Catechism Of Hate (13 page)

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Authors: Gav Thorpe

BOOK: Catechism Of Hate
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It was clear that the convoy would be going no further. Every vehicle was bogged down; even those still working churned their tracks uselessly through the drifts of ash, unable to gain purchase enough to pull themselves free of massive chunks of chimney wall, solidifying lava and hurled boulders.

To the south and east, the spore cloud was already dispersing across the plains, but the sight they revealed was no comfort to the Ultramarines. As far as the eye could see stretched a tyranid horde; countless enemies converging on the devastation at their landing site.

'See, my brothers?' shouted Cassius, pointing towards the coalescing swarm no more than two kilometres away. 'We draw their bite from Plains Fall.'

The pattern of the attack was familiar to all; the smaller creatures coming on in a vast wave, buying time for the larger beasts to approach. The tumult of the volcanic eruption had left the convoy scattered, so it was around the five operational Rhinos and one Razorback that the Ultramarines rallied.

Cassius knew their number: sixty-two warriors, including himself. He did not think it too few for the task at hand.

'Remember, save your shots for the largest creatures!' he commanded. He lifted up his crozius and its head lit up with the gleam of the power field. 'They will come and we shall slay them.'

With the vehicles acting as strongpoints in the line, the Ultramarines formed up to await the living tide that now surged up the mountainside towards them. Missiles and lascannon blasts streaked out over the horde, as the devastators targeted their weapons at the broods of tyranid warriors and carnifexes striding up the slope. Before these beasts came a surging, undulating mass of red chitin and pale flesh, scores of termagants and hormagaunts rushing heedlessly towards the Ultramarines, urged on by the presence of the synapse beasts.

'What is it to be a Space Marine?' asked Cassius, reciting the first line of the Macragge Catechism of Hate. He had penned the catechism himself after the defeat of Hive Fleet Behemoth and the words had been taught to the Chapter during numerous sermons since.

'It is to be death!' came the reply from the throats of his warriors.

To the left and right, chainswords screeched into life and knives were drawn from sheaths. Fists were clenched in readiness to greet the wall of tyranids streaming towards the Ultramarines position.

'What is it to be death?'

'It is to be the destroyer, the end of all things.'

'What is it to end life?'

'It is an honour, to be the executioners of the Emperor.'

Cassius loosened his grip on the haft of his crozius as the lead broods of the swarm converged on his position at the centre of the line. Around him, bio-ammunition exploded on the armour of his warriors but he paid the fusillade no heed; his entire focus was on the creatures in front of him. Beyond the mass of small tyranids he spied his target, a looming monstrosity thrice his own height, with an enormous crest and jutting dorsal spines: the hive tyrant.

The Chaplain took a step forwards and swung his crozius, crushing the skull of the first hormagaunt to leap at him. Around him, the Ultramarines advanced a pace, their weapons tearing through the first wave of tyranids.

'Why do we fight?' roared Cassius, the sentiment of every question and answer burning through the core of his being.

'To protect the Imperium and deliver mankind from the evil of the xenos, the mutant and the heretic!'

'What is the xenos?'

'A blight to be purged!'

'What is the mutant?'

'A cancer to be excised!'

'What is the heretic?'

'A shame to be expunged!'

Striking out left and right, Cassius advanced, the tip of the spearpoint driving towards the heart of the tyranid swarm. To his left, the jump packs of Squad Corilinus flared as the sergeant led his warriors on a charge against a brood of tyranid warriors. To the right, the devastators took up position again and opened fire with their heavy weapons, while a constant barrage of heavy bolter, storm bolter and assault cannon fire flew overhead from the cordon of vehicles, punching a hole in the tyranid mass ahead of Cassius.

'What is the bolter, the flamer, the missile?'

'The incarnation of destruction, by which we bring about the death of the Emperor's foes!'

'What is the armour, the helm and the shield?'

'The embodiment of our faith, our determination given form.'

