Catching Caitlin (12 page)

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Authors: Amy Isan

Tags: #coming of age romance, #new adult romance, #billionaire romance, #bdsm romance, #hot new adult, #debut new adult, #debut coming of age, #angsty romance, #alcoholism romance, #recovery romance, #recovering alcoholic romance, #coming of age

BOOK: Catching Caitlin
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“Okay. We’ll head over
right now,” I nodded to Hugh. He leaned over into the front seat and told the
cab driver the address for my parents’ house. I mouthed the words, ‘Thank you.’

“Sounds great. See you soon.”
My dad ended the call. I reclined back in my seat as the cab pulled out off the
side of the road and merged into traffic.

Hugh leaned over to me,
our shoulders pressing together. He kissed my neck, right under my ear, sending
shivers up my spine. I closed my eyes and held him there, feeling that love
wash over me.

Love? Could I already be
feeling that? Was it easier if I had already been in love with him before?

I lowered my gaze as I
thought about my feelings, while Hugh continued giving me light kisses on the
neck. I had to stifle my giggles, feeling like I was in high school again.


fter getting dropped off
at my parents’ house, Hugh and I ran into my dad pulling the trash cans to the
curb. He wiped his brow and smiled.

“Your mom’s inside, she’ll
be happy to see you.”

Hugh and my dad followed
me inside, where I found my mom laying on the couch. When she heard the front
door open, she darted up and looked to see who it was.

I sat down next to her
and gave her a tight hug, wrinkling the back of her shirt with my fingers. “Hi
Mom, how are you feeling?”

“Pretty good, a little
nervous.” Hugh sat down next to me and held my hand.

“Nervous?” I asked. My
mom gave Hugh a quick look before continuing.

“What if it doesn’t
work...? What if I get out and I relapse?”

It pained me to see her
so anxious, but she seemed to be in a pretty good mood otherwise. I thought
about what to say, what might help.

“Then you’ll get back up
again,” Hugh said. My mom and I looked at him in surprise, I didn’t think he’d
say anything. “Sorry.”

My mom brightened, “Don’t
be sorry. That’s what I was thinking anyway.”

“Just stay positive, and
I think it’ll all work out.” I added.

My mom squeezed my hand
and nodded, her eyes wetting. “Your dad and I think we have a place picked out.
The hospital recommended it to us, a little private clinic outside of town. I
get to stay there for thirty days.”

“A month?” My eyes
widened. “That’s a long time.”

“It’ll be good though.
They told me the first week is the hardest.”

My dad walked into the
living room and sat down next to her. He put his arm around her shoulder and
pulled her towards him. “You’ll do great,” he said.

“I’m going to ask a favor
of you,” my mom said.

“What’s that?”

“Don’t visit me for the
first week. I know you’ve seen me in pretty horrid conditions, but I want the
next time you see me to be a new look.”

“Mom...” I felt my throat
tighten. I hugged her again, trying to not let my emotions get the best of me.
Hugh touched my back, which gave me some reassurance.

Things were going to be


e stayed at the hotel
for the next couple days. Going out to grab a bite to eat here and there,
staying inside and watching bad television.

It was nice to be with
him again, to have that comfort and warmth at my side when I slept. To wake up
with misty eyes from bad dreams, and have him there to comfort me.

I groped more at my
feelings as they were blossoming. My stolen glances lasted longer and longer.
Every time I’d swallow another thought of what our future might hold, I’d have
to choke back the reminder that he still had things to work through.

If only we had met a
little later in life, we could be all set up to get back together and have
everything be peachy. I could have my degree, and not have the baggage from my
family. I wouldn’t have to feel that tug of wanting to drink when things got
tough. Or at least, I’d have it under control?

Maybe he would have moved
past his grief. The future would be bright and we could look at that instead of
the dark moments where we’d cradle each other on the bed. Nights where we drank
a little too much together, and our feelings burst forth into rambling, slurred

The nights where we’d try
to grope at what was happening inside ourselves. His memories of Marcia still
fresh, my anxiety over my family deepening. But we’d have each other to hold,
to kiss, to love.


he last morning of
Hugh’s vacation, I woke up and threw my arms over him, laying my head on his
chest. He grunted a little in surprise as I slammed into him, then he chuckled.
After a few moments, he broke our morning silence.

