Catch of the Year (14 page)

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Authors: Brenda Hammond

Tags: #romance, #contemporary

BOOK: Catch of the Year
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Luckily, he wasn't turned to stone by her presence.


He leaned against the doorjamb and folded his arms, looking her up and down, eating her up with his eyes.

“Well, well, well.” He drew out the words, as if relishing the sounds, licking at the
. A slowly growing grin revealed The Dimple.

Then, in a gesture that had nothing to do with cool and everything to do with warmth, he lunged forward and, with a yelp of triumph, caught her in his arms. Her leather weekend bag fell to the ground as he swung her around, laughing and placing little, pecking kisses all over her face.

Jade felt something new inside her, a small kernel that began to swell. A soaring gladness she'd never experienced before coursed through her. Yes, this was good. Wonderful. Her spontaneous decision had been right. To spend one more weekend allowing herself the freedom to cut loose, to live out her fantasies. A very good idea. Okay.

Tenderly, she ran her fingers through Paul's hair.

He let her slide down his body. His nearness sparked a glow in every fiber of her being, making her itch to get even closer.

“You beautiful thing! You wonderful witch! You must have known how much I was wishing for you” — he set her on her feet again but kept one arm around her waist — “right on that bright star over there, see?”

Her spirits soaring, her blood already hot, she glanced up at the night sky, then smiled at him. Rising on tiptoe, she twined her arms around his neck, wriggled into him, and, only just in time, remembered her voice. “Pleased to see me, are you?”

He growled and thrust his hips into hers. “A man's body doesn't lie.”

No, but watch out for a woman's mouth
, chirruped Tweety. Jade batted the dratted bird away.

“Something wrong?” Paul asked, releasing her.

“Um, I thought I saw a mosquito.”

He took a step back and picked up her bag. “Come inside, so we can shut out the bugs.”

She wasn't about to argue. At this moment all she wanted was to be as close to Paul as possible, with the rest of the world as far away as it could be.

He closed the door behind them.

In the living room, she paused, hardly believing she was really here at last.

“Welcome,” he said in a low voice, looking her over again as if to absorb every detail of her. “Can I get you something? How about a drink? Are you hungry?”

She moved to stand in front of him, lifted her hand to his bare, hair-sprinkled chest, and let her fingers trace patterns on his tanned skin. “Right now there's only one thing I want.”

An eyebrow quirked as he looked down at her, his eyes amused and yet hot.

To further clarify her answer, she lifted her mouth to his and moved sinuously against him. If he was the quick study she thought he was, he'd get the message.

Message received.

Passion was there, instantly. He felt warm and hard against her, his arms strong, holding her tight. His mouth on hers was hungry, proving he was as ravenous for her as she was for him. Melting, she let responsible Jade disappear into oblivion and Serendipity, the part of her that longed to be wild, take over.

Meanwhile the kiss drew her into desire. She discovered again his wonderful taste, the texture of his tongue, the potent effect he had on her, body and soul.

At last, breathless, they drew apart.

Jade blinked and looked around, orientating herself after the quick spin into outer space. The tiny living room held no couch and she was feeling the need to lie down. With Paul.

“Come.” As he'd done before, he took her hand. This time he led her into the bedroom. They stopped. And kissed again, their mouths joining, fueling their hunger for each other.

Paul drew in a deep breath and moved his hands to her shoulders, holding her steady. He gazed at her again, making her feel as if she were the most wonderful, the most beautiful, creature in all the world.

“Hmm,” he said in a low voice, running his hands from her shoulders downward over the stretchy, knit fabric of her catsuit. “I approve of this outfit. Very tantalizing. Very ssssssexy.” He continued his caresses. “And, best of all” — he hitched in a breath — “no bra.”

His hands stroked her, moving the slinky material over her skin, her breasts, her hips, and lower, his touch making her squirm and press herself against him.

“Serendipity.” He breathed out the word. “You have the perfect name.”

Intoxicated by him, her desire made her forget her deception. “No, it's not — ”

Another kiss cut her off, a moment before she incriminated herself.

