” Letty corrected. “You’re lucky you’re cute, Daley.”

“Now you sound like Sloane,” Dex muttered, placing his hat on the table. He ran his hands over his slicked-back hair, but a small section fell over his brow, adding to his notorious-mobster look.

Ash looked around. “Where’s Dimples?”

One of these days, they needed to find out what the guy’s name was.

Letty rolled her eyes at the nickname. “He’ll be here in a couple of hours. Sleeping off his last rotation.”

“Sorry we’re late.”

Rosa walked in with Milena at her side. Both of them removed their long coats before hanging them up by the door. They looked stunning, and the team whistled and clapped, making Rosa and Milena smile. It was good to see Milena again, and Rosa was always so happy when her girlfriend was around. Milena greeted them each with a kiss, giving Ethan an extraspecial hug. He beamed brightly at her.

“How are you, cutie?”

Ethan shrugged and nodded.
I’m good.
He gave her a gentle poke in the arm.
How are you?

“Excited to be here. It’s been too long since I’ve seen you guys.” She took a seat next to Rosa.

“I had no idea the antique business was so demanding,” Dex said.

“My employers are pretty ruthless. Their clients are pushy, demanding, and when time is of the essence, it’s drop everything and acquire the item. These transactions move incredibly quick.”

“Yeah, they don’t care what time it is. If something needs doing, they’re calling at all hours. Makes it hard to coordinate our schedules, but we do our best.” Rosa’s expression softened, and she leaned in to give Milena’s cheek a kiss. With a shy smile, Milena turned her face and kissed Rosa’s lips.

Those two were so sweet together. It was a shame their careers ate up so much of their time. It was clear Milena loved Rosa very much. Ethan could tell in the way she smiled at her and how it reached her sparkling gray eyes. Milena reminded him a little of Sparks, with her retro pinup curves and style, but unlike Sparks, Milena was a sweetheart. Granted, they only knew Sparks in a professional capacity. She was their superior and not a friend like Milena. Ethan had no idea what Sparks was like off the clock. Was she always so stern and focused? He recalled the e-mail she’d forwarded him on Shibari experts.
Why would you think about that now?

Ethan quickly shook those thoughts from his head and turned his attention back to his friends.

“So where’s the birthday girl?” Milena asked.

Cael shrugged. “She had to go pick someone up. A friend or something.”

Bradley showed up, and everyone at the table ribbed him and whistled. He gave them all a little bow and chuckled. “Thanks, guys. You all look great.”

“Rocking the suspenders,” Dex said with a smile. “I like it.”

Bradley had rolled his white shirtsleeves up his arms, his tattoos on display, but then Bradley always looked kind of preppy with a bit of a rockabilly vibe.

“So, how about some drinks?”

“Oh God, yes,” Letty said with a cheer. “Bring on the booze!”

Ash held a hand up. “Can we get some snacks, since Señor Grape-warden tried to skewer me last time I got near the food?”

Bradley cringed. “Yeah, he doesn’t like it when you touch the food before it’s been put out.”

“You get threatened too?” Dex asked with a chuckle.

“Of course not. I’m too cute to be yelled at,” Bradley replied with a wink. “I ask. But I’ve seen terrible fates befall others.” He shook his head sadly.

“Bradley?” Lou came out from the kitchen looking very refined in his tuxedo, a tablet in his hand. He smiled brightly at everyone. “Wow, look at you all. You look fantastic.” He turned to Bradley. “Could you help me with something in the kitchen?”

“Sure. You think we could get the team something to nibble on?”

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