“I love you, Caitlin.”
Hugh said. I could feel his heart racing against my cheek when he said the
words. I lifted my head and turned to look at him.

“Hugh...” I whispered. He
drew his lips into a line and looked away. I touched his cheek. “I love you

He looked startled when
he caught my gaze again. He leaned over and kissed me, my hand wrapping around
the back of his neck as the moment lengthened.

His kiss made the hairs
on my neck rise. He pushed them back down with his hand as he turned me over to
take me in that moment. Ecstasy washed over me and I couldn’t help but laugh a
little. My emotions were high.

“Do you want to come back
to Reno with me today? You could stay here and see your mom... you could see
her Monday.”

I shook my head
vigorously, my hair bouncing a little. “No. I want to go back with you. I feel
like I have to.” I touched my chest. He kissed my head and moved to get out of

“Let’s get going then.”

Chapter 8

oon, we were back on his
jet and soaring through the air over the midwest. Hugh was in bright spirits
that morning and so was I. I felt off though, like maybe things were happening
too fast.

“Is this too fast?” I
asked him, leaning closer. He was sitting opposite of me, his legs crossed. His
gaze was wandering out the window.

He looked at me. “Us? I
don’t think so...”

I swallowed spit. I shook
my head, but I didn’t really know why.

“Okay. It’s just,
everything is so intense you know?”

He nodded. “Is that bad?”

“Maybe it isn’t... just
different,” I said. I sat up in my seat a little, a sense of relief washing
over me.

“Different is good. I
need different.”

The hum of the airplane
droned on. So much flying. I thought having a week off from it would be
relaxing, but even still, it was a little much. I decided to try and doze off
for the rest of the flight. As I was closing my eyes, I saw him study me, his
eyes flicking up and down my body. I smirked a little.


he rumble of the wheels
hitting the tarmac woke me up with a start, and I sat up quickly. I wiped drool
off my face, and looked around to see if Hugh had seen me in such an
embarrassing way.

He looked startled too,
so he must’ve just woken up.

I laughed. “Did it wake
you up too?”

“Y-yeah, I usually can’t
sleep on planes...” He ran his hand through his hair in an attempt to fix it.

Hugh followed me as I
exited the plane, and he poked me in my ribs, making me to laugh.


e picked up his car and
drove home. I don’t know if I should have called it home, but it felt right. I
even had to admit that the interior design was really charming, which I don’t
think I could have managed when I first found out. Not honestly at least.

She had good taste, I had
to give her that much.

It felt nice to not have
such a strong animosity towards her. Talking to Hugh helped me see that he
wasn’t trying to antagonize or trick me with his ring, just that he might have
been as confused as I was.

I sighed as I dropped my
bags unceremoniously in the entryway. I didn’t care to unload them that moment
— I was too hungry. He moved past me to take his luggage into the bedroom.

“Aren’t you starving?” I
called after him.

His voice came from the
hallway, “Definitely. Want me to whip something up?” I heard his luggage crash
on the ground in the bedroom. I sighed and picked my suitcase up, figuring I
might as well take it into the bedroom too. “How about some chicken clubs?”

“That sounds good,” I
said. We ran into each other in the hall, and I added, “I’m going to take a
quick shower then.”

“Great, I’ll get
started.” He clapped his hands together with a smile. He seemed happy to be
home too.

I was going to be happy
just getting showered and fed. After the last week, I felt like I could take on


n the bathroom, I turned
on the hot water. I let the spray hit the shower wall before I climbed in.

As I started soaking my
hair, I thought about waking up next to Hugh that morning. His strong arms, his
smooth chest, his confessing his love to me.

“God, why didn’t we

I daydreamed about him
scooping me up in his arms and throwing me onto his bed. My fingers wandered
down my body, tracing the water until I reached between my legs.

Better yet, he could take
me right on the balcony, my hands tied to the railing and his hips slapping
against my ass. His hot dick coating my insides. I’d have to spread my legs out
pretty far for him to have room. The desert breeze would kick up and tickle my
dewy body. I’d squeeze the rails as he pushed into me, and I’d moan, reaching
behind me and groping his ass.

“Oh god, that sounds really
hot,” I muttered to myself. I brushed my hand back against my clit, giving
myself a tantalizing tease.

I’d have to save it
though, maybe later I could convince Hugh to have his way with me again.

