Catherine the Great (74 page)

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Authors: Simon Dixon

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food 80–81

Baroque survivals in C’s reign 147–8, 205, 299–300

Russian fleet 202, 287, 289, 293

Russian Law Code (1649) 157

Russian Orthodox Church

split in mid-seventeenth century 165

Peter III’s determination to confiscate Church lands 121

C’s coronation 15–16

monastic property 52, 131, 153–4

Potëmkin’s links with the clergy 232

Russian Orthodoxy

C’s first experience of 48

C’s loyalty to 12, 14, 18, 149–52, 273, 312

Peter III’s contempt for Orthodox tradition 12

and C’s coronation 19, 22

C’s acceptance into 51–2, 73

a golden age of Baroque church-building 79

Elizabeth’s piety 79

services and feast days 79–80

C ready to provoke a conflict in its defence 183, 184

the cradle of Orthodoxy 285

Russian Revolution (1905) 331

Russo-Swedish War (1741–43) 35

Russo-Swedish War (1788–90) 290, 291, 293–4

Russo-Swedish War (1808–9) 320

Russo-Turkish War (1768–74) 183, 188, 195–9, 202–4, 206–11, 213, 214, 218, 224, 232, 235, 237, 238, 239, 250

Russo-Turkish War (1787–91) 280, 288–91, 294, 296–303

Ryckwaert, Cornelis 33

Rymnik River 291

Rzhevsky, Aleksey: ‘Birthday Ode’ 22


Sachsen-Coburg, Princess Juliana Henrietta of 313

St Basil’s Cathedral (Cathedral of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God), Moscow 17

Saint Catherine
(yacht) 179

Saint Evstafy
(ship) 202

St Martin St Nicholas (Naval) Cathedral, St Petersburg 79

St Petersburg 82, 322

origins 41

geometrically regimented 7

granite embankments 258


fires (1736 and 1737) 43–4

C’s ceremonial re-entry into 127–8

great flood 257–8

St Petersburg
(Dutch vessel) 57

St Petersburg News
57, 69, 77, 78

St Petersburg Public Library 330

St Sophia Cathedral, Tsarskoye Selo 250

Saint-Germain, Treaty of (1679) 25

Saldern, Caspar von 189, 219, 230

Saltykov, Count Nikolay 295, 303, 307

Saltykov, Field Marshal Peter 14, 160, 204, 206, 208, 212, 213

Saltykov, Sergey 87, 92, 178, 190, 197, 328

Saltykov family 14

Salzdahlum, Lower Saxony 29

Samoiedes 174

Sanches, António 49

Santi, Count 56–7, 58, 59, 60

Saratov 227, 236

Sarti, Giuseppe:
Te Deum

Saxe-Gotha, Duke of 223

Saxe-Gotha, Princess Louise of 220

Saxe-Gotha, Prince William of 34

Schaden, Professor Johann: ‘On the Spirit of the Laws’ 160

Schilling, Dr 113

Schleswig 120

Schlüsselburg fortress, near St Petersburg 12, 124, 308

Schönbrunn, Vienna 191

Schönhausen palace, Berlin 37

Schroeder, Paul 301

Schumacher, Andreas 124–5

Schütze, Johann Christoph 33, 34

Schwedt an der Oder 37

Sechënov, Archbishop Dimitry 14, 19, 123, 151, 160, 166, 171, 176, 178

Secret Chancellery 90

Ségur, Count 272, 274, 283, 287

(Pasquini) 79

Seltsa estate 220

Semënovsky Guards 44, 54, 123, 208, 255

Senate, the 9, 14, 95, 121, 133, 175, 190, 230, 271, 324

Senate Building, St Petersburg 97

Senate Palace, Moscow 16

Sennoye 251

Senyavin, Admiral 208

Serafim of Sarov, St 8

Serbia 248

serfdom 129, 154, 163, 172–3, 175, 271, 272, 277, 290, 292, 310, 320

Sevastopol 287, 289

Seven Years’ War (1756–63) 14, 103, 105, 106, 119, 128, 157, 159, 184, 186, 187, 194, 195

