Caught in the Flames (51 page)

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Authors: Kacey Shea

Tags: #novel

BOOK: Caught in the Flames
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I stumble down the hallway and take a deep breath before I enter the kitchen. Head high, shoulders back, with a confident swing to my hips, I step into the room. Ash’s eyes lift from where he’s mid-pour on the fourth glass. His lips pull up at the corners and his eyes catch against the newly installed lighting, the hazel more green than gold.

“This good?” He nods to the glasses, places the bottle on the counter, and turns to open the fridge, taking out the cheese and fruit platter I prepped earlier.

“It’s great. Hey, Ash, can we talk?” I shift my weight from one foot to the other and when his gaze lands on mine he sets down the tray and walks around the counter.

“What is it, Callie?” His eyes search mine, wide and full of alarm.

“I . . . um . . .”
Fuck it
. “I love you, Ashley,” I blurt and my own eyes widen as I chew on my bottom lip anticipating the possibility of his rejection.

“Oh, okay.”

Shit. My shoulders fall and I reach out to the counter to steady myself.
What does that even mean? “Ash, I need to know, what you said to Kiki the day she passed . . . Is it still true for you?”

“What?” His brows pull together and his fingers tap against the sides of his jeans. He appears as nervous as I feel.

“Do you still love me? Or do you hate me a little? I can understand either because I was an idiot. I really was. I couldn’t see . . . the entire time we were together, I was falling in love with you, but not some passing feeling, the true stick by your side forever kind.” I open my hands. He takes them in his larger ones and steps close. His unwavering gaze melds from apprehension to understanding.

“I could never hate you, Callie. Was I angry? Yes. But life isn’t so simple. I get that now. Life isn’t about love or hate, it’s more than that. The highs are great. The lows, well, they suck balls, but it’s more about the moments in between. Love, the
stick by your side forever
kind, it’s more about the person you’d like to wake up next to each morning. Even if their breath stinks to high heaven.”

“My breath doesn’t stink that bad!” I bristle and Ash laughs.

“True partnership is about the person who stands through the highs and the lows, the love and the hate, the good and the bad. You’ve always been that person for me, Callie. I’ll always pick you. Even if you don’t pick me back.”

“I pick you.”

“You don’t have to say—”

“No. You don’t get it. I pick you. I love you. I want your stinky breath in the morning and your scruffy beard at night. I want to tug on your ears while you eat me out and I want you to play with my curls and tell me I’m beautiful even though I always wished for straight hair. I pick you, Ash. I’ll always pick you.” I push up on my toes and close the space between us, sealing my lips to his for a sweet kiss. “So, what now?” I smile because all my fears, all my worry, it fades, and I’m left with the man I love more than any other person in this world.

“Now we get your friends to go home so I can take you to bed.”

That sounds divine and my body agrees. “But they just got here. Do you think it’d be rude to ask them to leave?”

“Jill! Alicia! Y’all need to leave now!” Ash shouts.

“’Kay! Later, love birds!” Jill’s voice is way too close. They’ve been around the corner listening. I’d put money on it.

“It’s about the fuck time! Get some, Callie!” Alicia hoots and gives a whistle as the door slams shut.

“My friends are crazy.” I shake my head.

“Your friends are awesome.” He grins and I kiss his lips, chasing all the humor from his face.

“I’m glad you think so. Now . . . someone promised me a night full of orgasms.” I let my hands travel over his shoulders and strong arms.

“I did?” His brow lifts.

I giggle and continue my exploration. My hands run down his firm stomach and down to the front of his pants. “No, I guess not. Is it a problem?” I quip and grip his erection where it presses against his jeans.

“No complaining here. I’m up for the job.” He smirks and I can’t help but smile back. I continue palming him as he adds, “Literally.”

I giggle. “Why, yes you are.”

“God, I’ve missed you, Callie.” His lips capture mine in a kiss that steals my very breath. His hands grip my hips and his fingers dig into my flesh, sending a pool of heat to my center and my pulse racing. He kisses down the side of my neck.