The squads were firing their bolters now, cutting down the tyranids by the score, ripping into the enemy like a blade plunged into an unprotected gut. Here and there along the line a battle-brother fell, slain by the claws and fangs of the enemy or killed by the venom cannon of the hive tyrant or the bio-plasma of carnifexes, but still the advance did not falter. As a single entity, the Ultramarines pushed further into the foe, united by their hatred, bound to their fate by the words of their Chaplain.

'Who is the primarch?'

'Our father, our guide, our king!'

'Who is the Chapter Master?'

'The primarch's regent, to whom we swore oaths, the voice of the Emperor in the mortal world.'

'What are our oaths?'

'The steel that binds our lives to the Emperor.'

'What did we swear?'

'Our lives are as nought in the vision of the Emperor, save that by them we shall destroy all foes.'

Erupting beasts of flailing, hooked tentacles appeared amongst the Space Marines, fired by the barbed stranglers of the enemy. The ground ruptured in fountains of dirt and rock as tunnelling raveners burst from below to swallow Space Marines in their gaping maws. The roar of bolters reached its climax as Cassius's catechism came to its own crescendo, his voice a bellow above the din of weapons and screech of dying tyranids.

'What is the fate of all foes?'

'To perish in the fire of battle and be cleansed from the galaxy.'

'Who will prevail against the darkness?'

'The Ultramarines!'

'Who are the swords of the Emperor?'

'The Ultramarines!'

'Who are the sons of Macragge?'

'The Ultramarines!'

This last shout came not just from the external speakers of the Space Marines, but entered Cassius's ear over the comm. A row of explosions tore through the tyranids as missiles streaked down from the skies, followed a moment later by the white-hot stab of lascannons and the bloody eruptions of heavy bolter fire.

Plasma jets screaming, the two Thunderhawks of the Fidelis raked across the enemy, leaving swathes of dead aliens in the wake of their guns. The two converging lines of fire met around the hive tyrant. Cassius watched as the synapse creature straightened, turning its venom cannon towards one of the approaching gunships. A las-blast punched through its chest a second before heavy bolter rounds stitched a row of cracks along its armoured plates. The fusillade culminated in two titanic blasts within moments of each other, as the gunships' dorsal cannons both fired, eradicating the hive tyrant in an incendiary detonation.

The destruction of the hive tyrant was greeted by Cassius with a triumphant shout.

'For the Emperor and the primarch! Death! Bring death to our foes!'




THE THUNDERHAWKS AND boarding torpedoes of the Ultramarines blazed across the firmament, heading towards the crippled hive ship. In the lead torpedo, Cassius hunched in his seat, strapped across his chest by the massive bulk of the safety harness. His hands were fists upon his thighs and inside his helm his lips were drawn back in a snarl as he remembered the battle of Styxia.

General Arka had not only held to his oath, he had exceeded his promise. No sooner had the Ultramarines set out on their search for the hive tyrant than the Imperial Guard had sallied forth from Plains Fall, their commander showing utter faith in the Ultramarines. The lead elements of Arka's army had joined up with Cassius's force only three hours after the bombardment of the landing site.

Styxia had been cleansed after a further seven days of hard fighting, but Cassius had known from the moment the hive tyrant had fallen that victory was assured. Of the Space Marines who had travelled to Styxia, forty-three returned to the Chapter uninjured, and a further twenty-six would fight again for the Lords of Macragge. Sergeant Dacia had briefly been made captain of the Ninth Company, but after only three more battles had fallen against the orks of Vortengard.

Cassius turned his head to look out of the tiny viewing port in the nose of the torpedo. The sight of the hive ship filled him with disgust. There would be no respite until the tyranids were annihilated, no peace amongst the stars whilst the inhuman menace remained. Their destruction had become his purpose, and he gloried in the execution of that particular duty more than any other.

Activating the command vox, Cassius stared with hatred at the hive ship and asked a simple question:

'What is it to be a Space Marine?'


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