Sèvres 262

Shafirov family 111

Shakespeare, William 93

Julius Caesar

Shakhovskoy, Yakov 116, 133

Shcherbatov, Prince Mikhail 95–6, 118–19, 143, 333

Shcherbatova, Princess Darya 190, 290

Shcherbatsky, Metropolitan Timofey 7, 14

Shepelëv, Ober-hofmeister 92

Sheremetev, Count Nikolay 288

Sheremetev, Count Peter 5, 60, 117, 127, 139

Sheremetev Palace, St Petersburg 140

Sheremeteva, Countess Anna 177, 178

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 298

Sheshkovsky, prosecutor 308

Shirley, Henry 173–4

Shishkova, Alexandra 323

Shklov 251

Shubin, Fëdor 305, 312

Shuvalov, General Alexander 90, 92

Shuvalov, Count Andrey 162, 176, 182, 195, 311

Shuvalov, Ivan 91, 94, 95, 97, 109, 113, 115, 168, 193, 307, 314, 315

Shuvalov, Peter 62, 96, 110, 113, 115, 157

Shuvalov family 102, 105, 106, 114, 119

Siberia 256, 292

Siegen, Prince Nassau 293

Sievers, Count Karl 21, 135, 146–7, 220, 234

Sievers, Yakov 93, 140, 229, 240, 273

Silistria 229, 235

Simbirsk 169

Simferopol 287

Simonetti, Giovanni 33

Skavronska, Countess Catherine (née Engelhardt) 255

Skavronsky, Count 255

Skavronsky, Counts 143

Skavronsky family 70

Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy, Moscow 7

Slizov, Konstantin 3–4, 239

smallpox 23–4

inoculation 188–90, 247–8, 262, 284

Smolensk 240, 278, 281–2

Smolny Cathedral, St Petersburg 79

Smolny Convent 99, 205

Smolny Institute 130, 178, 303

Society for the Education of Young Noblewomen 130

Society for the Translation of Foreign Books 199, 261

Sofia, near Tsarskoye Selo 250, 265, 278, 314

Sollogub, Countess Natalia 284

Solms, Count 126, 195, 207, 216

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 171–2

Somov, Konstantin 331

Sophia, Tsarevna 12, 13

Sophia Dorothea of Württemberg
Maria Fëdorovna, Grand Duchess Sorbonne, Paris 188, 190

Soubise, Cardinal de 142

Spanish Succession, War of the (1701–14) 25

Sparrow, Charles 210

Spectator, The

Speransky, Mikhail 325

Spiridov, Admiral 202

Sreznevsky, Ivan 322

Stable Chancellery, Moscow 59

Stählin, Jacob 64, 77, 111, 115, 117, 128, 136

Stalin, Joseph 171–2

Stanislaw August Poniatowski, King of Poland
Poniatowski Starov, Ivan 246–7, 275, 294, 305

State Duma 331

Stedingk, Baron 294–9

Steele, Richard 198

Steen, Jan:

Stephen the Little 196

Sterne, Laurence:
Sentimental Journey


Stettin (now Szczecin, Poland) 23, 24, 25, 28, 32, 333

Stockholm, Court of 92

Stockholm, Peace of (1720) 25

Stone Island 140

Stowe, Buckinghamshire 94

Stroganov, Alexander 140, 141–2, 160, 171, 172, 178, 193, 250, 251, 256, 261, 302, 321

Stroganov, Baron Sergey 95

Stroganov Palace 115, 141

Stroganova, Countess 143, 177

Sudermania, duke of 314

Sukhodolsky, Vasily:

Sumarokov, Alexander 22, 51, 122, 327

Ode to Potëmkin

‘On the First Day of 1763’ 17

Sinav and Truvor
110, 146

Sumarokov, Peter 14, 322

Summer Annenhof, Moscow 51

Summer Garden, St Petersburg 36, 128, 256, 258

Summer House, St Petersburg 81–2, 83

Summer Palace, Moscow (1730) 47

Summer Palace, St Petersburg (1741–4) 55, 57, 61, 68, 78, 83, 113, 128, 145, 149, 180, 236, 258, 295, 320