“You have me, Ash. You have all of me.” My hands wrap around his waist and he abandons my neck to rest his forehead against mine. Our breaths mingle. Ragged. Passionate. Intense.

“I love you,” Ash whispers so full of sincerity that he wins every last bit of my heart.

“I love you, too.” I kiss him once and then take his hand, weaving my fingers with his. “Now, I’ve got a kickass bedroom down the hall that I’d like to break in.” I tug him down the hall and he follows eagerly. His soft chuckle fills me with delight.

“That’s my kind of housewarming party.”

Three months later


I love that Ash sees me.

The grass tickles my toes from where I press my feet against the damp earth. Coffee in hand, I sigh with appreciation as he peels his shirt off his body and uses it to wipe the sweat from his face. I love watching my man work in our yard. It never gets old and sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming.

But it’s not just watching him. No, it’s the connection we share. The way he knows what I need before I ask for it. The way he’s always aware of where I am. The way we both care for each other. He sees me the way I see him. We pay attention to the little things and do our best to bring each other as much joy as possible. It’s unlike any other relationship I’ve experienced.

Maybe that’s why I asked him to move in with me after one month of officially dating. It freaks some people out, my Dad being one of them, at how quickly our relationship is moving. But the thing is, we’ve been through so much and faced more adversity than most couples ever do. I want to wake up next to my best friend every morning, and this house is already as much his as it is mine. I don’t need to wait months to figure that out.

It’s warm for this late April morning and there’s been no rain this week. Everything back here is in full bloom and it’s our own little paradise. I rock gently in the swing we installed under the roof of the deck, and Ash turns to wink at me before going into the shed.

Glancing around, I take in my favorite flowers. The roses are beautiful and classic but the calendula, daisies, and chrysanthemums are more my style. Those and the milkweed. Several butterflies flutter around the shocking purple flowers we planted along the shed and I smile when I remember all the good moments I shared with Kiki. The moments I treasure in my heart. A peacefulness settles over my soul every time I see one fly past. I can’t help but wonder if it’s another of her ways of checking on me. Of stopping in to say hello.

Ash comes out of the shed, tools in hand, and grins that devious smile of his.

“Whatcha doing, babe?” I call out. I assumed he was out here early to do a little gardening, but with a cordless drill in hand I guess there’s more to his early morning wake up call.

“A surprise. Don’t worry, you’ll like it.” He walks down the path to the large oak. If I were a patient person I would rock here and finish my coffee, but I’m not. I’m also a huge fan of Ash’s surprises. Balancing my cup on the ground, I jump from the swing and stride over to my handy boyfriend.

He stretches the measuring tape between the oak and the fir before marking something down on a piece of paper. He’s like the Magic Mike of my own personal DIY network with his low slung jeans, work boots, and sweat beading across his tatted chest. I lick my lips, momentarily distracted as to the purpose for walking over here.

“You okay, Callie?” Ash’s voice pulls me from my ogling.


“See something you like?” He chuckles and turns to bend over.

“Always. So, what’s the surprise?”

He stands up and nods at the oak. “I need your help with it. Stand there and hold this.” He places a thick rope in my hand and glances between me and the fir before he steps away.

“Is this what I think it is?” I tilt my head and examine the pile of rope pooled at my feet. Ash squats down to grab the other end of rope.

“If you think it’s a hammock, then yes.” He glances up and grins before standing. His eyebrows lift and he halts his movement to stare directly at my hair.

“What? Is there a bug on me?” I hold the rope in my left hand and with the right I reach up.

“No!” Ash whisper shouts. “Callie, there’s a butterfly resting in your hair.”

“There is?” I breathe and the strangest feeling inches over my skin.
She’s here. I just know it. Ash watches with fascination and I wish I could see it.

There’s a flutter and the gorgeous monarch dances around my face before it lands on the back of my hand. We stare in wonder as its wings open and close. Ash is as transfixed as I and when the butterfly moves away to join the others at the milkweed we’re both still frozen in place.

