Catch & Neutralize (28 page)

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Authors: Chris Grams

BOOK: Catch & Neutralize
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Angie arrived at the hospital just before seven o’clock. Still a couple hours of visiting time left with Mark before they’d kick her out. She stopped at the nurse’s station for the room number.

His surgeon, a gray-haired man in his early sixties, introduced himself as Dr. Fanton Cogwell. He was short, around five foot four inches, but in excellent shape for his age. He gave Angie a welcoming hug.

“Good job out there,” Dr. Cogwell said releasing her. In a hushed tone: “I assist The Institute when I can. Heard about discussions of them offering you a leader position, but I’ll leave that to The Committee. I know Director Bell is ready for retirement. Just spoke with her this morning.” His face lit up with a smile of laugh lines and crooked teeth. “Now for more good news. Your husband, Mark, is doing quite well under the circumstances. My report states he was shot as an innocent bystander in a convenience store robbery.” He threw a wink from kind green eyes. “I removed a bullet from his upper thigh, grossly close to his Femoral Artery. Luckily, that didn’t happen, otherwise…” Dr. Cogwell shook his head, a gray strand falling over his creased forehead. He pushed it back. “I repaired the surrounding muscle and stitched him up. He’s on intravenous pain relievers and antibiotics. We’ll need to keep him for three days. If he does well after that, and I don’t see why he wouldn’t, he’ll be free to go.”

“Thank you, Dr. Cogwell, for taking such good care of Mark. He means everything to me.” Angie gave him another hug. “And thank you for the heads-up about The Institute. I hadn’t heard about that yet. They’ve been keeping me busy. I’ve got a meeting with The Committee tomorrow. Guess I’ll wear something professional.” She leaned forward and gave his cheek a light peck. “Time to visit my one and only. Thanks again, doctor.”

In a private room, Mark lay on the bed with a mound of pillows behind his head and Rubix curled up in his lap. Kyle sat in a chair next to the bed while a young woman sat at the foot. All four looked at Angie when she opened the door.

“Angie, you made it. Dr. Cogwell told me about your mission. Congratulations, honey!” Mark’s eyes shone with love and the pupil dilation of painkillers. “Come see Rubix. He’s missed you.”

“I didn’t know pets were allowed in hospitals.” Rubix’s fuzzy head nuzzled into Angie’s hand.

The young woman at the foot of the bed replied, “They’re not. I snuck him in here at dad’s request.” She placed a finger in front of her lips.

“You must be Tia,” Angie said holding out a hand.

Tia’s sapphire eyes matched Mark’s, her features just as stunning.

She stood, ignoring the offered hand, and wrapped her arms around Angie instead. “Dad and Kyle have been telling me all about you. I wish I would’ve given you a fighting chance in the beginning.”

“I understand, Tia.” Angie returned the hug. “No need to explain and no worries.”

“Thank you for calling me about dad. I made arrangements as soon as we hung up.” Her smile also as brilliant as Mark’s. “I’ve been thinking about what you said, about that secret society. The Catch & Neutralize Institute. You really think I’d have a chance with them?”

“I’d say so, if you’re anything like your father.” Angie looked from Tia to Mark and back with a nod and a grin. “I’ll put in a good word for you. I’m meeting with them tomorrow. A jolly old man told me the current director wants to retire. I may have more pull after that meeting. We’ll see.”

“Cool, Angie. Thank you so much.”

“You’ve already met your uncle?” Angie’s focus turned to Kyle, his suit flawless as always.

“Yes, we’ve met. So much has happened in such a short time. My life totally went from mundane to excitement overload in less than four hours.” Tia motioned to Kyle. “I think Kyle and I are going to go, let you and dad talk. He gave me his keys and alarm code. Is it okay with you if I stay for a few days?”

“Absolutely, Tia. Stay as long as you’d like. Upstairs first room on the right is yours and a bathroom is attached for privacy.” To Kyle: “Any idea of how you’re going to work out the case with Officer Stockton Wood?”

“Oh yeah, you did a job on him.”

“It was the only way to get the information we needed for you to try the case and get a conviction.”