“Yes, it is,” Paul said when they broke apart. “Your being here is truly serendipitous. Don't you agree?”

Her foggy brain tried to work. “No. I mean, yes … I was going to say, ah … the catsuit.”

“What about it?”

“T-too restricting.”

“That's easily fixed.” Paul reached behind her. Letting her head fall back, she felt his breath whisper over her neck. Inch by inch, he pulled the long zipper all the way down, past her waist, all the while holding her gaze, his eyes intent and hot on hers.

The air brushed her skin as he peeled one side away. Then the other dropped and the garment fell, baring her top half to him. His gaze lowered. The caresses he'd made earlier on top of her catsuit, he now made without it, on her bare, achingly sensitive flesh.

Jade's eyelids grew heavy as he stroked her breasts. A thumb and forefinger pinched gently at her nipples. Murmuring her approval, she responded by curving her palms over his shoulders, appreciating the contrast between lean torso and the well-defined muscles of his arms. How satiny his skin was, stretched over the bulge of his biceps. She nuzzled into him, taking little nips and licks at him, while the drugging fog of desire took her ever deeper into delicious pleasure.

Now his hands were at her waist, pushing the catsuit farther down, and with it, her panties. She stepped out of them. As she did so, his fingers took advantage of her one raised leg and found her. He began to probe, gently, slowly, then faster and deeper.

Frantically she clawed at him, wanting more, impatient for the real thing, but he held her firm.

“Please,” she moaned.

Paul's hand stilled. In a powerful surge, all the past hours, weeks, years of holding herself back, of suppressing her sensual nature, broke free. Jade pushed at his chest so he fell backward onto the bed. She landed on top of him, her breasts pressing into his chest, his muscled thighs tangling with hers. Too aroused to wait any longer, she straddled him. Slowly, gradually, she lowered herself, her head falling back, her lids closing as she surrendered to unspeakable ecstasy.

“Ahh,” he breathed, his eyes closed in bliss. “I think I'm in love.”

In a slow rhythm, she lifted and lowered herself again, savoring the sensation. She let out a breath. “Oh. That … oh. That's just … oh … the hormones talking.”

He held her hips to keep her still. She looked down into tawny eyes, darkened by desire.

“Is it?” he asked. “The way I've been feeling, missing you, dreaming about you, I'd say our connection goes deeper than that.”

She looked down at their connection. “Sure is pretty deep.”

He chuckled as she'd hoped he would. She didn't want him to think like that. Such a direction could hold nothing but trouble.

But at least he's being honest.

“Shut up,” she whispered to Tweety. Even a Greek chorus in her head would be better than that squeaky bird.

Paul's eyes were still closed. He opened them at her words.

“I didn't moan or say anything.” His hands brushed over her heated flesh. “But if you carry on in this fantastic, fabulous fashion, I'll soon be doing my famous wolf howl.”

Jade herself was finding it easy to keep her own voice high when she was in the throes of passion. She luxuriated in the moment. “Mmm.” She rode a bit faster.

He complemented her movements, building, building. Then she heard him gasp. His hands firmly pressed her hips. “Slow down, honey. This is so good I want it to last a while longer.”

She leaned forward to lie against him, her head to one side, her eyes closed, as she absorbed every sensation. One hand smoothed down her leg to her ankle, and she felt his thumb brushing over her tattoo.

Keeping them joined, he rolled sideways and began a different rhythm. She enjoyed the freedom to scratch little circles on his chest, relishing the intimacy, but after a while the tide of heat became too great.

Instinctively attuned to her, Paul rolled them over, one hand under her, and began pumping, driving their passion in a way that made Jade want to explode. Soon. And make him do the same. But he was having none of it. He gave a full thrust and held himself there. That was enough to set her off. Once the waves of her fulfillment subsided, he slowly began again.

The rhythm, the urgency grew more and more demanding. Jade felt herself weaken and strengthen, all at the same time. She slid her hands over his shoulders and dug her nails into his back.

“Now!” Her back arched. “Join me there now, Paul.”

“You're sure? Maybe I can … produce a miracle and … hold out longer.”

“No! Oh. Oh yes!”

