Caught in the Act (14 page)

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Authors: Samantha Hunter

Tags: #Dressed To Thrill

BOOK: Caught in the Act
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Passion flared, and words were done as hunger exploded between them, even hotter now. Mason ran his hands over all of her, settling down between her thighs. Their gazes locked in profound emotion as pleasure took on new aspects.

Gina had a feeling that she would always be discovering something new about life with Mason. How could she not? Just then, she knew what it meant to give herself, heart and soul, to someone. Love was the real adventure, after all.


, late, but excited. She rushed up to the table where her friends waited, spotting her as she approached.

“Last one to the table buys lunch,” Marley teased, and Josie nodded, hugging them both.

“No problem. I’ve been up to my ears with Carol out on bed rest, and I was grabbing the mail before I closed up for lunch, and take a look at this letter someone sent.”

Josie hung her coat on the back of her chair and handed a small card to Kendra, who opened the card and read out loud:

Dear Fantasies-4-You:

I originally ordered a ghost costume for Halloween, but received the sexy cabaret singer costume instead. I’m not writing to complain, but to thank you for your error.

Your lucky mistake has changed my life. In fact, wearing your costume helped me find the love of my life, and to find my true self. It taught
me how to reach out and take what I want from life, to make my own adventure.

So, if you don’t mind, I’m not returning the cabaret singer’s costume because I’d like to purchase it. If you can charge my account for whatever it cost, just send me the receipt.

Thank you for changing my life!

Sincerely, Gina Thomas-Scott.

“Wow,” was all the girls could say, and Josie found herself tearing up a little again as she heard the note read aloud. She’d been such a mess these past few weeks, handling so much at the store on her own, and so confused about what was going on with Tom, but to think that one of her mistakes had helped someone find happiness was mind-blowing.

“How cool was it that simply wearing a costume had changed this woman’s life?” she asked, giving her order to the waitress as she looked out the window at the bustling Chicago sidewalk, busy even as cold, windy winter settled in.

“It’s like a fairy tale,” Marley agreed, resting her hand over her very pregnant belly. Marley had found the love of her life the year before and Kendra was dating a great guy. Only Josie was still single.

“So what’s happening with Tom, the sexy delivery guy? Seeing him again?”

Josie’s excitement over the letter deflated. “No, and he hasn’t called.”

“But you said he forgot your number.”

“I know. But he should know the store’s number, right? He could still have contacted me, if he wanted to.”

“Well, maybe he’s waiting until he sees you in person. I mean, that last clinch you two had sounded pretty sexy. He’s definitely interested.”

“Maybe. Or maybe he met someone more interesting since the last time he came by the store.”

“When does he come back in?” Kendra asked.

“In a few days. He rotates the route with a few other guys, and it seems like he comes around every ten days or so.”

“Well, if you are worried he’s forgotten you, maybe you need to take a clue from this letter. Find a costume so you can be his fantasy—one he’s not likely to forget.”

Josie perked up. “You think? I was wearing the sexy cheerleader when he came in last time….”

“Try something more exotic…something that really is every man’s fantasy,” Marley suggested.

“A love slave!” Kendra shouted out, drawing several looks from close-by tables, and they all laughed.

“Seriously. What man is likely to forget an offer to be his love slave?”

“We do have a really sexy slave girl costume at the shop,” Josie said, pondering.

“Well, wear it. Wait for him to come in, shut the door, flip the sign and make sure that he won’t forget you the next time,” Kendra said authoritatively. “You’re
gorgeous, Josie. You just have to learn to reach out and go for what you want—like the lady in this letter.”

Josie nodded, thinking as she ate her lunch. Maybe Kendra was right. She just had to find the right fantasy. The one that Tom wouldn’t be able to forget. The one that would have him begging for more.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-4082-1


Copyright © 2009 by Samantha Hunter.

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