“I know, and you did excellent work. Wood’s in medical right now under observation and quarantine with a couple other winners Tiffany had in the basement. An old coot by the name of Lionel Graves and another guy named Garry Steinberg, so far no blisters. Once cleared, those two can go back to their lives. Great job investigating Steinberg, by the way. He’s been cleared of the bank robbery. Good for him, but now The Institute’s back on the hunt for the culprit. Still not sure why Tiffany had him or that old man, Graves. Toxin Gina must’ve really fried her brain.” Kyle shook his head, brow wrinkling.

He continued: “When Wood’s out, he’ll be going away for a long, long time. One of those lock-it-and-throw-away-the-key deals. This time, I’m not posing as a losing attorney. This time, with all the evidence we’ve got, I’m working to avenge all the children he and his partners hurt. When I’m done, Wood’s entire operation will be out in the open. All of his associates will be brought to justice and lucky to remain alive,
they remain alive. New Mexico doesn’t have a Death Penalty, but tell that to fellow prisoners who don’t like having you around. The judge, an Irish woman by the name of Cara O’Byrne, is also affiliated with The Institute. I’ve heard she always makes sure the punishment fits the crime, no matter how ruthless.”

“Perfect.” Angie’s hands moved to her hips. “I know Judge O’Byrne. A good woman. A
woman. She has absolutely no sympathy for those who’ve abused children. Or animals, in case you ever run across something like that.”

“Animals, huh? Good to know.”

After their goodbyes, Angie picked up Rubix and sat on the bed next to Mark.

“How’re you feeling?” She rubbed a hand over his shoulder. “You’ve been through some tough lessons the last couple of days.”

“I’ve been better, but this is my own fault. I shouldn’t have followed you, and I’m sorry.” Mark rested a hand on her thigh, eyes pleading. “Please forgive me. Don’t let these missions take you away for good. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Angie leaned forward, pressing her lips to Mark’s. She whispered with the sticky deliciousness of cherry lip-gloss: “I’m not going anywhere. Together, we are the ideal team. An unbreakable family: you, me, Rubix, and now Kyle and Tia. We will make the world a safer place. I have a feeling The Institute could use a genius geneticist.”

“You have no idea how much I love you, Angie.” Mark’s lips slipped to Angie’s chin and down her neck. “You are the strongest part of me. You make me the man I am.”

Rubix looked up, a grin dancing behind his one yellow eye. A single meow of approval tickled their ears.

Angie covered a giggle while Mark chuckled openly.

“We should’ve named you Cheshire,” Angie said, gliding a hand over Rubix’s silky fur. “Our next mission is to sneak you out of here and find some fresh tuna.”






Follow Tia’s missions and adventures in

Catch & Eliminate

coming 2017.



Note from the Author


I hope you enjoyed reading
Catch & Neutralize
as much as I did writing it. If you’d like to leave comments about this book, please rate and post a review on the usual outlets: Amazon, Goodreads, and/or your own blog. I’d love to read about the things you liked as well as those you didn’t. Thank you for your honesty.


Much love,





Many thanks to everyone that supported and continues to support these writing projects of mine. Readers, reviewers, and librarians keep me afloat on this tiny raft in the vast ocean of words.


Initial readers and editors, Pamela Hill and Pamela White. I’m grateful you ladies found things I missed. You helped keep this story out of the dreaded computer folder, “Mystical Void of Unknown Darkness.” Once a project crashes there, it rarely gets a second chance to fly.


Brandon Rodriguez, your knowledge of firearms is vast. Thank you for allowing me to pick your brain. And your pockets.


Sierra Rodriguez, you’ve helped keep me sane and relaxed in this time of keyboard pounding madness. Thank you for the silly raps and especially the backrubs. I owe you one.


And A.J. Corza at
, a cover girl of many talents. As always, your artwork leaves me breathless.



About the Author



Chris Grams is a former laboratory technician gone rogue author. While earning her degree in Psychology with a side of Criminology from Troy University, she began dabbling in murderous story telling. With encouragement from her husband, Brandon, Chris was able to hang up her lab coat and focus on putting her tales to paper. She and Brandon currently live on the outskirts of Santa Fe, New Mexico with their daughter, Sierra, and a feisty guinea pig named Piggy LuLu. Visit Chris at

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