After rinsing, I shut the
water off. As I dried my hair as best I could, I got an idea. I wrapped my
towel around my body and went out into the kitchen to meet him.

He looked surprised to
see me, a dirty look in his eyes. “That’s lovely,” he breathed.

I dropped my towel to the
floor before stepping out of it. He was still fully clothed in his suit, but I
was completely naked. His eyes widened, and I felt that sense of heat flow from

“Do you want me? Right
here in the kitchen?”

“Mhmm,” he grunted,
stepping closer to me. He set down the cutting board he was holding and cupped
my breast. I quivered under his touch, goosebumps coating my skin.

He leaned down and kissed
my breast, before taking my nipple in his mouth with his lips. He tongued it,
and sucked on it like a piece of hard candy.

I moaned, feeling my
knees grow weak to his touch. I leaned onto his arm that was wrapped around me,
giving him a better angle to suck on my tits.

“You like that?” he
gasped for air. I nodded slowly, my damp hair slicking off my upper back.

He grabbed my hands and
put them on the edge of the counter. “Don’t let go of this counter. Whatever
you do.”

I nodded, feeling my
cheeks turn red. I loved the tone he adopted when he told me what to do.

“Yes, whatever you say.”
I eyed him.

“Don’t be coy, just grab
the counter,” he said. I shuddered as I did. My knuckles turned white, and I
leaned over the granite. He moved behind me, his hand staying on top of my

He put his hands between
my thighs and coaxed me to spread my legs out. I did, still holding the
counter, almost balancing some of my weight on it.

He knelt down and I felt
his tongue taste my skin. It moved between my thighs. He slid his tongue
against my pussy, tickling each fold and drinking me up.

My arms grew weaker, my
legs dropping some slack as I collapsed against the counter. My elbows shot out
from under me, and my tits pressed against the cold granite. He slurped and
drank me up.

“Don’t let go of the
counter, Cay.”

His tongue was moving
further south, more than I thought it should. I gasped as his tongue hit my
asshole. I moaned in a mixture of surprise and shock, as he licked me over and
over again, swirling his tongue around my rim.

He growled, “You like
that? You’re a dirty girl aren't you?” I nodded hard, my hair falling onto my

He stood up and started
unbuckling his pants. I shivered in lurid anticipation, my breathing shallow
and fast. My heart raced in my palms, my ears burning. I pushed myself up off
the counter, some of my strength coming back.

I felt the smooth tip of
his cock glide against my pussy, moving between my lips and coaxing my clit. I
seized again, falling back against the counter with a light slap of skin.

Before he penetrated me,
I felt his fingers slowly wrap around my neck. He slid them underneath my hair,
and his smooth hands tickled me.

As he plunged his cock
into me, he squeezed and made me gasp for air. My vision blurred with tears for
a moment. A second later, he released his grip on my neck, his cock fully
inside me. It was a blur, but I couldn’t believe how hot it got me.

“Don’t go slow,” I begged

He eased out of me with
an agonizing pace. “I don’t think you’re the one to give orders right now,” he
said. A chuckle escaped his lips. He pushed his cock back into me, and I tried
to thrust my hips back into him, to make him go faster.

He paced me, squeezing my
ass. He laughed. “Nice try,” he said. “But I’m in control.”

I looked at him over my
shoulder, and saw the difficulty in his eyes. He wasn’t having an easy time
restraining himself either.

I swear I could feel
every textured inch of that shaft run through me. I gasped and moaned loudly,
my voice echoing through the kitchen.

“That’s fucking hot,” he
finally relented. He started fucking me harder, his balls slapping against my
skin with every powerful thrust. I felt like I was getting rocked, my skin
rubbing hard against the granite with every tempestuous stroke.

“Shit, Hugh,” I cried
out. “Right there, keep going.”

“I would, but...” he
grunted, slowing his pace for a moment, “I don’t have a condom on.”

“I don’t care, I’ll take
care of it,” I said. I looked at him again, and he nodded. His groans grew
closer and shallower, and I started to realize what was happening. I gasped,
and a hot wave of energy rippling through me, blinding me. I convulsed, my
pussy feeling white hot with him inside me. He thrust a couple more times, then
pulled out.