“This will sound weird, but I got chills just now. It’s like that butterfly knew you.” Ash shakes his head.

“Not weird at all.” I smile and glance up at the cloudless sky.
I love you, Kiki. Thank you for that.

Ash steps backwards until the hammock hangs between us. He makes a few adjustments and then starts securing the ties onto each tree. I watch him work and appreciate the beauty of this new day.

“So, I didn’t want to ask you yesterday, but how do you feel about the sentencing now that you’ve had time for it to sink in?” Ash asks cautiously, watching for my reaction. I just shrug as he takes the rope from my hands. It was difficult to see Tiff again yesterday. To see Cam and Chase. She looked horrible, but I guess months in jail does that to a person. Without her makeup, manicure, and designer clothes, Tiff is just an ordinary woman. Well, not so ordinary. More like obsessed and crazed.

“I don’t know. I don’t wish jail time on anyone, but I’m not gonna lie . . . I feel a lot safer knowing she won’t bother us for the next twenty years.”

“I do, too. I wish it was more. That woman’s insane.” Ash’s brows furrow and he tugs the rope so the hammock comes off the ground.

“She got the maximum sentence for what they could prove.”

“Yeah, but she came after you a second time. What stops her from a third?”

“I guess we have the next twenty years to figure that out.”

Ash’s gaze shifts from the tree to my face. “You really mean that?” He lets go of the hammock and it hangs perfectly. We never discussed putting one out here but the shade of the branches hide it from plain view and create a relaxing little oasis.

“Can I try it out?” I grin and Ash’s eyes widen as his lips pull up at the corners. He stalks toward me and wraps his arms around my waist. He kisses me hard and demanding, and his tongue swipes inside mine.

He backs us up to the netting. “Wanna know why I put this out here?” I nod my head and his grin grows wider. “I’ve always had this fantasy of snuggling with my w—girlfriend.” He sits and leans into the hammock, kicks off his shoes, and tugs me down with him. I squeal as we almost tip the damn thing over.

“So we start making out . . .” He brushes his knuckles across my jaw and cups the back of my head, lowers his mouth to kiss, lick, and suck at my lips. We make out like that. Hands searching. Bodies grinding together. Pulses racing. Breaths catching. Moans. Groans. Heat. My entire body yearns for more. It’s always like this with him.

“I have a guess as to where your fantasy is heading,” I murmur against his lips and he chuckles. His fingers tug at the waistband of my leggings, and I unzip his jeans and reach inside to palm the soft skin of his hard shaft.

“Fuck,” he groans. “Straddle me.” He rolls the fabric of my pants over my hips and I help him with the rest. Leggings off, I brace my hands on his shoulders and climb aboard my favorite ride. Except the rope beneath my knees swings left and my eyes widen. I scream and hold on to Ash with all my might.

We topple over and out of the hammock. Thankfully, Ash has the mindfulness to roll us and his body softens our fall. Our eyes meet. My bottom half is clad in only a thong, and his pants are unzipped with his junk hanging out. The ridiculousness of it all hits me and I burst into a fit of giggles. Ash’s deep chuckle shakes my body.

“That wasn’t exactly it.” He laughs and I can’t help but kiss his lips.

“Aw, babe, it’s not your fault I’m sometimes a complete klutz.”

“Sex on the hammock isn’t so easy,” he teases. “Maybe we just give up that dream.”

“I’ll try again if you want? I’ll be more careful, or maybe you should be on top?”

“Nah, actually my back is already killing me. Those ropes burn. Add any more friction and we’re moving to BDSM territory.”

“So what do you want to do next?” I move my hips back and forth over Ash’s still hard cock. I’m still turned on and ready for sex. I hope he is, too.

“I’ve never fucked in a garden. You up for that, Sweet Cheeks?” He smacks my ass and my clit throbs. Tilting my hips, I rub myself against his hardness and my center dampens with the need to have him inside me.

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