Sutherland, Richard 307–8

Suvorov, Field Marshal 235, 291, 296, 299, 300, 303, 309, 311, 322, 333

Svenskund 293

Svinin, Pavel 328


Great Northern War 9, 288

as the dominant Baltic power in the seventeenth century 24

spoils of the Thirty Years’ War 24

Russia celebrates peace with (1744) 65

suspension of the 1720 constitution 217

restoration of the monarchy’s absolute powers 217

and Nevsky 246

Swedish fleet 290, 293

Swift, Jonathan:
Gulliver’s Travels

Synodal Palace, Moscow 9



Taininskoye 151, 160

Talyzin, Admiral Ivan 14, 124

Tamerlane 237

Tames, John 9

Tatars 17, 167, 168, 174, 246

Tatishchevo 233

Tauride Palace, St Petersburg 46, 299–300, 304, 305–6, 311

Gobelins Room 299

Winter Garden 300, 305

converted into stables 320

Tauride province 263–4, 280

Teplov, Grigory 9, 125, 130, 132, 212

supervision of Kiriil Razumovsky’s education 131

translates Araja libretti 131

drafts C’s early edicts 131

Commission on Church Lands 131

Imperial Assembly secretary 133

‘theatres of piety’ 54

Theodore I, king of Corsica 93

Thirty Years’ War (1618–48) 24

Three Bishops
(ship) 202 ‘thunder-rock’ 204–5
Times, The
166, 289


Todorsky, Archimandrite Simon 51, 60

Tooke, William 123, 299–300

Torre, M. de la 257

Torzhok 272, 273

monastery of Boris and Gleb 273–4

Transfiguration, Cathedral of the, St Petersburg 45

Treasury (British) 98

Treasury (Russian) 308

Trezzini, Domenico 42, 151

Trinity Cathedral, St Petersburg 246–7, 294, 315

Trinity Lavra 79, 170

Trinity St Sergius monastery 49, 51, 67, 85, 124, 150–51, 239 ‘Triumphant Minerva’ (street pageant) 22

Tronchin, François 193

Troppau, capture of (1758) 114

Troshchinsky, Dimitry 311

Trubetskaya, Princess Yevdokiya 190, 230

Trubetskoy, Prince Nikita 116, 121

C’s wedding 62

and C’s coronation 7, 8, 9, 13, 21

Trubetskoy family 14

Tsar Boris’s Ponds 127, 170

Tsaritsyn 236

Tsaritsyno 276, 326

Tsarskoye Selo, near St Petersburg 15, 46, 55, 69, 72, 76, 79, 82, 95, 100, 108, 109, 126, 137, 177, 178, 189, 192, 193, 197, 205, 209, 210, 215, 216, 219, 220, 223, 229, 230, 233–4, 243, 249, 250, 258, 261, 264, 266, 267, 268, 274, 278, 281, 289, 293, 304, 305, 312, 314, 322, 323

Picture Gallery 220

redesign of (Charles Cameron) 258–9

Lyon room 259

Chinese room 259

Arabesque room 259, 294

C’s study 259

bronze doors for C’s bedroom 262–3

Cameron Gallery 299

C’s library 306

Tula 288

Turchaninov, Peter 312

Turgenev, Alexander 325, 328

Turgenev, Nikolay 325

Turin: royal library 142

Turkish navy 202–3

Tuscany 254

Tver 158, 159, 160, 162, 166, 273, 322

(C’s galley) 161, 162, 164

Tver province 240, 275


Ufa 230

Uglich 161

Ukhtomsky, F.F. 150

Little Russia Ulrich, Duke Anton 29

Ural mountains 228, 233, 235

urban government 271

Utkin, Nikolay:
Lady with a dog


Valeriani, Giuseppe 76, 141

Vallin de la Mothe, Jean Baptiste 136–7, 138, 191

Vanbrugh, Sir John 138–9

Varel, Oldenbourg 34

Varennes 301

Vasilchikov, Alexander 230

C’s new favourite 216, 217

no substitute for Grigory Orlov 218

C’s boredom with him 225, 232

supplanted by Grigory Potëmkin 229, 232

Vasilevsky Island, St Petersburg 44, 211

Vechelde, palace of, near Brunswick 29

Veilly, Jean-Louis de 15, 21

Veldten, Georg 137, 138, 191, 258

Velë 265, 278

Venice 254

Venturi, Franco 196

Verdi, Giuseppe:
Un ballo in maschera

Verela 294

Vernet, Pastor Jacob 141

Versailles 29–33, 57, 76, 94, 147, 193, 288

Vicenza 279

Vienna 207, 254, 262, 270

Imperial Court 33


Virgin of Kazan 60

Vladimir, Prince 54

Vladimir, St 285

Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Grand Duke 332

Vladislavova, Praskovya 13, 99

Voice, The
(newspaper) 331

Volga River 155, 158–61, 163, 166, 168

Volkonsky, Prince 213

Volkov, Dimitry 99, 118–19, 134, 162, 171

Volkov, Fëdor 22

Voltaire 67, 68, 93, 109, 152, 222, 224, 239, 295, 310

correspondence with C
see under
Catherine II the Great

Huber’s cycle of portraits 193

bust commissioned by C 261

death 261

Anecdotes on Peter the Great


Vorobëvo 80

Voronezh 278

Vorontsov, Count Alexander 89, 96, 107, 134, 268, 270, 282, 287, 290, 292

Vorontsov, Chancellor Count Mikhail 62, 73, 94, 96, 97, 106–7, 111, 114, 133, 142

Vorontsov, Count Roman Larionovich 119

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