I hopped off the counter
and knelt down in front of him, pulling his cock in my mouth. He grunted for a
moment, and I felt his load spill onto my tongue. I drank him down, every suck
making him shudder with impossible pleasure. He twitched and sighed heavily,
before pulling his cock out of my mouth. I kissed him, giving him a sly look.

“Shit, you’re dangerous.
I nearly came inside you.”

“Oh man, that would’ve
been bad,” I teased him. “But so hot.”

He nodded, his forehead
glistening with sweat.

He pulled his pants back
on and buckled them. I felt my stomach and realized how hungry I really was now
that I was worn out. “Now I’m starving.”


e sat to eat at the
table and I didn’t bother getting dressed. Just being naked in his house felt
so freeing. “This sandwich is amazing,” I said, smacking my lips.

He laughed a little,
“You’re absolutely glowing you know.”

“Shouldn’t I be?” I shot
him a coy smile.

He glanced at his watch.
“Would it be okay if I dashed into town? Scott wanted to see me.”

“When did that happen?” I
licked my fingers.

“He called me when you
were in the bathroom. I guess James must’ve told him I was back in town.”

I nodded. “Yeah. I should
be fine.”

“Okay good. I’ll pick
something up for you,” he said with a wink. He stood up and gathered our plates
and put them in the dishwasher. I watched him move around the kitchen, just
studying him.

“I’ll only be gone a
little bit...” He looked around, and his expression softened. “Make yourself at
home.” He kissed me, which started as a simple peck on the lips, but grew into
something more passionate. I held on to him as long as possible, his lips
moving against mine, light gasps of air between us.

“Okay, okay.” I pushed
him away with a smile, “You should get going.”

He beamed and went out
the front door.

I let the air settle,
while the idea that I was completely alone in his huge condo dawned on me. I
moved to the couch, turning on the television and using a pillow as a makeshift
blanket. I refused to get dressed.


he late afternoon sun
peeked through the blinds into the living room. It was cool inside, but it
looked miserable out there. I grew bored of watching TV and decided to do a
little snooping around. Maybe he did have some pictures of me?

I looked around at all
the decorations, until I came across a small table with a bunch of picture
frames on it. I stood up from the couch, my curiosity piqued.

I picked one frame up.
Looked like Marcia and Hugh, enjoying some sunny day. I felt a twinge of
sadness and happiness. He looked happy.

Tucked underneath the
table was a photo album.
Now I really shouldn’t dig, but a peek couldn’t
I pulled the album out and sat on the floor in front of it. It isn’t
a competition, I reminded myself, as I opened the first page.

Wedding pictures of
Marcia and Hugh. Each picture had a caption, including who took it. A polaroid
on the first page was signed by both of them, with a fancy plus-symbol between
their names. They had their arms around each other, and were both laughing.

It was a nice picture,
but I felt... confused. A little irrational.

But now I was transfixed.
I kept going through the pictures, finding ones of Hugh’s dad and Marcia,
toasting. Hugh and his best man. Hugh and Marcia eating their cake. Each page
kept building this anxiety in me, and I felt my chest tighten each time.

The last page was just
her, a candid. It stood out from the rest because she wasn’t in her wedding
gown. It was dated before the wedding anyway. The flash had caught her, but it
was surprisingly flattering.

It wasn’t secured against
the page like the rest, so I pulled it off. On the back was a little letter,
signed by her.

“Hugh - you took this
the first day we met. Had I known what would happen between us, I would look
even happier in this picture. I feel so lucky to be with you, and I can’t wait
to grow old in your arms. -Yours forever, Marci”

As I finished reading it,
I noticed my hand was shaking. It didn’t matter how many times I told myself I
wasn’t competing with her, I just couldn’t believe it. That if I was a better
match for him, he wouldn’t have such a hard time getting over her, right? I
fought back my tears, and put the picture back the way I found it. I felt like
it was written to upset me. I wanted to tear it up, but I stopped myself. I put
the album back. My face felt hot.

What is Hugh doing
with me anyway? Why would he want to be with me? Was it to try and re-live some
kind of high school dream?

I wanted to grab his
hand, and tear that ring off. I wanted to take it and throw it into the trash.
Tears would be pouring down my face, but not out of sadness, but desperate

“Am I not good enough?” I
would scream at him.

He’d be silent, and that
would be all the answer I needed. I’d walk out the door, and go back to my
shitty town, with my shitty parents and my shitty friends. What was the point

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