Looking down at her, his eyes slits, he picked up the pace.

“Happy to … oblige,” he gasped.

And soon, she was not only happy, too, but totally blissed out. Lying in his arms, drifting in the darkness, she vaguely decided going with her instincts had definitely paid off.

• • •

Next morning, after a very satisfying reprise of lovemaking activities, they swam naked in the refreshing waters of the lake. Jade dove under, came up again, and wiped the wet from her eyes, laughing for sheer joy of living.

Nearby, Paul headed away from the shore, lifting his arms in a lazy, rhythmic crawl, his feet making small splashes behind him. When he was a few hundred yards away, he turned and began swimming back.

“It's wonderfully private here,” she called. “Your friend's a lucky man.” Luckily she'd remembered not to name Steve.

Paul circled toward her.

“Yeah. I was hoping he'd come up this weekend … . But I'd much rather have you.”

He'd certainly had her, Jade thought, flipping onto her back, vitality coursing through her body. She rolled over again and began a relaxed breaststroke. Who would have believed she could feel so wonderfully sexy or that Paul would prove to be such an exciting lover? Not only that, but she loved the way he showed tenderness toward her. No doubt about it, Paul R.G. was far more than a pretty face. The idea of getting back to their normal, weekday life, seeing him at work, having to remain aloof from him, was beginning to feel more and more ominous, more and more impossible. She'd have to don her workday persona, slip into her disguise … . No, she wouldn't think about that now. If this was to be her last chance at being with him, she was going to make the most of it.

He'd swum ahead again and then back to her. As soon as he got within striking distance, he reared up in a powerful butterfly movement and whooshed down on her. Strong hands gripped her around the waist and lifted her high in the water. She laughed down at him, but caught her breath as he let her slide over his body. Cool kisses, fresh and wet, took them under. When they came up again, little licks of water lapped at their shoulders. Mouths locked together, they tried to keep themselves afloat, entwining limbs, sinking down, popping up again.

“Time to take this inside,” Paul said.

• • •

“How would you like to spend the day?” he asked over breakfast.

Marigold's muffins, accompanied by large mugs of coffee, tasted like food for the gods.

“I can take you out on the lake if you like,” Jade offered. “I left the boat waiting. We could do some fishing or whatever.”

“Hmm. The whatever sounds good.” He looked at her, a gleam in his eye. “Myself, I'm tempted to while away the hours right here, just you and me.” He leaned over and placed his mug on the floorboards of the stoop. “But food's a problem. I've only a few supplies left, so we need to get something in. On lovemaking alone, we won't survive.”

“We can do it in Spanish,” Jade suggested.

He looked a little surprised. “Sure, we could give it a try. Sounds intriguing. I didn't know they had any special sex techniques in Spain. But if you mean the sweet sex talk, I could make a stab at that, I suppose. Quote some phrases from a few songs maybe.”

Jade tried not to giggle. This was a chance for teasing she couldn't pass up.

“Otherwise, we could do it in Blind.”

His eyebrows rose. “A little kinky, but, hey, sure.”

The laughter bubbled out.

“No, no. You must remember — Spanish is the town we passed through on the way from Manitoulin Island.”

“Of course. At least, I passed through it. For all I know, you took a different route.” There was a questioning pause.

She kept silent.

“How disappointing,” Paul gave an exaggerated sigh. “Now I suppose you're going to tell me you were referring to the town of Blind River.”

“Ya got it.”

“Pity. Things were getting intriguing, setting off my imagination.”

“Your imagination can go wild anytime, mister.”

“Yeah?” The word came out in a hoarse whisper. “Well, come over here, honey, sit yourself down on my lap, and I'll show you just how inventive my imagination can be.”

Which he did.

“So what's it to be?” Paul asked a while later. “Spanish or Blind?” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“What a hard choice.” Jade felt so boneless she didn't want to think, let alone make trivial decisions.

“Which would be quicker?”

That question she could deal with.

“Spanish is a lot farther away, so the drive is longer … . But in Blind River I'd likely see a few people who know me and would probably expect a bit of catch-up chat.”

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